WG EU 8.10 preview: wrong Japanese tree

Hello everyone,

just a quick heads up about a mistake in the WG EU 8.10 patch announcement. The tree WG EU linked is old. Because the post will probably be backedited at some point – here is the old version EU posted:



and here is the more recent correct version from Russian portal:


As you can see, there are some differences between them:

- some tanks have been renamed (eg. Chi Nu to Type 3 Chi Nu, or STB1 to STB-1 for example)
- Type 97 Te-Ke was removed and the remaining light tanks were shifted down a tier (Te-Ke is suspected to appear as low-tier premium or reward tank)
- Chi-Ri lost its 88mm gun, it’s top gun will be 3 round 75mm autoloaded gun
- Type 61 and STA switched places, Type 61 is now tier 9 (this is historically more accurate, as STA prototype was Type 61′s predecessor)

Edit: they already fixed that, good :)

41 thoughts on “WG EU 8.10 preview: wrong Japanese tree

        • I know just wishful thinking… and i just remembered that the 75 auto loader is a teir 6 gun.

        • Well, T20 got nice gun, so does Comet with its insane RoF, Russian 85mm is nice with its combination of 180dmg on average and workable penetration value and then, you got here the Chinese 100mm with interesting penetration and damage. Probably the worst tier 7 medium top gun is 75L70, since it does not have the RoF nor damage nor pen to make it on par with others. 88L56 got too low pen, 10.5mm is obsolete on that tier, 75L100 is… well, strange, too specific to place in comparison with others gun.

          • The 75L100 has 195 of penetration, that’s almost on par with the 203 of the 88L71. It might seem like small comfort, but at least you can still hurt people 2 tiers above you, unlike with the ‘muricans or british, where you have to get insanely close.

            And it somewhat feats the machine ; every time you hear a german apologist blatter on about the Panther, it’s along the lines of “Well, the Panther could hit and kill a Sherman at 2000m but the Sherman has to drive all the way to its side and hack it with a pickaxe LULZ”.

  1. It makes sense though, no t7 medium has a great gun, ugh, this makes me wonder of what will happen to the AMX 45 when it is released…no DCA 45 would make me gag.

    • The Panther was my first tier 7 and I had a great time in it. T-34-1 and A-44 seem pretty cool too.

      • The A44 has the ZiS-6 and “fuck-you” sloped armour, which is insane.

        In fairness, the T-34-1 sold all of its armour to buy a shiny gun, as for the Panther, well, just check my comment on the thread just up there.

  2. It looks like WG even can’t post proper news about features they are introducing to their own game.

  3. OK,

    One: Te-Ke would have been perfect for this tree

    Two: Chi-Ri was SUPPOSED to have an 88mm gun. So WG has fucked up a tank and it’s not even in the game yet. Great.

    • IIRC Daigensui debunked that; the Americans just found some 88mm AA guns nearby and assumed ZOMGZ THEY GONNA PUT EIGHTYEIGHTS ON CHI-RIS TO MAKE JAPANESE TIGER.

      • It wouldn’t be out of character. They borrowed Comets and Me 262s by the end pretty much everything they could from their “ally”.

        But, hey, the Japanese spent the second half of the war borrowing things from everyone. And that’s a shame for them, because they were pretty well in advance in the 30′s.

        • well, they focused their relatively limited resources to make ships, so they needed to “borrow” other tech from other nations

  4. Any idea what happens when 8.10 arrives with regard to what we get? For example, choices may include:
    1. We get a free tier 1 Japanese tank with 100% crew like we would as a new player to WoT, and possibly a free garage space with it; or,
    2. Nothing

    • I think when the Chinese were introduced we got the tier 1 tank, a slot and 50% crew. So I assume same will happen with the Japanese.

    • You do know that the Tier 1 is just another Renault FT derivative and nobody is complaining about there being too many FT’s. But then it is a Tier 1 and not a T-54 copy pasta… Oh wait, it IS…

      Guess it is a good thing that I actually like the FT.

      • The FT *is* tanks. It defined tanks first. It’s in this game even though it is 23 years younger than the Leichttraktor.

  5. So basically, the Chi Ri will have the 75mm type 5 AT gun, wich is Chi Nu Kai”s gun, but autoloaded?

    125mm pen at tier 7? Eugh!!! Or they would use the Premium AP round for the Chi Ri, buffing it up to 150?