World of Tanks recycling


Hello everyone,

this might not be something new for some of you, but those not oldschool enough might have not heard. Wargaming is generally an eco-friendly company, because it recycles – this is not a bad thing actually, it’s just a statement. Take for example the following case, posted on RU forums by Maiorboltach. Before World of Tanks, Wargaming produced a strategy game called the Order of War. Order of War was somewhat successful – but this is another matter entirely. Anyway, check this out.

Order of War victory theme:


World of Tanks victory theme:



Another case of recycling was Slava Makarov admitting that the early alpha version of World of Tanks used tank models from Operation Bagration, another Wargaming game. Those days are long gone however. An interesting thing, though – back to Order of War. Jeremy Soule made some tracks for Order of War (in case you didn’t know, Jeremy Soule is a well-known composer, who created for example the epic Dawn of War soundtrack). One of his tracks, “A Summons to Madness” (can be heard here) was implemented into the WoT client until 2012 under the designation of “14 Nazis_Theme_High” and it was featured as a regular battle melody in WoT open beta and perhaps some time after release (it’s very likely Wargaming does own the rights to this melody, an interesting case though).

And what happened to Jeremy Soule and war games? Well…


Either way, it’s interesting I think to see, how some things get re-used. Not that it’s a bad thing, it simply… is.

23 thoughts on “World of Tanks recycling

  1. FIRST – to say thay I dont remember the second song, even tho im playing since closed beta ;s

  2. Life doesn’t come with a musical background score so for me it’s the first thing turned off.

    There wasn’t any soundtrack when I was throwing rounds in Mogadishu either…

  3. I guess you could say WT recycles too? Seeing as most of their aircraft models appear to come from IL2 Sturmovich: Birds of prey and Birds of Steel. Hell even the background music and the hanger when i played WT where directly from IL2 BoP. Haha

    Seems to be a trend :P

  4. Hey but one thing sure about WT us their music are really epic. At least better than WOT, which really the sound engine suck ass(especially before 8.0).

  5. Well…actually, Jeremy Soule compsed a full set of foundtrack for IL-2 Birds of Prey, which Gaijin developed before they made War Thunder. Later on Gaijin slightly changed IL-2 main theme music and used it for War Thunder, hence Jeremy Soule’s name is mentioned in War Thunder credit, but only for composing main theme. I believe other musics in War Thunder are composed by somebody else.

    IL-2 Birds of Prey Theme :
    War Thunder Main Theme :
    At first they differ a bit, but in the end it’s the same music.