Just How Fucked the IM’s Are?

Hello everyone,

as you might have noticed, in last two days, a whole number of threads about errors in World of Tanks individual mission came up. Some of the “bug reports” are simply misunderstood mission parameters, but some are real bugs, the reason of which – my guess – is mistranslation. Check this out, this is a bug, reported to me by Locastan.

TD2 mission, as shown by Locastan, requires you to “damage enemy tank module”:


Locastan did exactly that, yet he was not awarded with the mission reward:


The reason for it is that the mission description is incorrect. You do not have to damage a module, you have to knock it out (not yellow, but red), Russian version has it correct for example. This is but one example, as far as I know there are more missions like this. There are however other really strange things, that are considered bugs, but they are probably a result of some outdated mod. An example can be found here (thanks to Nekojima for pointing this out) – this is how most people see SPG10 mission. Notice the conditions.


And this is what another player reported as the SPG10 conditions:


You can immediately see that the second player is using mods. That is probably why he is seeing the mission condition differently, because the mission on the second picture comes from 9.5 test and was changed ever since. Probably not Wargaming fault.

One thing is for certain however: the IM’s, as they are, are pretty fucked. There is a LOT of confused feedback on Russian and European forums both, Wargaming simply released them with bugs. There are exploits too – one was published on FTR earlier today, another one is that when your mission is to end the battle without any modules damaged, there’s an easy workaround – just die. Get killed, all your modules are destroyed, so they don’t count as damaged. Retarded, right?

Oh well.

51 thoughts on “Just How Fucked the IM’s Are?

  1. Works like intended – signed WG
    best QA around Vladivostok ;)

    somehow… I am not surprised
    I will be when WG will release something without a bug or problem or other complication. I will be… right? They will surprise me one day.

  2. More likely to win the lottery than WG to actually release something bug free
    Edit: thats too often, more likely to become president of america

  3. What is fucked, I can see, is that somebody failed to translate things properly :) Stronk Russian language, hard to translate. As for the rest I don’t know, I’m not super unicorn, but I have had no issue whatsoever completing the missions so far. What is so heart breaking about injuring a crew member with a TD? Just load an HE shell shoot the enemy tank’s turrent once or twice – guarantee injury – and continue playing the battle with standard ammo. This all takes up to 20 second. Alright, WG has failed a little bit again, but is it that bad? No tanks are missing, no things have disappeared. Anyway, line up the whining orchestra and let the crying begin.

      • Luck and skill I would say. Some of them require more luck than skill indeed, but there is nothing fucked about it, is it? I mean, when I watch some epic replays on YT or I download them from wotreplays I can’t say the result are pure skill as the “luck factor” is and must be present otherwise the players would not achieve things like that. The point, however, is that the IMs aren’t fucked up that bad. In fact, they are pretty well made. WG lacks some quality control, but I think they are gonna deal with that issue sooner or later. The sooner the better ofc, cos there is a new religion/cult rising up and its main interest is to produce sort of a soap opera bullshit for people to whine about.

        • New cult rising? Oh you mean the whole internet since it was invented for masses :D

          Like Lenin said about IMs – “Luck, luck and luck”.

        • I’m enjoying the missions so far. About halfway through the first set of 75 so far. Only one temp glitch, on TD-2. Switched to a different mission, came back half an hour later, finished it no problem. On with the show! :)

  4. One of the mods that fuck up the mission descriptions is the YasenKrasen’s session statistic mod, he already posted a fixed version of it that has the new mission texts.

  5. An other potential exploit : If you have to not get an injured crew member or damaged module but your tracks have been damaged (it’s an example), repair them (even if they are not destroyed). That might work.

    • Yea, it does. I with in my Jg pz 4 and then i got tracked so I just repaired it and i was able to get the second condition. (spending 1500 credits to get 25k credits)

  6. Yeah, sometimes it is annoying, but generally it is positive thing that they didn’t wait with publishing IMs, even with some little bugs.

    But ye, always people will be annoyed. Publishing with bugs – OMG BUGS OMG OMG.
    Havok – working on optimising – OMG WAITING WAITING

    Just sayin

    • Well said. I would add that the title of this “news” if we can call it that way is like taken from some satiric, sorry-ass paper with main interest in focusing celebrities and publishing shit like “madona fucked up her hair-style” :) Even if WG decided to give everything for free, people would complain that something misses :)

  7. Did you guys notice that on the havy tank mission #2 , it seas you need to hit a tank from a range of 100 meters! But actualy when you look at the description it seas that you need to hit it from 10 meters -_-

  8. Bug related to mods or not… its still a fuckup…

    The “wrong” objectives should have been removed from the client/server entirely….

    It’s totally lazy and fucking incompetent to think “oh.. Description A is wrong, I know.. I won’t bother re-writing the description, I’ll make a Description A(1) instead and code that in…”

    That used to be an official warning offence in my old job…..

    • Are you sure? I might be wrong, but I think it’s not like you describe and the incorrect descriptions are actually not anywhere in the vanilla client (or on the server), but by installing the mod you’re basically replacing the file containing descriptions with an older (incorrect) version. No WG fault, in other words.

    • Why is it a fuckup? They do NOT sanction ANY of the mods in ANY way. If YOU put an aftermarket product on your car and the aftermarket product borks your car it is YOUR fault or the aftermarket product-makers fault, NOT the car-manufacturers fault. What the hell is wrong with your brain?

  9. I still wonder how WG managed to finish WOT. Maybe they started this in 1995 or something. Everything they had done, they did slowly and full of bugs. If it’s gonna be full of bugs, at least do it faster

  10. “Get killed, all your modules are destroyed, so they don’t count as damaged.”
    Incorrect, that is true only if you drown yourself – that’s why you pay more for repairs. But if you die there is good chance that you won’t get any module damage in the process, especially on lower tiers where you die in 2 or 3 shots.

    MT-12 mission has also bad translation: It states that your platoon needs to get 3 kills, but the truth is you need to get 3 kills while in a platoon.

    • Nope, you are wrong.

      My Achilles was destroyed by enemy shot. Regular death, no drowning, no crash, no ammorack or burning to death. Plain and simple enemy removal of my HP (Chi To did it).

      Finished BOTH Primary and Secondary conditions on TD-2 mission.

      Have screenshot of after battle report , if in doubt.

  11. Towards the thing with remain unspotted the whole battle.. i think its bugged even harder as i had an ams 13 75 shooting at me from 15m distance while not killing me and i still got the reward for remaining unspotted…

    • i think the TD-10 is also bugged I got the full reward even when I was spotted … and shot at. ( lucky me ;) )

  12. Missions are bugged:

    TD Mission 3 or 4?
    “kill a tank and stay hidden after this”
    I took my fancy 110e4 … drive into battle.

    2 enemy remain.
    1 is a 110e5
    1 is a artillery on other side of map

    i shoot the e5 and he dies………..
    about 15~20 sec later the game ends since artillery died.

    mission accomplished?

    Okay just to sum it up:
    kill- hide – gg – fail.

    ++++ wargaming :)

    • I somehow doubt that if you see enemy E5 and shoot he won’t spot your huge no-camo E4. And that’s exactly what you have to accomplish.

  13. Arty missions… completed with honor. Wow, I lived to see that. There’s huge honor in playing arty.

  14. ps. “hide after that” good way to let ppl run in corner of map or kill them self ;)
    gg wg… gg

  15. Ok the missions really took away the fun I had. As if World of Tanks isn’t enough of a grindfest already. I’m stuck at the bloody ‘kill a light tank’ mission, and it’s driving me insane. It feels like I have to suicide just to kill a light tank fast, it’s STUPID.

    • Basically, wg forces players to do counterproductive BS, so level of randoms dropped hard and way below normal cesspit level. And everyone with even two working braincells saw this disaster coming when the requirements were first published. Fantastic Update wg, as always.

  16. It seems that someone has got a bit but-hurt towards IM’s. Too bad
    I believe most people are still enjoying them. Only thing which is changed is that some people are now blaming IM’s for every bad team player instead of presuming them just tomatoes automatically.

  17. The text variation between the two might not be due to players, WG has been “Fixing” errors in them, changes are happening daily to make the description fit the mission, sadly its like they are not changing them until users start bitching about it.

  18. LOL the last screenshot, ” Cause damage to an enemy SPG that has not been spotted”

    If that was on the live server, imagine how hard that would be to complete.

  19. it’s dmg module AND injure 1 crew member, that’s why derp FV is the best!
    yes missions are fucked up in description, but for fucks sakes only now i see scouts cannot scout because there are no maps to scout!
    4000 spot dmg? where the fuck, i can do that on malinovka and fiery assailant perhaps, but the rest of the maps are a no no ,maybe steppes! and after 4+ hours of playing scouts, no malinovka!

  20. Whenever I complete a mission I get “MissionRewardToken/Reward/QuestComplete/Quest” for all words instead of whatever mission I was doing

  21. Why get yourself killed and have all your modules knocked out – i.e. damaged and lose the mission, when you can just run around with a pair of premium consumables and simply pop them before a battle ends, ensuring you’re crit free(and by the amounts WG is throwing around, nobody can bitch and moan that they don’t have a first aid and repair kit handy).

  22. I dont use mods at all and my info is wrong the entire time, i am lucky if i even get the mission done going after the text. But then again i think they just use google translate to turn it in to Swedish.

    TD 2 secondary i got after losing my ammorack…

    When you get invited to a platoon it says “nbjudan” instead of “inbjudan” wich it should be and at the crew description for exp and what not it says “increse the fortification exp by 50%” instead of “increse crew exp by 50%” and stuff like that. It is just a mess.