
Hello everyone,

please take a few minutes of your time to check the post about the Christmas Charity for a veteran tanker from WW2. Thank you.

Also, if you are interested, check out an article by Listy about the origins of Orlik’s medal

- if you enter a battle with premium account activated and it expires during this battle, the income results (which are calculated when the battle is over) will be without premium account bonus
- anti-fortification (concrete-breaking) shells won’t be introduced as separate shells, that would have an increased effect on buildings
- different sigma limits (SS: accuracy spread) for different stages of aim circle movement won’t be implemented (SS: as in, shooting guns when moving your tank would be lot less accurate than it is now)
- Q: “SerB, what tanks are you itching to buff and nerf?” A: “Everything. Nerfing only, of course.”
- SerB is completely satisfied with the current amount of scouts in battles
- T71 much stronger than AMX 13-75? “How terrible…”
- according to WG data, the amount of ammorack explosion in game has not increased
- the movement of tanks in WoT works so that each map has a grid and tanks move on its coordinates, this grid is very, very thick (like, has many points), the thickness of the grid is variable, but the poits are sometimes less than 1mm (in ingame measures, where a tank is for example 3m tall) apart from each other
- SerB states the tier 10 japanese tank STB-1 will be a Leopard-Patton hybrid
- SerB states that when Havok is introduced, the stuff on your tank (boxes, tools etc.) will fall off not only when hit by AP shells, but also when hit by for example HE splash
- it’s possible the stuff falling off will not only be handled client-side, but serverside as well (SS: this also implies the fact the Havok physics will bring changeable armor models like Storm wrote earlier)

74 thoughts on “25.11.2013

  1. - SerB states the tier 10 japanese tank STB-1 will be a Leopard-Patton hybrid

    So it’s going to be a small tenk with good dpm? Or a huge ass on with paper armor? ;D

  2. Hmm, changeable armor models? Sounds really nice :)

    And cant wait for the japanese :) The STB being a Leo-Patton hybrid sounds fun enough for me to grind it :) (plus the fact it is japanese <3 )

  3. - SerB states the tier 10 japanese tank STB-1 will be a Leopard-Patton hybrid

    Since its not russian – It will combine the big-ass profile of the Patton that we’ve all come to hate, have no camo rating, low top speed, and have a gun that is highly accurate but low DPM. Yep. Typical.

    Of course I’m talking about the post-nerfs setups. This thing will be OP as hell when it comes out in order to sucker people to free-xping their way to it :trollface:

    • This pretty much explains all former patches….introduce the OP tank…let the naive fools free exp it…then nerf it….unless it’s russian…then buff it(Obj140 turret)

        • To be FAIR they didn’t do so since the introduction of the first French branches 2 years ago.

      • lets see, looking at only tier 10: (as far as i can remember)

        Tanks that got introduced but were not op at the moment of release:


        Tanks that were introduced as op

        T57(pending nerf)
        Foch155(pending nerf)
        50B – rebalanced
        bat -tier change and rebalanced

        Russian tanks:

        Is-7 one of the worst tier 10′s, buff/nerfed many times, still sucks
        is-4 mediocre from day it became tier 10

        Your silly hater brain failed hard. Try again with some better arguments (i didnt even touch low tiers)

        • Well ofc they didn’t, its a British tank. Apart from the newer British tanks nobody, including British tank experts, says anything good about WW2 British tanks. Apart from the Matilda, overall armor and general inclusion of technology. 17pdr is not included in the list because most of the guns mounted other then the 17pdr were embarrassing and pull the overall weighted value down.

          Don’t believe me? Read about British tanks from books written by British tank experts who happen to be British.

          • Heh, British tanks weren’t as bad as many make out. Their doctrinal use wasn’t great. But they normally had a couple of Redeeming features, be it Speed or armour. And all had good guns. But if you read books by Chamberlain and Fletcher you’ll see that.

            • I have books by both actually. And some of the designs were really really bad. Some were just poorly thought out and some were bad because of operational issues due to climate issues that took time to solve.

              I know that they weren’t all bad (been reading about British tanks a lot lately) but I had to rub it in a little. A lot of the tanks had great features only to be let down by different issues for different tanks. Every country had their embarrassing tank problems some just show up in books more often then others. =)

              • Exactly. every country had bad tanks, Britain wasn’t anything special. But for some reason everyone focuses on British failures more than other nations.

                I wouldn’t say Britain had more failures than any other country though. Of course if its not German then its a crap tank according to the majority.

                PS: Well done on reading Chamberlain, he’s been overshadowed by Flether these days, Its normally only those above a certain age who know of him ;)

  4. - T71 much stronger than AMX 13-75? “How terrible…”

    SerB your ignorance is bliss.

  5. - if you enter a battle with premium account activated and it expires during this battle, the income results (which are calculated when the battle is over) will be without premium account bonus
    This is not true. It happens to me numerous times and if you enter a battle with premium account activated and it expires during this battle, you stil gets the income whit account bonus.

    • Well, the few times I got to test out on this, I only got standard credits even if prem was still active when I launched it. Either it did expire during MM queue and I did not notice, or yours expired between actual battle’s end and garage return.

  6. Havok is a 13 year old engine, it isn’t a Holy Grail of gaming, almost every game use Havok or PhysX… Yet they’re presenting it as the Messiah…

    • You do realize Havok has been upgraded/reworked many times…
      It is a very solid and dependable and tested engine. I see nothing bad in it.

      Ohh… and give me a call when War Thunder looks as good as MEtro Last Light, Crysis 3 and BF4…

      • Yeah it’s upgraded, reworked, but the point is it’s a COMMONLY USED engine, every game has physics engine nowadays, even Tetris…
        So it isn’t something unique, like they want us to believe.

        WoT gets Dx11 renderer next year, WT gets it in the next month (but I’ll use the new OpenGL renderer, more fps with the same settings)…

  7. Hey all I and looking for Orlik’s birthday. I have an estimated year in 1916 or 1918? I am looking for month and day if possible. He is a hard person to research for me. If you know the date PM me on the EU or NA forums.
    I thank you ahead of time.

    Bóg, Honor, Ojczyzna

    • God, Honor, Country?
      Why God is before Honor , why Honor is before Country ? It was the freedom of your country that you fought for so dearly, why it’s the last ?

      French figured it out better, surrender to Nazis, let Nazis get banged, emerge as victorious along the Murricans and Commies = profit. No God, No honor, no crap, just pure gains.

      Just saying why you poles had such a hard time in the past….

      • The last among the first is still pretty high on the list.

        And this ‘hard time’ you speak of has nothing to do with priorities, and everything to do with neighbours… France had the good luck of being separated with the channel from the people who hated their guts.

        • No, France had the “good luck” to have become a major European power long before that war, and the misfortune to be next to Germans yet divided from “the only people who hated their guts” aka their allies the Brits, by a channel. On the other hand, that nice little moat served the Brits well, giving them time to actually survive the onslaught, and later come back. If the Germans had easy ccess to Britain that early in the war, the Poles would still be under Russians, or would not exist at all, and the Unified Europe would have arrived cca 1950, only as the “Europeiche Reich” :P

  8. From Listy’s article : “The patrol was ordered to scout the Kampinoska forest.”
    Every WoT player know how risky it is to scout Kampinovka’s forest… :D

  9. - SerB states that when Havok is introduced, the stuff on your tank (boxes, tools etc.) will fall off not only when hit by AP shells, but also when hit by for example HE splash

    This would just make me spam HE shells to see how far i can ruin those tanks on the outside without destroying them.

  10. The A3 turret on my Leopard 1 would be a most appreciated “model change” after Havok is implemented… just sayin’

    • The A3 turret is a spaced armor design filled with a (still classified) composite that made it generally impervious to L7 gun.

      Setting aside all balance considerations, WoT devs say they will never implement composite armor designs.

  11. - T71 much stronger than AMX 13-75? “How terrible…”

    - SerB has been blown up by an American mail bomb? (“Democracy will coe to WG when it is broguht by American bombers” does not specify type of bomber/bomb) “How terrible…”

  12. - if you enter a battle with premium account activated and it expires during this battle, the income results (which are calculated when the battle is over) will be without premium account bonus

    If this is true, how much of a scrooge could the WG company be to program it like this.

    • By the same token, if you obtain premium before the battle ends you get the premium bonus, as well as all other bonuses (missions, x3/x5, etc., AFAICT).

    • No malicious intent here. Prem runs out at a specific point in time, and the program calculates gains based on account data taken at the moment the battle ends. Simple and effective.

  13. Q: “SerB, what tanks are you itching to buff and nerf?” A: “Everything. Nerfing only, of course.”

    Well, he definitely didn’t want to nerf KV1S so his answer is invalid.