Hello everyone,
I am NOT sure this list is full (or rather, I am sure it is not), but I will keep checking.
WZ-111 1-4:
- both turrets have had their armor schematics changed (the latter only insignificantly, with slight shape change)
Chinese Chi-Ha:
- overall weight reduced by 20kg
- traverse speed of both turrets nerfed from 44 (46) to 30 deg/s
- shell velocity of the 57mm Type 97 gun nerfed from 420 to 355, of the 47mm Gun Type 1 from 834 to 810
- elevation nerfed for all guns from 21 to 20
- stock radio range nerfed from 400 to 350, middle radio nerfed from 550 to 425, top radio from 700 to 550, their tiers were reduced by 2 (6 to 4, 8 to 6, 10 to 8)
Chinese M5A1
- 47mm gun shell velocity slightly nerfed
- 47mm gun weight slightly increased (by 51 kg)
- side armor upper part changed from 80mm to 100mm
- ammo capacity changed from 40 to 80
- depression/elevation changed from -6/+17 to -8/+38
- turret traverse speed changed from 14 to 16 deg/s
- gun elevation slightly buffed
FV215b (183)
- caliber of the gun nominally changed from 183mm to 182,9mm
- splash of HESH and HE shells slightly reduced from 5,06 to 5,05m
- stock turret armor changed from 95/75/75 to 90/75/75
- D-25T and D-2-5T ammo capacity increased from 26 to 28 shells
FV215b (183)
- caliber of the gun nominally changed from 183mm to 182,9mm
Nothing like a 100 micron tuneup in the name of accuracy!
- splash of HESH and HE shells slightly reduced from 5,06 to 5,05m
what about – 0.01m splash reduce….
i think WG dose this things cos they don’t have work….
On the other hand they “don’t have time” to nerf/rebalance KV-1S, T57 and Foch155….yea right
Rather in the name of overmatching, I’d reckon.
FV215b (183)
- caliber of the gun nominally changed from 183mm to 182,9mm
- splash of HESH and HE shells slightly reduced from 5,06 to 5,05m
Wow, they really nerfed that poor tank to the ground!
How terrible.
FV215b (183)
- caliber of the gun nominally changed from 183mm to 182,9mm
- splash of HESH and HE shells slightly reduced from 5,06 to 5,05m
OMG That means we need to call it FV215b (182,9) !
or 182,9
lol they ruined the tank
Why to nerf the chinese Chi-Ha so much? Was it an uuber-OP tank?
Or it just looked too cool near it’s Japaneese bro :)
Actually yes, chinese Chi-Ha was the most powerful T3 tank there is. It can easily kill KV1′s and in T3 games it rapes everything horribly. I have 73% win rate in mine over 150 games ..
Not according to the server stats where it is 11/17 in light tank win rate, and doesn’t reach mid table in any other measure.
It hardly justifies such a massive all round nerf….
the only noticeable change was the turret traverse speed change.
hardly what i would call a massive nerf.
Okay… now the Lowe got a major buff???
it needs it IMO, i really can’t see anything good about that tank when you compare it to a T34
yes it has only 9 second reload (12.41 in T34 with BIA+Vents+Rammer) just perfectly good aim time and isn’t blind as mole (400 compared to 360 meters). Is a little bit slower AND CAN actually bounce a KV1S/ IS if front plate is angled. So yeah what it needs is not better players that understand how to use (not use it as a bloody IS6) but a buff… T34 should get a buff too… I’ve seen enough players with 900-1200 avg damage on it >:(
The Lowe’s being buffed because the one in-game doesn’t match the specifications given on designs it was based on. Hilary Doyle (one of the foremost historians on German armor) sent them the proper data on the tank some time ago, and so they’re correcting the mistakes they’ve made. The fact that the corrections are all buffs is a bonus.
- turret traverse speed changed from 14 to 16 deg/s
Gee, that’s one helluva buff. I wonder how they come up with such changes?
For a turret that turns that slowly, an extra 2 degrees traverse is useful.
Especially the Maus needs to angle its turret for the armor to be effective.
That is actually a 14% buff, which is not at all minor.
from 1 to 2 is 100% increase doesnt make it less bad ;s
Well, that is true, my good sir.
Foch 155 still untouched …
“How terrible”. Play it 1st, then talk how “OP” it is. Not like UP obj. 268 ;)
Well nothing wrong with that tank. 268 is much more powerful.
Yeah, Obj268 it’s far more op than foch.
Ok, for what reason anyone should ever drive a m48 patton?? :)
Or worst, the Fv4202.
2 good and specific meds. But sure, T-62A is way better. On hills f.e. ;)
Historical Battles set in Korea.
It used to be a lot better, but it was nerfed because, to sum it up in a nutshell: “T-62A Stronk! Remove Patton from premises!”
(The reason I say that is that the nerfs were all on things that were mostly up to interpretation, such as rate of fire and camo rating, rather than empirical stats like armor thickness or mobility)
Um i hope that +38 gun elevation for the loewe is a typo?
If not then Löwe is AA tank
Well it wouldn’t surprise me if that was what they had in mind with such an elevation angle, as it’s a trend that showed up in other tanks (The_Cheiftain’s video on the Maus comes to mind, when he explains how the coaxial 75 mm gun was apparently for anti-aircraft purposes, implying that the 12.8 cm main gun that dictated where said gun was aimed had some decent elevation)
or arty
it’s not a typo :)
Yeah to answer my question, it is not a typo (or atleast as far as i know is correct) I finaly after waiting over an hour got onthe test server and it does have some crazy angles now…and ammo pool lol 80 rounds
- gun elevation slightly buffed
so what‘s “slightly buffed” mean?
Better :3
I know it’s better,but how?
E50 M needs a gun depresion more then a gun elevation
And how would it get that…it’s just an E 50 at T10…so the stats are going to be nearly identical when it comes to depression/elevation.
- gun elevation slightly buffed
I checked the xml and it’s a nerf, not buff.
-20 6 24
-20 6 25
-20 0 27
-20 0 30
Completely Nerf
Thank you Based Tank God for the Lowe buffs we are about to receive.
And that crazy elevation!
did i read this wrong of did WG decided to BUFF GERMAN TENKS?!
wow never thought they’ll buff anything
They’re buffing the Lowe, but only because a historian brought them documents that gave different stats than what’s in the game as of 8.9, and since it wasn’t exactly over-performing they decided “alright, we’ll fix it.”
no, because they have to be historical to nerf future tanks :)
Wow, they nerf M5A1? That POS needs a nerf?? Not sure about Chi-Ha, not exactly OP IMO.
Can’t wait to play with daigensui’s daughters! :P
You pervert?! :)
FV215b (183)
- caliber of the gun nominally changed from 183mm to 182,9mm
- splash of HESH and HE shells slightly reduced from 5,06 to 5,05m
What kind of stuff WG members drink (or smoke) to decide such “radical” changes?
I’ve checked (WoT Tank Viewer) the gun depression on the Tiger 2 and now for the frontal arc(+- 25) it has -5 degrees it used to be -8.