24 thoughts on “New Ranzar video

  1. Hahahahaah it just seems as this videos look amazing

    German come and try to make order, and russian farmer beats up the leader?

    And then he grabs his bigger weapon to finish it off?, But utterly fails?

    ANyways i just like theese videos

  2. Hurr Durrr RUSHIAN BS Hurr durr russian Ranzar huurr durrr germans don’t lose!

  3. Ranzar videos gets more and more political.
    Dump german nazis, smart russian farmer ….

    we are playing a game about tanks right, right? not to continue and elaborate ww2 stereotypes
    Didnt the time changed my beloved russians?

      • Muh nazi feeling hurt muh butthurt.
        As always, people see more than there is. Germans were enemies in WW2 in mind of majority of russians, so they play same role here as Russians in CoD/BF and other games from West.

        • Haha yeah, that must be brutal, always the bad guys, I guess they finallyhave their revenge haha.

          ANyway, i LOVED the Elephant ears!

      • Why don’t you make better WoWP instead of swearing how bad it is. (see your many posts about WoWP from yesterday). Yep, so you think that you can swear about something but others are not allowed? Well done sire!

      • mmh
        the thing is, i like ranzar. Its cute and sometimes cool.
        and mayba i awaited a little bit to much, but Wot is an international game. And russia oha made a good game, surprising for me. But there russian fans are using the material for anti german stories. there was a time in the ranzar videos where the german tank could be cool.
        but … it seems to me ranzar makes just populistic staff for russian nationalistic kids, who are disappointed about there small chunks and to less puppy hair.
        Disappointing i think.

      • although i like germans more than russians (“nazi lover”) i still find these cartoons as good cartoons.
        and yes there are some connections with reality/history here and there.
        Wasn’t there a story with a Ferdi/Elephant on soviet ground that was terrorizing the soviets and that has been defeated only after it got stucked in a bog?

        until we’ll have a cartoonist that will make episodes where germans will pwn commies, i’ll be greatly enjoying Ranzar :D

    • I think he(RanZar) is the only guy that i don’t care about his “russian bias”. His videos are really funny and really quality and he even makes fun in the comments bellow about his so called “bias”. He’s making jokes and trolling in a good way and people don’t take it serious that much unlike some other “guys”

  4. This cartoons are really cool but maybe Ranzar could make one with the German tanks winning for a change…against the russians I mean, there are some videos with Germans winning against the french, such as Hungrypard :))

  5. Love the characters! Just one of the reasons I look forward to Friday, stereotypes be damned! On that note, we need more Maus! Best character there…

    And from ontario / NY rockers – a big shout out to Iron Mike Bensson! Brother, when they built ya, they broke the mold!