Basically, if you have a VK3001H in garage by the time the 8.8 patch goes live, it will be transformed into the tier 5 heavy tank (your crew will automatically be retrained), AND you will recieve a VK3002M (new tier 6 medium) for free with a free 100 percent crew, plus one free garage slot.
Plus, the removed engines from German vehicles won’t simply disappear, if you have such a vehicle with such an engine that gets removed, the engine itself will be demounted and put in your depot, from where you can sell it or re-use it.
Also, allegedly (not 100 percent info): all the changed German vehicles will be put into stock configuration for free, the upgraded modules being transferred to the depot. Which makes selling stock modules very profitable, you’ll get them back for free.
Well atleast we can make some cash.
BTW, did you get my email, SS?
Not sure, I got like 45 e-mails today, what was it about?
I sent it on wednesday. About the youtube thingy i told you ingame.
Oh, right, I remember. No, actually I didn’t get anything. Did you send it to proper e-mail?
Nope, sent it to, as you told me. Should i sent it to again?
Sent it again.
Basically, if you have a VK3001H in garage by the time the 8.8 patch goes live, it will be transformed into the tier 5 heavy tank (your crew will automatically be retrained), AND you will recieve a VK3002M (new tier 6 medium) for free with a free 100 percent crew, plus one free garage slot.
gonna buy me a vk3001h buy one tanks and get 2 free I can make my army three times faster than ever
Don’t forget the free modules, as a small cash bonus.
And people said WG didn’t do free splits anymore… Time to get that thing unlocked!
Thanks for all you do in translating. I really appreciate it. How reliable is this source?
Whose blog is that? Is this rumor or a confirmed Dev blog?
The post itself is probably reliable, I checked the comments and if it’s garbage, people usually start shouting, so I guess it really is real.
^^ W(^^)RTH!!!
…free garageslot? ERMAHGERD must get one nao.
It must be reliable. Had a 30.01 (H) before open test, a 30.02 (MAN) automatically popped up in my garage :)
I never did that so I do not know but is it possible to buy modules of tanks you have currently not in your hangar?
Cause if so then we could just buy the removed engines instead of the entire vehicle and remount them later.
No exp refund?
Like the 107mm.
Sent it to, as you told me. should i sent it to again?
Yes please. I screwed the first address.
I just saw on the EU forum that the VK3601H HP will be buffed to 950!
And yes, the Konisch may have its alpha nerfed, but RoF has been buffed from 11.8 to 14.29!
Can anyone confirm this? That means that the VK3601H will be a freaking machinegun-firing, high-HP MONSTER!
Dude, 3601 is going to be a heavy tank hence the HP buff.
I KNOW that it’s going to become a Heavy, that’s really old news.
What’s new is the Konisch alpha nerf and RoF buff.
I’ve been ravaging things with the VK3002D with the L/70 because it’s got a 3.3 reload speed with BIA + Rammer + Vents. So most likely the VK3601H will fire once every ~3.5 seconds, with better pen, at a tier lower.
Like I said, IF these stats are true, it’s going to shred things to pieces, even if it’s gonna get a significant mobility nerf.
IMO less mobility means more predisposition towards sniping, possibly preparing you better for the Tiger H playstyle (adequate, since Tiger H has the same frontal armor values)
Its getting worse traverse, worse turret traverse. However, it will get depression buff to -8, same with all the other cats afaik except Tiger with long 88 at -7. So Germans will have depression, which is nice. With this, I may actually go up the Panther medium line.
You probably saw my post, i took the values straight from test server client. They are real and reliable and can be confirmed by anyone that has the test client installed.
Notice that the 76mm is getting pen, aimtime, and RoF buffs – especially with the top turret on the A-43. To the point where it’s slightly better than the 57mm, actually!
So its possible to have two vehicles instead of one. What will happen if u have a 3001H and your garage is full? :) Extra slot?
“AND you will recieve a VK3002M (new tier 6 medium) for free with a free 100 percent crew, plus one free garage slot.”
Yes, you will get one, if it’s true.
So if you have a veteran medium crew make sure you get them out of the tank before patch day or you might end up with two veteran heavy crews instead!
How in hell did you come to that retarded idea?
They’re automatically retraining your crew for the 30.01 H (which will be a heavy)
hmm i dont really care about those credits for the engines, but what about the xp needed to unlock that stuff?
will i get a refund, too? or will they just “ripp those engines off” the techtrees WITHOUT granting the xp?
Is this 100% confirmed? I’m thinking about buying VK3001H before patch, sounds like a good bargain. :P
Free garage slot? It sounds too good to be true, let’s hope that it won’t just happen on the CSI server because otherwise… people will get mad and with good reason.
*CSI server alone*
That engine only fits the E-75 and the E-50 so if it gets removed from both of them there is no point having it in the depot, i just spent 50k free experience on the bloody thing and now they jack me…
Yep…imagine what could do one with 50k xp. Somehow… I feel robbed now.
This. This is total BS. We should be compensated with the XP we spent on these modules…
Why dont they do the same for Vk3601?
I am a bit confused, will both the VK3001H and the VK3601H become heavy tanks? This article refers to the VK3001H, and I had only heard about the VK3601H up until now.
Yes, both will become HTs.
Thx M8
Any changes to VK3601?
what about the 1200hp engine on E75?
will they return exp some how?
I’d rather have my experienced, BiA German medium crew stay medium and get a free 100% crew on the new heavy.
Then move the crew to a different medium before the switch
I am not super keen on the change to the konish gun on the 3601, but it sounds like the 3001 with the same gun will be a beast at tier 5.
So I can reuse my 2x 1200hp engines.
Cool.. on what tank exactly??
And selling them for the usual conditions of a slight 50% cut off.
Very attractive and very generous.
if you have a VK3001H in garage by the time the 8.8 patch goes live, it will be transformed into the tier 5
vk3001h too?
Cause i know that VK3601H will be transformed into tier 5 heavy tank. Was it changed?
wait i read few posts above. Post cancellled
WG not only switch 3601H to heavy, they fucking remove 750 HP engine and now replace with 500HP engine which is way more worse than stock engine now.
There is no terrain resistance buff can compensate it. Played it and now it just like crawling on moderate terrain. WG, wtf are you doing with only few good tanks in German tree???
Haven’t tried the 3601H in test yet but if that is true then too bad. Maybe they are trying to rebalance everything for the sake of the paper Japanese tanks, which if compared to their contemporaries irl were kind of weak? (sorry if I’m wrong, but did the Japanese actually have any good tanks in WW2? I mean those that can compete one on one)
Time to buy that piece of shit vk3001 free garage slot for patch 8.8
Hello all, I was using the 88 L56 on Panther now in test server its gone. Never liked the 75 L100 even with its ROF and pen increase over L70, aside from the ridiculous Pinocchio look, the 135 damage is just pathetic. Now Panther will be forced to play from distance almost exclusively since if you brawl with 135 dmg you will most likely lose. The slight mobility buff is just not enough and the top Panther engine didn’t really have to be removed as well. Now the VK3002DB has the 88 L56 why remove it from Panther?
Just to play 3002DB then.
No, not fair to Panther, but its their game.
How is it not fair? WG just cemented their roles. Want to brawl? Go VK3002DB. Want to Snipe? Panther is the tank for you.
If the konisch is nerfed. How does this affect the auf panther? Because if it doesn’t get a serious rof buff to compensate it is going to be really hard to play. (Not that it isn’t already.)
If i have an stock module in my depot (not equipped in the tank) when they put the tank in stock they use the module from depot or just i get a free one?
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