On codes

While it’s fun to rip off Wargaming (preferably WG EU) by bruteforcing codes, I am starting to doubt the morality of such an undertaking. Long story short: about an hour or two ago, Russians acquired a “template” from an European magazine for some warplane, some gold and 5 days of prem. They are bruteforcing it even now, which means that whoever buys the magazine will get a code, that has already been used.

Personally, I think that such a person can always contact WG support to remedy the situation, but it is still annoying. Since I didnť know where the templates come from before, I posted them. This time however the template clearly comes from a magazine (even the Russians say so) and I won’t knowledgeably rip off EU players this way. I also removed the previous codes post from today (from the feedback they didn’t work anyway).

What do you think? Should we continue this code mining, or should I let it be?

136 thoughts on “On codes

    • Yeah, I think it’s not worth the trouble. In the end WG can always trace back this stuff and find out who is using “fake” codes. Imagine all the butthurt if WG started to ban and remove stuff from people’s accounts because of this.

      Even worse, since WG is so efficient at doing stuff, they might mess it all up and take thing from people who never even used one of these codes. The forums will be a horrible place to be in if that happens.

      • I agree that brute forcing is fun in concept bad in execution. BE it as it may the game is fun and I would love to play it more, though I am not a fan of balancing everything until it is all vanilla trend they are doing nor do I always care for their ill conceived PR at times.

        • I am in favour of mining codes which are part of some casual giveaway to visitors at WG booths or during live streams.

          Codes given out by Magazines (which people have to buy to access) shouldn’t be mined till the issue is out of print (outdated etc.).

          SS, if you want a vote by the FTR community on this, then make a poll and see what happens.

          • I don’t think mining codes which are already part of promotion giveaways (meaning are generated for such stuff and not for sale of any kind) is unethical or some such. Mining codes which are only available for some kind of consideration, would call in question such practice.

  1. Claiming codes one has no right to is both unethical and dangerous. Would any of you be surprised if WG setup a honeypot code, and then banned those who dipped their greedy fingers in it?

    • I sure wouldn’t be. Then again that seems like it would be too smart for WG to pull off.

    • And have you ever thought WG released it on purpose like those “controlled leaks”, just to entertain crowd and attract new customers?

  2. IMHO, stop this code thing. The codes are intended for ppl who bought or will buy the magazines.They will spend money on it. Is the same as you buy gold or a premium tank, and instead of you, other ppl will receive it.

  3. I can guess which magazine it is. Must be the German “Computerbild Spiele”. They offer you the Ki-33 Tier3 Japanese plane, some gold and the garage slot for the Ki-33. ~1800gold worth.
    After reading this I’m glad I bought the mag on the very day it was available in the shops and used the key on the same day.

  4. I think its time we left well enough alone. It is funny that Wargaming left this big of a hole in their software. Its time to let them patch it and move on.

  5. i think the valentine ones are pretty harmless imho…but rig the big ones (like the above mention or Pz.Kpfw. S35 739 (f) one) is nasty and really not ok…..its funny until someone really buy a magazine and the code will be used – you cant do shit about this in defend yourself and your code..its total no go and even support wont help you

    • Last time there was a code thing here in Hungary they helped you if your code wasn’t working… I’m not sure if it was the magazine itself, or WG, but you got your code!

  6. Finally. It was questionable from the beginning.

    Maybe just contact WG and ask them about it? Their reaction might help you choose a path here.

  7. You don’t need us to tell you what to do SS. Not only will you do what’s right anyway, that’s what most of us think you should do. Don’t post dirty codes, it’s the right thing to do (plus you don’t have to worry about any sort of repercussions).

  8. I really enjoyed the codes, but I do understand the morality issue…
    I would really prefer it stayed, but I wouldn’t be too upset if you decide to stop posting about them

    • As for the old code laying around, I don’t see a problem getting them since no one really cares.

  9. better give up on this,

    But legit codes from alienware a d etc giving gold and such is nice…

  10. Since Karma always finds a way to rape you when you least expect it, i say let it be! It must be annoying for someone who buys the code via a magazine/model plane/etc…. and then finds out the code doesnt work… So ye, good thing you erased it :)

  11. Im always knew that there was a patron on the codes, every WG codes have a patron but was til today that i confirm it. It was just a matter of time til someone figured out, If you know enough codes you can try to reverse the algorithm that create it.

    Now the problem is that WG is going to start to lost money, so im sure they arent going to stay there and watch. And i think that you dont want to be issue in the money grab of WG.

    Now i see that new Pz Ausf J codes are available, anyone know the pattern? xD

  12. Yeah let it, cause mostly u wont ve a bill of the paper/magazine and then cant give it back.

    And as you already wrote someone got banned, I think i wont use them, like I didn’t done it, up to now. Atleast we r WG EU and u personally know how they react on some cases, as WG RU dont give a fck.

  13. Hard to say.

    Being honest here – I managed to grab 1 Valentine code after 200 tries and thats pretty much it, I doubt any other (T2, M3) is actually working.
    And I thank you for that, because I would have probably missed it if it werent for your announcement.

    But leave it at that, imo – just post if there is new thingy going on, and thats it – let us take care of the rest to keep your mind at ease.

    No need for anymore rage from EU (or even worse, RU) office for trying to “help” us profit on their fail :)

    • Those two parts codes with a dash in the middle are way more difficult to guess. I don’t think anyone got one yet.

  14. Frank, theres one thing that is bothering me:

    the fact that even if we let this pass, “deer” Russian players will still use the codes to their advantage, leaving legitimate EU players with the donkey as always, EU office will do NADA about it until its as always, too late!!!

    its not our fault, its Wargamings fault for designing such a poorly made code contraption and the ones paying for it as always, will be the EU players because as far as im concerned, russian players with no “ethics” (ethics in the internet? har-har) wills imply keep exploiting it.

    It would be nice if someone in WG eu ALREADY NOTICED THIS.

    But so far.. they havent

    My suggestion to you is simply, dont do it, you are great enough not to be scrambled into “fishy business” and while many of us urge to screw over WG EU for its constant failures, i believe you are a better person and no reason to teach readers how to be total a-holes by stealing legitimate codes. sometime, someday, these so called stealers will get quite the punishment, neither by our hands, but it will come.

    • To Frank: Kill the codes. It’s simply wrong. No amount of justification will change that. It’s robbing WG, and it’s robbing legit code users.

      Kingkrieg: I can’t disagree more with the “its not our fault, it’s WG’s fault” nonsense. Ok, has WG set up a bad system? So it seems. However, that doesn’t excuse others who abuse those flaws. It’s no different than saying that someone who got robbed when they left their front door unlocked is “the one at fault.” Yep, they were foolish and dumb, but that doesn’t excuse the moron who took the time to go and check the front door.

  15. Since these codes weren’t given – its like finding a bank card and typing in 4 number codes into a cash machine till u get in.
    Yes you don’t “know” where the codes came from – but I am sure the codes are already included in modelling kits and magazines handed out over the years and are still there to be purchased. Not stolen by some disgruntled employee at WG.

    So you can safely assume these codes are included in products for purchase and your minions hacking them are just creating hassle for people who went out and bought something for the code.

  16. Russians will probably keep mining them eventhough we won’t. So those who bought magazines will be screwed anyway whether by us or by Russians.

  17. Just ask yourself if it’s fair to use such code.

    IMO you should only use the code if you paid for it or got it from a legitemate source. Else, it’s like denying that you didn’t do something bad because the person that saw you do it doesn’t have a videotape of you doing it. You know and WG knows you didn’t get the codes from a legit source, and they don’t need to explain why they ban you.

    I see no problem in pointing out that the codes are easy to crack, but using that knowledge is very different.

  18. I don’t think it would be fair for the one who bought the magazine and got an used code,Me I would totally go mad.

  19. i got 3 EU8xxx code, tried to get more, but the the moral got me… i have given up mining…
    so let those codes rest in peace…

  20. As much as i’d love to rip off War Gaming for all the fails etc, it’s best to leave it be.

  21. I’d say we should continue bruteforcing them.
    Maybe even some DDOS every now and then. Until we get multi-core engine.

    WG will compensate the players with “genuine” codes. And we will get the content for free.
    That means less money for WG. And that is always good. Greed b-stards.

    • There is multicore engine, but it’s using 1,5 core. Wait for havok, and then your CPU will shit transistors, bricks and unicorns to make WoT working..
      Anyway, we had our chance to get some free gold and tank, now we should let it be. Or wait some time, and rape WG again if they will come up with stalin-like shit.

      • by multicore I dont mean 2 cores. One for havok and one for everything else.
        I mean 4 cores on 4-core cpu, 6 cores on 6-core cpu, etc…

        My cpu is already shitting transistors… at least one thread. While the rest 7 of ‘em are idle.

  22. Just put up a vote SS. If the viewers vote no, never post any info about this ever again.
    If they vote yes, tell everyone your conscienceness can not allow this to happen and never post any info about this ever again.

    So yeah stop doing it.

  23. I’ve asked that all of this work was legal or illegal..and you’ve just said; ” your choose mate…”

    Now that’s the answer: your choose mate!!!

    (I think you are already know the right answer man; U-turn and deleting all the code posts!!!???…This is not a good behavior Silent! not not good….

    • ban for what ?
      A friend gave me a code, he said he bought it. I just made typo when entering it. 3 times. :D

  24. Let it be.

    I do admit of getting the Valentine through the code, but that should remain a one-off event.

    Post legit codes or their sources that have been released by WG.
    Russians cheat with their mining, let us not emulate them.

  25. Brutforcing keys is like going on the street and trying parked car doors if they are open. And once the open one is found – driving away in it. For me it’s a theft.

  26. I had to use my (legally aquired) M3 Stuart code because I was afraid that someone reading your site would bruteforce it. I know you and WG aren’t on friendly terms, but I think having them deal with used code complaints isn’t the way to go.

  27. I was too lazy to try it anyways (well, at least no more than 5 times), and don’t have time to write proper bot which would do it for me. Anyways if someone wants to do this they can find code templates somewhere else, right? About morality of this… ugh it’s not like codes and stuff you get from them has any actuall value (WG can generate infinite number of those, and if someone bought code which someone earlier managed to guess, WG can (well should, but we all know the Company without standarts) always replace it)

  28. WG could also issue new codes and null and void the old ones and just replace the old ones with new ones on a case by case base. Slow but effective.

  29. Some used the word “stealing” for getting codes anyway. Wrong way of thinking! Most of the bonus codes are FREE STUFF, like a bowl of candy in a waiting room. You can take one or two, or even fill every pocket of yours. Like some folks did on WG events, taking even 2 or 3 DOZENS of codes. Its legal, but not very ethical.

    OK, lets see, what happens when you buy a magazine containing a code. You paid for the code, isnt it? Wrong again! You bought a magazine which contains a promotional, FREE code! Its annoying but the fact is that WG gives these codes to the publishers for promotinal causes, not for even a cent/penny/fabatka. Plus info: in some cases the publishers get more codes than magazines they print…

    These codes are even fairly harmless, no Type 59 or thousands of Golds. I think its edgy but plausible to pick one (maybe 2 and u cant redeem more of the same type – hm… so maybe there is a kind of defence, whatever), but its highly illegal to bruteforce 200 and sell them.

    On the other hand sometimes I have a feeling that most of the WG management graduated on the Great Socialist University of Detention n Torture, Department of GULAG Studies. They cant confess their fault (in this case, too easy codes, unsecured code redeeming system), cant concede the damage and wont solve the error. They will do one thing, the only they can do: PUNISH.

    • Just think for a few minute…You stand in front of a atm and try to get some money from in your acount. You type the numbers for example 100 dollars, 1-0-0..But suddenly there becomes some logical malfuction in atm’s software and it gave u 1000 dollars. You type correct number but it give wrong amount of cash… You notice this and write 10 tiems 100 dollars…And get illegal 10000 dollars!!!

      Is it legal?

      Of course its not!

      I paid for Valentine and now someone get it for free!!! (read up) Is it fair? Win a game; NO!, win a forum competition: NO!, win a in-game competition: NO! So….

      In your opinion “yup, its fair because these tanks and golds are ver very little!” No bud no, if i pay for gold or for tanks (for Valentine, T-127 or something), even 1 gold and even scrap tank, it’s not get gained by without pay (or winning official competition or buying magazine etc) and just “playing some numbers”!!!

      WG will not accept this if i know their policy…Don’t be blind, we’ll see lots of ban. So bad, so so bad.

      And Silentstalker, you didn’t have to post this “code numbers”, if you posted them and believed that using these codes were not “cheat” you didn’t have to delete them. If you delete them then you believe in that there is a problem…ha???

      • In game competitions arent better, dont be blind as well ! As I remember rigging those contest remained many times unpunished…

        The question is: can they prove that somebody used bonus-codes illegally or not?
        For your ATM example: I know a case 10 years ago when there was a problem of the denominations in an ATM at my city – the bank got some loss, but rather accept that, because that was their fault – no investigation started, they just thanked for the only honest/idiot customer (you choose) who reported it. A too easy code is crying for the crack, its like a “nobody’s” bank note on the floor. Most people will use easy to rig codes, like they would quickly pocket that note… Its human nature…

        • I remember when the ATMs where I work were giving out money but not taking it out of accounts. We got the money back from all of them and only a couple required us getting the police involved.

            • Nope, we wielded a perfectly big stick.

              Funny how many people’s justification for theft melts away at the sight of a strongly worded letter and the threat of legal action.

          • Funny, you were singing a different tune in the previous code blog post Homer_J.

            and you got the police involved in a CIVIL case? Look, it’s story time with uncle Homer.
            Police gets involved in crimes. Your shitty snake oil software not charging accounts when money is withdrawn is not a crime.

            • Theft is a criminal offence.

              And I would like to know how you think I was singing a different tune. I was warning against trying to guess codes in both previous threads.

              • Then you’re telling us just half the story so it fits your argument better.
                If I go to an ATM; withdraw money with my maestro card but then the system fails to take that money out of my account, that is not theft.
                I wouldn’t even know for weeks that that happened, and maybe even then. When I collect my account balance info, I don’t remember about withdrawing money three weeks ago. At best, I’d be like “huh I didn’t withdraw money that often this month”. In order for something to be legal theft, the thief has to be aware of what he is doing the very moment he is doing it.

                If you think, this taking code thing here is theft, then your comment about courts not caring about theft in the previous thread is idiotic. Or you actually live in a second / third world shit hole where courts actually do ignore cases of minor theft.

                And lastly, we also have the possibility that you still think your bank account thing as described was really theft. In that case, your user name fits perfectly.

    • If it wasn’t yours to take, its stealing.
      If someone leaked the code, they stole it, you use it – its complicity.
      Just because you don’t know who the victim is and are thinking only about yourself.. its still stealing.

    • check your facts before calling people for being wrong.

      I am sure someone paid maxim to publish those codes. promotion costs money, just try to advertise in popular subscription magazines, is not free. try it, is not free!

      and theft is theft. the difference is the magnitude of the response. stop rationalizing it with assumptions and things to make oneself feel justified.

      *I have no problems with people that goes: “yeah, I stole, whats it to ya?” though, is the “This aint stealing, I am a good person crowd that made me post on ftr”

  30. *puts on flame suit, I am going to say something that isnt going to be popular*

    As much as I dislike what WG as a whole is doing with WOT.

    I feel that this shouldn’t have started in the 1st place. not on your website with your hand in it anyways.

    leaving morality aside (and by the way, I am really disappointed in your SilentStalker, you went from what I consider a pillar to the english wot community to …. well, a common honorless person. just cause a door is open doesn’t mean you should encourage/tell people to go rob a house… or piss in it no matter how much you hate the owner).

    In some countries (that WG have an office in, say, Japan) this act is criminal. and what you did here can be considered as accomplice to a criminal act (now, rather WG can be bothered to pursue this issue or actually enforce the verdict on you is another matter),

    but this much is certain:

    at best: WG doesn’t give a damn about you.
    most likely scenario: you just tarnished ftr and your name and get blacklisted for any potential exclusives/developments for wot news (you cant stay under the radar with ftr getting as much visitors as it does now)
    at worst, well I am sure something can be done to freeze your paypayl/donation accounts/make your ftr life miserable (depending on where you hosted this website).

    and for those people who says WG is too dumb to stop this:
    you will be surprised how well businesses respond to theft, as much as we like to make fun of businesses/lawyers, if its damaging to them financially, they will pursue it.

    • Very well said, sir. I doubt any legal action would be taken by WG, it’s not worth the time, the effort and the bad press, but blacklisting FTR in every possible way would hurt us, the readers, a lot.

      • They don’t need to, just take a look though the financial woes section of the forum to see how WG deal with people they think are trying to steal from them.

  31. I’m not a moral absolutist. I simply believe that what you do shows what you’re made of and also determines who you will become. Who do you want to be? Let your actions reflect that.

  32. No. It was a fun little glimpse the first time, even if rarely someone got a code, but a sustained permanent effort is not smart for both the players and FTR. I don’t think WG needs any more, this time real, ammo against this site.

  33. I have one thing in my mind since SilentStalker posted the first Code-leak article: why? OK, he hates some WG staff like hell, but this code-breaking is a so hot stuff… If this would be a closed “underground” forum, but FTR is a widely public thing! I remember that how big shitstorm was there monthes, when russian supertester leaks started… Then ftr moved to wot-news.com with the condition of “no 1.hand leaks”. OK, from then we got many WG-fail articles, but no “damaging” articles (yepp, WG considered those leaks damage…). This one is a deep sht again. WHY would SS risk his reputation and FTR with publishing this????

    A. Hate blinded him – SS acts sometimes like a “passionate lover” of WG and WoT; likes the game but hates the incompetent staff (i can understand both) … maybe
    B. He wanted to revenge his “persona non grata” classification … not think so
    C. He want to cease this blog and wants to burn every rope … how diabolic, no :)
    D. He was totally unaware of the issues … hm, i think BINGO

    So I think that would be better to delete the leak-articles, and leave these kind of stuff for the black-shirt guys :)

    E. option for the conspiracy-fans: its a secuity test of the WG. They intentionally released easy-to-crack codes to investigate the system. Now they will identify who are the most dangerous elements (those for eg. started to sell codes on ebay) that can cause greater financial loss later. And, brace yourselves, SS know the whole, he is secretly a WG-agent!!! :D

    (really, do we know the source of the EU8… code, besides the russian forums? any magazine names??)

    • You have to remember this is Wargaming we are talking about.

      If they wanted more security they would use A) harder code to crack/attempt or B) have better system for entering codes that locked you out of entering codes for 24 hours after 10 attempts.

      They would not need your option E.

  34. Here is another thought on this ” stealing ” FREE codes
    If they were smarter and lower the prices of gold i wouoldnt be so interested in this codes and would simply go and buy some gold now and then
    1€ for 500G would be totally fine unlike 2,25€
    What the hell ! i cant even buy 2 garage slots with that (unless i wait for the event )

  35. let it be.

    sharing keys is one thing, and a good thing. brute-forcing keys is something else: knowingly misusing a key you have no right to. shared keys: people have acquired them legitimately, and want to share them with someone who can use them. brute-forced keys: acquired illegitimately, sufficient cause to ban those involved, and prosecute those advocating it.

      • You ban everyone that used a code outside the ip-range of countries in which the codes were given out, if it’s a code from magazine. You ban accounts that tried to use more than N codes (or more than N codes that differ more than a misspelled char like B/8, 1/I or keys that are close on keyboard). You ban everyone that used a code before it was released to the public.

        Well, you can ban everyone that got stuff from a code since the leaks started. Someone innocent gets banned? How terrible, we can un-ban him and give him moar free stuff if he can prove it.

        Any of those ideas need some effort from WG, but if someone of a high rank orders them to do it, they can do it.

        • As I see you started to understand the WG (and russian) style thinking – not WG to prove the guiltiness of somebody, but the suspect to prove the innocence… + Rather kill 100 innocent than let escape 1 guilty

          Ban before release? Not bad, but as I see most codes got brute-forced after release. IP-ban is useless – VPN, proxy??

          For the present situation: It would be more suitable to limit the redeemer system as quickly as possible. For eg. why there isnt only 5 or 10 chance of redeeming /day?? Really, do you know anybody who used more than 1 code on a day???

  36. i think you should stop giving the keys as they only work once and then someone who rightfully got the key by buying the magazine won’t get what he paid for (except for the crappy reported stuff on the pages :p)
    Hurt WG, okey!
    Hurt Players… No!

  37. Well I hate to tell you guys but I’m gonna do it anyway. For the first code thing in the second news article about it, I’ve asked a friend to make a program (it wasn’t too hard) that generates all the possible combinations from given info about the code pattern. He made 2 programs, one for one bonus code and the 2nd for the other one (different rewards), they both generated over 1.6 million possible code combinations.
    To try every single one out with a fancy script in a browser, with both WoT and WoWp sites opened, it would take probably over a week in total time, like at once more than a week. So I’m probably not gonna use it like that. I did try like random 4-5 codes just to see if it at least displays “code used” or something.

    But after that i read this post, so I am deleting everything I have to do with these bonus codes. Maybe (0.1^Googolplex % chance) for the lulz make another WG account and let the script run with a random sellection of both codes. But nah, too much time spent on something worthles when you take into account how big is the chance of success xD

    So screw it, giving up. Still have to agree with some guys that posted above about what you did SS wih this whole “leaked codes” info, you shouldn’t said it to us in the first place :(

    Still I think we would got the info in EVERY other possible way….

  38. I would imagine it is quite possible for WG to decide to ban anyone trying to bruteforce codes.

    Trust me, from a software development perspective, this behaviour is not that hard to detect…

    • I agree. Its easily to see who and how much attempts he made, but tbh the 5 codes in 10 mins max limitation is a sign that WG did count with this code spam.

      Imo the worst case scenario would be getting the “- gold” balance same way as with the fake gold fraud or a 3 day ban for mediocore rule violation.

      • I think a 10 codes per 24 hours period limit is even better. That would put a stop to all this bullshit.

  39. I’m from Moscow , we have sold for $ 10 magazine ” Игромания” , from October 22 to November sales release , http://www.igromania.ru/magazine/218166/
    Code series SUT *** of this magazine. Now it is on sale there . Bonus code to expire 31.12.2013 .

    On Rue cluster passes monogo bonus shares , if fold different bonus codes , receive compensation in gold:

    LL M3 Stuart – is not commercially available , it is not present at the meetings with WG, it is almost there in battle.
    T2 light and Valentine LL – used for invites , invites not all used .
    Levels 2-4 tanks for beginners.

  40. Don’t submit these codes please. Why?

    1. Players that receive one of these codes “legally” may get in trouble without knowing why, when the code is already used by someone else,
    2. at some point WG may not be able anymore to distinguish honest players from cheaters,
    3. in the end WG may decide to give away codes anymore except during live events, so only a very small amount of players may receive a code then,
    4. finally, is a code worth 1-5 €/$ really worth to create this mess?

  41. Razer emailed me an promocode for WoWp, and it was 12 characters long. Maybe the are doubling the length of all future codes to make them harder to brute open?

  42. Its really funny seeing all these “zomg SS, you just tarnished FTR” or “you should be ashamed” holier-than-tou posts, when it was the RU server player that started this whole thing, abusing it for months (some RU player in that removed news mentioned several codes being bruteforced for 3 months at least, with WG KNOWING ABOUT IT).

    And now that the word got to dem capitalist EU cash cows, trying to get the leftovers (not talking about magazine codes, that is just wrong imo and a good call to remove info about it) after tens thousands of RU took what they could, it is suddenly – wrong?

    SS made the right call and stopped it before it got out of hands (lets face it, less than 2-3000 players on EU server tried it which is pretty much nothing compared to RU) and damaged any more magazine buyers expecting a working code.

    Do you think that RU players will do the same?

    Yeah, thought so.

    • You are trying to say something but i don’t get the point. Did RU players brute codes? They sure did. Did they know they are stealing someone else codes? Not from the very beginning. But they know it now. And some of the quit bruting immediately. But not all of then, of course.
      But those who keep doing it now do not mistake about themselves. They know that they are thieves and greedy bustards. And they do not blame other region players for that. But you do.
      You brute codes? You are a thief and a scumbag. And it’s not because RU players do the same. Face it.

      • Cut the crap.

        EU server players got few thousand Valentine codes at best, and had 2 days tops to do it, while the other ones, which SS posted in now removed news, were not working at all on EU.

        On the other hand, RU server has been doing that since September and October with several codes (again, ranging from gold, premium, other tanks or even planes), massing to probably hundreds of thousands codes being redeemed, mostly several times on same account.
        And now they are doing the same with gaming magazine codes, which people paid for.

        And now you are telling me we are the bad guys and scumbags, just the same as you lot?
        2 days with 1 code and 2+ months with several codes = same “damage”?

        I have no delusions about my Valentine – I got it yesterday and wouldnt even break a sweat if they took it away from me tomorrow, they have every right to.

        Can you say the same about those dozen of codes you redeemed?
        Or for that matter, any other RU player that abused the codes to oblivion?

  43. Are you f. stupid? Go rob a jewellery because they have pretty high prices in a shop, get busted and thus relieve us from your stupidity by having your sorry ass locked away.

  44. Drop it ASAP! You shouldn’t even started it in the first place, if not for the ethics then just for not giving anyone a VALID argument to not take you seriously or even threaten for publishing stolen intellectual property. But I’m afraid it’s too late for the latter, so let’s stick with the ethics, right?

  45. Wrote a little bit of C# code to generate codes according to the templates yesterday and spent all day trying to enter about 50 of them.

    The whole time though I was acutely aware that this was bad behaviour and I was very worried about what WG would and could do, if they cottoned on to my attempts. At best remove the the free tank or whatever, because i’d obviously gained it improperly, at worst lock or even wipe my account.

    So it was a nerve-wracking guilt ridden experience and I gave up in the end.

    I’d say forget the whole thing. It’s one thing to post codes from free giveaways but when you’re potentially stealing from someone who has paid for a magazine, then it’s gone too far. My guilt couldn’t take it, but then that’s what you get for being raised Catholic!

  46. Too many ethics bs here. I presume, most of ethics maniacs are from western europe :)
    Here, on east, we are not burdened by moral exaggeration.

  47. Cease and desist. I’m actually surprised that you haven’t already received that request on headed notepaper….

  48. Russians always got better treatment from WG. Russians found out about the code templates, shared them.
    Why should I, an EU player, trated worse than Russian players not use this opportunity? I will not refuse the Russians offer.
    I am happy about this new game, I had fun searching for codes, I was happy after a LOT of work I found working codes, for myself, and for a friend.

    As long as WG does not start banning people who used the codes (which would not be justified, there is no rule in the EULA against this) you should be posting the codes or just give us the source where they are shared by the Russians please.