Winter Mode Hidden Missions Megafail

Hello everyone,

Wargaming really did it this time with the Winter Mode. Behold the latest major fail from the production that brought you the OP SU-76I and the WT E-100!

Basically, when the Winter Mode was announced on RU server, it came with an interesting text:


It says: “…apart from the missions listed above, you will be able to complete also a bunch of hidden missions…”

Hidden missions. Transparency all the way! But wait, it gets better.

It turned out that these hidden missions incorrectly interacted with the open ones, specifically in multiplying the XP and crew XP modificator. The result was that the Winter Mode awarded like 100k crew XP and regular XP in a few missions and Yuri Pasholok on his blog reports that in 3,5 hours of playing, he managed to accumulate 230k XP. Another player reports average 3200 XP per battle each five minutes, for everybody (for a loss, it was 2,6k XP).

This unintended fail lasted until cca 14:00 CET today, by which point some players (since yesterday) managed to accumulate absolutely ridiculous amounts of XP (hundreds of thousands, even millions), including multi-perk crews. Around that time, WG staff removed some of the hidding missions, greatly reducing the XP and crew XP income, creating massive butthurt.

The standard reply was “it’s a fun mode, have fun” and stuff like that. Wargaming as usual. If they have to fuck up on the side of players like that… why can’t they fuck up like that on EU server? :( We’ll get the “detuned” version.

Also, hidden missions mechanism, that’s going to go SO well…

*tinfoil hat on* – or maybe it was…. intentional? After all, all that XP will need to be converted to be of any use…

34 thoughts on “Winter Mode Hidden Missions Megafail

  1. This is why they always make such events start on RU server first. If someone is going to benefit from it, it will only be Russians. Remember British shells hoax?

  2. ye, I was watching russian streamer on twitch yesterday. He played with platoon and he was amused to get so fast leveling crew :D
    Basically, damage done was a key for getting missions done.

  3. Normaly you roll out an update/new stuff to smaller audience of players (even on live servers) and check whether all works as intended before you roll it out to your main audience (RU players).

    However, it isnt the first time RU players can profit from the mess.

  4. I had plans to farm free XP – now probably wont.
    Now only get 6th snese on ACM and back to where gunsrlove still doesnt accept me friend request :D

  5. So… Basically Ruskies got tons of elite (unconverted) XP and Crew XP and rest of the world gets final, “fixed”, working-as-intended version of winter mod, immarite?

    And all that time i kept on telling myself “Ruski bias is lie”.

    Silly me…

  6. I still hope it will be possible to get 1st skill without GRINDING for whole week.
    I hope :P

  7. Lets be realistic 230k crew xp is like what a single set of skills plus ~20% on second skill ?
    Nothing that impressive although i guess an extra crew with sixth sense wouldn’t hurt anyone, now that much free exp on other hand is ridiculous but converting it would cost as much as a T8 premium on discount.

    • On Chaffee race I made crews for T37, M41 Walker Bulldog and T49, each crew ~ 1,5 perk but hey did it in one day, and it makes a difference ;d

      • You will need roughly 210,064 exp from 0% to 100% of First skill
        u can check it by yourself i think that all these fkups are just intentional because lets face it … Russians throw tons of $$$ in their pockets and us ( EU ) (and i don`t wanna say that everyone is like me..) but i don`t and won`t spend money in a game that by time sacrifice i can have all that i want.. and yes is so fking frustrating when u see that on other regions they have “mistakes” of programming that work just in their advantage.. and u got shit… so far in 2 years i`ve seen major fkups that throw on RU tons of gold, credits, xp, tanks.. and on EU we got server crash during CW, rigged fame CW, massive lags/ spikes … and this is why i wont spend money in a game that is not fixed .. just to squeeze more $$$ from players with the idea that on the next patch u`ll get a cookie and the promise that THIS TIME is gonna be different..

        ps. sry if i curse a lot and sry if i did some grammar mistakes.. not my native language.. also SS.. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!

  8. Pingback: Zimní mód: Megafail ruského WG

  9. Why dont they implement after battle detail crew XP scores in a separate tab in the results? The formula to calculate crew XP is far too complicate and it would benefit, both players and WG, if these ones were visible at the end of the match. This is the second time in couple months that they screwed it up with the crew XP — before it was on the premium tanks

    • in EU we have fails too – like missions disappearing. Or community staff that kept on calling player’s talk about E-25′s withdrawal from sale “speculations” some two hours after official note on WG EU portal…

  10. WT E-100 was perfectly balanced tank before nerfs good gun and bad everything else … Right now it has less than average tier X td gun and nothing else to compensate that say camo the same as Jg E-100 which has similar size …. SU-76i was perfectly balanced tank as well usual WG problem not enough interesting premium tanks on particular tier …. E-25 main problem not other interesting tier 7 premiums so everybody buy this one ….

    • WTE100 was originally able to one-clip almost any tier 10 in the game before. It still can, just not as often. You call that “perfectly balanced”?

      SU-76i has around 50mm of armor for a tier 3 tank with limited matchmaking… meaning it has the same frontal armor as the Pz. B2. And it has ~87 penetration. And it moves as fast as the SU-85i. Once again, “perfectly balanced”? I think not.

      As for the E25, I kinda have to agree with you, but eh… at least I have one more reason to keep mine now.

  11. Well, add in the fact that fun mode f***s up certain mods, you have a good measure of WG’s abilities.