62 thoughts on “Object 430 (T10) and 430V2 (T9) characteristics

  1. Could anyone show me any real difference between T-62A, Object 140 and Object 430? +- same armor, same gun, +- same speed, those tanks are just copies of themselves (at least for me…)

    • Obj 140 is a tad better copy of T-62A with better speed, armor angles and gun depression. Obj 430 has good frontal armor, same speed as Obj140 and lower RoF. Yep, they’re still clones with variations.

    • Well, yes. The 430 has better armour, better gun depression (-6) than T-62A, worst rate of fire and traverse on both hull and turret, worst aim time. So the differencees are there. No very big ones, but the overall will make the tank work different, an hibryn of the WZ-121 and the 140.

      • Sorry to interrupt you bro but I can’t stand you using the term WZ-121

        WZ designation is for tanks that were accepted in to production and had their factory tests, 110,112,113 and 121 were either paper projects or had only single prototypes that were rejected by the army. WZ-111 was in fact developed in 5 different variants and had its factory tests to see which one was viable enough to run production but the fact none was reliable enough to continue the project is another thing.

        Same goes for WZ-120, the premium tank uses it’s service designation Type 59 because it uses it’s historical configuration in which it was produced and served in PLA. The grindable one is WZ-120 because it has access to all weapons it was experimented with and thus it’s named after its factory designation.

        • Correct, Type 69, wich can be called aswell WZ-121 because there were varios prototypes. And bassed on what you say about WZ-120 and Type 59 the 121 should be called WZ because it doesn’t use an historical configuration, wich was a 100 mm smothbore gun, and later an 105 mm L7 and it baceme the Type 79

          • just to say it the 121 is not the type 69. and therefore using the term WZ-121 for it is horribly wrong.

          • Then you got me wrong. the 121, current tier X med was only a prototype to meet the army’s requirements but the army rejected the tank. That’s why it’s not the WZ. Only tanks with designation WZ were approved by the army to be developed further.

            Only Numbers – Prototype developed to meet requirements laid by the army but yet not approved.

            WZ and numbers – Prototype approved by army for further development in to production model. From all chinese tanks I know, only WZ-111 Heavy tank was rejected at this stage.

            Type and numbers – Tank approved , tested and in production. Serving in PLA

            • 121 is one of tge early versions of the WZ-121 (Type 69), it entered in service, and it was one of tge first home-made tanks in Chine (not national adquired tecnologies, but made in home). More than 2000 were manufactured, but not the version ingame.

              • It can be a follow-up like Chieftain from FV4202, T-54 from T-44 or perhaps more similar case like IS-8 from IS-7. The tank is dropped but the concept remains, the development continues in to a new tank. They are still separate tanks and naming 121 as WZ-121 is just a horrible mistake.

                The in-game 121 was rejected by Chinese military and was used in a nuclear test just like my favorite 113. It’s a shame that such waste product like WZ-111 is still in museum while those two are forever lost…

    • Well the 140 has better gun depression than the T62A, if i remember correctly. Not sure about the 430.

  2. LOL, the gun on the 430v2 shared with the T-54 is not as good as the one shared with the 416 :-)

  3. Notice how the engine shown in the v2 screenshot isn’t the top engine, it’s possible that it’s got another gun which isn’t shown.

      • Notice how the engine shown on the v2 have 550 hp and can only be mounted on the v1, but the regular 430 have a 580 hp engine which can be mounted on both it and the v2

    • UP as hell? it’s got way better armor than the T-54 while still being agile and use the same guns (pretty much).
      Are you saying that the T-54 is UP?

    • Ive see ppl do wonders in their Obj416 and I can imagine this will be similar. The low profile and turret in back allow some pretty decent pee-a-boo over smaller hills, hill slopes and shooting behind cover.

        • I imagine 430V2 has 360 turret traverse along with its very good armour fixes most of the 416′s problems. More like the A-44.

            • The 416 is like a ninja TD. It’s super fast, has great camo and the gun is awesome.

              I guess at tier 9 the 430v2 will need to load more HEAT, but otherwise it should do fine.

    • I reckon the gun nerfs would be enough to balance higher hull armour (slightly worse RoF and aim time than other T10 Soviet MTs). 430 still has thin turret top to allow for -6 elevation.

      A weak engine would be quite penalising for the T9 that uses the same engine in the front, as with the A-44′s engine. (This also explains why 430 is more expensive to unlock; you get an engine for ‘free’.)

  4. oh god, 20mm more hull armor with better angles – would definitely get this one over the T62A or Obj 140 if I wasn’t so damn close to getting the Obj 140, plus the fact that I need a tier X med for the campaigns.

  5. 8,7 rounds/minute.

    obj. 140 and t42a are at 9,09…

    i’m ok with this.

  6. I cant really see the 430V2 working out well.Same guns as the T-54,pretty much,but no fully traversing turret and a engine that will probably get knocked out/damaged VERY often (see A-44 and Object 416),and all you get is slightly better turret armor and more hitpoints…The only other thing this tank might have going for it is the ability to sidescrape (80mm side armor).

  7. great medium tank :D different style and gameplay. tier X have great ROF and accuracy. i want it :D

  8. Well that’s quite underwhelming. I mean granted the 430 is at least more different to the T-62A than the 140 is (better armor and speed, shittier gun) but cmon really. The 430/140 are pretty pointless. And the 430V2 is just a … worse T-54, with a shitty rear turret design from what I can tell. Yes rear turret tanks can exploit certain side-scraping tactics a little better but that one advantage doesn’t really outweigh the disadvantages. And for how much XP you have to earn to unlock these clones? Let’s just say I’m happy I’ve already got the “real” tanks (T-54/T-62) and I see no point in unlocking these new clones.

    At least we’ll get some interesting tanks with the Japanese.

      • The 430 will be the best t10 medium as it will beable to for fill any role with it’s fantastic armor.
        Though this is boring

        The Jp tank is interesting and only worht getting if it really has the -10. But at the end of the day it has massive weak spots so wont be much of a threat on level ish ground

  9. some interesting facts

    50-m effective armor
    UP 150 @ 60 =300
    LG 100 @ 60 =200

    UG 100 @ 60 = 200
    LG 100 @ 50 = 155

    OBJ 140
    UG 100 @ 65 = 236
    LG 100 @ 60 = 200

    OBj 430 ( assuming the same angles as the 140 ) Im hoping the angles will be greater by a few
    UG 120 @ 65 = 283
    LG 120 @ 60 = 240

    is 7/ e100
    LG 150 @ 50 = 233