Hello everyone,
Storm wrote another post: five years ago, on 12.12.2008, there was a meeting between Slava Makarov, Viktor Kislyi and Petr Bityukov, where the idea “let’s make an online game with tanks” sounded out loud. At that point, Mikhail “Storm” Zhivets was working on another project, that was reworked based on the decision taken during this meeting.
From discussion:
- there are no plans for a Wargaming MMORPG (with elves)
- at one point, the developers did say also “let’s make Navyfield with tanks”
- the Ferdinand fix had to happen, because it was simply wrong, Storm states that old models have a lot of bugs, when models are reworked for high resolution, the developers will make sure they are checked for bugs
More x3….
I was hoping for a x5 weekend and T8 specials.
Guess I have to say “Happy B-day!”?
“let’s make an online game with tanks”
and ı was hoping to see an online tank game in 2008
ı guess, universe loves me :D
Had similar, I was hoping that someone FINALLY makes a proper realistic bus simulator, one year later first showcase video about OMSI was made :D
Desert Bus wasn’t good enough for you?
- there are no plans for a Wargaming MMORPG (with elves)
Oh thank God.
yep, we would have overpowered russian elves against other nation elves :), and french elves with autoloaders :P
*Cue footage of Lord of the Rings overdubbed with WoT crew voices.*
Frodo gets stabbed by Ring Wraith: Popadaniye!
KV-220 on sale in the NA gift shop again today (13 hours remaining as of 5pm est).
So what had to be changed about the Ferdi? The unhistorical gun selection?
I can imagine Serb going “You want 12.8mm on Ferdi? Too bad. You gonna whine about it? Let’s move it to tier 9 too.”
Also wondering what did they changed about ferdi…
They just adjust its size. Its a really old model and sligthly out of proportions…
And no, camo value wont change, its just visual and hitbox.
And here we are. In 2013 and that uber tank game still squezzing the shit out of that one CPU core on a 4/8 core processors. Happy B-day WG and may the brain be with you in years to come.
+1 cause lolz
And five years later, you still do not know that they will/will not/ can not/ forfill your wishes…….? May some brain with you bro.
Happy Anniversary. Just be nice for once, guys.
lol seriously lol
- at one point, the developers did say also “let’s make Navyfield with tanks”
God help us all…. O.o
WoT is Navyfield with tanks.
So that sentence was the first actually…
Except Navyfield is literally pay2win.
Yeah, everybody know the drill.
Every F2P MMO is Pay2Win except the glorious WoT.
Except maybe:
The Löwe hordes around release.
A little bit later the Type 59 hordes…
The always OP new tanks, to force players to buy free xp or premium time.
Wake up boy, every game can be called Pay2Win…
5-year Anniversary for WoT? How Terrible.