9.2 Common Test

Hello everyone,

since it seems everything got postponed for a week (possibly due to the big Wargaming Cyprus meeting?), according to info I recieved today from a supertester, the 9.2 common test is planned for 10.7.2014 (next Thursday).

33 thoughts on “9.2 Common Test

    • Everyone in the world uses the Day / Month / Year… But Murica thinks it’s to mainstream.

      Everyone in the world uses metric system to measure…. Murica thinks it’s to mainstream. They went with dem feet.

      Everyone in the world calls soccer (football / futball)… But Murica thinks it’s to mainstream. They called it “soccer”.

  1. And what exactly is there to test in 9.2? The new bugs and FPS drops? There is no need. I’m sure WG can make their bugs perfect without any kind of help or feedback.

      • To be true. I played 10 games in NO-HESH fv… average still over 3000 dmg and in 2 battles over 5000… this ap can bounce but damn it’s still powerful. And standard he for killing weak enemies and WT E100.

      • And?

        Let me know when they actually start adding things to the game instead of making it worse and removing things each update.

        • Open your eyes, look up to the skies and see!
          Storm’s just a poor boy, he needs no sympathy.
          Because he’s easy come, easy go,
          Little high, little low.

          • i just realized they could nerf the reload time to 42 seconds and give the 183, 5 more shells that would balence it out very damn well.

          • Anyway the wind blows doesn’t really matter to me, to me.

            SerB, just killed a Tank,
            Put a gun against his head,
            Pulled my trigger, now he’s dead.
            SerB, life had just begun,
            But now I’ve gone and thrown it all away.

            SerB, ooh,
            Didn’t mean to make you cry,
            If I’m not back again this time tomorrow,
            Carry on, carry on as if nothing really matters.

  2. HESH and Waffle nerfs are stupid.

    Waffle will still 1 clip most things and still do it in stupid time.

    HESH was fine and no one complained about it. Yes the 183 was scary but it was also 1/3 in full pen. It is more scary than effective. So if they wanna nerf an already balanced TD then they need to add aimtime…..Seriously fine they wanna make it not one shot things, fine but it needs compensation and isnt balanced after this.


    If they would nerf Hesh but take aimtime to 2.7 sec thats fair as you can pen using AP. Then if they want to make Waffle not 1 clip leave it with 6 but mke them fire every 3.5 secs. Then a Waffle would need 10 secs for 3 rounds, rahter than 5 in 10 secs.

    • How much rage for one post…

      You only see good things about them, but they are very weak vehicles with long reload times.

    • HESH–>Aim centermass, penetrate and take 80% of the HP of a HT/Fail to penetrate and deal up to 1.000HP in damage anyway.
      Sure. It was all fine and dandy.

      • Except that isn’t true at all. If it didn’t penetrate it would do something more in the range of 100-600 at MOST with an average around 450-500. This is pitiful for a Tier 10 TD that gives up absolutely everything for its damage stat.

        Thats it it ever hit, anyway.

        • lol it never did 100 damage unless you were hitting an T110E3 in the mantlet even then it would 300 minimum. no pens got damage anywhere 1000-600. next time you’re sitting around 500 health tell if 600 damage is not a lot.

    • someone owns a 183 and a waffle :D

      you wanna have fun use HE in the waffles 150mm did it on the common test xD

  3. Pingback: [WoT PC] Erscheinung Testserver 0.9.2

  4. Too many updates in a short space of time. They should focus on getting things right instead of rushing everything through. Although the 183 and Waffen E100 nerf will be welcome.

    • meh faster the closer to 9.3 the kv1s nerf and the american scout line.

      • Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

        You know it doesn’t work like that, right?
        A version number doesn’t mean anything and KV-1S nerf in 9.3 is more of a vague date than in which version it will really be nerfed.

    • Don’t think they’re rushing all that much. They just put out what’s ready, when an update comes around.

      If there was rushing, we’d have a broken HAVOK engine, and a game that simply wouldn’t run.

      That and moderation is probably a good thing, for some of the planned features.

      • The game is broken up ALREADY; 9.1 was like a med-kit for 9.0 and 9.2 will be a med-kit for 9.1