Hello everyone,
today we are going to have a look at the new 8.9 tier 6 vehicle, the Nashorn.
Let me start by posting that a lot of people actually waited for this vehicle and – along with the tier 7 Sfl.V, also known as Sturer Emil, this famous vehicle of the War War 2 might have ended up being a victim of the classic tank hype. I mean, 88mm L/71 at tier 6, when the other German tier 6 tank destroyer is the infamous Jagdpanzer IV? That HAS to be good, right? Well, the gun isn’t everything, but this time, it came out just about right. I find the Nashorn to be possibly the most overpowered vehicle in the game at this moment. But let’s start from the beginning. As usual, I ran this vehicle with a full camo crew, a camo net, binoculars and a rammer.
On first glance, the Nashorn is not very assuming. It continues very well the line tradition: it’s very fragile, yet fairly mobile, has great gun (88mm L/71) and very good viewrange. I must say I practically started it in elite state: the engines (being low tier) are very easy and cheap to unlock (2000 XP for both) and though they provide only a somewhat meh upgrade (250 to 300 horsepower), the difference can very much be felt, especially with the top gun. The tracks are not expensive either and they are very, very important. I had the top gun unlocked from the Jagdpanther – it’s worth noting that this is the last vehicle where such an unlock is possible: further on the guns very much differ, despite sometimes (well, most of the time) being copies of the guns that already existed in the game before. They just renamed them (with the usual “lol different mount” excuse) to prolong the grind. Logical, but annoying.
Nashorn slowly leaves the “race car” concept of the previous two vehicles and starts to be more balanced. It is in fact this balance that makes it so great. Let’s have a look at its important elements:
Non-existent. The superstructure is 10mm thick, the gunshield is 15mm thick, frontal hull again 15mm and the lower front plate is the “toughest”: 30mm. Unless you free-XP’d the previous two vehicles, you already know the name of the game: you get spotted, you die. Nashorn however (and this is a subjective evaluation) seems to lack the “XP pinata” attention the Sfl.IVc (tier 5) gets. Sure, people don’t ignore it completely, but it’s not like everyone starts shooting at you the second you get spotted, luckily for you. Nashorn cannot stand any real punishment, HE shells (on this tier pretty much any HE) penetrate it for full damage and an artillery hit equals an instakill, which is something you need to avoid.
Mobility is good. Thanks to very cheap upgrades of tracks and engines, you get access to its full potential early on. However, it starts to feel like a tank destroyer and not like a really fast light tank with a big gun, which is also good. Why? Well, take it like this: a vehicle has to be balanced. In other words, if you give it buffs where it doesn’t really matter for a tank destroyer (turret, mobility – like in Hellcat’s case), you won’t have spare buffs where it really matters (the gun, camouflage). In this case, the mobility is just right – you won’t race around the map anymore like in Sfl.IVc, but you will get where you need to go quickly enough in order to catch the first wave of enemies without having enough time to make a tea everytime your vehicle starts climbing a hill (this will become very annoying on tier 7). This can specifically be seen in Karelia assault mode, where by the time you climb the “ledge” to snipe and pick a side, your forces will arrive to engage the enemy. The maximum speed is 40 km/h and this vehicle can somewhat reach it on flat surfaces. For its 24 tons, the 300hp engine is adequate. Sadly, the engine doesn’t transfer from anywhere (but the Hummel, if you have it unlocked), whereas the top gun appears on Jagdpanther, Jagdpanther II and Ferdinand, so chances are if you like German TD’s, youll have it very soon.
As you might have guessed, gun is this vehicle’s strong side. Right from the start: putting the L/71 on a tier 6 tank destroyer is brutal. It is more than sufficient and I never EVER had an urge to reload gold shells. It’s simply not needed. Apart from stuff like KV-5, you will be able to penetrate pretty much everything on any distance without firing specifically for weakspots.
But let’s talk about camo first, because as I wrote before, this TD relies on not being seen and the camouflage factor is a part of it. The camouflage is good, completely sufficient. The vehicle is not as huge as the tier 5 one and fits behind most bushes and hills. It’s also compact (not overly long – an issue that you will see on tier 7 and 8). A very important fact (perhaps the most important of all) is that just like the tier 4 and tier 5 tanks, Nashorn has good gun traverse. Not as good as T4 (28 degrees) or T5 (24 degrees), but 15 degrees to each side is again very sufficient, you almost never feel the lack of the traverse. Back to camo: good traverse means that if you position yourself properly, you won’t have to move your hull often. For some strange reason, I have the feeling (didn’t specifically test it though) that moving the hull has relatively bigger demasking effect than on other tank destroyers. This might however be caused by the fact that the traverse arc is so wide that by the time you “run out of traverse”, the enemy covered already a huge distance and is relatively closer to you. Either way, I strongly urge you NOT to move the hull until you have to.
I noticed that a lot of newbie/noob Nashorn drivers do two things lately: first, they park INSIDE the bush (pointless, you have to be behind it) and – what is even more annoying to others – they try to cover the entire map from the vantage point and move the hull all the time. That means they INSTANTLY lose not only the camonet bonus, but also 40 percent of the regular camo factor for hull movement. If you add in the fact that shooting the gun (which has a muzzle brake – that in WoT terms means more loss of camo factor than usual – and shoots very fast), it is actually not easy to stay hidden for a Nashorn driver. So: do NOT move your hull unless you HAVE to, do NOT shoot unless you have your target lined up.
Well, finally we reach the cherry on the top: the gun.
The top gun of the Nashorn is the 88mm L/71 PaK 43 from the Jagdtiger, with following stats:
PEN: 203 DAM: 240 ROF: 9,52 (!) AIM: 1,9s (!) ACC: 0,32
Yep, you all know this gun. Apart from its excellent penetration, damage and accuracy, the main feature of this tank destroyer is DPM. To compare:
Jagdpanzer IV (with 88mm): 2316 DPM (with only 132 pen)
Hellcat: 1800 DPM (and only 160 pen)
Nashorn: 2284 DPM (with 203 pen!)
Considering the fact many more shells will penetrate with 203 pen than with the meager short L/56 of the Jagdpanzer IV, it’s a total monster. You will penetrate pretty much everything in sight, apart from the heaviest enemies, which leaves you the possibility to snipe at large distances with the superbly accurate gun. Neither the gun depression nor elevation is crazy (like on tier 5 and 7), but -5/+20 works just fine. Again, you can forget about the armor angling (everything will penetrate you anyway), which makes you actually hide better (no butt sticking out from the bush) and shoot more comfortably (using full gun traverse). In short: as a sniper, this vehicle is perfect. Great thing about the gun is also the fact there is plenty of ammo (you never feel like running out) and the fact the ammunition for the 88mm is cheap: you can make a respectable profit on this tank.
I’ve seen many players state that Nashorn is not as good as the Hellcat. That much is true. It’s better – at what it does. That’s what’s important. If you play Nashorn as a Hellcat, you will fail. If you play Hellcat as a Nashorn, you will end up with sub-par results, because the gun simply isn’t as good. But if you play Hellcat as you should (very mobile TD/MT hybrid) and Nashorn as you should (staying hidden behind the lines, sniping), you will end with better results on the Nashorn. It’s simply really: Nashorn is a pure tank destroyer – you get where you need to be, park and snipe. If you don’t get spotted (which itself is not that hard, if you do it right), you will deal tremendous amounts of damage. Nashorn is certainly one of the best vehicles I’ve played in WoT. It’s not a one-trick pony (that sacrifices everything else for a big gun), it’s well balanced and with okay mobility and camouflage, it simply works. So, what you need to do is:
- stay hidden
- do not rush
- do not move all the time and often
- aim properly, use your fantastic DPM
And you will pwn. Now, I am not a fantastic player or anything, but these are my Nashorn stats (sorted by XP per battle):
That’s right, Nashorn on the first place. If it worked for me, it will probably work for you too, if you are into TD’s.
I give 7 out of 10.
i give it 11 out of 10.
why? simply because you dont have to fear KV1S with it >:D
Now serious, ist the midtier-tank i enjoy the most.
I give like 8.5/10.
It was okay-ish tank.
8.5/10 = Okay-ish? Dafuq with your scores….
That means tank is very good.
But not my style.
Learn to comprehend plz.
In what world does okay-ish mean…”tank is very good, but not my style.”?
Then your comment on comprehension…yeah, ok.
Okay-ish would be 6-7 out of 10 to most people.
in the scale from 1 to 10, while 6 being the highest, I give it a red star
Another completely off based review, imagine that. Hellcat is twice the vehicle this is, period, stats still show it, and it will only get worse for the nashorn. WG post is WG.
Lol, this made me laugh so hard :D :D Your average Hellcat driver is a retard, because he thinks he is driving either a scout light tank, or a medium tank.
The Nashorn is an epic sniper, pure and simple. People use the Hellcat just because of 2 things: speed and turret. Which is basically a wrong way to play a tank that is designated as a TD.
And this is why, even for a new tank, the Nashorn is middle of the pack for win rate. It will only get worse over time as more people get the vehicle. Will be at the lower end of win rate and WN7. This site is just a WG fanboy outlet when it comes to German vehicles. Flakbus for instance, doing terribly, last place, and yesterday? This site wrote that it is the best T5 TD. Dumb.
Dan, I believe SS is entitle to his own opinion.
I liked tier 5 TD (with that gun I remember for a second I thought im playing tiger… tho I was drunk and high that night), and tier 6 with long 88 + rof almost same as jagdpanther with that gun must be one amazing tank. Not OP, but great in its own way.
Just because the tank isn’t an easy-mode-mobile like the Hellcat (the reason for the lower win rate) doesn’t mean it’s completely inferior to the Hellcat. If you can’t learn how to play a tank, simply don’t play it. Don’t resort to bashing people who see the pros of a vehicle you didn’t like.
Oh teamoldmill you are defending the implementation of OP tanks by WG . the fanboy is you I’m afraid. It’s not enough that you are a joke on the NA forums . You have to go full potato here as well.
I’ve found the tier 5 TD to be pretty good, but that it, like the rest of the Waffentraegers, has a HUGE flaw:
It depends on its team to ensure its survival. The ONLY way they’ll last long in a battle is if the enemy is kept at arm’s length, and the only way for such a fragile vehicle to be able to do that is to have their teammates keep that at a distance for them. Unfortunately, you can’t always trust teams to do that, or if they do then they probably won’t last very long. In random battles it suffers due to the overall chaos of randomly-selected teams with little to no coordination. The whole line is VERY much one that’s best suited for at LEAST working in a platoon with one or two other vehicles that can keep the enemy at bay and spot targets.
These TDs are difficult to play, but when played correctly they can carry games, even games in which they’re just middle tier.
Just because the masses of morons playing this game can’t use the tank correctly doesn’t mean it’s not an excellent tank.
They can keep playing KV-1S, get a 400 damage shot in in each game and die and perform better in it than in a T-29, because they don’t understand the concept of Hull down and also die after a single shot, which deals less damage than the D25T.
Does that mean that because idiots can do 400 damage in a KV1S and 240 damage in a T29 that the T29 is an inferior tank?
I see that the Hellcat fanatics are coming out of the woodwork.
I feel your butthurt, but don’t worry, it is no shame to be owned by a Hellcat driver :-)
Hellcat: Pawning noobs since 2011.
Dan went full retard
Hellcat: being one-shotted by howitzers ever since its inception.
Happens to every tank since the introduction of howitzers with HEAT rounds.
That may be true that they own noobs, but when up against somebody who knows what they’re doing, they rarely last more than two minutes.
Easiest way to kill a Hellcat:
Shoot his tracks, and if he uses a repair kit, shoot them again, then shoot him ANYWHERE a couple of times and he’s dead (though I usually aim for the turret to hit the ammo rack or the rear hull to hit the engine, since they’re still dangerous and are best killed as quickly as possible)
>claims WG bias
>from SilentStalker
You just went full retard. And it wouldn’t matter if someone told you not to go full retard-you will still go full retard.
M6 beat Hellkitty easy. Your argument is invalid.
I think you replied to the wrong person.
Hellcat WR and Wn7 isnt that great TBH. It hovers around 51% and since it gets hyped the baddies play it tons.
Hellcat is OP if used right, but used in anyway but a Camo/Agressive TD it dies.
Like US tanks it has great aim time and soft stats but is the most unforgiving vehicle in the entire US line.
I love my Hellcat and am about 1900ish WN7 in it, But it suits my play style, for most people they die way to fast in it.
” I find the
Nashorn to be possibly the most
overpowered vehicle in the game at this
Nah, its good and thats it. Definitely not OP.
70% winrate in my Hellcat. Hellcat is a nasty little bastage, but not OP if you ask me. (Less hull armor then a loltraktor!) If Nashorn is more gooder betterder, then I can’t wait to see my winrate in that one. :}
Yeah it’s definitely strong for sure but I wouldn’t say it’s OP.
It’s not one of those tanks that you see in the tank list for a map as it’s loading in and go “Oh shit they have a bunch of Nashorns.”
^^ i saw many guys crying after i killed them… ^^
“It’s not one of those tanks that you see in the tank list for a map as it’s loading in and go “Oh shit they have a bunch of Nashorns.””
Exactly. And since many who plays it are tomatoes – they get spotted easily.
Yep, since unlike the other tanks that are often considered OP the Nashorn relies on its team to keep the enemy at a distance and thus ensure that they live long enough to do anything useful, which rarely happens in random battles.
Now, compare that to…say…another, certain tank at that tier *cough*KV-1S*cough*, and people tend to get scared (unless you’re in medium TCs, at which point you expect a whole team of KV-1Ss, but it can still be jarring to a newcomer).
Overall while I consider the Nashorn dangerous it’s not one of those tanks that I tend to try to avoid if I can (since I usually drive vehicles that stand a good chance of killing them before they kill me), as opposed to…say a KV-1S, KV-2 or a TOG II* (yes, the TOG II* is VERY dangerous; the gun’s accurate, it has high pen and a VERY high rate of fire, coupled with a high HP pool which means they’ll likely kill you before you kill them unless you’re in a KV-2)
I really like these feedback posts. Keep em coming!
I really like these 8.9 feedback posts. Keep em coming!
Can’t wait to get the Horny (pun intended :P ) myself. Several of my friends already drive it regularly and they love it, even when platooning with higher-Tier vehicles. The gun’s just so good that you don’t have to worry about it in the least.
sorry for off topic but I gotta ask, I want to buy gift for a friend – tier 5 premium tank and It has to be allied (Brittish,US) and since brittish are shit I m deciding between T14 and Ram II. I ve checked stats and everything and I find that the little advantage of ram should be dismissed by not limited mm. therefore Im favouring t14. any thoughts on that? thanks!
Well T14 is a so-so tier 5 heavy, but honestly, buy him the japanese Chi-Nu Kai, that one is just epic <3
I have a friend that buy ram2 in discount and he didnt like it cuz the rld its smaller then aim time, i think ram2 its just for experience players, t14 i think its decent, decent armor, gun its +/-, good HP, hes new player or just not that good, t14 should be the best choice.
TOG still has the fun Factor, don’t forget that… (even though it is TIer 6)
as an Enemy the T14 is tougher, very similar to a M4A2E4 in terms of gun, and well… the penetration is adequate for the Tier, but a beginner will think that this is a piece of crap that can’t pen anything… (KV correctly angled and T1 in capable Hands will drive you nuts in those tanks without premiumammo)
just my thoughts on this
All of your above mentioned tanks are crap. Only usable T5 prems are from Soviets and Germans.
And maybe this new Japanese one.
Indeed, the T25 is very nice. Also the Chi-Nu-Kai is very surprising.
Well, consindering you want Brits or Yanks I’d go with the one tank you disregarded – Excelsior – the best one of those 3 options you have. But I do agree there are better T5 premiums to be found in other nations (Churchill III with its crazy XP bonus).
Except that the Excelsior’s armor is nowhere near as good as advertised (one, it’s riddled with weakspots on the front, and two, by tier 5 you’re up against tanks with guns that can penetrate your frontal armor without any trouble), and the gun is utter GARBAGE without premium ammo (and don’t tell me it’s a flanker – even counting the spaced armor on the sides the side armor is FAR too weak for it to be an effective flanker).
If you MUST get a tier 5 Allied premium, get either of the Soviet tier 5 premiums. The Churchill III, while not as potent as it used to be, can still be effective under the right circumstances, particularly in a platoon of them. The Matilda IV may not have THAT potent of a gun at tier 5, but its armor essentially makes it a “Mini KV-1″, plus it has AMAZING gun depression to go hull-down with. Also due tot he decent turret traverse and rate of fire it’s rather effective at killing incoming scouts.
Both are crap. Normally I’d tell you to get T-25, but between the allied tanks… sorry.
Not crap, hard to play – especially for newbies. Speaking from my own experience – I sucked with my T14…
no way this is better than a hellcat, its not even close
I understand your opinion, knowing you probably lack the skill needed to acknowlede the unique strengths the hellcat posesses, but still your verdict can be judged a failure.
Hellcat has: mobility, turret, good camo and then gun is not really bad. Calling these positive aspects useless for a TD shows a complete lack of understanding how to play the hellcat.
The problem of the hellcat is not the tank itself, but the way most of the ppl tens to use it. My father owns one, and used to play it as a MT. He was doing pretty bad with it, until i told him to use the great speed and cammo factor to move to a good ambush point, then unleash some rounds before hidding and running to another position if discovered. And flank the enemy if they break you defenses in some point.
As for the Nashorn, you need to stay in a heavily concealed position, and snipe. Only snipe.
Comparing both the Hellcat and the Nashorn, and trying to decide wich one is better, pointless. Both have the same use, wich is to destroy enemy vehicles, but the way they will be used is totally different. Still, in goodhands,both can do their jobs very well.
A well played hellcat, will have far better results than a well played nashorn, since you can spot, move, use your depression, mobility, and pretty much carry your team if it isnt too bad.
One thing that people forget about the turret, is you can snipe behind bushes with binocs permanently active, so you can shoot AND spot freely until enemy is at 370m or less (usually less thnks to camo skill).
+ that gun depression allows for US med tactics too, peak in a hill, (1,7s aimtime ftw) shoot and go back.
The only positive thing the nashorn has above the hellcat is the gun, every other aspect of it is worse.
1 Point for the Nashorn is, that if youre the last one alive and you camp in a place where you can see your base + many bushes and cover, nobody in t6 will be able to see/kill you, while you can kill them from ca. 420m distance… :D
And hellcat can’t do that why exactly?
alos diont forget that trollish turret armor of hellcat. if someone sees a nashorn, they can direct kill him, for a hellcat in hull down , they have to aim and then to hit the rigth place and hope, that the hellcat doesnt disappear.
”The top gun of the Nashorn is the 88mm L/71 PaK 43 from the Jagdtiger”
”The top gun of the Nashorn is the 88mm L/71 PaK 43 from the Jagdtiger”
He is refering to the Jagdtiger 8,8cm, premium tier 8 TD…
Ah k.
Which btw is fucking awesome :D, dat dpm + hulldown
And profit, which no other tanks beat
SS, posted xp is with Premium account? Or u have 2200+ effi on all td’s?
Yes, he is running prem account (thanks for all your donations pals!). And hes average eff is 1372, definitely not 2200+
And imagine that, yesterday I bought a new pair of jeans! Seriously, how terrible…
900 avg xp in vehicle w/o premium makes ultra effi. I have 1900 effi in tiger p with avg 687xp, so i was curious :P I was on phone and couldn’t check his stats. Thx
Actually, I think I am just doing fine :) I ran a few days of premium account with Sfl V, including one day out of three in Nashorn.
thx for reply SS. thanks to WG avg xp is useless, i always check dmg ratio first, it says more.
Nashorn has worse camo than the tier 5.
I honestly think the tank is garbage.
Really liked the Nashorn, now suffering with stock Emil. :(
Stock Emil is fine, as with the top gun you will run out of ammo in every single game, like with the SU-5
I’ve had some good battles with it, but most of the time and don’t make it to the good camping spots because of the lack of speed. Also if you load some gold with 105mm it’s not so bad. Maybe I just haven’t adjusted to its gameplay yet.
Dear SS,
your daily additions are a great contribution to the game and its community…but if you cant play, leave the vehicle testing to those who can :/
lol nebu :DDDD
How terrible. SS is entitled to his opinion.
However it doesn’t change anything on the fact that what he wrote is just a pile of stinking bullshit.
Your unwarranted arrogance is hanging out. Tuck that back in please… it’s embarrassing.
It is a well known fact that SS is a camping TD whore. He does not like to move hes ass (lazy bitch). That also explains his mediocre stats with Hellcat. He thinks that Nashorn is better than Hellcat because he never really mastered how to use fast TD with a turret. Hellcat is ultimate end game winner. Many times I managed to turn a lost game in a win with Hellcat. The key is that there are no more than 5 enemy tanks on the map. At that point you start to pawn. Either you spot for your high tiers with your excellent view range, or you finish remaining enemies on your own – if you are the top tier. That is impossible with Nashorn because you have to rely on your usually retarded teammates – they are generally unable to spot for you without dying. In the endgame you need mobility, gun depression and turret traverse. You need to be the active component of your team because most of the time nobody else is capable of that. Nashorn does not have any of these properties needed to carry.
Also, show me your stats after 150 battles. Let’s talk then. I have tanks with 70% win ratio and superior stats with 40 battles. That naturally goes down to regular 61% after 200 battles.
How terrible.
It is a well known fact you are a noob fucking around with big numbers he pulled out of his much smaller brain, degenerate.
*you, not he. I apologize for my mistake.
Who say you cant brawl with slow big TDs? Imo all TDs standing still and camping are idiots, which explains their low average XP.
God forbid people use tenks for roles they’re designed for.
Most of this post i pure BS. Camo? Worst on T6.
Gun? Great vs T7-T8, but only average vs T4-6 because… you don’t need so much penetration. Hellcat is still twice better than Nashorn. With gold ammo hellcat is even better, and has better camo, gun depression, penetration.
Nashorn is +- average/good TD, that’s all.
And 32 battles means nothing. I ended this tank with 80% WR solo, and? I still think it’s just good TD< nothing special here, because of shit camo, gun depression, not so good mobility.
And it need to be add – you can't win battle just by stupid camping, you need to move, change position, etc – that's why hellcat is so much better TD, tank, and best T6.
I give it 6/10, Hellcat – 9/10.
How terrible.
But true…
Ok…here’s my question for you, in your rating system, how do you rate the SU-100, as I have this and Hellcat as my top favorite tanks on tier 6(and top favorite TDs of all time). Can’t really decide which I like playing more.
6/10 for su100 – good camo, nice alfa, mobility, not so bad DPM. Bad armor, accuracy and aim time. With gold ammo it can be really good (217 penetration!). Nashron is sniper, this is snajper too but from closet distance :) + it can be use in city because of alfa and mobility. But Nashron has a fucking awesome DPM. So both are equaly.
Im afraid I also have to diagree with mr SS. Having just finished the nashorn grind, I found it very unreliable. The only redeeming factor is the gun but you really dont need 200pen in t6 or 7. Everything else is from average (mobility) to utter shite (armor). Comparing this to hellcat…not even a competition. Im sure the stats will show it in time. The problem with nashorn is as was described above – you depend on your team to do the spotting. We all know how well that works out in randoms. This issue might be partly remedied by playing in platoon but still Id take a platoon of hellcats over any combination nashorn platoon. It just specializes too much on the gun.
Then how do people do so well in the arl 44? It uses esentially the same strategy, but it has less mobility and somewhat decent armor.
The other thing is, with the nashorns veiw range, plus binocs, it has amazing effective spotting range.
But everyone has their own opinions.
ARL 44 uses essentially the same strategy AS WHAT?????? Are you kidding me? Well played ARL pawns because of it’s armor and high pen high damage gun. It is a brawler, thrives in city streets. Where the hell do you see ANY, even the slightest relation to the Hellcat or Nashorn?
Frank, hope you left the crappy binocs in favor of optics as I suggested you in your first post(marder 3)…on these WTs they’re just overkill(max view range is 440m) for the tier and they provide the view range only when standing still, while optics do that even when you move the hull.
Except when you go above 440+m view range you increase your detection range, effectively lowering enemy camo…
+1, you’ll be the best scout hunter evah :)
I ground out the Nashorn too, and by comparison it’s heaven compared to the tank it leads to. But to call it “one of the most overpowered tanks in the game” reeks of a bad/avg player’s opinion. It’s big, not very fast, and has no armor. The camo isn’t great and it can’t hide via gun depression. This means that in most situations, the only way you’re going to stay alive is sniping the entire game. Is it a great sniper? Yeah, sure. Does sniping carry teams? No, not usually, and this is where the Nashorn fails. It can’t carry. You want to make a game winning move? Woops, 44%er KV-1S just blew off 2/3 of your HP with a HE snapshot.
This tank is a dream for those people who think that camping is all a TD should do, but it’s fairly mediocre for those who actually know how to get 70%+ winrates.
I’ll stick to my original German TD tree ,nothing like 1 shorting those armour less wonders.
Hmm saying that Nashorn has good mobility is crap. Its slower than jagdpz4, moves slower turns slower. If nashorn would have old hummel engine from Panzer3/4 585hp then it would have the agility. Also using short 88 on jagdpz4 isnt really best choice when 75L70 has far better penetration. I would still think that paper armored tds should have bit more speed.
I do not agree on the gun OPness thing – you want to be far far away, thus you lose more pen over distance. It is a great gun, but that’s all.
And your feeling of vehicle comes from good crew. Try regular 75% without perks and while the vehicle will still be fine, you won’t get this “extra” OP feel.
Laughing my ass of on the Hellcat fanboi community. Ignorant people are always amusing.
Will you give us any facts that support your opinion?
Than shut up and listen, maybe you can learn something.
Tired of your rudeness, mate…
Calling other people ignorant is not polite either. Looks like you are heavily biased towards your minions.
So everyone who agrees with me is my minion? :) Reminds me of the old “Everyone worse than me is a noob, everyone better than me has no life” :)
I know most of guys who posted pro hellcat and they are purple. People that are good at game disagree with you, that should tell something. Please don’t become like jingles spreading BS around.
So? Garbad is purple too and he’s one of the worst retards around. Between Jingles and me there is a difference: Jingles did spread BS about historical facts. Facts. Not opinions. Yet considering how good a tank is or is not is an opinion, not a fact.
Failing to see how purple stats would be relevant to majorly missing the point…
Garbad was making useful posts with awesome way to annoy baddies he he. Troll level over 9000
well, a lot of purple also lack common sense (like picking BIA for crew skill yet NOT using vents, coz hurr hurr optics is better**
** vent = bia, so its either:
- vent + optics
- vent + 4-5 skills/perks (do the math)
and many people are hardcore hellcat fanboys + die hard campers (99% of the hellcats i meet are ultra-campers, and that includes ppl from “known-cw clans“)
and there is ofc just 1 td king on T6, the SU-100, armed with the by far best t6 td gun (now its rivaled by the Nashorn) and sicko camo
- better gun as KV-1s
- better mobility
- 2e camo of t6 (only jp-4 has a little bit better afaik)
- very good dpm / alpha strike (2340 dpm vs hellcat his 2160)
- some armor, to bounce HE, and low pen (below 110-120 pen) shells
Su-100 has always been best t6 td, its just the hellcat is easier and better suited for the “average“ player (read: good for camp and lame-ass “spotting“)
ps: purple player from EU who has 68% win in hellcat and hates hellcat fanboys
Nashorn better than Hellcat? :-D SilentStalker please LTP. Just do your developer post translations and leave the tank reviews to a good players.
Just for your information, I do own Hellcat and love it. I don’t have Nashorn yet, but that’s not important here.
What is important is that I recognise other people being entitled to their own opinion and will not flame them unless their opinion is based on ignorance.
Thus I don’t call SS ignorant idiot, but I flame Hellcat fanbois. Because it’s the truth. And I have no intention of stopping just because it hurts.
. But if you play Hellcat as you should (very mobile TD/MT hybrid) and Nashorn as you should (staying hidden behind the lines, sniping), you will end with better results on the Nashorn.
I disagree, you can scout with a hellcat pretty well, and flank big stiff, there is no way nashorn can carry as much as the hellcat just because it is forced to sit back and snipe.
“New German TD’s; Legend of OP”
bho i dont like this td…is only good for sniping….but but alpha is low…in a tier 8-7 match u cant stop ht or mt. Other TD in research line have more Alpha and less penetration. And 0 depression is a nightmare.
The only thing Nashorn better than hellcat is pen+acc of the gun. The rest is equal or suck compare to hellcat.
Just list the both pros and cons of both tanks you’ll see my point.
I think the general conclusion is:
Noobs are not capable of exploiting the Hellcat to its full potential. The only thing they are moderately good at is camping in the back and letting more capable teammates to win the game. The most noobs can hope for is to support good players with sniping. Therefore they think Nashorn is better. They suck with Hellcat so they think Hellcat is bad.
Good players know how to utilize great mobility of the Hellcat, good gun depression and turret traverse. This allows them to win more games than if they would be driving Nashorn. In Nashorn you are basically forced to camp in the back line, you don’t need to make any decisions, because literally you don’t have any options. Active players with some brain cells can recognize opportunity to win a game, Hellcat allows them to execute the winning decision, therefore they think Hellcat is better.
Case solved, end of story.
And yet I find Hellcats to be my favourite prey – always so overconfident. It’s been a while since I’ve seen a 5+ kill Hellcat.
Nah. I think Hellcats are for scrubs who just want a hurdurr medium tank with decent camo :) But of course, if you actually THINK you can take my Nashorn one on one in a Hellcat, Mr. Tough Guy, I am always open to suggestions :)
That would be so much fun, you would be camping for 10 minutes near your cap zone until the Hellcat shows up. I don’t think anybody would want to waste his time with you.
Yes :) It would be funny because I’d win :)
I don’t think so, sensible Hellcat driver would install 76 mm AT Gun M1A2 with 3580 DPM versus your 2808 DPM (8.8 L71) or 2917 DPM (7.5 L70). As you can see, the Hellcat can even out damage you.
However, it’s pointless because in such 1 on 1 the odds would be strongly with the camper (you) overseeing the cap zone … making the game utterly boring. (Which I understand you don’t mind because you chose camping as your style.)
I hate Hellcats they are OP, because they have too good mobilty, turret, camo and also gun.
Want me to send you a few screenies and replays from the weekend?
That is not to say this Nashorn business is no good, far from it, I feel you’re entitled to your own opinion and play style and if Nashorn is better tailored for that, then props to you.
Can’t imagine why people are so miffed if you find the Nashorn better than the Hellcat.
I for example find the SU100 a bit better but then again, I use them both very differently and when(and IF) I find myself carrying a game with one, I can’t imagine how I would have done it with the other.
Also…I don’t play german tanks as I don’t like their overall design. It’s an aesthetic thing. I do find them quite good and worthy vehicles.
generally: +1
but after this 8.9 TD release I have an odd feeling that WG want to increase whining for TDs and yet push players in this direction…let them grind it for months, when enough of them will have it…we will step down from the throne and give them helpful nerf hand. You guys remember US TDs story..ehh?
Of course thats their goal, they wanna nerf them even more later on so TD players start grind other tanks or other newly introduced TDs like 2nd russian line or the new japansese ones. And hence spend money on free XP. These 2nd line germans sure made many people convert free XP. If im not wrong all TDs in the game have alreaddy been nerfed a couple of times in older patches. I dont know because I didnt play them, but I have heard other ppl say it. The nerfing and buffing is really to make people sell and rebuy tanks and hence convert their crews.
Just like the slight SGP buff in 8.9, not much but it surely made some people motivated to rebuy those artys and convert their crews. Just as 8.6 motivated some people to rebuy their TDs and convert crews.
“I dont know because I didnt play them”
…are you this guy? http://worldoftanks.eu/community/accounts/508002043-T3azz/ Because if so confirmed for compulsive lying.
strength = 8/10
fun factor = 2/10
total = 4/10
conclusion: not a keeper
Lolz the fan boys.
Here’s some news. The Nashorn is the only tank that ever completely knocked out (unrepairable) a T26E3 Pershing in WW2. Sure it was at point blank range but I think it speaks volumes of the Nashorn.
The Nashorn is a dedicated TD. The M10 and M18 could be regulated to firing HE as ad-hoc mobile infantry fire support. The M10s did this so much they wore the barrels out and had to replace them in the field in Italy. Plus SS said that the Nashorn was better then the Hellcat in terms of its gun and dedicated TD and that’s all he said was better then the Hellcat.
Seriously, people just cant read…
“I’ve seen many players state that Nashorn is not as good as the Hellcat. That much is true. It’s better – at what it does. That’s what’s important. If you play Nashorn as a Hellcat, you will fail.”
My take on the Hellcat vs. Nashorn argument:
Both the Hellcat and the Nashorn are wholly unique tanks, with wholly unique purposes, weaknesses and strengths. Comparing a dedicated sniper like the Nashorn and a rapid fire support/ambushing TD like the Hellcat is like comparing apples and pears. The only thing they have in common is the reinforced paper tissue armour.
My take on the Hellcat vs, Nashron argument: “pirates vs, ninjas” and “Batman vs. Superman” are considerably more intelligent and fruitful debates.
Hah, agreed.
Speaking of which… http://youtu.be/Ht7glxCAA2Q?t=2m9s
[Long post here]
I think the Hellcat/Nashorn debate to be a bit pointless really, IMO they are two very different tanks. They both have good view range and armor made of paper, but their similarities stop there.
I too also enjoyed the Nashorn greatly, it’s a really balanced machine, and I think the 88mm L71 has the perfect balance between ROF and alpha for a TD in Tier 6. When equipped with binoculars the Nashorn is the king in long range spotting and sniping at the 420+ meter range.
You can spot safely in bushes in the 420-450m range and snipe away, 420+ view range is not common in tier 6. Or even better if your teamates could spot enemies at 450+ range, you can just park in total open and spam shells since you’re outside of game engine’s spotting range. The 203 pen means the 2284 DPM is easily achievable even in these extreme ranges where weakspots could not be hit reliably. It’s clear the Hellcat couldn’t match Nashorn’s performance in this situation.
I would say the comparing with Nashorn, Hellcat traded off ROF, pen and a little view range for the turret and maneuverability, and the result is a tank with a very different play style. The Hellcat is better suited to more mobile and flanking oriented tactics, which the Nashorn could not match in this regard.
The Nashorn and the Hellcat excel at different roles with unmatched performance in its tier, and I think it’s a bit pointless arguing which is the better “overall” tank, or even calling the opposing people “butthurt” for it.
agreed, +1
with one exception, the Hellcat actually has some armor on the gun shield which can provide some bounces. Nashorn is all paper ;)
still after 51 games i have 1200 damage per battle on average so its ok, had 1050 ish with Hellcat over 81. so both to what they were designed to do but in different ways.
and by the way, “Camping” is a term is associate with Heavies in or behind the base Behind me in my Sniper/overwatch position. due to its size, mobility and gun stats the nashorn needs to be positioned in a good spot to be effective in supporting the assault or defense.
the high penetration and viewrange really help the Nashorn when put in T8 battles where it can easily hit weakspots on do damage from the front where other TD’s struggle or have to flank.
i do however not agree with SS on the OP-ness of the vehicle i find it balanced, the awesome gun at T6 is held in check by the non excitent armour, bad gun depression and the vehicles height.
Shame on SS to put his opinion on his own blog. It definitely calls for berating him and other rude behavior.
Break out the torches and pitchforks and get the tar and feathers ready someone had an opinion that he likes a vehicle more than you do.
Right, shame on SS for camping with a sniping td.
Nashorn = FCM36Pak40 for higher tiers. Anyone that has owned the map with the FCM will know instantly how to play this tank.
I haven’t. But Sturer Emil is just like Dicker Max.
Hummel in-disguise or fake hummel
Same platform IIRC.
So many Hellcat fanboys on this thread…
Look, as far as I can see it the two of them have different roles, so you can’t really make a fair comparison between the Hellcat and the Nashorn. The Hellcat has a turret, high camo, high mobility and a powerful gun, but overall besides the speed and having a turret it’s not really that impressive in other areas, as there are other TDs at that tier with better armor, camo and/or better guns. It’s basically a multirole vehicle, able to be a TD, a Scout or an aggressive flanker in a pinch.
Compare that to the Nashorn, which is an highly specialized vehicle designed for doing only one thing: long-range sniping, and it does this VERY well, better than any other TD at its tier. However, it’s overspecialized, and doesn’t have the armor or mobility to save it if its team falters.
Tank reviews from a noob are always so funny…