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Panzer II Ausf.D
Suspected to be New Year’s gift for 2014
Object 260
IS-7 prototype (variant) from 1945, suspected to be new tier 10 CW reward
Panther mit 88mm
Upcoming German tier 8 premium tank
M56 Scorpion
T28 Concept
T 55A (renamed from T-55A NVA DDR)
Damn, why so many screenshots xD …
They all be pretty though :)
For a second I thought my mouse scrolled backwards :D
sooo many screenies *-*
Jesus Christ, my browser kept crashing and was never able to load them all and i had to stop it to post a comment. I would not want so many pics of naked super models, well, thats a LIE!
No Panther F has side skirts. Eva. Might as well call it the Panther S, for Serb edition.
no panther ever had an 88mm gun or that turret, they were proposed designs, and the panther ausf G has skirts. and because tanks in wot can sometimes have components from 5 different variants, in not surprised we have a panther G hull with a proposed turret and gun combination. still more realistic than the waffles and t28/ t28 prot/ t28 consept/ t95 stuff we have got going on in wot anyway. thats 4 different tanks based off 1 concept, that was never even built in wood, i think that must be a new record or something.
Wrong, the T95 exists. It’s actually called the T28. Only two were ever built, and neither ever saw combat anywhere.
Anyone realized, that the t28 concept never aimed more than 5-10° to each side ;)
Damn, this thing looks so awful.
In fact it is a Churchill GC with more armour ^^
Well, I actually like the way it looks although I’m not a fan of slow turretless TDs. :-) But if the horizontal arc is no more than 20°, then I don’t understand the design at all…
i LOVE the T28. It looks sooooo cool, like a Pillbox on tracks. i think the Scorpian looks stupid. Just put some kind of armor on like a T40. How do u not kill half the crew with any HE hit?
“Churchill GC with any armour”
There, fixed it for you *trollface*
I want that T28, i think it looks kinda cool and awesome :)
Yeah, definitely a contender for “ugliest tank in WoT”
if you move the “turret” more than 20° where should the barrel go when you shot ?( i mean the room for the recoil)
I realized: “WTF T28 Concept!?”
I presume it’s going to be another ‘cash in’ to get a vehicle that doesn’t perform very well…..
>Warning, this post is EXTREMELY big
For you.
Uhm, no, that’s for mobile devices users.
Desktop user here.
1 Blogentry per tank would be so mutch better then this login odyssey.
Or some gallery plugin, so you load small previews only and then one image at time.
Get this hothead out of here
Loading this page would be extremely painful.
Has posting this comment been a part of your plan ?
That Panther makes my mouth water if it gets limted MM its a 100% a buy for me would be nice to see a good german medium crew trainer.
As it got the same gun as the normal Panther 2, I wouldnt bet on SMM.
If it has tier 7 panther armor, then yes, it would get pref MM.
P2 armor isn’t much better, turret is the same thickness anyway.
Preferential MM doesn’t have much to do with armor. It’s usually based on the gun performance.
In no way this will get preferred MM…
Highly doubt WG gives a German Panther Pref. MM. They’ve already changed the name to Panther with 88. No such tank ever existed.
The FCM got preferential MM with 212mm of pen, I dont see why this Panther couldn’t get it with 201mm
And still no premium soviet medium…
There’s A-32 and super fast Matilda 4 *trollface*
And Matilda
Ninja Edit :P
Don’t forget the T-44-122 *trollface*
I remember t44 back when it got the 122mm. Nothing to write home about.
soviet medium was told to come this year, well fuck you players who want to grind crews on capitalistic tanks… oh wait…
but seriously, I can’t believe how hard it is to find a premium tank – T-44-85 NOPE, T-54 light NOPE, early T-54 N… we’ll see…
Add T-34-85M… nope only teens (that can grind out insane missions) or unicums in the top 5 clans get it.
Well you need to remember the “Conditions” for a tank to be a prem-qualified. something like this i believe (seriously, ask SS)
-must be unique
-possibly seen action
-legit and true
-is “not better or worse” (can handle the mm in stock)
Dude, in 6 months theres going to be so many Rus Mediums, no ones going to want to play this game anymore.
LOL, the tab displaying this page in Chrome uses 2,7 GB RAM :D
2.9 GB here :D
And here!
3,1gb Aw My Gad!
I finally have a reason for my 8gb of RAM :))
Well, The Chrome programmers must have failed somewhere, my Firefox 34 Aurora currently has only 1,2 GB altogether (this tab visible, 11 tabs pinned with background JS running in Gmail, Twitter and such and another 22 tabs open). :o)
Screw your Chrome and its epic “load all by default” settings – on Firefox it opened without crashes and FF does not take any more RAM than before opening it.
Same with Maxthon :)
Have u lost ur fucking MIND? Why the fuck would u include so many pics of the Object when its a fucking clone? My browser kept crashing and never loaded them all!
I am starting to think FTR is owned by WG as its going downhill like the game!, LOL.
lel u mäd?
No problems on my side :)
And maybe… just maybe…
“Warning, this post is EXTREMELY big” should have given you a hint ;)
stop using a potato powered PC
Whoever took these photos seems to have IS-7 fetish. He took like one million pics of the Object 260.
Dat angles though *-*
If only 90% of them wouldn’t be the same :)
I know and its a clone reward tank so who gives a fuck.
Exactly my thoughts.
*4 pics od PZ II*
*gazzilion shots of Object*
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Amurican SNAIL incoming!
That THING looks so bitchy its unbelieveable.
holy crap, so many pictures… if you flick through them quickly does it look like it’s driving through sand river?
Any info on the specs for the pz2? might sound weird but my pz 2 is a keeper, if this thing is on par I would love to keep it for seal clu… crew Training xD
p.s. found it, nice replacement :D
2cm KwK 30 for a gun and average mobility.
You can see stats for all the tanks in this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOsKLEkukPQ
I’m too lazy to write everything down.
Jesus, and after I make a comment it starts to load the pictures again. SS, does wordpress support spoilers?
Or photo galleries… It definitely does…
I think that Eddard will be very happy of that traffic :-)
Another damn Russian overpoweredly well armored tank…IS-7 with IS-4 turret. I sense some Russian bias…
Yeah, try to pen people reliably with that gun :)
Stop with that logic!! Russian bias!!! R U S S I A N B I A S ! ! ! ! !
Scorpion is a f**ing ammorack on tracks. It will be quite hard to not blow it up with every shot with that awesome 0mm armor..
And THAT T28C… it just looks so… so unreal. Even if we imagine, that someone somewhere in some parallel galaxy would have made that, then how would be possible to make that hull in one piece? :D And where are the tools, levers, logs and s**t? It just looks too fantasy..
T55A though.. sexy! Don’t care, that it’s another clone, this one has all kinds of crap on it and Chinese green color on Russian tank in German tree =D
Germans are very good looking too, I just doubt the playability..
my thought exactly, dem shells :-)
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Only about 80% unnecessary pictures posted xD
“Here we see the tank and here we have the same angle, slightly tilted to the right, but posted 5 pictures later, so you won’t notice how unnecessary this picture actually is.”
Yeah that was my thought. Next time, could we just get at most around 5, maybe 8 pics per vehicle? I mean you can link the rest, but no need to embed that many pictures of the same damn thing… it’s annoying to scroll through even on a desktop.
Reminded me of viewing someone’s 1st baby photos.
Here’s little Susan in her cot, and here she is from a slightly different angle x 100.
Do not like the Obj 260 turret.
I like this one much more. Comes closer to the posted blueprints.
And where is the S-26 gun? I dont want to have a T8 gun on a T10 where i am forced to shot gold to be competitive.
And there goes the Ruso-philes fappin on the Obj 260.
I hope the T-55 is a stronkhold shop item or something, it’s gorgeous! Would hate to see it tied to clan wars.
Object 260 Model 1945 – in terms of how he looks – he is cool looking.
Of course this is private matter what someone likes.
This will be only tank, despite his “not amazing gun statistics”, that i will be sad not to have because i am not playing (and i won’t be plyaing) clan wars at all.
Why oh why so many shot ffs thats just stupid
So Scorpion will come with free Fire Extinguishers?
It should come with free Wet Ammo Rack and loader with Safe Stowage perk..
Oooh so much more German playthings for me to collect.
70+ Tanks here I come!
T28 model is slightly wrong modeled. The wooden mockup has the front smoothly rounded. This one looks like the front it’s totally flat and wielded.
Curious about the T-55A, it has no emblem (DDR or otherwise). Also since it comes in green, does that mean the Leo 1 will too?
Yes I know it won’t. One can dream, and download skins.
Also scrolling past that infinite Obj 260 loop I thought I’d become stuck in some kind of wormhole.
got enough IS-7 proto pics?
I really like the T28 Concept…the Scorp, not so much (I don’t mind fragile tanks, but 0 armor? No thanks). I think the Concept will be a great crew trainer for the E3 line.
Except the Panther and the Scorpion, I like them all!
Why is the German T 55A colored green?
because the tanks of east germany (controlled by USSR) was green.
I was sad to see that it was unmarked as well… Was hoping for eastgerman insignia’s:’(
I want that T-55 so badly
What do you get when an is-7 and is-4 get busy in the sack……
Not enough screenshots.
WG gtfo with CW retards tanks …
just what this game needs more Russian and German tanks lol
and its getting near saturation with the American tanks too, but in fairness these yank tanks are at least different to the rest, unlike there Russian and German clone counter parts.
For the love of god WG flesh out the other national lines or rename the game
“WOT-the clone wars”
we want NEW tanks, not copy’s.
I like how the Scorpion literally has an assload of ammunition.
On full display, too, for guesswork-free HE targeting.
SS please don’t do posts like this!
my opera with kind of slower internet almost got a stroke from this…
Stug IV as a premium vehicle… I’m just… speechless. How about making it an alternative for dunno, JpZ IV? Not that Stug IV was used anywhere or anything…
Okay I think you got a little carried away with screenshots (seriously, we don’t need 10-15 screenshots of the same tank, 4-5 would’ve been enough).