Russian Ministry of Defense mentions WoT



According to the official press release of the Russian Ministry of Defense, the online game World of Tanks attracts young people to the armor branch of the army and will in the future be one of the steps of new tanker training, said Lieutenant-General Alexander Shevchenko, the head of the armored vehicles department of MoD Russia.

“I think that the players of the game will be unique candidates the more we rely on computer technology. I think it will be one of the stages of preparation of future crews for future vehicles”, Shevchenko told the “Echo Moskvy” radiostation.


SS: So, in order to join the Russian army, you’ll have to have 55 percent and more winrate. No noobs allowed :)

67 thoughts on “Russian Ministry of Defense mentions WoT

  1. Future Russian tanker: Stops in the middle of a field and expects to go invisible. Gets wiped out by Apache helicopter, cries H4X!

  2. So in the future, we’ll have gamers sitting in bunkers, using telepresence to drive tanks and designate targets while the rest of the crew sits around loading shells and getting pissy about their tracks being blown off and OH FUCK FIRE PUT IT OUT.

    In short,
    In Soviet Russia, tank drives YOU.

    • That pretty much sums it up. Although in less than 20 years there could already be 100% unmanned tanks in the battlefield.

  3. Its Kinda funny. Germans used the Steel Beast game. Russians 20 years later go with WOT…

    I know I know, that’s not strictly true and WOT does teach some useful bits, but still.

  4. Is that really surprising for anyone?

    The Bundeswehr has a booth in the Gamescom.
    The game America’s Army was developed by the U.S. Army.

    In peaceful times most armies look for as many sources of new recruits as possible.
    Quotas must be reached.

  5. “I think that the players of the game will be unique candidates the more we rely on computer technology. I think it will be one of the stages of preparation of future crews for future vehicles”, Shevchenko told the “Echo Moskvy” radiostation.

    The way I read it, it sounded more like he meant electronic training will be used in the future, not WoT in particular.

    • My thoughts exactly…

      But then here in the UK, research has proved beyond any doubt that the new generation of surgeons that grew up with playstation and xbox are miles, (and I mean fking miles) better than the “old” surgeons who didn’t…

      Mainly because of hand/eye co-ordination with keyhole surgery, cameras etc..

  6. LOL, russians are so 80th, tanks are dead in modern warfare, a single drone can take down a platoon, without even rearming.

    • Why the hell would you think that Russians rely only on tanks? Ever heard of Hinds or the Ka-5x series? They have drone projects as well… So arrogant about the supremacy of western tech =)

        • All of you idiots have forgot about the nukes… This is the ONLY reason why no one will attack Russia, because the conventional forces there are not that great.

    • That’s why their new designs focus on active rather than passive defence(passive-armour, active-shield, it’s pretty logical, shields had higher priority than armour back then, and due to shitty technology tanks were doing it in other way round).
      High-tech tanks WILL be really important thing in modern conflicts, basically as important as they were in WWII or they are now, but public opinion over aggregates their role in older conflicts, and that’s why idiots are praising “slow death of tank”.

      • Actually I thought that the myth about the death of tanks subsided after their role in the silly conflicts started by America in the 2000s.

    • To my knowledge tanks have been declared “Dead” and obsolete in 1919, the 1920′s, the 1930′s the 1940′s, the 1950′s, the 1960′s, the 1970′s, the 1980′s the 1990′s and the 2000′s.

      You have just also declared them dead in the 2010′s.

      They’re taking a bloody long time to die then.

      Or to quote a British infantry man whom had served in Iraq:
      “There’s nothing like the sound of a Challenger 2 troop arriving while you’re in a contact!”

      • General Grant (the murdering whisky baron), said he did not want or need tanks, they were so unreliable and liable to enemy fire he said no….

        The tank commander he was talking to said (something like) “we send 30 tanks at the enemy, 10 break down, 10 get knocked out, the last 10 break through and wipe out an entire battalion…”

        …he started using tanks…

  7. забавно наблюдать за не смешными шутками задротов девствиников

  8. Actually the americans use a heavily modified (by the developers) version of armed assault for infantry training.
    America’s army is more a recruiting tool.

    Actually most army’s play games as a means of testing and planning for actual wars of course most of those games we would hardly recognize as being one (graphics sucks where is my manual ! OMG 0/10 !)
    Might actually be an interesting topic for an article one day

    Requirements RU server speaks Russian tier 9-10 vehicle no E-100 win rate 55%+ have to be online once everyday . If interest send message to Shevchenko.

  10. Now we see the real reason behind the Russian OP bias in the game; its because the Russian military are the secret backers of the game to recruit more people!

  11. And I was thinking about going to the Air Force… They’re still flying with MiG-25′s. :D

  12. They use World of Tanks for their army, cause a lot of the Tanks, which are in WoT, are still in use in Red Army :-)

  13. “SS: So, in order to join the Russian army, you’ll have to have 55 percent and more winrate. No noobs allowed :)”

    Haha, funny but no. There’s a draft and people try to get *out* rather than in to the army, so that won’t work at all.

  14. LOL! So basically they’re going to teach future Russian tankers “It’s okay! If your tank is on fire, you won’t die!”

  15. See, I can understand the Ruskies not liking the West because we don’t take ‘em serious anymore as a Superpower. But comrades, when you pull a BS stunt like this……please….. Take yourselves seriously before you expect others to do so…..

  16. Lawl.

    This is like the crap with First to Fight being sponsored by the USMC.

    So, to impress the Russian army officials, are we going to see more “RUSSIA STRONK!” tanks like you guys threw in to impress China?