9.4 Camo Color Change

Hello everyone,

in patch 9.4, one German camo was changed – it became… lighter. Didn’t see a mention of that in patchnotes, guess it’s not that important. Just interesting.





33 thoughts on “9.4 Camo Color Change

    • Well good thing it doesn’t matter, with the tanks vanishing at a few hundred meters and with the red outlines and the general spotting system… :D

  1. One relatively simple update for the game should be new camo textures. The choices are very limited for certain nations. For WGing this should would help generate $$$, because some of us use gold for permanent camo.

    SS if you have any pull, please ask about this. Sure it’s not much concern for developers, but when has been the last time new camo textures have been put in the game?

  2. I didn’t think it was possible for WG to make that camo any uglier.

    Color me wrong.

  3. Off topic: i tried WoTb today and it actually works fine on android, but what is interesting is that there actually is sixth sense working from 100% radioman, you dont have to have trained skill.

  4. i thought it was just a bug?

    and i think i remember reading something on ftr of a camo bug for german tanks, specifically the yellow orange one!

  5. It’s not a camo anymore. It’s more like these frogs in the dschungle what are so colourful because they are posion. :)

  6. Pingback: Bug v kamuflážích