Storm’s Stream Q&A

Hello everyone,

what follows is the summary of Storm’s stream, that ended literally minutes ago. Holy crap, Storm talks FAST. I think it should be mostly correct, some things I didn’t hear properly or am not sure for, but that’s all in the text. Please note that if I made any mistakes, I will fix them later after I compare my text to the one of a Russian author.

- XP for tanking temporarily removed, will be tested and will return
- 9.4 – hopefully more vehicles will recieve split of transmission
- there have been many problematic cases where various accidents were considered “suicide”, that’s why the suicider punishment was removed for rework
- the bug where “early leaving” is punished when leaving a replay will be fixed
- the HD texture split only includes textures in maximum quality, they are almost needlessly detailed, they can be viewed only in hangar during zoom, therefore these were split for players who don’t need them not to download them
- developers will monitor the popularity of the HD textures
- EVERYONE will have HD models (as in, high polygon models), the only difference will be the texture quality and resolution

- HD maps – there is one “integration map” (testing all new tech, new landscape, tree, water rander, HD textures, new texture techniques on one map)- FPS is being tested in order to work on bad computers, no ETA on HD maps, but they are working on it actively
- currently, they are using Abbey map for that
- HD models in the future – the speed will increase, until now, process was complicated, in the future, HD tanks will come faster and faster
- graphic effects – more impovement in the future (destruction of objects and such)
- dynamic armor destruction is very expensive PC-resource-wise, it was tested
- ripping off various junk that is hanging on the tank by shots/explosions will come in the future
- night battles, the gameplay is not exactly fun, it’s pretty, but it doesn’t play nice. Developers don’t want to make visibility-reduced maps.
- weather is being experimented with, performance is the biggest problem, it’s planned, no ETA
- a lot of work is being done on sounds, many are being recorded, the sound feedback was positive, devs want to release sounds of many tanks at once, explosions and shots are being recorded as well in real life, devs are also experimenting with it (volume etc.)
- Havok – only client-side, it will only influence object destruction, only visual effect, it will NOT influence suspension and tank motion physics (both are separate systems) or shell ballistics. Currently, developers are working on Havok content (cutting houses to bricks and pieces). Then it will be tested.
- the first map with Havok will be Stalingrad (many buildings are destructable)
- Havok will be optional – if disabled, everything will look like it does now
- devs tested a building, that consisted of individual bricks and its destruction, but this is too detailed – bricks will come in “blocks” and these blocks will fall from the wall
- some objects will remain undestructable (stones etc.)
- Havok building parts will disappear in time (after their destruction) in order not to clutter maps with too many objects
- multicore support – WG is working on it, but it will only increase FPS by 10-30 percent (depending on the PC)
- gun barrel rings (marks) feature is basically finished, might be just tweaked a bit
- perks/skills rework and new perks: WG is working on that (reworking old and introducing new) in order to make some currently useless old perks more interesting
- Sixth sense – there is a plan to make it a radioman feature (it activates when the radioman base skill reaches 100 percent – here I am not totally sure however, if it was “main skill” or “first perk”)
- retraining crew to different role (radioman to loader for example) will come, any role will be switchable to any role, it will come in one of upcoming patches
- 9.4: nothing really gamebreaking, it will be about bug fixes and preparing for 9.5 plus some new features – 9.5 will be big (no info for now)
- 9.0 had many bugs and negatives according to Storm
- Sturmtiger, Brummbär – it was planned in a regular branch, but it was scrapped, there is no way to balance Sturmtiger, FV215b with 183 is bad enough when it comes to oneshotting and Sturmtiger would be even worse by a lot. It might come in the game as a PvE element, as a bot. But not a regular vehicle. Brummbär might be a regular vehicle in the future, but no decision for now.
- multiturret mechanism – only for a very limited amount of tanks, that’s why it wasn’t implemented, most are early to midtiers. Very few hightier vehicles have more turrets. Multigun mechanism – could work for Maus, but it’s kinda useless. ST-II could benefit from multigun mechanism, it’s possible it will be implemented. Currently developers decided both will be implemented (multigun, multiturret), but they don’t have high priority (medium KTTS – usually means within a year)
- FV4202 – will be transferred to premium, because the current tier 10 is unhistorical (IRL it had different gun, engine, much thinner armor), it will be replaced by Action X Centurion (it’s a Centurion variant, with a tough turret, 200+ mm, 150mm on sloped surfaces, L7 gun 105mm)
- it’s still possible everyone will get FV4202 for free as a premium á la T34 – or not, or there might be a mission with FV4202 as a reward, it’s not decided yet, but these three are the options. It will come in one of the upcoming patches.
- FV215b will be switched to Chieftain Mk.2 because it’s a fake (it was made because there was no other candidate for tier 10 at that point), one of the factors is also that players don’t like rear-turret ones
- Chieftain Mk.2 will come apparently in the same patch as the FV4202 switch, it’s “Conqueror on steroids”, very good gun, not very tough armor, FV215b (120) will likely disappear from the game
- devs don’t want to have more fake vehicles
- new French HT and MT’s – HT branch was scrapped due to lack of info, some tanks in the old branch were fake etc.
- French MT branch will come, but there is not enough stuff for full branch – there is nothing for tier 6-8. There will be lowtier tanks that actually fought in the war as a lowtier minibranch (Somua etc.) and then there will also be AMX-30 Proto and AMX-30 on tier 9 and 10 (SS: they will follow after AMX-13/90)
- more British TD’s will come very soon (likely this year) in a British branch. Half of branch is MT’s (lend-lease – Stuart, Grant, Firefly) and TD (Archer, Achilles, Challenger, Charioteer, Conway) – there was a variant to make FV4005 Stage 2 on tier 10, but it was scrapped due to the fact it has a 183mm gun and devs don’t want to make more of those, so the branch will end with tier 9 and merge with old branch (FV215b 183)
- the closest premium tier 8 tank is the Panther 88mm and the M56 Scorpion, both will come soon, there will be some more premium vehicles (tier 8) as well (to those nations and classes that are missing yet)
- tank motion physics – will be more realistic (taking intertia and others into account), tanks will have more inertia, will stop slower. Storm confirms the “handbrake” option to make sharp turns. Currently the development of the features is finished, they are testing it now. It’s possible there will be a special common test to test these options. No ETA on that.
- tanks will be possible to tip on their roof, for example when running fast into a very steep slope
- tanks will lose much less speed when going over small obstacles
- apparently, “hard” surfaces will be easier to drift one
- “too many corridors” on maps – according to Storm, this whine only came lately as a reaction to every change on each maps. Some maps indeed had corridors, for example El-Halluf now has corridors. This is not intentional program to make all maps with corridor.
- new Murovanka does NOT have a “corridor gameplay” according to Storm
- developers will try not to make more “corridor-y” maps and maybe some with “corridors” will be reworked
- there will be new tank filter in hangar
- the mod that displays names of tanks on minimap reduces a lot of FPS according to Storm, they are working on a version that doesn’t do that
- gold shells for silver will not be removed, changed or hardcapped
- when they find new data about armor for example, the developers rework the tank armor to historical level. This happens during HD rework as well. It’s possible that premium tanks will not get any armor changes during HD rework at all.
- new types of shells (anti-concrete for example) will not be introduced apparently, they would be superfluous
- tier 9 and 10 premium tanks will not come (reward tanks will, but will not be sold)
- Roaming is basically developed, but it was decided not to implement it for now due to technical difficulties

184 thoughts on “Storm’s Stream Q&A

  1. ”- retraining crew to different role (radioman to loader for example) will come, any role will be switchable to any role, it will come in one of upcoming patches”

    Fantastic news!

    • No it’s not. EVERYONE will have 6th sense and then there’s nothing for you to shoot at. Sniper gameplay has already been kicked in the dick by the bushless corridor maps, it doesn’t need one in the balls too.

      Camping and brawling both have equal place within the game, depending on vehicle and situation. It’s not one or the other that ruins a game of its own, but an imbalance between the two, as is the case now.

      This is nice if I drive my mediums and heavies which are already OP as hell. This is terrible if I drive my TDs which have already been nerfed directly to their stats, indirectly by the map changes and now all my targets are gonna rush for cover when I line up my shot? WG has a habit of overcompensating for any imbalance they find. Arty was nerfed a bit too hard before this, too and is only being played again because people are getting nerfed out of their TDs. What class will be next? I bet you’ll find your Obj.140 with a few seconds additional reload time in a few more patches.

      • Funny how all the corridor maps have a bush on each side of the corridor, where the TDs can just invisi-shoot without trouble and all the freaking tanks funneled into that corridor. On most maps, me as a medium tank driver at heart feel, that I’m pushed in front of a TD instead of letting me flank it or spot it.
        I never had and never will have a problem with TDs as long as I am allowed to play and I am not targeted by the Finger of God, ’cause we all know how The Mighty Finger of God counters camping, and we all know The Eye of God doesn’t target scouts/spotters and they wait to shoot after campers.

          • Sniping is in no way retarded. It’s just part of the game. You can easily avoid being shot at by a bush by sticking with your light/medium tanks or a high view-range TD with binocs and by avoiding rushing into unknown and open territory. Needless to say, once a “bushed” TD is spotted, it usually blows up in a matter of seconds (most of the time) – so for TDs, sniping is usually the only way they can get in some damage before they start to spectate. I should know, i’m a TD player.
            I have a friend who began playing light tanks for a while now and he’s starting to get quite good at it. His only problem is that while he does not suicide scout but favours passive scouting and keeping enemies lit for as much time as possible, nobody ever sticks with him. They all go, like robots, to their usual spots on the map, and he gets blown to bits without anybody even shooting the targets he lights up. People should really learn to rely on their lights and mediums more. Especially the heavies or TDs with low view range.

          • Sniping isn’t retarded, it’s exactly what TDs are meant for. 21st century satellite GPS arty is retarded.

        • Yes it should. Im just guessing but I bet 6th sense utilization is >90% as a 1st skill. It benefits all tanks in all scenarios. Any skill that single handedly alters gameplay like 6th sense does is either OP or should be default.

      • “EVERYONE will have 6th sense and then there’s nothing for you to shoot at. ”

        Are you stupid? Everyone other than total tomatoes should already have 6th sense anyway, heck I think almost every one of my crews has 6th already. If a tomato has 6th sense what does it matter anyway, ask the 183 driver I mauled to death without being spotted on Prok whether his 6th sense helped him, and he wasn’t even a Tomato.

      • I don’t seem to understand what your saying here.

        Are you saying someone with a 5 man crew is going to retrain the other 4 as commanders just so they can drop the skills/perks just so they have the ability to add 6S ?

        I mean, There’s not a “huge” difference between that and the current mechanism, unless I am missing your point.

        And I must be a total tomato, I don’t have SixthSense on any of meh tanks, If we got night maps I would add it because that’s where it would be useful.

      • I’m all for free sixth sense. This will be the thing that will buff the light tanks. Right now I just don’t give a crap about them because there is no fun in getting shot by bushes while you think that no one has spotted you.

          • You do realize how many battles it takes to get the sitxth sense starting with a 75% crew? You do realize if I enjoyed masochism I’d do it already and get slaughtered in light tanks, not being able to tell when I’m spotted? You do relize that hiding and being unspotted is crucial while playing light tanks? You do realize you are retarded?

        • Lol? What is so hard to understand. Want 6th sense, then train it. I dont see why WG should make it easier to have this noob friendly perk. Since 6th sense is so powerfull I would like to limit its usage by making it much harder to obtain. Like if you only have SS, you get warning after 10 seconds. If you have SS and BIA you get 5 sec warning, and if you have SS, BIA and vents you get 3 sec warning (as it is now). So the SS perk actually gets more effectrive the more other skills and equip you have. Make 6th senses effectiveness tied to the other skills/perk you hace like recon and awareness and some of the other radio skills.

          We dont want noobs who have 0 awareness to just “oops im spotted I fall back or turn around”. You want SS, then train it. Simple. Imo SS whould get removed from TDs and arty.

          • IMHO 6′th Sense should stay as it is: a researchable commander perk. I don’t think it’s OP, even for TDs and arty, as by the time the lightbulb is displayed, you have been spotted for a whole 3 seconds, giving the enemy enough time to get a few shots in. Pair that with a glass TD such as the RHM and you’re already down to 50% health.

            Another argument in favour of keeping it research-only is the realism of the game. A noob crew will not be as savvy as a battle-hardened one, so only a battle hardened crew would know when their tank is in danger. Also, giving it to everyone by default would encourage passive gameplay because of the fear factor (OMG, i’ve been spotted, better camp behind this rock for a while). Furthermore, i have almost 2500 games under my belt and i’ve only managed to train it on my american TD line (standard account). Yes, i do fine with it on my german and russian TDs, but what i wanted to highlight is that this game is a tactical game and some perks should be the privilege of people who are interested in the tactical aspects of it and not play it like it is Quake or Counter Strike. Work hard, get the reward – don’t dilute the game in order to please the masses. :)

            • 6th sense is not OP, since you need to be exposed to enemies to make damage, specialy in heavys and mediums. How ever, most noobs will use 6th sense to avoid taking fire and keep on camping. This is wrong. And now, noobs dont even have to grind this perk, they wil lget it by default. As I said, you want skills/perk, then train crew skills. You dont want to train, then stfu and dont complain.

    • A basic thing they should introduce is reality … if you know how to crew say a Cromwell and you get retrained to crew the Comet you should still be 100% in the Cromwell as it’s not like you would suddenly forget how to crew the Cromwell ;) Now that would be cool as you could use your crews in all previous tanks of a line without penalty and keep tanks which you love playing whilst making your way up the line.

    • I highly doubt it’s actually issuing a punishment considering you’re not logged in when watching a replay (unless this was changed on 9.3), so even if it tries to punish you it doesn’t know who to punish.

      • It knows who is the author of the replay, though – if it indeed punished him/her, that would be the funniest (in a “ha ha, facepalm” kind of way) fail of WG since they translated Excelsior tank as “XL Sir”.

        I assume it was only a test server bug or something? “Early leaving” bans/punishments was only supposed to be introduced in 0.9.3.

        It would even be exploitable (EFE commander to all clan members: “Hey, guys, here are a few replays of Silenstalker, everyone plays them and leaves early until he gets banned, do it now!”).

  2. - night battles, the gameplay is not
    exactly fun, it’s pretty, but it doesn’t
    play nice. Developers don’t want to
    make visibility-reduced maps.

    Why cant they just make morning/day/evening/night maps….So hard to put different light hurr durr

    • And why can’t they make random visibility buff/penalty depending on daytime? Displayed on battle loading screen – maybe +/-25% is too much but +/-15%? Just to make gameplay more varied.

    • People complain that Ruinberg on Fire was too dark.
      Then the devs say they will remove RoF and change it to a Winter Version.

      Yet these people want a Night Map….

        • I’ve never played WoW but I believe that there are two basic differences in the combat mechanism.

          Fights In WoW are close an personal because you are using basically melee weapons. Probably the only long range weapon is the bow and you must be standing up in the open to use it. Thus combat in the dark is not that hard.

          Fights in WoT are long range. You try to use every single element in the battlefield to prevent being seen. Firing from concealment is the preferred method and bush thickets are sought. Spots in the shadow or dark areas that prevent visualization are hard to code and probably will exacerbate the invisitank ™ problem. If people whines because a tank behind a bush can remain invisible, imagine how loud the whine will be for a tank that remains invisible in the open just because it is dark.

    • I agree with the idea of maps having different sky (i.e light boxes) for different times during the day (i.e. between dawn and dusk). It would be great if WG could come up with a way to randomize the time of day to a minimal degree, say early morning, mid-day, and late afternoon, to get some different lighting effects so that maps didn’t look exactly the same every time you played them.

  3. - it’s still possible everyone will get FV4202 for free as a premium á la T34 – or not, or there might be a mission with FV4202 as a reward, it’s not decided yet, but these three are the options. It will come in one of the upcoming patches.
    Silentstalker, it’s ”à la”, not ”á la”. (expression with french origins)

  4. - more British TD’s will come very soon (likely this year) in a British branch. Half of branch is MT’s (lend-lease – Stuart, Grant, Firefly) and TD (Archer, Achilles, Challenger, Charioteer, Conway) – there was a variant to make FV4005 Stage 2 on tier 10, but it was scrapped due to the fact it has a 183mm gun and devs don’t want to make more of those, so the branch will end with tier 9 and merge with old branch (FV215b 183)


        • KV-2: Is a derp gun, may or may not pen and thus, do less dmg.
          Jagdpanzer E100: ‘only’ does 1050 dmg IIRC, not the insane dmg of the deathstar.

          • Deathstar is a derp gun too…..

            Really, if you have the Deathstar there is no real reason to exclude the 4005 stage 2. Anyone who wants to play deathstar already does, those who don’t want to play deathstar are hardly going to drop everything to train the 4005.

            On the other hand it was kinda out of place in that td line, which has the same calibre weapons as the heavy tanks of the same tier just on a more mobile/hopefully more stealthy platform, then suddenly detahstar mk2.

            • Like you said, new 183 gun tank wouldn’t introduce more of those being involved because it will always be the same players that uses them. I can see they appear more frequently due to downtime reasons but the overall no. will be more or less the same; Not to mention UK would have less tanks in garage for clan war to stack.

    • “Devs don’t want more tanks with 183 mm gun”.
      Nor the players want that shit. Is there no candidate for a regular British tier 10 TD without a 183 mmm gun?

    • So wait…all the time all the “Proerest” FTR readers always talked about how the T10 TDs are totally balanced and how the FV183 nerf is so uncalled, how it’s in no way comparable to the KV-1S situation etc…..but the Devs think you’re wrong.

  5. ”multicore support – WG is working on it, but it will only increase FPS by 10-30 percent (depending on the PC)”

    keep on working. maybe around 2024 will be implemented.

    • More likely they will let others cores (if avalable) make some of the work. I doubt they will rework the whole game to be true multicore like bf3/bf4. That would require a whole new game engine.

    • i find it hilarious how the downplay a 10-30% increas

      even by worst case scenario of 10%, is A HUGE improvement already.

      • Yup, i agree. Anything that keeps the frame rate above 30 on CPU/GPU intensive maps is a welcome addition.

        • Agree .. plus it moves the load off the GPU and on to the IDLE CPU which for some people will reduce heat and noise from their rig when playing.

  6. - Roaming is basically developed, but it
    was decided not to implement it for now
    due to technical difficulties.

    So I cant platoon with mah RU server friends :(

    • I am more like this : damm, i still need to play with Siemkas and other “awesome” and “good” players. I want to play on US servers ;(

      • With massive ping? No thanks.
        I remember closed Planetside 2 beta on US servers only. Damn, 120+ ping only. You get used to it, tho.

  7. - perks/skills rework and new perks: WG is working on that (reworking old and introducing new) in order to make some currently useless old perks more interesting

    Maybe the loader will finally get skills that are useful

    - retraining crew to different role (radioman to loader for example) will come, any role will be switchable to any role, it will come in one of upcoming patches

    Millions of radiomans idling in the barracks approve this

    • The loader has pretty cool skills, though situational (except Safe Stowage). Intuition and Adrenaline Rush has places where they are useful, you just rarely ever get into a situation where they can be useful.

      • Loader has no skills availablepto him at all. (Except the universal skills). He only has perks.
        It would be nice to have a skill that differentiates him from anyone else while he’s training.

    • Yup, except SafeStowage and the common crew skills, the loader could just be “not there” and there would be no difference whatsoever.

  8. - more British TD’s will come very soon (likely this year) in a British branch. Half of branch is MT’s (lend-lease – Stuart, Grant, Firefly) and TD (Archer, Achilles, Challenger, Charioteer, Conway) – there was a variant to make FV4005 Stage 2 on tier 10, but it was scrapped due to the fact it has a 183mm gun and devs don’t want to make more of those, so the branch will end with tier 9 and merge with old branch (FV215b 183)


    - French MT branch will come, but there is not enough stuff for full branch – there is nothing for tier 6-8. There will be lowtier tanks that actually fought in the war as a lowtier minibranch (Somua etc.) and then there will also be AMX-30 Proto and AMX-30 on tier 9 and 10 (SS: they will follow after AMX-13/90)




  9. ST-II could benefit from multigun mechanism, it’s possible it will be implemented.

    Well, the ST-II could be done the same way the MTLS-1G14 is – acting as one gun (since both are the same) and being a two-shot autoloader with, say, 25s reload and 3s between shots – or whatever would be balanced.

  10. - new French HT and MT’s – HT branch was scrapped due to lack of info, some tanks in the old branch were fake etc.
    - French MT branch will come, but there is not enough stuff for full branch – there is nothing for tier 6-8.

    Their previous plan wasn’t too bad, just the lack of info, per exemple the St-chamond turret armor scheme for the AMX 50b, characteristics of the AMX-45, and bla bla bla…

    • Concerning the French tanks, we [the French players discussing about the French tree] are sorry, we did not translated in English the French tree we built. I’m personally running out of time these last weeks to do that.

      And we say it again, there is the material for these lines … We are planning to do individual records for each tank of the complete French tree with as much details we have.

        • Yes this tree. And yes, I know, there are some strange stuff inside, but I’m too lazy to summarize the 55 pages of discussion to explain why.

          • I saw it. I am also working on it for both WoT and WoWp, with some articles ready for WoT and a full tree for WoWp.

          • That’s a lot of fucking tanks. It really could be slimmed down to fewer quintessential tanks. Also, tier 11-12?

            • I refereed to “strange stuff”: it’s that (plus the two rows of tier 2). Don’t take account of the tiers higher than 10.

              To slim it, no real idea, probably some cases yes as alternatives hulls / turrets:
              - the AMX 13 with alternative turrets and small guns that could have reduced MM when using these turrets).
              - the BC 35t could be an heavier armored hull with less speed
              - the AMX 50 ?

      • There is always Google Translate. That and there is more then enough stuff on the internet even for a none French speaker to find. Or at least to know exactly where to go and look.

        WG is just being lazy, like with British tanks.

    • what they have to do is put lorraine 40t as tier 8 in medium line and AMX 13 105 as tier 9 light in the light branch and make BatChat25t a light tank. Then, all would be fine.

      • AMX 13/105 tier 9 ? this thing fires some of AMX 30 shells with a 2*5/6 round drum (can’t remember how many…) while beeing small and stealthy ? I should rather say tier 10 TD (something like a light WT) after an ELC based line.

  11. - devs don’t want to have more fake vehicles


    why you added it in the first place is a wonder!

  12. - night battles, the gameplay is not exactly fun, it’s pretty, but it doesn’t play nice. Developers don’t want to make visibility-reduced maps.

    Maybe they don’t “Want” to, but it’s what most of the players want. It doesn’t have to be pitch black, just dark like the Wintermod Himmelsdorf map had, and that’ll naturally lower detection visibility a bit.

    • theres a mod that changes the sky box. all it does is switch it out with a night sky. doesn’t affect visability but it does make it look alot darker.

      plays the same and refreshes the game.

      • Seems rather pointless if visibility isn’t affected. Honestly though, I don’t want night time maps.

      • There is/was a mod that even added day-night cycle into the maps…That mod simply enabled the rotation of the sun and moon(if you didn’t knew, all maps got a sun and a moon, both giving or taking some of the light sources…you can see them clearly when someone jumps off/goes trough the map) around the map, giving the map morning/noon/dusk/midnight lightning effects…pretty cool, but it fucked up my FPS a bit and had to take it out.

    • I’d rather have maps that covered different times during the day, between dawn and dusk, rather than night maps. Dark maps just plain suck.

    • “but it’s what most of the players want.”

      Wow, you actually collected player opinion from an entire server?

    • Most of the players want Ruinberg on Fire removed, because it’s too dark.

      Unlike you, I have it backed up – the player whine was so strong that it reached WG and they are removing it.

  13. Q about Havok: If a concrete block falls over an, for example, ELC AMX or WT auf E100, the tanks will be damaged..?

    • No: As said, it will only be visual (and u can disable it. Think about a person without havoc losing HP out of nowhere ;) )

          • Would likely be unaffected by static crews that simply disappear when the vehicle is destroyed.

            As it is we have games with blood, guts, gore, explicit language and sexual themes that have the same rating as WoT. So you’re seriously drinking the kool-aid if you think adding crews to the open-topped vehicles will have any effect on the rating.

            That’s like saying that having a driver in a convertible on Gran Turismo would change it’s rating because cars can crash.

            If TERA can get away with PEGI 12\T-rating, with blood splatter, cursing and women who are 80% naked, WoT could get away with crews…

            Also remember that Battlefield 1943 and all of it’s expansions were Rated-T. Despite the explicit implication of death and the direct targeting of human-like characters with a gun…

            • So…a crew that disappears when dead is someone better than a crewless vehicle in the first place?

              Also, sucks to be open-top vehicles with a gun shield rather than real turret…
              Imagine showing everyone exactly who is left alive in your tank…
              Empty seat? No more loader! Gogogo, rush!

              Also, not to sound like a dick, but since WG has probably an army of lawyers, legal consultants and tons of other stuff like that, it’s safe to say they probably studied the subject from a legal standpoint, asked the rating board, negotiated, and came to the conclusion that they can’t have crew members without raising the age rating.
              Suffice to say that as a rather large entity in the gaming world, WG definitely has more experience with rating boards than you. Or me. Or basically all of this blog’s readers combined.

  14. - HD models in the future – the speed will increase, until now, process was complicated, in the future, HD tanks will come faster and faster

    somehow we read this after every patch since 9.0 o.O

    • If WG was going to add a new premium heavy tank to the Brit line, I’d rather that it was a REAL one, not a completely fake one.

      • I was under the impression A45 was coming for quite some time. I imagined it would come at the same time as the 4202 switch, maybe even at same time as the new tree making it an all British patch. Then they can forget about the British for years, except maybe alight line.

    • Being a premium tank requires giving it it’s historic setup

      ….Which is currently on the Tier 10 TD

  15. - Sturmtiger, Brummbär – it was planned in a regular branch, but it was scrapped, there is no way to balance Sturmtiger, FV215b with 183 is bad enough when it comes to oneshotting and Sturmtiger would be even worse by a lot. It might come in the game as a PvE element, as a bot. But not a regular vehicle. Brummbär might be a regular vehicle in the future, but no decision for now.

    Make it into an arty. Arty is easy to balance. (“we nerfed the HP, aimtime, reload and the aimcircle… so everything that an arty needs.”)

      • Considering it’s a short range assault gun, firing its rocket/shells at a rather large angle, at a short distance…it has more in common with WoT arty than WoT arties have in common with their IRL counterparts….

      • You do not even understand that most TDs are not even RL tank destroyers.
        And that some arties aren’t arties IRL.

    • Sturmtiger would have at least 3000 average damage… no way WG could it balance into random battles (and the same goes to Churchill AVRE too)

      But i could imagine Sturmtiger (or even the Karl-gerät) in PVE historical battles, where tanks could have much different stats than in randoms.

      • Yeah because the +2k/1shot arties are sooooo hard to balance.

        OH WAIT! They are in game AND balanced!!!

        • 2k artys. you talk about 2k artys
          Sturmtiger oneshotted Maus in supertest, and most likely we never will know its stats, it sure has about 3k average damage.
          2k damage shells can be balanced in WoT but 3k not.

          My opinion: no gun bigger than 240 mm will be ever implemented in WoT (at least not in randoms)

          • Why, just give it longer reload and more aiming time and worse mobility.
            Standard WG “rebalance”, i mean of course “killing all the fun”

            • What’s the point of adding a tier X vehicle that’s frustrating and not fun to both the driver and the enemy team? Just so you could wank over it being implemented?

  16. - night battles, the gameplay is not exactly fun, it’s pretty, but it doesn’t play nice. Developers don’t want to make visibility-reduced maps.


    Tanks already disappear 60 meters infront of you while moving and in the open. What the hell would the difference be?

    “We don’t want vision to be an issue in a game of cloaking devices”


    • No, they don’t. Either it’s hidden or he’s not in open. No tank spotting range is so bad that it doesn’t see a tank (even scout) 60m open.

      Or you can’t recognize 60m, viable option too.

  17. “- Sixth sense – there is a plan to make it a radioman feature (it activates when the radioman base skill reaches 100 percent – here I am not totally sure however, if it was “main skill” or “first perk”)”
    - Why? Whats wrong allowing noobs to actually grind for their skills. Dont want to grind crew skills, then you should NOT have any either.

      • then they write “fuck your mother cyka” and go feed, ruin the game
        i been over that 100 times

        its not funny if you actually want to play the game

          • everyone wonders why all russians play on eu west, when there is russian server. you can ask but you only get “fuck you” as an answer. i have never got any other answer. and dota2 is a teamgame, you need to communicate but they only spam in russian. works kinda good tho since most others in game also are russians.

            • I think its idiotic to let russians play on EU server, they dont speak english and they dont even use the same letters as us, making it hard to communicate. Every time I see some one say something in non-english I report for insult because I dont know what they are saying.

  18. - when they find new data about armor for example, the developers rework the tank armor to historical level. This happens during HD rework as well. It’s possible that premium tanks will not get any armor changes during HD rework at all.

    So does this mean Maus and IS-7 got their armor nerfed? Because it’s well-known that both have thicker-than-historical armor for “balance”.

  19. Everytime I see the “Sturmtiger is not possible to balance” bullshit I laugh loudly

    Sm1 at WG needs to buy a brain

    • I agree, it can be easily balanced once you stop listening to the horde of naysayers.

      Lets take a quick look at the vehicle according to Wikipedia. A mediocre 150 mm of somewhat sloped armor, a miserable 10.7 hp/ton, and of course the 380mm rocket launcher (for which it only has 14 rounds). From those numbers its pretty obvious its going to be a very sluggish vehicle who’s armor will only be effective against heavily angled rounds, or low tier opponents. So the platform is awful, lets take a look at the famed 380mm launcher which is some how going to turn this into overpowered vehicle.

      It has been stated so many times by developers, players, and even SS that this weapon would be powerful to one shot pretty much every tank….. please re-insert your brains and fallow this piece of logic.

      1)Like any HE lobbing weapon, the 380mm rocket launcher is a delivery system for its high explosive payload (or the anti-fortification HEAT rounds).
      2)HE damage numbers should be correlated to the mass of explosives, NOT the caliber of the weapon. Of course damage numbers are game balance parameters, but I think most would agree with this point.
      3)Despite the 380mm rocket round weighting up to 376 kg, it only carried a 125 kg high explosive payload (numbers from Wikipedia).
      4)The largest cannon in WoT is the T92′s 240mm M1 howitzer, with its 160 kg HE round dealing 2250 damage (I believe that is the weight of the warhead, please comment if anyone actually knows the high explosive weight).
      5)With a little math we can estimate the sturmtiger’s in game damage to be (2250/160)x125=1757.8125.

      Sure that is a large number, but is this HE round going to one shot every tank? Of course not, furthermore if the developers give it a pretty low pen number it will be dealing less then 878. If you still think that is to powerful for a sluggish and turret-less tier 10 td, well you can re-join the brainless horde that has damned this historic vehicle from entering WoT.

      PS: Dexter5021, its not about who’s caliber is bigger, its how its used ! :P

      • I’d make it either

        A> Low splash High pen (considering the mass of the 380mm projectile, a considerable force would be dealt upon the victim) with HORRID accuracy, reload and soft stats (to avoid TD mode snap success)

        B> High splash, almost no pen, Medium damage (more than t92 but not quite on the 3k range), same horrible handling.

        Make its mM opnly meet tiers 9-10, or only 10..

  20. “- Sixth sense – there is a plan to make it a radioman feature (it activates when the radioman base skill reaches 100 percent – here I am not totally sure however, if it was “main skill” or “first perk”)”

    If I understand correctly this perk is built-in and becomes active the moment the radioman reaches 100 percent. But, what about tanks without a radioman?

  21. As someone who still enjoys playing in the lower tiers I’m pretty excited by this even if its not a high priority:

    -multiturret mechanism – only for a very limited amount of tanks, that’s why it wasn’t implemented, most are early to midtiers. Very few hightier vehicles have more turrets. Multigun mechanism – could work for Maus, but it’s kinda useless. ST-II could benefit from multigun mechanism, it’s possible it will be implemented. Currently developers decided both will be implemented (multigun, multiturret), but they don’t have high priority (medium KTTS – usually means within a year)

    I’m really hoping that means that the eventually introduced Grant and the currently oh so explodable Lee will actually be able to use the high velocity 37mm which up till now has just been something that needs to be hidden in order not to get the crap shot out of you. Hoping for some decent gun depression on that 37 mm though… And I know, I know, you see a Lee on the map and its a race to kill it. I swear I’m the only one who has a soft spot for the thing (and we all know how many soft spots it has) but I’ve been a fan of the ugly thing ever since I saw the movie Sahara (1943) and the 1995 remake (no not the movie with Mathew McConaughey).

    I know there are several others but I’m also hoping that the Churchill mark 1 gets to use that in hull howitzer as it should provide for some interesting game decisions e.g. do you angle your hull and fight with the main gun or use both guns and possibly take more damage. Also I’m not 100% sure but I think that gun’s in a pretty nice spot to hit the KV series lower glacis.

  22. So if the Achilles will be at tier 6 like the american Jackson, the Firefly comes in at tier 5?! And then Archer on tier 4 and the Grant and Stuart at tiers 3 and 2? That would make them both a tier lower than their american counterparts, but I can’t see how the Archer could be lower than tier 4 with it’s 76mm.

    • My bad, Achilles would be at tier 5 like the Wolverine. But still, the Firefly surely can’t be at tier 4? So is the Firefly at tier 6 and then the Archer is at tier 4?

        • I know the M4A2 has been mentioned before and I will be disappointed if it’s not a part of this line. However, he mentioned 8 tanks and since the tier 1 is common to all lines and since it is mentioned that the line will merge on tier 10, there’s no space for the M4A2. Unles the line is “doubled” like the JgPanther II and Ferdinand both share tier 8 in that line.

  23. - new French HT and MT’s – HT branch was scrapped due to lack of info, some tanks in the old branch were fake etc.


    - French MT branch will come, but there is not enough stuff for full branch – there is nothing for tier 6-8. There will be lowtier tanks that actually fought in the war as a lowtier minibranch (Somua etc.) and then there will also be AMX-30 Proto and AMX-30 on tier 9 and 10 (SS: they will follow after AMX-13/90)


    1390 is shit, please don’t make me grind that even more.

  24. So basically the British get shafted again with a half arsed effort on WG’s part, dropping a much anticipated (and actually EXISTING TANK) Tier 10 TD for more T-54 Clones to come and not even bothering to do the effort to balance it because “more 183mm not good” despite it already being a distinctly “meh” gun in comparison to other tier 10 TD guns.

    And “not much armour” on Chieftain. Oh WG, between this and the above you’re not even trying to hide it anymore.

  25. United States:
    T1 Heavy (initial characteristics before revision)
    T1 Heavy with 37mm coaxial
    M3 Lee
    Mark VIII

    B1(Not the in game version but the base unit)
    B1 bis
    B1 ter
    ARL 37
    AMX 37
    FCM F1
    AMX Tracteur C 1939
    AMX Tracteur C 1940
    Char de Forteresse
    FCM 20T
    AMX 50 B (Production variants planned to have a 20mm autocannon which might be useful against Waffles)

    United Kingdom:
    Churchill 1
    Tog 1
    Marks I/IV/V
    AT-7 (20mm Polsten perhaps could kill a scout or two)
    AT-8 (Also has a 20mm Polsten)
    Centurion 1 (Again the 20mm Polsten, might wipe out an ELC…. hopefully)
    M3 Grant (Sort of a cop out to include both this and the M3 Lee, but it was supposed to be added eventually if I recall)

    K-Wagen (Unlikely to be included due to the crew size but might as well as offer it up, don’t really care/know about the Germans)
    Maus (Doubtful but it did have a 75mm short barreled coaxial gun that could perhaps knock down walls….)

    Soviet Union:
    Tank Grotte
    T-39 with 152mm howitzer
    KV-4 (Has a 45mm gun on it which could theoretically be of some use)
    KV-4 Tarapatin
    KV-4 Shashmurin
    VL Tank
    Ansaldo Heavy Tank

    Experimental Tank no. 1
    Type 91 Heavy tank
    Type 95 Heavy tank
    100 ton

    Nope, hardly any tanks that can be added to WoT that benefit from multi-gun control, not like there are 40+ of them and many are above tier 5…

    • “can be added”

      That’s the problem – we are talking about tanks that are already in game, mostly. And in some cases you used it’s really doubtful they’d be useful for anything – if secondary gun has a quirky mechanism and it’s tougher to control for players, it will hardly be used for sniping scouts.

      • Fair point for the most part that there are game play mechanics that must be considered, however I’m willing to bet that the turreted game play mechanic from War Thunder could be a decent starting point.

        e.g. Your tank can target 1 enemy at a time and all turrets which can rotate to fire at the target will fire if a gun cannot aim at the target due to the body of the vehicle being in the way it will not fire.

        With maybe the possibility of enabling or disabling certain turrets. E.g. you are in a Lee behind/beside destroyable cover (a building) and you’ve got your main gun pointing out so you “disable” aka tell the other gunner not to fire the 37mm turret. Alternatively you would now be able to poke your turret over a hill and not expend ammo from your 75mm gun.

        Its not a perfect system but you would at least be able to make use of something that up till that point was simply a part of your hit box you needed to worry about.

      • Many of the guns can be quite viable. Consider the B40 with its 105mm howitzer and 47mm SA 37 (Which historically had 106mm penetration rather than 66mm). Or the Char de Forteresse with a 155mm hull gun and 90mm turret gun.

        Multi-gun is a catch 22. Lack of multi-gun control means no multi-gun tanks are added. No multi-gun tanks being in the game means that multi-gun does not take a priority. Which means no multi-gun tanks are added. You can’t blame the tanks for wargaming’s failures.

  26. Also nothing tier 6-8? The SARL 42, M-50, M-51, M4 Fl10, AMX 45, and different variants of the AMX M4 45 would work entirely decently as medium tanks from tier 6-8, WG is simply being lazy.

  27. A tier 8 premium US td with a 4 man crew, zero armor, and limited gun traverse; the players on the NA US Premium TD thread are already calling the M56 Scorpion a joke. The pen may be good, but will this thing survive very long after sending it’s first round down range? What good is a vehicle with a 4 man crew when it comes to training? If the Scorpion is given a limited MM, what’s it credit output going to be? It has a lot of negative issues to over come.

    Looks like a straight up money grab on WG’s part if the M56 is released as a tier 8 premium.

  28. “- FV215b will be switched to Chieftain Mk.2 because it’s a fake (it was made because there was no other candidate for tier 10 at that point), one of the factors is also that players don’t like rear-turret ones”

    I’m a player. I do like rear-turrets. They have their problems, but so do forward-turreted and middle-turreted tanks. Don’t speak for me if you do not speak with my voice.

    “- Chieftain Mk.2 will come apparently in the same patch as the FV4202 switch, it’s “Conqueror on steroids”, very good gun, not very tough armor, FV215b (120) will likely disappear from the game”

    Bwuahahaha. Told you guys, no effective armor. Oh me oh my, that just makes me want ot keep my FV215b 120 even more.

    • well if it wont have armor then the gun should get massive buff like 270+ pen, 7+rof and 1,7- aim time. Otherwise i want to keep my fv215b 120.

  29. “new types of shells (anti-concrete for example) will not be introduced apparently, they would be superfluous”

    they don’t need to add those because, according to what I read on the Hunnicutt books, the T30 155mm gun proved to be excellent at demolishing bunkers with it’s AP shell

  30. - multicore support – WG is working on it, but it will only increase FPS by 10-30 percent (depending on the PC)
    Why are they talking about this like it’s “only” 30%? 30% increase in performance is HUGE. Fuck, even 10% is huge. It feels like they’ve tried to use this as an excuse or to show multicore as something not as good as everyone thinks, but they have failed because apparently only they think 30% is nothing significant.

    • Yeah a 10-30% increase on my already 40-50 fps would be GREAT! LET ME USE ALL FOUR OF MY CPU CORES!

  31. “Devs don’t want more fake tanks”, then why the hell did they implement the WT E 100 line!?

  32. - 9.4: nothing really gamebreaking, it will be about bug fixes and preparing for 9.5 plus some new features – 9.5 will be big (no info for now)
    This is bullshit, its god damn time to get us Havoc, you promised it in 9.0! and now its not even server based anymore