An Interesting Video on F2P Monetization

I like the Extra Credit series. They get some things wrong I think, but nevertheless, this is worth watching.



And what do you think, does Wargaming do it right?

Personally, at first, I thought WG does it ONLY right, but I realized that in some cases, WG might be… “slipping”. Not into P2W mind you (yes, I know many people complain about gold shells, but in reality, these aren’t used that much, a lot of the “OMG U GOLD NOOB” comes from noobs, who don’t realize that especially on high tiers, many tanks use APCR as standard ammo and whine about that).

What I mean is that some stock-to-elite grinds are just terrible. Lately, I’ve encountered this in stock Centurion and Centurion 7, those are pretty terrible as stock. There are however even worse cases. This strongly pushes the player into paying for free-XPing to elite status and certainly gives not much joy.

95 thoughts on “An Interesting Video on F2P Monetization

      • man, a guy from FAME that was playing the jagdpanzer E100 hit my patton with a HEAT shell – i loled hard at that… i just hate those gold skilled players, i shoot gold myself too, but i dont shoot only gold, i shoot it only when really needed!!!(ok, they maybe would be better than me even without gold as im only yellow atm, but they would be green not purple) and the other day i felt so good to kill a Fame batchat with HEAT in my t69 coz i ran out of APs, the guy subestimated me and tryed to rush me while he had 200 HP

        • Im not defending them – but what you need to understand that gold kinda eliminates RNG and if you manage to penetrate every shot, you chances of victory is rising.
          Also, it makes some tanks into really monsters – like that french 105 where gold ads +30dmg
          Back then where there was mission on IS-6, i bought Jgdpz IV again to train loader for Ferdi and played it with 88 full gold. That thing was a real monster :)
          Stil, i think shooting only gold is lame, especially on tanks with high pen for their tier.

        • So you’re saying that if i for example play a game in my 416 and end up in a tier 10 match with a ton of heavy tanks. i shouldn’t load a heat shell first? and if i do i should switch back to a normal shell first if i encounter a weaker target?

          Nope even though a normal shell would penetrate i won’t be reloading. That HEAT shell is going into any target no matter how poorly armored it is. If there is a significant change of me encountering a target which i will be having problems penetrating i will switch to gold before actually engaging and if by chance there is a lesser armored tank i encounter first i will not waste the time reloading. No matter how hard they will whine.

      • U done with whining on FAME clan u bobs?

        Stop telling fairy tales, Gold Ammo dont give u skill.
        If its so easy to become a unicum then why are there so less unicums?

        Yeah now u come with they play for 24/7 so they can afford gold sooo easy – WRONG, the average Fame, EFE, PTS or what ever Member dont got more games then the average Random Bob.

        All the time the same shit, we good players have listen to and then u wonder that we are not the nice guys all the time….

    • yay! extra credits!

      also, out of the f2p games, WoT is one of the best I have seen, I must say they do a good job imo (stock to top is an issue, but for the casual player it adds depth into gameplay)

      • an average gayish unicum player spends around 300eur/month. it takes lots of skill to spend that sum of $$$ for stats.

  1. Stock Centurion 7 is a dream machine compared to a fully stock Leo ptA, or a stock Sturer Emil, or god forbid, a stock M46 Patton.
    Or that damn, hateful SU-101 I grow to despise more and more every passing day.

    • Stock ARL V39 is still worst i think.
      Leo PT A and Sturer Emil are just as bad though.

      • Emil is worst stock tank ever. It has nothing except for that epic gun depression. Even stock Cent 7 is equal or better than some elited tier 9 (like PT A for example).

    • I have to agree with Sturer Emil. Grinded all the way through the stock gun because I thought it didn’t deserve a sliver of free xp, but after 75 horrible horrible battles, I unlocked the 128mm, free xp’d to the RhmB. and sold the wretch. Awful grind.

      • Its great with 128mm, on tier 7 its actually epic, but i my stats in it are FUBAR because of that grind. And i am not looking back in my Borsig – pleasure to drive, nightmare to fight against, typical OP ninja tank.

    • What’s so terrible about stock Cent 7/1? Doesn’t it get the 20pdr from the Cent 1/3?(I’m rather happy, I’m grinding the heavy line in parallel so I already have the max guns)

      As for stock grinds, I urge you to try stock ST-I with it’s wonderous 175 pen D25 gun and then start whining :).
      WZ-120 is another “winner” in the shitty as stock category. Ditto the M46(and some extent M48) Patton.

      Wanna hear about another horrid stock grind? M103 – good luck being a paperish heavy tank with a 200 pen gun in tier 9 and 10.

      Here’s another stinker: T29 with the awesome M1A2(76mm gun if coming from the Sherman Jumbo).

      Either way, that’s not really pay to win, it’s pay to progress a bit faster.

      • I can confirm that, when realization hit me about the gun, i actually backtracked to m3lee to unlock it through t1 line, best move EVER :P, as t1 is a blast to drive.
        As for m103 i didn’t even try to drive it with the 105, fortunately i had enough free xp for the first 120, that stock gun is some sort of cruel joke from WG

        Still i see many special cases that drive it that way. But there are even more special cases that drive e-75 or vk B with 88l71, you really have to be brain damaged to do something lie that.

        • Sorry but grinding Ferdinand is the biegest of all pains, if you dont have player the Tiger P -> 45xx line up to Tier 9 upfront, to have at least the engine. Even with engines it is still a mess with that huge, slow (turning, driving, accelerating) thing until you get the top gun.

        • E-75 can be played with 8.8 but you HAVE to shoot only on weakspots. I prefered 8.8 rather than 10.5 because of the reload time. Although I had to use some gold the tank performed fine. That move can also be helpful to learn that you CAN’T rush alone despite being heavily armored and forces you to learn sidescraping (if you haven’t since). The fun starts with magnificent 12.8 cm

          • You purposely traded additional 27mm of penn and 80 additional damage per shot? Sorry, you kinda reset my brain there for a moment. So what it has a better ROF, more shots= longer time they can shoot at you, with that stock turret and engine, it’s a recipe for a fast death. Until i got the elite turret, i actually stayed behind in the 2nd line and sniped with the 105. And rushing alone in e-75? No, just NO. I speak from personal experience(currently i have over 1500 battles with it).

      • All the M103 needs is some free xp for the first gun upgrade. Never had a tank handle so well with stock tracks and engine. Compared to the stock grind on the E 75, this thing is as easy as it gets.

        • But meets them way more often and you agree it’s not really a viable flanker, right? Nor a typical hull down machine. And unless you load gold, you can watch as your shells simply ding of e-75, st-1, and other well armoured targets(good luck pinging Morse code on MAUS :P). Not really fun, isn’t it?
          I could free exp the first 120 because i been saving it ever since i started that line, but not every random bob has it enough when he unlocks it.

      • You have not lived true pain until you had to grind a fully stock VK3001P without +-2 MM protection and a tier9 panther2 with 75mm L70 against legions of 130mm S70 armed IS4s.

        Worst grinds ever.
        By far.

        Even the tier9 T34 with the 105mm was easy compared to those two.
        I would rather dip my balls in molten lead than do that again.

        • Sorry but, no. Had first grinded all the way through to E50M but both 3001P and Panther2 have been much easier than Ferdinand, because P2 at least has speed to e.g. get behind/beside enemy and pen with the L70.

  2. “What I mean is that some stock-to-elite grinds are just terrible. Lately, I’ve encountered this in stock Centurion and Centurion 7, those are pretty terrible as stock. There are however even worse cases. This strongly pushes the player into paying for free-XPing to elite status and certainly gives not much joy.”

    That is pay-2-rush not pay-2win. If you take your time you will have enough freeXP from normal play to use for any key modules.

    WG’s model is that most of the player base are impatient fro new shiny thinks and rush their grinds, buy premium, convert XP. If you’re patient and just play tanks this just doesn’t affect you.

    • To take a tier 9 tank from stock to bearable status, you need what, around 30k freexp? That’s 600k regular xp.

        • Right, and that’s if just getting the first gun can be considered bearable. Throw a turret and tracks in there and it’s close to 100k free exp.

          Fully elite would be around 200k free xp, which equals 4 million regular xp — or 25 euro.

          • Bearable is engine + tracks, unlocking the gun puts the tank in its elite configuration, that’s no longer bearable that’s fuklly upgraded.

            • Bearable completely depends on the tank. Some do not benefit from the engine as they would the gun or turret.

              Regardless what you go for, it’s a lot of free xp at tier 9. I was essentially agreeing with your original remark, so I don’t know why you’re arguing with me.

            • I’ve got stock T54E1, ans as soon as I get enough exp for the gun I pay 10 gold to drop the EGLD, 500k credits on this suspension-enhancing equipment and get the top gun. Then I grind the 20k for suspension/engine.

    • I get what SS is saying, and i agree with you, is pay-2-rush not pay-2win, and i don’t have any problem with the grind mechanic, especially when you earn free exp.

      Painful grinds can destroy the enjoyment of game, and from what i have heard, where Wg may have gone a step to far in in the jap line, where the first enjoyable tank appears at tier VIII, pushing player into free-XPing

      • I find Chi-to quite enjoyable, thank you very much. And I never hated stock grinds either, having played T28 prototype, WZ-120 and M103 from nothing up. It just adds a challenge, and you keep getting better and better with the shit configuration, and when you unlock the better modules it’s like getting a new bike for christmas. I’m not saying I specificly enjoy stock grinds, but I don’t hate them, it’s just something you have to do and if I learn to play the tank while doing it, no problem.

        • This. I got a lot better at situational awareness and “vision control” in my Pz Sfl IVc. You still can’t go balls in with it in top config, but the stock grind is something “special”… mercifully short at such a low tier though.

  3. To me WoT falls into the category of game that I don’t want to spend money on for the sake of not spending money. I take pride in the fact, that all I have was earned, not bought. Right now I have around 1.5k gold and around 25 tanks without spending a penny on the game. I like that feeling.

    • Similar, although I have bought a bit gold in the past. However having the shitload of garage spots for free is a damn good feeling <3

  4. Stock Centurion 7/1 is great, stock Centurion Mk. I is totally bearable. I have ground it with the first gun and freeexped to the 20 pounder after like 15000 exp.

    • Agreed, I stock ground both the Cent,s the Cent 1/3 with the 17 lbr is a pain though, once you hit the 20 onwards its fine, I like the 7/1 with the 20 lbr too.

      Now E50… Holy dog shit!

      Your serious? A 75mm L70 is all I can carry with the stock tracks! FU!

      • I went though the QQF 77mm grind to the top gun (20% of skill on average, used against some t8 and t9, didnt even bother to shoot t10) without any serious mental damage, at least i think so. E50 seems to be pretty rough. Comparable to T-44.

      • Check AGAIN, you HAVE to be able to mount the 88l71, i know because i went through it already. Did you mount any heavy equipment before the gun maybe? That would explain a lot.

    • I mange to do 5k dmg in stock Centurion Mk. I with the Comet top gun and got Ace Master, like in the 10th game after I bough it. It was just weird

  5. Is it me or does this video say PREMIUM TANKS!

    You want it, you look at it, go all squidgy when you see one you don’t have and you pay to have the “model”.

    As for the Free XP,,, hmm I’ve maybe spent £30 on free xp, the main thing I’ve spent money on in WOT?

    CREW! Bloody hell, I’ve got one set of crew from The M2 Medium to the M46 Patton,,, whats that? 3000 gold? On just moving the crew up to the next tank to keep them 100%…

    Do that on each line and you have $$$!

    • Its totaly pointless to buy 100% (or keep it that way) below tier 7-8. You can also retrain for credits and drop skill/perk for free crew transition with minimal loses.

      • Dropping secondaries should only ever be done for *very* good reasons (I normally only ever do it to trade the first 1½ for fully active BIA), as due to the almost exponentially rising exp-per-percent costs later on 20% will represent an *awful* lot of exp down the drain.
        The primaries are dirt cheap in comparision, and you should have little trouble getting them back to 100% in no time.

    • I always used credits retrain option, because I know I will get them to 100% in a matter of few dozen battles. And as the crew gets better, I get better with that tank, doubling the better. :D
      Except BDR, that thing is hopeless.

      • BDR with the 90mm is actually a pretty dangerous tank, I enjoyed it.

        As far as crew retrain goes, always doing credit retrain. And @daathcz, you don’t usually want to use the credit retrain and then credit perk drop. You usually have much more experience in your perks, so you lose twice – once 10% of crew primary qualification and second time 10% of ALL experience accumulated in your perks and skills – and that a HUGE amount.

  6. As much as the stock grinds suck, until you hit tier 9, they really don’t take all that long.

    I never convert free xp, and I find that the 5% you get from each battle is sufficient to put me a good chunk of the way towards eliting, or at least significantly upgrading the tier 9 tanks.

    I don’t waste my free xp on low tier modules, or to skip past tanks. I grind out every module on every tank before moving on to the next one.

  7. The thing is to be smart in Your grind … You should either only do the x2 battles on stock tanks, or just fill in the gap with free exp if You managed to save up enough of it to actually afford a module. Yes, I am aware that is the slowest way possible, but at the other hand You can set Your previous tier to “accelerate crew training” and just get some more % on Your crew while not having to mess with a stock tank.

    IMO WG is in fact doing it right.
    The only thing You pay for is saving Your time and effort. what do You pay for? More spots in garage, not having to “re-buy” cammo every month and boost in exp and credits (this is both in form of a prem vehicle and/or a premium account). That is literally all, so none of these affect damage and penetration You have (and yes, there are “premium” shells, but everybody buy them for regular credits anyway).

    What from elements mentioned on this video is missing? Probably some “consumable” that gives all allied tanks in a battle a 5% exp boost or something like that ;)

  8. I did not pay a single money for most games that I played because they are not worth to spent some money and I’m poor :( . I only laugh for those players who always use gold shell and then bounce. Its so funny when I think about it.

    • Why would you play games that are not worth paying for? Doesn’t your time have any value that you can throw it at worthless game?

  9. Centurions? It’s very individual, eg. I found the grind on Centrurions quite ok compared to other branches. If I remember well, T-54 with stock gun was very bad to grind, but it’s 3 years ago, so maybe it’s better or my skills have somehow improved. Also French tanks are very difficult to grind (AMX 50 100 rusting in my garage, getting to battle once a hungarian year :) (Czech readers understand, for others it’s simply long time. Nothing to go with today Hungary)

    Moreover, converting Xp is not the only way to get Free XP. I was able to collect about 50k-70k free XP in, i dont know, two-three months of playing just as those 5% from battle normal XP. Yes, I play preferably tanks with bonus XP still available (and I can play all day long like this with over 70 tanks in garage) which greatly increases Free XP income, especially when 3x or 5x bonuses are available (2000 xp = 100 free xp). No need to convert XP for gold and no need for headless grind of tracks or turrets and farming XP for something xp-expensive (eg. hightier guns) right from the beginning.

    Note: those 50-70k xp are with prem. account, with standard it would be 35-50 approx.

    • The T-54 is still shit when stock. But the worst thing about it is the amount of experience you need to make it any good.

  10. I am pretty sure, that very few of you know the joy when you finaly buy the BL-10 after weeks of grinding XP and then it becomes a whole new experience to play that tank. It builds some kind of connection to this tank, which players who 1. convert XP 2. research ISU-152 3. research BL-10 4. Mount 5. Play, will never understand

    • I do know. BTW ISU-152 with the other gun (cant remember and too lazy) was very suitable for me, especially when I grinded BL-10 long before aim-buff (change of shot distribution within the aim circle – 0.8.7? maybe). To be honest, I was very disappointed with BL-10 whan I finally bought it (for bloody sum of credits).

      However, it’s not the case of all tanks. Like T54E1 I found completely useless with stock gun. But I still tried some 20 battles before succumbing and unlocking the top armament.

      Unlocking guns can be fun and sort of challenge. But unlocking tracks or turret to mount the gun you alreay unlocked is not a “fun” at all for me.

      • I never unlock tracks with free XP. Just buy enhanced suspension and put the tracks on after the rest of the modules. Sure you lose a slot for a few games but it’s an far more economically way of doing it.

      • I’ve got almost 30k exp on T54E1 now, didn’t research any module yet. The 90mm is completly ok, you just need to aim well, try to flank your enemies and know when is the time to load those couple HEAT shells I always drive my T54E1 with.

  11. Stock grinds got a lot more bearable with the gold rounds for credits change. At least you stand a chance of hurting things. Stock weight limits are easily overcome by spending credits on the enhanced springs or whatever else the tank can mount. It’s not the issue it was. I really regret blowing 45k free XP on the BL-9 for the IS-3 when they introduced gold for credits just a week afterwards. The D25-T is totally bearable with a a bit of gold.

  12. i will answer to ur question under the video.
    And what do you think, does Wargaming do it right?
    Ofc wargaming do it right.They make an unbalanced full of mistakes game coz they want to make money.And they manage to make tons of money.
    Example: Last night i was in battle with my GW panther and i kill like td style a E25 comes to me face to face after shooting me 2 gold shots.After the battle i checked his carage coz eccording to xvm he was purple.And there comes the big surprise.34k battles 32 tier x.Woooooow i said and continue to check his tiers,32 tier 9 with only 50-150 battles each.To be faster from tier 6 to tier 9 these 32 tanks none has more than 150 battles.
    SO yes wargaming do it right coz there are thousands of players like him bought many premiums play with them and then spend money to convert exp!!!!!!!!
    Really where is the fun to play a full line from tier 1-10 if u spend money to convert exp?
    But im sure the fun is to be one of the owners of wargaming and watch ur bank account grows up coz of that kind of players,
    PS.English is not my native sure u will find many grammatical or orthographical mistakes

    • Just because English is not your native language is not an excuse to use ‘u’, ‘ur’, ‘coz’ and other crap.

      • sorry.simple replace the u with you, the ur with your and coz with because and then u will be fine

      • It’s actually funny because native speakers usually don’t make these mistakes. They make genuine gramatical mistakes, not those of the lazy kind. The OP is just trying to hide his lazyness behind the pretense that he’s not a native English speaker… I’d be very surprise if English actually wasn’t his mother tongue.
        Let me guess OP, you’ve got dyslexia too?

        • Really now i cant understand where is the problem using u instead of you etc etc.And the sorry i ask goes for the grammatical mistakes not for u-ur-coz-lol-lolz and other stuff.Next time i will write to my native lanquage and if anyones wants to read will must use the google translator or any other translator wants.-

    • They do it roght. Every player has the right to decide how he wants to experience and enjoy the game. Someone wants to grind through the whole line from tier 1 to 10 and be awesomely happy with what he accomplished, while someone else wants to play thousands of games in his beloved premium tank, converting the experience into free exp and getting that awesome Wafflefrager/whateverelse as soon as possible without having to play those puny low-tiers.

      Why do you hate the guy? (it seems like you do from what you’ve written) He enjoys the game, and you enjoy the game. Each of you in a different way. Be happy :)

  13. WG is doing it right. Maybe except for those expensive TIER 8 premium tanks and not be able to earn credits fast with ordinary armoured vehicles. But converting experience, buying a camouflage or premium consumables is fun.

  14. I don’t know about the EU server but on the NA lots of players spamming prem rounds(i have that mod that shows you the kind of ammo you’re getting shot) no matter their efficiency or tier. In order to spam them you’ll need either a massive amount of credits or a premium account. Tier 10 battles are the worse… When tier 10 TDs shooting tier 8s with premium ammo, it’s so annoying not because they wouldn’t pen with regular ammo but the fact the they shooting premium ammo even then. Which means someone who farmed credits with his tier 5 because he doesn’t want to spend real money on the game can’t compete with someone that runs a premium account and farming credits with premium tanks. So the game is a pay to win in a sense because in order to sustain the spam you’ll have to pay for a premium vehicle or account. Maybe EU is different but on the NA everybody wants to become unicum by shooting premium rounds… and will ruin your game, no matter how hard you try to bounce or to avoid shots.

      • I know!! But they keep doing it!! I had a game today with my AMX 50 100 and a T62A driver (2000 WN8) was spamming HEAT on me! He can pen either way but in the long run what he gains when spamming prem rounds on all tanks, significantly reduces the chances to bounce his shots thus be more effective. Which means more avg damage on games, so his WN8 would go up and day he will be unicum one day, especially if he is a smurf.

        In my opinion what they should do is reduce the damage that premium ammo does in order to stop the spam because at the moment someone who has the credits can spam them all day. So the game is still pay to get an advantage to win the battles, cause on standard account spamming prem rounds it’s not a viable option.

  15. I really do not understand the problem with gold rounds … In my 13 90, i have full apcr load. Which makes tier 11 battles more bearable. Sure, I can pen evrything with the 170 base pen. But the game gives me the opportunity to get 248 pen, faster shell, at the cost of a slight loss of normalization. And in a 40 s reload tank, you want to make every shot count. Now, I can finally fight most tanks from the front, and thus increase my “carrying potential”, going from 58% wr with regular rounds to 61% with apcr, in my 13 90. Not much indeed, but still.
    And you get the added benefit of making smurf players rage at you, like a wz120 some time ago.
    Now, when I play badly, I lose credits. A ton. When I play well, I break even or even make a small profit. Imho, gold rounds mainly reward good players : you play well, you earn credits, so you can use “gold” rounds (they are bought with credits ffs), so you can play even better and on and on. While bad players will hemorrhage credits if using gold and playing bad.
    So, instead of hating on full goald players, play better yourselves and do the same. It´s common jealousy, nothing more. Short version : deal with it.
    I once saw a unicum using only full gold in his pz1c. Yep, 400 creds a shot. 80 shots that fire in 2 seconds. For 10 more pen. And so what ? He does so because he can, congrats to him. Nothing more.

    • Funny, I consider myself a rather good player (though I’m still far from unicum status), and yet I can only afford a very limited amount of premium rounds before going in the red without a premium account.

    • You don’t see a problem? When 700 eff player pens your turret(flat sides next to the gun) in an E75 with his Lowe it gives him an unfair advantage and if it wasn’t the premium rounds his shot would bounce. If a player with 700 eff can do this think what a 1400 eff player can do with premium rounds, let alone what unicums can do when abusing it. The game becomes unbalanced and completely negating the advantage of armour that some tanks have at the expense of credits. Something that you can buy with real money or farming them easier on premium account.

      For me Wot is still pay to win. I have a premium account and i do have have a premium tank and i’m not jealous of others spam of gold. I could spam gold all day since a i’m good player (WN8 2133)and i make profit most of the games even on defeats. I feel cheated when a red tomato pens me somewhere he shouldn’t. WG will do nothing about premium ammo because they earn money this way.

      • And so when you drive a lower tier you can pen potatoes too. In the long run, your skill will keep making a difference, I dont think i’m teaching you anything here. Yes it’s frustrating when a tank relying on its armor loses this strength. But it’s how things are, and as you said it wont change. So might as well use what you have. Now, I agree that armor being irrelevant in the current meta is not a good thing, because it “forces” you to play only certain tanks. But its not worse than tds being generally op, or arty still ruining the game. Its the current state of things, just gotta adapt.

  16. Stock tank is a great business opportunity.
    Either to suck bad free exp or gold from a player, or even make him to buy gold to be sucked (and Cent 7/1 is pretty cool).

    WG works really hard to make players spend money not because of joy, but because of frustration. Enjoying moments are rare, and can be achieved without spending money, while money really helps in avoiding frustration.
    And that is why if I’m going to spend money, it has to be exceptional, like Type 59 back in store, not like monthly premium account.
    I’ll deal with frustration not by paying more and playing more, but by playing less.

  17. the main problem of the wot f2p model compared with wt, is rewarding idiots for doing nothing.

    -you are afk, suicide or even teamkill and if your team manages to win you will get some xp for useless(the only behabiour is punished is leaving the battle with the tank alive)
    -also between this and the steep learning curve of being matched agaist +1 or +2 more than half of the battles, discourage players to try to play and enjoy the tiers and just go in a mindless suicide grind.

  18. Speaking of monetization, you can monetize 300 gold by changing password. (its active again)

  19. I think its already quite well done in World of Tanks.
    Maybe I once you hit tier 8 and it gets more and more difficult to win credits instead of losing them in a game, one feels the need to buy a premium account. But you are not really forced to, since you can play low tier to earn credits.

    I think the conclusions of the video could be implemented in WoT by having certain premium features you can only buy, if you achieved something by playing.

    For example, premium tanks you can only buy if you have researched a certain non-premium tank. As example: A branch from the T29 to the T34, once you have the T29 researched you can buy the T34. Players would feel it as an achievement and not as a boring shortcut to buy them.

    Or: A premium tank could be cheaper, if you have researched a similar non-premium tank. In the example of the T34: Make it 30% cheaper, if you already have the T29, and 50% cheaper if you have the T32 (or something like that).

  20. WG does this right.
    Owning a tank is so rewarding and even more if you pay actual money for it.
    regards guy with Pz. B2, KV-220, KV-5, JT 88 IS-6 and T-34 played under 50 times (exept for the IS-6)

  21. wg does, but not in all

    1st bad things, premium vs tiers. tier 9+, or for some younger players even 8+ is border when they can earn cash by playing normal way without premium. shit, i think iv hit that border long time ago at t7 IS, stock was no good enough, and iv been noob back then, so i had no way to even using elite grind cash to buy is3. thats the wall. not only u need enormous number of battles from t7+ to grind to next tank, u need to grind cash as well. yea, i know, they say it makes u play on midtiers to earn cash. yea. bullshit. later iv hit that wall rly hard at t54e1 or whatever it was, pre t57 tank, thats, or was, rly hard to grind and earn cash even with premium. iv made some calculations, and it become for me i would have to play like 300 games without premium on my kv1s (that economics iv knew quite well) to earn enough silver to cover my grind costs, and then another 700 games to earn cash to buy t57. no stock to elite costs included. with premium and premium tank that was like 200games for all. quite a wall, so premium is must have at T9+ if u want to earn a bit.

    2nd, tanks to buy. they do nice, iv had bought 3 of those for like 20k gold all together. one was superpershing, i didn’t liked, but iv sold it back for gold. t34 is monster iv and it was worth every coin. i had su100y as well, decent tank, but no working well with my gameplay habbits, sold for silver. that works fine, u buy, u get what u bought. u like it or not, ur choice. rly good stuff
    BUT!, i think all premium tanks should be possible to aquire in game. hard, yea, rly hard. after playing wot for like 2 years and earning most but one (base reset) medals of the killing like 10k tanks, spotting, etc, those medals, then set objective. kill 50k tanks, get one premium T8 of your choice, or random for free. u r nolive, u get sth for that.

    and 3th, premium ammo/consumables, etc. its not gold only anymore, so its good for me, iv no objections.

  22. In my opinion, WG managed to create a good F2P model.
    1. They’re not “forcing” you to buy anything in order to play WoT. I’m sure there will be someone to say that it’s impossible to play the game beyond tier 8 if you don’t have a premium tank or premium account. Wrong. You can play it but it will take longer for you to reach tier 10.
    2. They didn’t end up the other side either. Of course, there are players that managed to get a few tier 10s without buying a premium tank or even a day of premium account; but they’re not many. Most of the players have invested into this game because they liked it. Some bought a premium tank because “OMG, I’ve waited for so long to play that tank!!!1!!!eleven!!!11one”, others played on premium account, eager to get their tier 10 tank. All of them payed for what they enjoyed. I’m one of those.
    3. It’s not P2W. It was P2W when you had the option to buy gold shells only with real money. It’s not the case anymore. Not that changing gold ammo to what it is now was any better; now everyone and their mother is using gold ammo, making the armor not counting as a balance parameter. The vehicles that relayed solely on armor are now completely useless… but this is another topic.

    With all the ups and downs, we still play this game after 3 (?) years since it’s been out, many still pay for premium account and premium tanks.

    About what SS said: I find it challenging to play every tank in this game without using free exp for modules or anything. Of course, there are badly balanced tanks but those shouldn’t count. There are horrible grinds but it’s not like the game is forcing you to pay money in order to advance. It’s your choice do do that. My “worst grind ever” case it the Chi-Ri. Slow, big, no armor, shit gun, ends up in tier 9 battles… but I didn’t pay my way out of its grind. I took it as a challenge and I failed it (under 50% WR on this tank) but I managed to get to the tier 8.

    Every tank is shit while being stock… but this is the concept, this is what we chose to play.

  23. I think it’s funny how Wargaming say their target audience are people who play casually and not even close to hardcore gamer. They make the game so hard if you start, you have to buy your first equipment (500k for someone who plays occasionally is a lot!), you have to grind stock tanks (witch is reeeeally painfull), and play a lot to get enought xp and credits to buy ONE tank, and last thing, if you don’t have many battles, gold rounds are really really expensive.

    If you don’t want to spend a lot of money (in world of tanks things are not cheap to grind and to buy) you play the stock tank without equipment with 75% crew and some rare gold rounds. If you do this, you will suck (don’t get me wrong, i’m just saying you will not be as good), and if you suck and keep losing, you don’t think the game is fun

    • By what knob-turned logic do you *have* to buy half-million credit equipement early on?

      And everything in the beginning tiers is hilariously cheap, what the fuck are you going on about.

      • compare two tier 5′s ( i’m saying tier 5 because it is not considered seal clubbing at this point).

        A- A stock tank, barelly shoots gold, 75% crew, 0 equipments
        B- Elite, can use gold when it wants, 100% crew + skills, and have 3 equipments

        They are at the same tank, they have the same skill, and they meet, you don’t have to be a genius to see the outcome. Unless RNG god is not furious, player “A” will lose most of the times (and i’m using the word “most” because RNG god is always furious)

        • You forgot to allow for which one is driven by the retard…

          And still haven’t explained the “obligation” to buy equipement.

  24. Using APCR on T32 is one thing, but when I get hit in Chi-To or Cromwell by T34 shooting gold that’s just ridiculous… I think they should get similar restrictions as in HB – set max APCR/HEAT loadout for every tank. I carry few gold rounds on every tank, just in case e.g. I’m left alone against higher tiers I need to pen to secure a win (like once I got alone on M4 against Church I, shot him HEAT 2 times and their entire team was whining I’m a gold noob…)