Ha-Go original drawings

Source: Yuri Pasholok’s blog

Hello everyone,

this post isn’t meant to show you some groundbreaking new info on the Japanese Ha-Go light tank, it’s meant to show you how Japanese drawings look like. They are… peculiar. Yuri Pasholok posted this on his personal blog. He comments:

“Often the technical culture can be judged by its technical documentation. In this sense, let’s say the Japanese military documents of WW2 period are very different from the rest of the world. To be honest, I don’t remember seeing such stuff anywhere else. To be clear – this is how the illustrations from the Ha-Go manual look like.”


30 thoughts on “Ha-Go original drawings

    • Daigensui would be more qualified to actually answer that sort of question, but very roughly, yes – there was definitely an influence, since the Japanese did start experimenting with tanks based on French designs. The doctrine was quite different though.

    • 我也是,但我喜歡中國更好

      有一個愉快的一天SS和保持良好的工作! :D

      • 中国語、日本語、ではない!ニッポン!

        • 日语里有一些汉字,所以能看懂。 感觉年代越早 ,汉字越多,仅此而已。

          • 以前日本人沒有文字,所以藉用了漢字,而且寫的都是文言文。 發明假名之後日文才有了點兒百化文的意思,到了現在逐漸這樣。但是更深刻、專業的話題(如坦克藍圖)還是需要很多漢字。 二戰後日本本來要廢除漢字,但發現不好使。

  1. I had to look through a lot of patents about 20 years ago and the Japanise ones often had general outlines much like this in style. The purpose to this type of illustration is to communicate the general arrangement and features and may move, exaggerate and distort features to communicate more clearly. Just,as with patents, the job of illustrating technical manual drawings is also designed to only communicate what is needed for the purpose of the manual and not to give clues of how it is to be made.

  2. Iknow that this is really not the correct place to ask but whats with the lack of 8.1 leaks recently? Usually theres entire trees and tank specs posted weeks before the actual testserver. WG must be in a real hurry to get this patch out the door this year or something.

    • These are really ‘illustrations’ rather than technical drawings, probably not done with any tools (besides a simple ruler) or grid paper. It might recall orthographic projection simply because it isn’t ‘in perspective’. For instance, you’d expect the tracks to be parallel, but in both of the drawings they taper to the tank’s rear. This might be because of the artist’s skill limitations, or intentional to be easier to spot parts of the tank, unlike with a technical drawing that could be hard to quickly interpret.

      In Wot Tank Viewer you can see that in orthographic view parts of the tank that are receding into the background stay the same size instead of shrinking as with normal perspective. Load up the TOG and view slightly to the side and above the front; the body of the tank appears to expand towards the rear.

  3. …were they *intentionally* imitating the art style of Ye Olden Times or something? Because in that regard those could be from, idk, the 15th century…