Hall of Shame

Welcome to the new issue of Hall of Shame, where worst retards of WoT are put on display :)

First, we have PTS84 here – apparently, he really likes Polish players. And genocide.





A German nazi? Nah, definitely not, not with such a name, Panzergrenadier43


And here we have another private message wellwisher, HarryTomas! He doesn’t like autoloader tanks much.


Shivadog: nothing like broken English rage in the chat


Looks like idiots like Meleaca aren’t limited to WoT – WoWp has them too!


Invoking Hitler? Not a good move, mrjames35 – but a good way to get into the Hall of Shame


Same goes for yoel2006 and NathUben



Fiene: another German nazi crawling out of the woodwork like a cockroach – but this one apparently swings “the other way” (“schwanzlutscher” = cocksucker)



And another garage well-wisher, this time inspired by the Ring movie… GoDiD


Aaaand – as a proverbial “cherry on the top”, Campyy has a real problem with blacks…







107 thoughts on “Hall of Shame

      • Shame is, that those “Nazi’s” are no germans because nobody in germany, even not the neonazi’s would say: “Dreckiges Judenschwein”
        I bet, they are swedish people, caus i know a lot of them and they are just trolling and insulting with my language “-.-

        • You’re wrong there…I hear many times in TS “scheiss Jude” or similar. Many people in my clan say as swearing/cursing not to insult any Jews. And about those neonazi’s…yea they won’t insult you, they’ll straight out stab/beat people.

    • Because it’s not enough that most people are terrible at this game, they need to be exposed for being terrible people as well.

      • They get even more attention and laugh at your face because you basically defend them and make them even more seen

    • Personally, because I am looking for creative insults. Too bad, there were 0 this week :(

      • Yep.. I keep hoping there will be some poetic gems… but no… just have to invent my own..

        … or keep quoting shakespeare which seems to annoy the fck out of people

  1. Why these posts all the time ? There are shitheads and stupid people on the internets ? Big news.

  2. Rather ordinary selection… and some of the stuff hardly qualifies for the hall of shame… I have seen much worse and some of the sentiments towards the legions of tomatoes can be understood… this game causes a lot of rage in people…

  3. Why do you care about the Hitler comments? As long as we have Stalin in-game we have a dictator who killed even more people than Hitler did. Do you shame everyone with the Stalin inscriptions as well?

    • if they let you put swastikas on tanks would you count that as offensive?

      remember, there is a big difference between people saying ‘heil hitler’ and ‘for stalin’;
      Stalin may have killed millions of people but ultimately communism (heck, even stalinism) isn’t about killing millions of people, that’s just Stalin.
      On the other hand Nazism’s core concept is to kill millions (if not billions) of people, and since everyone and their mother knows this (often not the case with Stalin), it carries allot more weight to imply that you support Nazism, than to have ‘for Stalin’ inscribed on the side of your tank.

  4. >has 48%wr
    >hates siemka-people
    When this pts84 realizes that he’s no better, his head will ‘splode. Good riddance.

  5. there is nothing wrong with cursing the jews, have you seen how jews treat christians in israel?

    however calling someone a jew that ain’t a jew is an insult! nobody wants to be a jew!

  6. OMG Schnippi your loader is wounded!!!!1111oneone It annoys me hard when someone in my team forgot his first aid kit.

  7. I got some hilarious replay from a week ago were JP E-100 goes full retard and goes trash talk whole battle about penisses and Maus ends with reactio nthat he goes fuck his mom. Were to send it, PM on wot forum or here? Last time i send personal message to here i got no reply.

  8. I would say all those deserve a Darwin Award, but thats just too kind for that sort.

    • Darwin Award? For WHAT? Do you even know what Darwin Award is? Or you just lately heard about it in media and thought it’d be cool to use this outside context? (protip: Darwin Awards is for REAL people who DIED because of their stupidity = contributed to natural selection, what the fuck it has to do with 10-year old multiplayer game retards?)

  9. I’m working so hard to get on this page, I mean I say things that makes the above look like angels, and still not enough :)

  10. internet trolls , but as i see at one screen player “gott1978″ start become popular , if someone dont know why , check his stats………

  11. Well… I kinda expected my username in here along with a screenshot… I’ve been cussing players badly nowadays… :/

  12. Hall of shame, more like Hall of Silentstalker’s shame, most of these pics weren’t even worth showing, especially the rage ones that deserve nothing more than “QQ” and closing window, giving more attention to common retards and stupid 10-year old kids? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?

    • SIEMA PL!

      And I’m still better than most of western players bitching about “siemka”.

      How terrible.

  13. Well, I think that many people while thinking (knowing?) that their will not “answer” for their words would say shit about something/someone and so on. Those people are just keyboard warriors, which think are invulnerable to anything. I don`t think they are so special to put them here, but still makes me laugh a little though – mainly, because of ignorance. They sound more like puberty warriors to me :D

    • Harder. And you can leave the jungle and pretty much run away from the predators and disease. But there is as much idiots out in the streets as is on the internet.

  14. All i see are some screenshots taken by whiteknights….this kind of language is seen in every fucking battle so i don’t really see why is this so surprising for many people…

    • Nobody said it’s surprising. In fact nobody even implied it.

      You have horrible reading comprehension, please do something about it.

      Kind regards,

      WG Staff Member.

  15. I actually wouldn’t go that far like you and call these people a “nazi”, “German nazi” or whatever. Just because they say stuff like that , it doesn’t make them a nazi. The most of them propably are just really angry / pissed off and in their normal life they are generous & friendly people.

    It is very stupid to say stuff like that, though.

    And therefore I appreciate your work to publish these screens. Maybe someday, one of these guys sees himself in here and realizes the shit he wrote into the public chat / to someone in personal.

  16. if someone speaks spanish will understand this,this guy is an alcahuete xdddd alcahuete podrido deja de alcahuetear зщдфсщ зщвкшвщ trolololsd

  17. Well I do this too. Almost every game I yelling on someone in total rage. Calling polish jew and sending them to hitlers bunker.

    But they deserve it. So ? IF WG does not start banning retards with red rating (or make some tier/rating locks) then this will continue

    Sieg :)

  18. I don’t why any of this make people retarded. Like with campyy screen, the other guys speaking to him is really an idiot, I understand why people insult him.

    • lel, yeah, you mean the “unicum” clan? They can be quite hilarious. And other too, UNICA, IDEAL, etc. – bunch of idiots. And let’s not forget the glorious 322.

  19. Fuck all nazi scum, always fun to fuck around with then in game making them angry. I mean after all, nazis are lower people and have no human value.

    • I understand sarcasm but still I’ll take this as being a kind of official statement Exnom being at least a nazi-sympathetic clan?

  20. I wonder why any retard in game is called polish.
    I also wonder why there is no option to report for racism.

  21. I hope WoT permanbans all these idiots. Thanks for putting in the effort of showing the world what immature individuals these players are. Keep it up!

  22. Very interesting how far some people go.

    but 1 thing i’am not fine here is that just because something is written in German language doesn’t necessary mean he is German, right?

    I’am referring to your comment:
    “Fiene: another German nazi crawling out of the woodwork like a cockroach”

    Just let’s take a look in generally on some things:

    1.) Writting “Heil Hitler” or “Sieg Heil” can be done by every idiot, not? This alone is not enough as every dumbfuck on earth could write 4 German words, not?

    2.) I have dealt allready with some players that insulted badly polish players or praised racism in some way. In some cases it turned out they are austrians, in some i even wasn’t able to find out from what country they are but for sure not a German speaking one. This doesn’t mean there are no idiotic Germans of course, but just want to say there are other people from other nations that use such nazi or racism phrases as well.

    This said i’am not fine with having them all called germans.

    I mean i could write some swearing in English too but that wouldn’t make me an swearing English man, lol.

  23. Funny how you bash people who like mass murdering and genocide while you support Assad. Oh the Irony.

      • So the peaceful protesting people that were murdered for 1 year with no weapons on them were snackbaring jihadists? Nice logic.

        • And what’s wrong about being a “Jihadist,” anyways? Jihad means inner struggle in Islam. I don’t see what’s so wrong about that. It has no relation to terrorism, like all of you ignorant idiots relate it to.

          • if Assad had had been overthrown early on it would have been ok, there probably would have been a chance for free elections afterward and the situation could have had an at least reasonably happy ending.

            Unfortunately it has taken to long and every hard line Islamic paramilitary group seems to have joined the fight, leaving Saudi-Arabia to cheque the bills (and ultimately decide the outcome of any elections to come out of a take-over).

            this means that you have the choice of:

            Assad: maniac dictator, under his control country would slowly return to it’s previous peace-time fascist state. (with all of the torture/execution/persecution that goes on after a revolution).

            takeover: hard-line Sunni regime (unless there is some kind of miracle), turns into Islamic state with sharia law etc (with all of the torture/execution/persecution that goes on after a revolution).

            so yeah not an easy choice.

  24. Well, i do not say they should be left unpunished, but this is just not neccessary. Whole concept of the “hall of shame” is just wrong. Screen it, send it to support and they will solve it.