Weekend EU event: Sturer Emil and Nashorn on discount

Thanks to Oxmaster for this one

Hello everyone,

what, you thought there would be a day without a Wargaming EU fail? Come on, you know better than that already. But this time yet again, Wargaming EU’s sheer incompetence benefits the players. Anyway, here’s what’s what.

The weekend event has a set of discounted vehicles:


As you can see, no 8.9 German tank destroyers are amongst them. Yet, in the client, there are on discount (usual price: Nashorn – 905k, Sturer Emil – 1.3 mil):


So buy them while they are hot! US server has this discount also.

But the real question here is…. why. Why can’t a company, that boasts millions of Euro in revenue have a single weekend event without a problem. I mean – sure, for us players it’s “don’t look gifted horse in its mouth”, but for people working there, it’s a JOB. They are paid to do the orders of their superiors right – and we all can see how well this is going…

19 thoughts on “Weekend EU event: Sturer Emil and Nashorn on discount

  1. “sure, for us players it’s “don’t look gifted horse in its mouth”, but for people working there, it’s a JOB”

    You can always aplay for a job in WG and show them how its done…

      • you never know, maybe HQ is not satisfied with their work but they didnt find a worthy replacement… besides, unless you listed your full name how will they know? :DD

        nah… just stay good old FTR, we like it!

        • Actually, WG EU seems to be quite autonomous. As I wrote on FTR FB, recently there was a fight between RU and EU and EU sort of “won”.

          Also, WG EU know my name from the Czechout affair, since Czechout knew it actually.

      • Just think about the possibilities to come up with new nicknames by being closer to them all!

        That being said, bought the Sturer Emil and gg to WG as usual

      • no… pls don’t apply for a job at WG EU. I fear for your life. It will be like the Russian soldiers during WWII. Pretentious welcome, gulag ending.

        Don’t stay silent. Don’t get silenced.

  2. “But the real question here is…. why. Why can’t a company, that boasts millions of Euro in revenue have a single weekend event without a problem. I mean – sure, for us players it’s “don’t look gifted horse in its mouth”, but for people working there, it’s a JOB. They are paid to do the orders of their superiors right – and we all can see how well this is going…”


  3. There is probably some personality politics or nepotism going on. That or WG EU has really good BS artists in high places, in terms of sweet-talking Minsk.

    Or… Minsk doesn’t give a shit about non-RU region management; so long as they make x amount of profit they don’t interfere.

    • This. Same as any multinational business, the bottom line is the king and only measuring stick. You can commit horrid business and PR fuckups, but if you bring in a profit, you will not get touched…

      And lets face it, this game is like crack to some of those windowlickers out there, I have no other explanation for people buying T34 premiums with only 200games played…

  4. I worked for almost 5 years at EA Games. Only 4 years ago they decided to do something regarding the more and more increased revenue loss (online fraud mostly). As someone mentioned above, until they start losing money they just don’t care. Take FIFA for example. Youtube is full with graphics/engine/physics fail at every new edition launch. Yet it goes on every year and trust me they have testers working on this day in-day out.
    Until their pockets are hurt we will keep seeing mistakes and things done by amateurs.

    Everything resumes to cash…

  5. “But the real question here is…. why. Why can’t a company, that boasts millions of Euro in revenue have a single weekend event without a problem. I mean – sure, for us players it’s “don’t look gifted horse in its mouth”, but for people working there, it’s a JOB. They are paid to do the orders of their superiors right – and we all can see how well this is going…”

    For real though… If I was in charge I’d be firing people weekly until this shit was straitened out. Too many major fuck-ups IMO

  6. finally, PzSfl V and Nashorn have been officially included into the special … both shown with JagdPanther-silhouettes …
    almost done…. as it takes up to 3 days to type in a special’s features correctly that only have been planned several weeks in advance.