Straight Outta Supertest: 9.7 First Info

Hello everyone,

a few hours ago, first iteration of 9.7 did hit the supertest server (unnoticed, as everyone is going mental about the physics). A few bits of information before the flood is released tomorrow:

- apparently, 9.7 will contain only 5 HD remodel tanks: ELC AMX, E-100, Jagdpanzer E-100, IS-4 and T26E4
- Super Pershing armor got apparently nerfed AGAIN based on the first look, but this is unclear yet
- several new vehicles are in the files: Polish T-34/85 “Rudy”, IS-2 Berlin, ISU-122S Berlin, Cromwell Berlin – no idea what the last three are for, but they are not regular premiums
- according to private Storm’s comments on supertester forum, VK3002DB stats suck and it will be buffed

All for now. Funny thing though – yesterday, supertesters reported a new “city” map appeared on supertest… and today the “Berlin” vehicles. My guess? Some special event mode for the 70th anniversary, perhaps commemorating the post-war Berlin military parade?

111 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: 9.7 First Info

      • I hope they say that again, if it’s nerfed even more I want to get rid of that thing…

        • i wouldnt mind to get the gold back for a tank that i earned by mission :D though i like the SP at the moment.. got a pretty nice 58% in it and it earns a nice amount of money :)

    • not so super pershing needs a huge buff and removal from store…its been through too much abuse :,(

    • they need to, with its weak gun and slow speed its only defense is the armor. which they remove every single time they touch the tank. Hope they offer a freaking refund, i love mine but if they nerf the armor again even big derpy russian 122mms could start to pen with out aiming.

      SS any more news on the M56 Scorpion?

      • The accuracy of the 122mm with 175mm penetration is terrible even when fully aimed. You practically have to stick the end of the barrel into the weakspot or you could just try and get to the side of the superpershing and easily penetrate that instead.

        Of course the great Stalin guides the shots frequently especially for bad players so that you can snapshot the turret section above the spaced armour or snipe the front of the superpershing and somehow hit the small (for the D-25-T shitgun) weakspots on the turret or hull.

        Just sacrifice enough goats to Stalin and Serb and it will happen.

        • 25% chance to hit the weakspots at a distance with 122 soviet canons, i might miss some shots but eventually it will hit!
          sp so weak i’m not even playing it, keeping it and waiting for a miracle!

      • 122mm guns pen you? then you are def. doing something wrong Sir. I laugh at those guns with my super P….

        • I rebought this flaming turd after selling it for gold the first go around. What a mistake that was. If it’s nerfed again I am going to sell it for credits. What a joke.

  1. Hey SS..When will they add the new faction Checzh.This year? And do you think they will finish that tree before they add other factions?

  2. Ah good, another Super P nerf.
    Because it really needs it, being overpowered as shit as the tank is.

    Also impressed at the “huge number” of HD tanks, but then, it IS only supertest. Mebbe more will be ready before public test.

  3. This is like reading the same newspaper day after day… It gets boring after a while, we need some real action. Like, SerB getting arrested by Belarussian KGB for mass fraud against Belarussian people and sent to Petak Island… XD

  4. Aaaawww yisss can’t wait for 3002 DB buff…I’m griding through it right now and, I mean it’s not bad but there surely is some space for improvements :)

    • VK3002DB stats suck? No way, 132 mm penetration on tier VII is to OP, I think it needs to be nerfed.

            • Seems so ;)

              Check his stats with VK DB: 250 games 58% win and 1.18k avg dmg

              although he is a better player than me (According to overall stats), I managed to play my vk db with l70: 160 games 62% win 1.3k avg dmg.


              seriously just try it with l70, its a totally different tank and surprisingly useable.

        • Comet has turret armor. VK does not.
          Comet has excellent gun depression. VK does not.
          Comet has great camo. VK does not.
          Comet has great mobility. VK does not.

          Granted, the VK is lacking those in small quantities, but that’s 4 very important characteristics that the Comet has over the VK, hence why Comet is commonly regarded as one of the best tier 7 mediums.

          • “Comet has turret armor.”

            What Comet? Still talking about Comet in WoT? Hmmm, where exactly is that thing called “armor” on Comet’s turret? I have complete British MT line but Comet has no armor. More precisely, it has no armor that would act a shell stopper. It’s just a frame to prevent the turret from collapsing from its own weight. Armor is pretty different thing.

        • If you want to play a solid medium with L70, play VK 3002M or VK 3001D.

          VK 3002 DB is meant to be played with 88. Hell i played that thing back when l70 had like 138(?) pen and got in T10 matches. Its a very classic medium, that relies on flanking. If toptier you can also actually use you armor, which is nice for a T7 med, also the 88 is the better choice for this. It also excels at brawling, due to its alpha.

          • u know that theres a difference in gunstats between all those tanks.

            Same gun name =/= same gun handling/”same” gun.

            The vk db with l70 and big turret (cause of increase of rof)= very nice tank, often underestimated. Using the 8.8 on the other hand turns it into an useless vehicle as a tier 7 med/heavy, that slow, with 132 pen is just dumb. The vk can make big use of l70s pen and rof while flanking.

            • The aimtime and accuracy are exactly the same for tier 6 VK 3002M and VK 3002D. RoF differs only by 0,7rpm, but its a whole tier lower.

              If you use the big turret, you might aswell use the 8.8, because you rely on flanking even with 150 pen. What tank you can reliable penetrate with the 7,5, that you cant with the 8.8?

              You get alpha, DPM and better overmatching capabilities with the 8.8 aswell. Couple that with the ability to track with a single shot (Alpha!) and you get a very good armored T7 med brawler. Also worth a notice: usable HE rounds, in times of many paper tanks extremly usefull (Hellcat, RHM, WT Pz IV, M56, Nashorn, AMX 13 series, almost all arties).

              But I can agree, its actually easier to play it with the L70. You may consider the L/56 if you have the skills to use it to its full potential, because it only works good if you are a very good player – but then it provides the best flexibility.

              • Well u wonderfully proof how u have no clue about the basic game mechanics:
                - module dmg doesnt depend on alpha but on gun caliber (Of course it still goes for the 8.8, but not because of higher alpha and its just 100 vs 119, so not much of an advantage)
                -overmatch with 8.8: good luck finding a target with 8.8 2532 he dpm vs l70:2625)
                -Alpha and dpm(2025 vs 2063.6, such an advantage) of the 8.8 arent really of use as u will struggle to pen most tier7+ tanks, dont even to mention tier 9 heavys side armor
                -theres more to gun stats than just acc/aimtime and rof ;) But how should a tomatoes know. (And and just so u know: l70 wins there over 8.8 too: faster flying shells (925 vs773) better accs while turning the turret.)

                -> before trying to argue, you should get ur facts straight. And please dont talk about skill when u make so many wrong claims.

                • Check my account.

                  1. so it has higher module damage, nice of you to confirm that
                  2. it has better overmatching capability, nice of you to confirm that
                  3. it has more HE pen 44 vs 38, nice of you to confirm that
                  4. it has more AP DPM, nice of you to confirm that
                  Alpha is also important or would you deny that?
                  5. which T7 tank? Tiger P, T29, KV3? Even with 7.5 you need to go for weakspots most of the time.
                  6. which tier 9 heavy side armor? Can all be penetrated with 8.8.
                  7. So it flies faster, wow. As I said, you rely on flanking and brawling, so it is a non issue.

                • sry, but this is getting to dumb to waist more time with u. Pls call me again, when u learned the basics.

                  Ps: just check ur stats on vk db, they suck compared to ur overall stats. Now compare em with my stats on vk db (see above for em)


                  PPs: u asked for me to check ur stats…(before u start crying about statsflame)

                • Dude, I played VK DB(yes DB) vs fucking T10s and IS-4(at T9) like 2 or 3 years ago. Like I said in a older reply.

                  That was before any buffs on VK DB, before the accuracy buff, before the L70 pen buff, before the RoF buffs (both guns had way lower dpm), before physics. Hell the upgraded turret weighs more the 4 fucking tons more than the stock one, can you imagine? That was a horrible tank back then. I am still glad that i reached the T8 Panther (yes, T8…) instead of quitting.

                • Not on my account, no. I played a couple of matches on a friends account and liked the 88 way more then the 75. But I was quite surprised how many tanks you can actually penetrate easily with it, after the nightmare couple of years ago.

          • That gun is just inferior to any other cannon availiable at tier 7. The L56 has allways been a symbol for sovjet inferiority complexes in WoT since beta.

            Tbh I have no idea how the VK-DB could be buffed without buffing the L56.

            • Higher rate of fire (which depends on the turret so it’s not a direct gun buff) and better turret rotation speed would do wonders … So what they need to do is to buff the turret. Any extra HP for the tank would be just icing on the cake.

              Penetration of 88/L56 is perfectly acceptable as it is (gun works fine on Tiger and Tiger P, both of which are way more sluggish, but those tanks have better armor)..

      • wow, can’t believe how many call VK DB 8,8cm L56 users noobs.

        the 8,8cm L56 on VK DB is the superior gun.
        9.38 RoF on a 220 dmg gun at tier 7 can be very devastating. its problem is the pen, which will actually make noobs not want it while good players, such as me, can play the tank well enough to dominate even the tier 7 heavies (1-on-1) when using the 8,8cm L56 while other tier 7 meds won’t even stand a chance.

        T20 only has 6.38 RoF on its 90mm (240 dmg) yet its a very good tank.

  5. Are you going to tell me that I will be able sell my Super Pershing again?
    No matter how bad this tank is, I have fun driving it and looking at it. But even now it can’t withstand a direct shot to the front from IS-3′s gun, so if it is going to be nerfed again, I can only demand a refund.
    I think I should try the T34…

    • Side branch from the Lorianne 50t, bro! It’s the first medium in the french tree!

      and nobody will want to grind XP on that thing so more gold used for wargamming = more profits.

  6. Since i bought FCM i didn’t even touch SuperPershing… Now i will sell it most likely. I simpy don’t have a clue why WG make only bad choices and decisions in their updates… I play this game for about year and half and in this time period they fucked up like 25 things and made one better. Battles from SH don’t count into your stats… I wonder how can be anyone so dumb that they don’t see…. or how can anyone be such an ignorant and simply don’t give a fuck about their customers.
    And my favourite fuckup? That i can’t invite only people from my clan… That made me laugh while i noticed this. But it looks more badass!!! So shut the fuck up, community! We improve this game for YOU! :-D
    Fuck off WG, you suck… I wish there was better competition…

  7. - Super Pershing armor got apparently nerfed AGAIN based on the first look, but this is unclear yet

    Just rename SuperPershing to E-25 already! I dont want to see him nerfed more!

    Strange thing eh.?
    An (500g) more expensive tank gets hammered over and over again…
    but beware: If its “op” AND cheaper (but removed- which means less ppl have it = be bothered…) it DOESN’T… despite their “historical” bullshit talk?

    Congrats. New achievement unlocked: you achieved nothing.

    I just thought about to add another “in sovjet russland” joke about “logic”,
    but its not funny anymore… so yeah, do what ever WG… SP/e25 is done.

    • “Super Pershing is unhistorically armored??? Quick! Nerf it and offer a refund! It MUST be historical!”


      “E 25 is unhistorically small and fixing it would solve the problem of it being “too good”? Naaaaaaaaaah…”


      “OMGZ GUEISssss, SUPAR PARSHINK is STILL UNHISTURICAL!!!!!111 THIs caNNOT StanZd!!!!!!1111111″

    • Serb didnt like that fact that his OP t6 Kv-1s couldnt do 9000 dmg to a SP in one battle, so you know….nerf it….

  8. Please leave my baby alone. The Super Pershing is my most played tank other than my Lorraine 40t from way back when. It’s already suffered enough the first time you nerfed it.

  9. WG might not do all this screwing over if people who talk the talk, didn’t spend their money on a free game.. if everybody did that (even for 2 months), maybe, just maybe WG might re-think their bullshit tactics on how to fuck the customer

  10. VK 3002 DB was renamed quite a few patches ago to VK 3002 D, are we talking about the 3002 D here, or are we talking about a new VK 3002 DB?

  11. - apparently, 9.7 will contain only 5 HD remodel tanks: ELC AMX, E-100, Jagdpanzer E-100, IS-4 and T26E4

    Oh goody… they somehow managed to HD model a tank that was never completed, and a tank that never even existed…. real useful.

    As for the SP nerf… I thought they said not too long ago they need to “Buff” it because the last change was actually “too much” of a nerf?

      • If you’re gonna bother with that you might as well just get the tier 6 version. Same gun and mobility a tier lower, so you don’t run into tanks that you can’t pen with your gun.

  12. I quite like SP and I would say I’m good in it, but this can be dealbreaker.

    BUT, maybe tradeoff for mobility/gun buff ???

    • Nope it’s just some new informations about the next patch !
      They will come in 9.7 don’t worry

  13. So what in this “first look” gave your contact the idea the Super Pershing’s armor got nerfed again?

  14. Come on WG… Super Pershing nerf!?!?! Really!? This thing is nerfed to the bone already! If this is the case, I want my gold back.

  15. > several new vehicles are in the files: Polish T-34/85 “Rudy”, IS-2 Berlin, ISU-122S Berlin, Cromwell Berlin

    Ha! What, was ANYONE expecting WarGaming to release anything but clones???

  16. Buffing the VK 30.02 D?
    Why? I just grinded to the Indien Panzer with it and it did just fine. Just use the stock turret with the L70, great medium, somewhat trollish armor.

    It saddens me that perfectly capable tanks like these and for example the Aufkl Panther need to be buffed, or even removed and replaced because so many players lack the skill to play these tanks…

    I’m pretty curious about the Rudy tank though! :)

    • Siemka!
      Your stats on the DB are rather poor. You have much better stats on all of your other tier 7 MTs so please stop talking BS.
      The DB is underperforming simply because the L56 sucks donkey balls.

  17. - Super Pershing armor got apparently nerfed AGAIN based on the first look, but this is unclear yet

    Let me guess, It will be refunded and reduced price.
    As if it is not bad enough though……….

  18. When 9.7 comes out on public test, could someone take the ELC AMX model and post it so I could use it as a mod for the current ELC? Don’t feel like waiting for 9.7 to drop.

  19. “- according to private Storm’s comments on supertester forum, VK3002DB stats suck and it will be buffed”

    You mean they’ll finally give this thing a decent gun for a tier 7 medium? Seriously, the German tier 6 mediums and heavies have the same guns, and in the case of the KwK 42 gun, it actually performs BETTER on the VK 30.02M than on this thing, and THAT tank’s a tier lower (come to think of it, the gun has better performance than it does on the Panther M10 as well).

    I’m not saying it has to have the 88 mm KwK 43 L/71, but it needs something better than the 75 mm KwK 42 L/70 (which is barely adequate and even then only if you’re top tier, plus the DPM is still shit) and the 88 mm KwK 36 L/56 (much better DPM but terrible penetration and it requires you to mount a much heavier turret that removes the tank’s only real saving grace: mobility, making it rely on its thick but still mediocre armor), or alternatively its DPM needs to be improved drastically, especially with the KwK 42 (which imo is the only gun that’s even remotely useful on the tank – the cost in mobility from having to use the upgraded turret for the other two is just too great to consider their use). That being said I sincerely hope they just give it a new gun, or else what’s the point of getting it when it’s basically the same tank as its tier 6 predecessor due to the mediocre gun selection, only a tier higher?

  20. People who keep talking about using the stock turret & L/70 on the VK… didn’t they increase the weight of the stock turret and significantly buff the RoF on the elite turret as a good incentive for people to actually use the top turret?

    Been trying to find the patch when the VK3002D was buffed, it was after 8.8 for sure though

    • Doesn’t matter because the decrease in mobility is still way too much, thus preventing it from fulfilling the role of a medium tank, and it doesn’t have something like the L/100 gun so it can’t find a niche role as a Sniper like the Panther. The guns it DOES have, while having either better DPM or alpha, require mounting the heavy-as-fuck schmallturm, reducing your mobility to a crawl, and even then, both of them have worse penetration and accuracy, so really you’re not trying to pick the best gun, but which one sucks the least; you either get good mobility but a mediocre gun that’s well past its sell-by-date by that tier, or either a high ROF but shitty-pen gun or a derp gun on a very sluggish medium tank. The improved mobility with the stock turret and L/70 actually allows you to be flexible and thus not entirely useless if you aren’t top tier, but at that point you’re driving the same tank that you had a tier lower, defeating the point of playing the VK 3002D in the first place other than to be yet another XP sink for WG to coax you into spending gold on converting XP to get to the Indien-Panzer.

  21. Last few episodes of the “Four tank-men and a dog” take place in Berlin, and IS-2, ISU-122 and Cromwell were used by the Polish Army during WWII. Stronk siemka special? ;]

    • Yup, WG now you can switch those tanks to new ones – have bought both of them, have aced both of them. Btw, 215B is a very nice heavy tank with good all-round stats and epic stabilization.

  22. Just remember that the DB once was one of the rather capable tier 6 MTs like the VK3601H.
    When it was moved to tier 7 it just revieved more HP and some soft stats buff.

  23. VK3002DB – I remember the times when this one was rather a strong tank. Bouncy armor, good gun and decent speed. No idea how it is now, I rarely see this VK on battlefield :P

  24. Storm: “Next patch will bring many new HD models”
    26.2.2015 (week later)
    —> Patch 9.7 will bring only 5 HD models
    WOOOW ! I dont know if my HDD will be able to handle such enormous amount of data

  25. I actually have surprising stats on the 3002 D, but I sold it anyway. Must have been luck or something.

    • I really liked that tank, maybe because of luck too, bet anyway, it’s way too expensive to run because of that gold ammo dependency..
      Btw, I played it couple patches ago, and didn’t feel any huge loss of mobility when upgrading the turret. But the additional view range and DPM is nice.

  26. Pingback: Supertest: První informace k aktualizaci 9.7

  27. and here I thought they decided to redo the national voices as well. the Russian one sounds like someone drinking vodka and recording what he says on the IS-2′s radio.

  28. “Funny thing though – yesterday, supertesters reported a new “city” map appeared on supertest… and today the “Berlin” vehicles. My guess? Some special event mode for the 70th anniversary, perhaps commemorating the post-war Berlin military parade?”

    Hmm, if it’s indeed some “Berlin fun mode” and all the special vehicles are allied ones, maybe it means the first PvE mode?

    Pure speculation for now, of course.