0.9.6 Supertest LT Changes

Source: gamemodels3d.com


- hitpoints buffed from 580 to 590
- shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by 10 and 12 percent (for stock and elite suspension)
- stock turret: 57mm 55-57FG reload buffed from 3s to 2,9s, 76mm 54-76T reload buffed from 3,7s to 3,5s
- elite turret: 57mm 55-57FG reload buffed from 2,8s to 2,6s, 76mm 54-76T reload buffed from 3,4s to 3,2s, 76mm 54-76T with autoloader clip reload buffed from 10s to 9s


- hitpoints buffed by 20 hp
- shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by 12 and 12,5 percent (for stock and elite suspension)
- stock turret:
76mm 54-76T with autoloader clip reload buffed from 8,7s to 8,2s
85mm 56-85JT reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,2s, accuracy buffed from 0,38 to 0,37
- elite turret:
76mm 54-76T with autoloader clip reload buffed from 8,7s to 8,2s
85mm 56-85JT reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,2s, accuracy buffed from 0,38 to 0,37
85mm 62-85T reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,5s
85mm 64-85T reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,5s
100mm 59-100T reload buffed from 9,3s to 8,7s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, accuracy buffed from 0,39 to 0,38


- hitpoints buffed by 50 (stock) and 100 (elite)
- shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by cca 12,5 percent (for stock and elite suspension)
- stock turret:
85mm 64-85T reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,5s
85mm 64-85TG reload buffed from 5,7s to 5,5s
100mm 59-100T reload buffed from 9,1s to 8,5s
- elite turret:
85mm 64-85T reload buffed from 5,5s to 5,4s
85mm 64-85TG reload buffed from 5,5s to 5,4s
100mm 59-100T reload buffed from 8,9s to 8,3s, aimtime buffed from 2,7s to 2,5s, accuracy buffed from 0,39 to 0,38, shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 12,5 percent
100mm 60-100T reload buffed from 8,5s to 7,9s, shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 12,5 percent

Aufklärungspanzer Panther

- stock terrain resistance buffed from 0,8/0,9/2 to 0,8/0,9/1,8
- elite terrain resistance buffed from 0,7/0,8/1,8 to 0,7/0,8/1,6
- elite turret viewrange buffed from 390 to 400
- 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 reload time buffed from 3,4 to 3,3s
- 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 17 percent

T21 Light Tank

- hitpoints buffed by 10
- stock terrain resistance buffed from 1/1,2/2,1 to 0,9/1,1/1,9
- elite terrain resistance buffed from 0,9/1/1,7 to 0,8/0,9/1,5
- shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by 12,5 percent (for stock and elite suspension)
- 75mm M3 reload buffed from 3,8s to 3,5s, accuracy buffed from 0,46 to 0,44
- 6pdr Mk.III accuracy buffed from 0,43 to 0,41
- 76mm M1A1 reload buffed from 3,8s to 3,3s, accuracy buffed from 0,43 to 0,41, shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 25 percent
- 76mm M1A2 reload buffed from 3,3s to 3,2s, aimtime buffed from 2,3 to 2,1s, shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 17 percent

T37 Light Tank

- elite turret viewrange nerfed from 390 to 385
- 76mm T94 shot dispersion from moving turret nerfed by 50 percent
- 76mm T91 shot dispersion from moving turret nerfed by 50 percent, accuracy nerfed from 0,36 to 0,38

M41 Walker Bulldog

- Stock turret:
76mm T91 reload nerfed from 3,1s to 3,3s
76mm M32 reload nerfed from 3,8s to 4,5s
76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 34s to 38s

- Elite turret:
76mm T91 reload nerfed from 3s to 3,3s
76mm M32 reload nerfed from 3,3s to 4,1s
76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 32s to 36s
76mm M32 Late reload nerfed from 3,5s to 4,3s


- shot dispersion (accuracy on the move) buffed by 25 percent (for stock and elite suspension)
- 76mm M1A2 aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2,1s
- 76mm T185 aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2,1s

T-54 Light

- hitpoints buffed by 50
- stock terrain resistance buffed from 0,9/1/1,6 to 0,9/1/1,1
- elite terrain resistance buffed from 0,7/0,9/1,4 to 0,7/0,8/1,2
- 100mm D-10T reload buffed from 8,2s to 7,6s, aimtime buffed from 2,9s to 2,7s, shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 33 percent
- 100mm D-10T Model 1945 reload buffed from 8s to 7,5s, aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2,2s, shot dispersion from turning the turret buffed by 33 percent


Stock turret:
- 45mm 20K reload buffed from 2,1s to 2, aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2,2s, accuracy buffed from 0,46 to 0,44
- 45mm VT-43 reload buffed from 2,1s to 2s

Elite turret:
- 45mm 20K reload buffed from 2,1s to 2, aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2,1s, accuracy buffed from 0,46 to 0,44
- 45mm VT-43 reload buffed from 2,1s to 2s
- 37mm Sh-37 clip reload buffed from 45,7s to 40s
- 57mm ZIS-3 reload buffed from 2,7s to 2,4s, aimtime buffed from 2,3s to 2,1s

124 thoughts on “0.9.6 Supertest LT Changes

    • Typical WG nerf. From overpowered piece of shit, turned into an useless piece of shit.

    • what about type 62?
      its seriously underpowered compared to any other t7 light tank
      not like it can’t be played, i have great games in it, but if theres a slight chance to get a buff.. i’d be happy

    • - Elite turret:
      76mm T91 reload nerfed from 3s to 3,3s
      76mm M32 reload nerfed from 3,3s to 4,1s
      76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 32s to 36s
      76mm M32 Late reload nerfed from 3,5s to 4,3s

      So, M32 Late now has worse DPM than M32? The heck?

      And dang, that is one big nerf.

    • I can accept nerf for RoF, but why dispersion? Isn’t shooting while moving an advantage for US LTs?

      • Honestly, I don’t really think many/any light tanks need buffed much but I can see I am in the minority. The French autoloaders definitely don’t though.

          • I personally don’t think the T71 needs it either. Light tanks are already nightmares in the right hands and these buffs will make them even more prevalent with statpadders.

            • Most tanks are a nightmare to their enemies, when in right hands. Lights need way better hands than other classes though.

          • Why? I am not saying you’re wrong but I would like to know why. I played both and never saw a problem with them.

            • 12t is slow as all hell and has horrible gun control, the autoloader is the only thing that saves it. It’s worse than the T37 in every way, so there is no reason not to buff it when stuff like the T21 and 59-16 get buffed.
              13 75 is an uptiered 12t with slightly better mobility, it has always been strictly worse than the T71 in absolutely every single parameter except like 2% better camo. If they buff the T71, but leave the 13 75 as is it is another sign of the utter incompetence of WG.

              • I don’t really agree on you that the 12t, 13 75, or the T71 needs buffs, but I do agree on the strange logic in buffing only the T71 the best out of the three for its tier.

                I doubt it is WG incompetency and more it has to do with them wanting more players to use gold on the french line, or something to that effect.

              • 12t is excellent passive scout. 6 sense, camo skill, camo net, binocs, vents and visual camo painting – sit in a “strategic” bush and don’t shoot -> profit. But there is one problem. It is only a passive scout, it’s useless other way, so it needs some rebalance. And today randoms are problematic for passive scouts – ppl want you to yolo rush, or worse, they simply ignore the targets you light up. 13/75 is really nice, my first tank with mark of excellence, I think only the pen buff should happen. 13/90 needs stab ;) It’s strange logic to buff T71 and leave the frenchies untouched, as it’s better than them…

              • 59-16 is a passive scout that has bad view range for one. Also, it has the lowest penetration of all tier 6 LTs except the VK 2801, which uses a derpy 105. Although being far more mobile than other tier 6 LTs, it still deserves a buff

        • 59-16 has no problem penetrating many common high-tier vehicles from the side or the rear as long as you shoot the right place.
          But when against vehicles like Tiger II, IS-6 or KV-5 it has zero chance since even their rear armor is above 85mm…

          • they should buff it to be on par with the amx 12t penetration values or at least somwhere close, about what you say it is fun to run around with the auto loader killing “paper tanks” however a light is also a flanker and you cant be very effective in that role with that kind of penetrion even with gold ammo

            • Although I have a 59-16 myself, I think buffing its penetration to 120mm+ will make it very very overpowered, since it already has great camo stats and excellent mobility.
              AMX 12t is not very mobile for a light tank so a high-pen autoloader gun is somewhat justified.
              And flanking with 59-16? It isn’t meant to be a speedy medium at all!
              Indeed it can circle some heavies and TDs with ease but it’s not designed to dogfight and deal damage in a tier 9 match anyway.
              However, I just can’t understand why wg has chosen to buff its reload time…This is totally meaningless.

              • I agree with ur reload buff opinion. I think it should get a aim time buff instead (2.3sec for an LT that only uses its gun while moving?)

      • 59-16 dosent need a pen buff, it is clearly ok pen. Just use the stock gun (even thought it dosent look as good as the autoloader) but in anycase, dont use autoloader on it.

  1. Oh my F____ God! Some good news after all those BS IM!

    Awful Pather: Seems that we need to change it’s name! Hell yeah baby!
    T-21: Looks quite good, will think about getting it again.
    M41 Bulldog: Interesting nerfs. Will see is it still OP.
    T-71: My god, Dat Fire on the move Accuracy with lower Aim time! With Vert Stabs this is pretty much the old T57 Heavy’s gun.
    T-54 LW: Better than nothing, but still outclass by pretty much any T8 LT gun. A little bit more Mobility buff will be better I’d say.
    MT25: The good old 57mm will be god like, my god it’s actually botherline OP now with the improved mobility.

    Frenchie need some love, though. Thankfully I’d never bother playing them.

      • And now T57 is underpowered.
        I mean, it’s not a bad tank. But why did they make the gun handling so much worse?
        It’s slow, it has some decent armor, ok, and the quick reloading magazine is nice, but now it completly depends on RNG if you hit something or the right place to penetrate. AMX 50B is the better choice today and it seems to be getting even better with the HD rework while the T57 Heavy will most likely lose a some of its armor.
        The last time I got killed by the T57 was some gold only orange with a shitload of luck.

    • First at all, yeah i think this is the first rebalancing for a long time (the last being the Tiger H buff and minor nerf to bring it to a balanced level) that really makes an intelligent impression. The new US lights are just to OP as they are, mostly used by naps not to scout put doing 300-400 dmg without a spot or kill, to boost their WN8 rating.

      At second: Aufkl. Panther isn’t awful, it is awesome. The problem is that too many ppl drive it e.g. like the VK28.01 or any other real light scout tank. Aufkl Panther is a light-medium hybrid (40:60) and needs to be driven like that. Coming with nearly 500 games from my beloved 2801, it only took me ~60 games to get it elited/unlock the RU251. 64% WR, 2 avg spot, some 800 avg dmg dealt und 500 assisted and so on with an ok WN8 of 2.150. Setup: Konisch with standard AP only, rammer/vents/optics. It is ideal to hunt too far driving scouts from the enemy team, shooting at one whilst chasing the second one and ram him to death.

      • The purpose of a light tank isn’t solely to scout… It’s funny how you say the Aufkl isn’t a real scout tank yet then in the same breath insist that the US light tanks should only be used for scouting.

        The only light tank tier 5 or above that is not multipurpose is the MT-25 imo, gun is weak. The days of the dedicated tier 5 scout light tank are long gone, if they ever existed at all.

        • 59-16 begs to differ. It’s so much scout, that comparing any other light against it, results in classing the other light as a medium tank.

          • This is BS. The autoloader mauls other same tier light tanks.

            If I can deal more damage in it than it has HP every battle then it’s clearly capable of damage dealing.

        • 3Form, you should reread and work upon your text understanding…i DID spot and assist dmg with Aufkl Panther, whilst most currently driven new US LT dont spot anything at all.

          • “the new US lights are just to OP as they are, mostly used by naps not to scout”

            Here you are saying people should be scouting with them rather than damage dealing. I’m saying all light tanks can and should deal damage, they have guns. Light tanks can spot too – but so can 400m view range medium tanks…

            Sorry but I get really pissed off with players that expect me to suicide scout with my light tanks every game. I have over 900 average assist in the Bulldog for what it’s worth.

            M41 is third highest in average radio assist according to vb addict. Please mate, give the US lights a go. If you like the Aufkl you will absolutely love them. It took WG ages to get LTs right and now they look set to cripple them again.

  2. well the french got neglected which is a a shame considering even before the introduction of the new light tanks they were considered to be the weakest of the light tanks. (im talking about the AMX 13 75 and the AMX 12T because as far as ive seen the AMX 13 90 is still fine)
    Although im happy to see they didnt mess with my LTTB :) because i really like that little tank.

  3. Well Aufklärungspanzer Panther is new king of tier 7 lights. RIP bulldogs non autoloading gun. Dmp will be completly shit (remeber that he cant use gun rammer). Time to think about using autoloader.

    • I think that autoloader is mostly what makes Bulldog the best tier 7 light tank, so I guess it will be fine even with 4 secs longer reload on the clip.

      • its actually better without the autoloader… as an all round tank…

        The autoloader is only superior when you find a lone arty or TD and flank… if there’s 2 enemy you need to be much more careful ….

        • Do you take advice from super-unica? If yes, then listen here: Be quiet because you don’t know what you’re talking about. The autoloader is far better.

          • Penis. You had enough games in KV-1S? T67? Derp M4, Derp Hetzer, Tetrarch??? Be quiet.

            Autoloader got worse gun depression.
            3s reload vs 2s reload? Emptying 10 round clip takes long time. Any time spent mid clip without continuous fire is wasted time.
            Better soft stats on single shot gun.
            Obvious choice.

            Nerf to 4.3s makes DPM down to 2.3k. How many years did I wait for Chaffee line extension?

      • the autoloader is even worse now. most of the times you cant dump all your 10 shots in a volley which leaves you with the option to attack with 3 shots or wait half minute.
        i find t71′s autoloader way way waaay better in most situation. enought burst to make a change and short enough reload not to be useless most of the time.

  4. Wow, AwfulPanther is getting some love… I should think of working second crew on it. Maybe even i’ll punish those gals and put them there :P …

    And MT-25, surprisingly – it’s not a bad tank, contrary to common opinion.

    Murrican lights had it coming, although it’s surprisingly soon for a nerf, by WG standards :) .

  5. “76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 34s to 38s for stock turret”
    “76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 32s to 36s for elite turret”
    wow, did you hear anybody crying in chat that the bulldog autoloader is OP? I didn’t.

    • Yeah noone cried because those driving it won’t for sure put WG’s attention to it…and for the rest of the community it is absolutely obvious.

  6. i knew this nerf would come one day, bulldog was such a fine tank, now he will be weakened by WG!

  7. Ohh, how exciting, combine those buffs with overall view range nerfs and I may consider a little comeback to speed around in my WZ-131 again. <3

    Lack of AMX 12t/1375 buffs is odd though, they need it the most out of all LTs.

  8. Who in his right mind would ever choose now impotent M41 over the truly OP soviet T7 scout ?

  9. T-54 LT will be still shit no matter how they buff it. That tank is somewhat hybrid of medium and light. There is no point of having good armour on a LT, that armour is useful only on 1vs1 combat with lower tier lights.

  10. i know bulldog is OP, but a FUCKING 4 SECOND RELOAD?!? it only does 150 alpha!

    Serb almighty, say it aint so!

    Even with its reload nerf, autoloader might be better after this…

    3.5 would be livable…

  11. T37 Light Tank
    - 76mm T91 shot dispersion from moving turret nerfed by 50 percent, accuracy nerfed from 0,36 to 0,38

    Hahahaha….. people won’t use T37 anymore for SH / CW Campaign. It’s over for you, dude. Crommies will be the best choice, after all

    M41 Walker Bulldog
    - Stock turret:
    76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 34s to 38s
    - Elite turret:
    76 mm T91E5 clip reload nerfed from 32s to 36s

    I’m quite surprised that they didn’t touch its accuracy or shot dispersion, though. It doesn’t feel a nerf at all. Just need to run away longer.

    Bulldog still OP. Don’t worry guys!

    • T37 will still have god like gunhandling compared to Cromwell, also its only when turning turret by 50%, which means it should still be really good. My bulldog will still laugh in everyone’s faces though :D (always used the awesomeloader ;) )

      • but T-54Lwt is a bit too slow for me to play as a LT…and the armour isn’t that useful anyway….also the gun selections on 132 is better

    • for me 132 is still the king of T8LT. this tank shoots like a t-62 on the move. with the otm dispersion buff it will be godlike.

      • Agreed to this… acc on the move is already awesome. I love the 132… 56% WR and often 2K damage in tier 10 games. Better reload? thank you! Ive always played with the 85mm, hands down the best gun, but now the 100mm becomes quite a valid alterntive as it is buffed much more.

  12. 59-16 with 57mm….hyper machine gun? Seriously, 2.6s reload before you add the vents & possibly BIA? And on the gun that actually has a chance of penning something? Oh, HELL yes.

  13. finally a T37 and Bulldog nerf. I Was waiting for that. Anyway, where is the 13 75 buff? That thing needs it more than any of the other tanks did…maybe except of awfulpanther.

  14. In all sincerity, I feel that the WZ-132 might even be OP after this. I own it and love mine to death, but even more HP and better gun handling plus more dpm? Could be over the top. Yes, it was outclassed by the Ru251, but I would have rather expected an increase in alpha damage (from 250 to 280 with the 100mm) than this.

    Good news, but a little over the top in my book.

  15. Where are the AMX 13 75 and especially the 13 90 buffs? Those two tanks are so powercreeped to death, its not even funny. T71 made both obsolete already, but these new Lights must be laughing their collective asses off.

    Is that Wargamings idea of nerfing the so-called OP BatChat, by making the way to it the most painful gaming experience since Daikatana?

  16. Hmm, bulldog accuracy on the move stayed the same, autoloader reloads a mere 4s longer… I don’t care, I’ll still wreck shit in it :D (always prefered the autoloader anyway)

  17. Screw WG man.. NERF the Bulldog? WTF? The fluncking ammo rack needs a fix! It is notorious for getting an easy ammo rack and it sucks for that..

    Then they are NERFING the reload time?

    • Holy crap, 23% nerf to Bulldog ROF? Nerfed from 2.9k down to 2.3k DPM (with all equipment/crew-skills)?

      WTF Wargaming? You finally make lights properly competitive and not totally gimped by reducing MM spread and putting in some decent new tanks, only to take away with the other hand?

      What a fucking joke. Lower the MM spread and then nerf the tanks? Zero fucking sum.

  18. The 59-16 tank could use some love in the penetration department, the other buffs are sure nice but that penetration value of 85mm on either one of the 76mm is garbage. You could say to use the 57mm however its not that much of an improvement and the targets that you could kill with the auto takes longer with the 77mm despite the “superior” penetration (only 112mm).
    I would like them to buff it to around 140 or so on the 76mm. Now you could say that it would be op but no the amx 12t has got an auto loader with i think 1 more shell in the magazine but does 144mm of penetration i mean that is just not fair.
    What you guys think about this? :D

  19. Pingback: Supertest: Změny u scoutů v 9.6

  20. I own LT from every lines except Germans. Good to see that some of them receiving love <3

    Well, and nerf to bulldogs and T37 are expected. I am expecting an shot between clip reload nerf for Bulldog's autloader, but they nerfed the entire clip reload instead. Seeing that they harshly nerfed the normal gun, I think autoloader would be the primary way to go for later.

    Now it's time to start the wz-131 grind!

  21. Pingback: WoT: Veränderungen der Leichten Panzer im Supertest 9.6 › ZockerOnkel

  22. Good job WG I expected little bit more for the WZ132 but it will stay worse than RU and even the T-54lt. the reload on the 100mm 60-100T should be buffed to 7.5 than the tank would be usable again :( will wait when the new german T7 light will come and make RU than… really sad that they dont know what to do with their own game.

    • Can’t tell, I have just RU251, it has great camo, good rate of fire. Rest is killed by soft stats. It doesn’t feel agile, 80kmh top speed can’t be reached on flat terrain (bad terrain resistance) – don’t even expect to escape from 16hp/ton obj140. On the move accuracy is bad, shell speed feels like tier 5-6 mediums so hitting fast medium on the move is hard and slow aiming combined with poor gun depression makes you easy target. For me it was perhaps the most difficult tank to play (not counting completely underpowered mid tier tanks).
      When I played type62 after long pause i suddenly started to have good games much more frequently and damage/xp/income per game increased.

  23. Pingback: Zmiany czołgów lekkich w 9.6

  24. Would WG be so kind and buff the Type 62 same way as the WZ-131 is buffed?

    It would be fair since the Type 62 is the stock version of the WZ-131.

  25. I have a t37 and almost researched the bulldog… and they just nerf it…. and buff every other light tank…

  26. My thought, as a light tank player
    (most played tank type, I think over 8000games in light 16k over all)

    -RU 251 is fine as it is.
    -1390, 1375 and 12t. are fine as they are. Still most used in competive play, so they are fine. It certainly dosent need stabilator, as shooting on the move accurately is more of other T8 light tank thing.
    -WZ-132 a little buff is in orer as was/is clearly weakest of current T8 lights. Really awesome that WG buffs 85mm gun as not all use the T9 gun on this one. This is my favorite tank of T8 lights, so a buff is in order.
    -T54 LW. Nice to see a little buff to this one. =)

    T6-7 Lights, well they are not used in company/StrongHold/ESL, so… WG can do what tehy want..

    This small buff to lights + Dispersion nerf to all (so speed will be a bit better defence than now) + the little nerf to T10 other tank type view range. Conclusion: T8 light will be much more fun to play. I hope all thease will come asap. But this is solely my opinnion as light tank lover.

    PS. one thing I would have done, take out MT-25 and put back my favorite tank T-50-2 back!!

    • The French do very much need a buff, 13 90 just needs a little better aimtime/ accuracy on the move 12t and 75 need massive buffs though, far worse than all other lights by far. (I’ve played all lights but the Chinese, and new Russian tier 7/8)

    • With all these buffs, I’d go as far as saying that the MT-25 is currently better than the t-50-2. But if you want it back so much, you can go play the LTTB. It’s practically a bigger, better version.

  27. Wargaming: “Look at this fantastic new tank!”
    Clan leaders: “Wow, that’s great! let’s use it for skirmishes!”
    Wargaming: “What are you doing? it’s been winning too much so we’re nerfing it”

    seriously, the T37 did need a nerf, but 50 percent? what kind of bullshit is this? even with vert stab, snapshot and smooth ride I still miss about 45-50% of my shots on the move, and now they’re nerfing it even more?

  28. tht m41 nerf with m32 late is really cruel. from 3,5 to 4,3 seconds. now we have to use that autoloader which is 3 times heavier than m32late. thx god i’m on the halfway for t49, i hope i can resarch is before this patch.

    but i have to admit that m41 was OP.

    and i’m happy to see my 132′s reload time and HP is buffed. now i can fight head on with other lights :)

  29. LOL so buffing Aufklärungspanzer Panther so u can later remove it? well played WG…

  30. Those are not buffs for the Awful. Barely farking anything. 1% dpm increase? 10 meter view range? 0.02% terrain resistance? BS.

  31. When something is fun to play like the M41 Bulldog, retards call over powered. WT Auf. E100 is over powered as you don’t stand a chance vs this piece of crap.

    M41 requires a lot of skill to play it effectively. It can die very fast, it blows up a lot, the ammorack dies almost instantly after getting the smallest shot anywhere. It doesn’t forgive any mistakes and it has horrible accuracy.

    And still, because good players do good in it, tomatoes will call this tank over powered.

    SO, whine more, then WG makes it a second hellcat and it will be unplayable, then crying babes will be happy, right ?

    Every single tank which I enjoy playing is getting destroyed because of fucking red imbeciles crying on the forums. If it keeps going this way and WG will listen to such red dead brains with 44% win ratio, then I am just gonna fucking quit this game.

    Always have to carry these scrubs because they die in 1st minute of the game. Now every tank which enjoy playing is getting fucked up.

    FV215b 183 – ”We are getting one shot because we play like total morons, WG nerf! This is OP!”

    Hellcat – ”We drive like total morons through the middle of an open field and we cannot see shooting hellcat in the bushes!. WG! Nerf this OP shit!”

    E25 – ”It’s too good for a premium vehicle! WG nerf!”

    and now, bulldog ? The only tank I still enjoy playing is the ELC AMX and it’s already after nerf.

    This is just really sad that WG is listening to these 44% win ratio scrubs.