Foch 155 to be nerfed in 8.10? Nope.


Hello everyone,

news appeared that Foch 155 will allegedly get a nerf in 8.10, according to the “leak” from supertester part of the forum:


“Task of the week: rebalance of Foch 155 in 8.10
We have to decide what to do with it:
1. nerf alpha to 650
2. nerf frontal armor to 120″

Terrible? Not really. Storm came to explain:


“Listen up whiners, you better check your source. I haven’t seen so much ruckus caused by a photoshopped pic for a long time”

57 thoughts on “Foch 155 to be nerfed in 8.10? Nope.

    • How would it be useless? It would still be one of the fastest Tier 10 TDs. And it would still have its 3 clip autoloader reloading at the same speed as before.

      • But the armor nerf would be completely unhistorical, The Foch had 180mm frontal armor, Foch 155 was merely an upgunning proposal and side fenders are there only for players to know that they’re dealing witf the rearmed beast. So the hull is meant to be the same. Even AC 48′ which was a preliminary design for Foch had 180mm proposed from very beginning. The current 150mm it has is unhistorical and purely for balance because it would be too similar to Foch as it already has 120mm gun and soft stats wouldn’t be enough to balance it at tier 8.

        • It needs a serious mobility nerf, the gun is bad as it is apart from alpha. Everybody bitches about the JpE100 because it is the only non-OP tier 10 TD

    • Assuming reload and other things do not change, I find this to be a pretty heavy nerf to the Foch. The armor was fine, and weak enough as-it-was. The gun is incredibly difficult to aim, you rarely are able to maintain camo unless aiming at the exact position of the enemy. Even as a pro player who owns one of these, I do not deem this tank over powered. The point of TDs, any of them at tier X, is to do major amounts of damage, because the HP is available to do so. The 268 still maintains far better DPM, accuracy, aim time, and by far armor at this point. The Foch stayed balanced with a 5 second, inter-drum reload which essentially allows tanks to move/hide. The commander ports and even its mediocre gun mantle and frontal armor are fairly easy to pen for Tier Xs. Sides, rear, and top are so weak anything can pen you, especially artillery.

      The WTE-100, although with more blaring weaknesses, features more view range (420m) and can outspot many tanks. Equipped with a solid crew and camo net it can stay relatively safe/hidden. The 12.8cm gun offers ~3,360dmg/clip average within a 10 second period (2 sec inter). The Foch is currently ~2,550dmg/clip average within the same 10 second period. The WT with its high velocity rounds, and APCR option, with the most accurate gun in the game, can do some serious damage. It’s ability to keep tanks locked in the open through the front drive wheel is incredibly good. The WTE100 can easily and reliably clip out a Maus while the Foch would maybe get within 400-800HP. Finally, the WTE100 has a turret that maintains minimal reticule dispersion while traversing. This ability allows you to quickly switch targets and continuing firing with little need to re-aim. The Foch, with any movement at all for shot correction would demand an entire aim time duration to be accurate. This same downfall results in significant difficulty in hitting targets on the move, while the WTE100 accels at this.

      I really feel players are taking judgment from a generalized community point of view rather than the hard facts about the tanks, and how they really work in-game. To be considered, I feel the Foch, despite its possibility for high-dmg, as it should have being a tier X TD, really is not top TD any longer. In addition, for those who brought up mobility, the WTE100 is fairly mobile for its size and weight.

        • WTE100 is OP also imo just because of ridiculous burst damage it can do. And this comes from a mainly TD player who is also German fanboi :P

            • Just like Foch 155, if you’re getting in to 1vs1 with Foch you’re asking for disaster but Foch 155 can’t deal with two tanks at once in any case scenario andd to this 50 sec. of reload after the burst.

              • I find WT E-100 the crappiest tier 10 TD. It’s good for something only if it’s ignored. Its view range/camo combination is horrible and anything can pen its turret. Now sometimes you can hull-down to hide hull weaknesses, but you can’t turret-down.

                • what do you dont like about view range? it has best view range in the game 420 m :) and ive seen WT being invisible in randoms if player playing them has some brain

                • Example: was on El Halluf on the edge on our hill, we had a scout on their side. I was seeing enemies on map but never in-game. And the enemies were firing on me even if they didn’t have any scout here and I didn’t move or fire and shot. I wasn’t talking specifically about view range but combined with camo(which is the worst in-game)

        • Ahahaha, but I personally think that WTE is fine atm. Sure u have higher burst damage, but u should realize that actually, u’re driving a HE pinata……

          I love throwing my 268 HE to its turret……1,3k damage whohooooo

  1. Why does it takes months, almost years, to balance a tenk that is overperfoming, even in Wargaming’s opinion?
    (Same for underperorming tenks.)

    • Because it makes cash for WG. OP tank=everyone wants it ASAP=everyone buys gold to convert exp and skip the whole branch to Foch155+lost of them buys t8 prem tanks to grind credits for it.

      • Don’t listen to Medjed, he has a lot of sand in his body cavities.

        It takes so long because they need a lot of statistical data independent of the beginning rush and because these days, tAnks already come out fairly balanced, difference from 49% is usually a couple of %.
        If you feel a tank is OP because you lose battles to it, you should try changing your tactics as the game will always change. Whining like Medjed – poster boy of idiot crybabies isn’t gonna help.

        • LOl bigest bulshit ever. Try to flank tds? WHERE TELL ME WHERE FUCKING IDIOT? Last game i as killed in batchat becouse after 7 mins our TDS have NO ACTION like ENEMIES.
          Any tank will be sopted before you can spot TD, and you die instantly, yes i have game where fucking all Tds camped near base, and wiped 3 tier X tanks after i spoted them in fucking 5 sec, i manage to do 1 simple shot and before reload in T54 they all gone. So stfu.
          Pleas tell me master how to avoid Tds and kill easy them in this FUCKING GAME:


  2. it’s a bit too early to jump the gun here I’d say. Just because this isn’t the nerf, who says there won’t be a nerf?

  3. If there is an OP tank it’s obj268 that thing got spotted on sand river in 350meters and ONLY after he made a shot, then he magicly disappeared (I was in Foch 155 with optics, BIA and vents so it should be 445m+ view range) Not to mention 450mm gold ammo pen (my 400 is just shit compared to that)
    It’s KV2-style accurate (the old kv2 not the one with 0.6 accuracy we have now), bounces/doesn’t penetrate BC and Leo PTA… (I even bounced PTA’s LFP twice in one battle and he was lust facing me straight) and because you got killed in your STRONK IS7 or E5 because you was smart enough to peek arount the corner with your side… you should be oneshotted by FV183 because 10 seconds to die is too long and FV won’t get nerfed.

    99.(9)% of Foch 155 whiners are those who don’t have it and just want everyone else to be the same (they are too lazy to grind it ofc to understand what ACTUALL pros and cons it has)

    • Foch and Obj 268 are both OP, Foch has much better armor and even hitting its cupolas doesn’t always damage it. And with 0.36 accuracy it’s A BLOODY SNIPING GUN! But you’re right about one thing. The Object 268(and its whole line) has insane camo(statistically better than MS-1 or other tier 1′s)

  4. In the current status if people want to nerf the foch 155 they have to want the waffentrager to be nerfed too.
    Comparison time:

    foch 155, 3 shots with 5 secs between them/waffen 6 shots with 2 secs
    foch niet turret/waffen turret
    foch 3 secs aiming/waffen 1.5
    foch 0.36 accuracy/waffen 0.29
    foch 400 view range/waffen 420
    foch burst 2550 in around 13 secs/waffen 3360 in around 16

    Waffen is the kv1s of the tier x, every dumb want one to feel strong and have easy kills. And with this stupid german biais in the head of people, who still think that germany was the best army but lose only cause they faced overwhelming forces… The herd will keep going in this branch.

    I dont know if the foch 155 is OP, i have 1226 in er and 52% wr, i played all armies and not just kv1s hellcat and some unbalanced tier 3/5/6 to raise my stats.
    And in the end i’m still stuck in 47% wr with the foch 155, maybe i’m not good with it but we have to be honest:
    1st it is not that op, or op at all
    2nd if the foch is op then waffen is uber op
    3dr i can mention a lot of tanks in this game played by millions of player wich still flirt with 50% wr and that means they are op. Cause most players have 48% and 47% wr in eu server….

    And of course pardon my english.

      • You do know how to play with it right?
        Use the 12,8 cm gun and stay back,kind of same tactics with the other TD’s,Oh and I had it in the Test Server I can tell you that it is hell of a tank I mean,it has awesome View Range and it gets better with Coated Optics,442 m Not even counting the Crew stats,skills I mean it is an awesome tank,it is fast for it’s weight too 35 kmp/h it is still nice and it’s gun come on now don’t tell me you don’t like the gun! It has 6 shots which have 2 sec between them and you know what is the killer about this gun?It’s shell’s speed,It is the fastest of them all (If I recall right) when you see a target in distance you just nail them to where they are!
        So In my opinion It’s a good tank as long as you don’t get spotted,as I said before just stay back and support your team but from far,far behind.

        Now for the real deal…
        Foch 155 can excel in close combat,if you are willing to give some of your HP it also can excel at distant and you wouldn’t take damage but I’m not sure you could do damage in that tank from the distance of course you can but it’s a bit risky.

        • Close combat????
          Against one tank, sure!
          Against two tanks(with average cleverness), auto loose!!!

          • By close combat I meant you can lead your team mates directions,by taking the shots the enemy fires,which I think the enemy will ricochet on you.I don’t meant One on one or two on one you gotta have some team mate,it’s a team dependent game.

        • Exactly:it’s good only if it’s ignored. And with its size and horrible camo it surely won’t. The gun is its only good thing and I’d rather have it without autoloader. That 1min loading time is horrible. You can miss the start of the battle on a smaller map and you’re completely defencelss while reloading, you must rely on your team and we all know the notion of “team” in wot doesn’t exist.

      • Oh irony… It’s cute.

        I didnt tell foch is crap, far from it.
        I said and stats seems to be in my favor, that if people cry about the OPness of the Foch 155, they should commit suicide when they see an abomination like the waffentrager.
        i’m not the kind of person who produce an opinion based on nothing or only feelings, my stats are bad with the foch 155 because i play it like the foch and the thing has less mobility, more aiming time and an auto loader that put u in big trouble when u reload. I’ll correct this stats.
        But again, try to face fact here, when we look at balancing problems there is more pressing issue.

        And i cant stop to think that people just want the foch 155 nerfed because it’s french…
        French can’t have good tanks, they just surrender in the beginning of the war! Ah ah ah ah etc.
        When something incredible appear in german, soviet and american branches, it’s cool. The t57 outclass the amx 50b, the lorraine is a shit in front of the t54e1 and everybody know the issue of a duel between amx 13 75 and t71 but no problems here.
        But the Foch 155… Oh my! It may be one of the best Td, it cant be french, we have to do something about it…

        • I’m not basing my opinion on a tank’s nation, but on my impression. I don’t consider all russian branches OP, I don’t consider all french tanks OP, it’s just that I can’t find OP tanks in german and american trees (just my opinion). I play tanks from all these nations and against all these nations and neither of them is my country so I can’t be subjective when it comes to this.

        • I agree with you there,Foch is fine,maybe it needs little adjustments but not that big as the post say what is wrong with the 180 mm frontal armor,only thing foch depends on is it’s Frontal Armor,it has no sides,no rear(Please don’t say “It’s gun is deadly” I know it is but 5 sec between every shot ? You can run to a cover at that time if you aren’t on an open field.)
          It is fine.But as I said it needs some adjustment maybe lowering the armor on it’s frontal weak spots by 10-20 mm.But if players are waiting for every shot they take on Foch’s frontal armor to count they can expect what ever they want to.Well this game should be about balance.Gun’s itself is okay,it has decent accuracy for an auto loader,3 shots with 750 dmg average is decent when you consider other td’s,I think Obj 268 is the Foch 155 (Not as the armor but the gun.) with out the auto loader(but you have to agree with me it has some weird armor…)

    • I think actually arty should get an all around buff to look more attractive to the morons, which didn’t try the arty after 8.6.
      My opinion is, that i hit everything!

  5. I dont think foch155 needs a nerf the td is a pos in my point of view. Same goes for t57 heavy the tank has gotten no nerfs as i know of yet it seems to magically change over the past few months after it came out

  6. The problem is that HT’s are trying to snipe against TD’s and than they are crying its unfair. I see so many stupid HT campers these days.

  7. Foch 155 only needs armor nerf, My JPE-100 can’t even penetrate it’s upper hull, and the weakspot can even bounce it a couple of times.

    My only way to kill that thing frontally is to aim on the lower part of the gun…

    • Yes the armor of this Foch is just troll – god almost everytime i know before that i gonna bounce on that Foch… only if you are near enough to hit the tiny weakspots on top… i dont even think the Gun is OP, i think the combination of the speed and armor is a bit too much!