Hello everyone,
as you probably know already, 2nd round of 8.10 test will come tomorrow. Since EU portal doesn’t have the changes yet, here they are, taken from US portal:
Changes in the Second Iteration
- Fixed some issues with performance drops when using certain hardware settings, which appeared in the first 8.10 test version
- Fixed some graphical artifacts, which were noted on PC’s with certain hardware configurations: black squares, glowing objects, deformed models of broken trees, shining leaves on trees
- All new maps were removed from the ‘Team Battle’ game mode
- Rebalanced STB-1 tank: dispersion on turret traverse increased by +17%, aiming time increased by 0.2s
- The color of Japanese tanks was changed to green
- Restored all colors of Chinese premium tanks
- For ‘Team Battle’ game mode a 5% XP income increased rate was added.
- Changed the formula for personal rating calculation (details in final 8.10 release notes)
- Fixed the close function of some windows upon pressing the ‘Esc’ key
- Fixed the overlap of discount icons appearing over the names of several tanks in the ‘Research’ tab
- Fixed incorrect sorting of players by XP in the after battle statistics window upon receiving reward for ‘Honorable Resistance’
- Fixed the display of the main skill in the crew panel and in the informational pop-up of tankers
- Fixed the display of track destruction animation at the moment the tank model passes from the damaged to destroyed state,
- Added notification about automatic graphic setting changes during the first launch of the client
- Fixed problems with fog reflections in the water
- Fixed density effects on some maps
- Fixed some visual models issues for following tanks: Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, Pz.Sfl. V, IS-6, StuG III, Object 416, AMX 50 B, M4 Sherman, T1 Heavy Tank.
- Fixed the sound of the Object 430′s gun fire
- Fixed the size of Ferdinand TD
- We’ve updated the display of received mastery badges in the after battle window when multiple conditions are fulfilled
- Changed water settings on some maps
- Improved ambient effects for most maps
- Fixed the icons for the following tanks: SU-14-1, Т54Е1, Waffentrager auf E 100, FV207, Waffentrager auf Pz. IV, Birch Gun.
- Fixed the drowning timer for the T92
- Fixed small mistakes connected to lighting and collision models of some buildings on the new ‘Hidden Village’ map
- Fixed the display of some special notifications
- For the ‘Type 5 Ke-Ho’ the battle level range was decreased (SS: to 4-6)
- Fixed the doubling of clan names in the full team list display mode
- Fixed rare cases of client freezing when ‘Updating Crew’ notification appears
- Fixed the camera placement at the start of the battle
- Returned the option to change the turret turning mechanism for the Waffentrager auf Pz. IV. TD
- Fixed text on the ‘Bloom’ effect option
- Fixed errors in the sound for spotted enemy notifications
- Updated loading screens for the majority of maps
- Fixed the display of values in statistics tab upon first opening the menu
- Fixed the selection of players by clicking on their nickname in the team list
- Fixed display of nicknames and vehicle names in grey for the color-blind mode
- Added second emblem slot for the both turrets of the Panther II
- Added second emblem slot for the second turret of E-50
- Fixed placement of emblems and inscriptions on AMX 50 B
- Fixed the ‘darkening’ of the map while using ‘Low’ shadow settings
Please note that “Returned the option to change the turret turning mechanism for the Waffentrager auf Pz. IV. TD” was incorrectly translated. Correct translation is “added the option to repair the damaged turret mechanism of the Waffentrager auf Pz.IV TD”
I will go over the translation, just to be sure.
Of course they don’t mention which vehicles were rebalanced or how.
Relax, there will be a list of changes tomorrow.
I don’t mean it like that. I’m just saying that WG’s notes are a bit of a tease.
a replay for great random EU from my friend :
- Fixed the size of Ferdinand TD
Wat? Is it smaller or it growed to “historical size” ?
A bit bigger.
Knew it. They are so fucking predictable. :))) It’s not like Ferdi is tiny right now so it needs to be bigger. FOR MOTHER RUSSIA NERF ALL THE KRAUTS. Also roll back the Maus 2°/sec turret traverse buff because it is too OP now!!!1
now we might see a maus once in a blue moon
Thats why the new TD line is so bad and useless…. oh wait..
Why would i whine about a TD that i grinded long time ago and actually don’t have in my garage and don’t plan to rebuy it any time soon because i don’t need it. But keep on. Prove how butthurted retarded you are on any post that has my name on it. And in case you missed it they(WG) are already whining how new german TD line has too good camo. Exactly one patch after they got released. And we still have KV-1S in the game OP for years and no one gives a fuck about it. And also can you find me one topic on the forum where someone actually whined about Ferdi being too small or OP in state it is now. They constantly keep teasing people about not having time to nerf some tanks, but oh boy they sure have time for useless buffs/nerfs like this one. Now please go suck your daddy’s cock fuckwit.
The Ferdinand hull was smaller than the TigerP’s hull (Which if you remember, is built on it). They corrected it. Don’t get your panties in a bunch.
Do you know if the increased size will increase the weight as well, making it slower? Or have any other effects on it? Or didn’t they say yet.
Suure, they add 20hp too and say “this is not a nerf”…
The model was just incorrectly made, the stats were made assuming the model was correct, I doubt there will be any changes to its stats.
“- apparently (if I understand this correctly, which is not sure), Ferdinand will be made a bit bigger, but its camo factor won’t be made worse”
Because it has no camo ;)
Actually, it’s got 9.5% base camo. 100% camo skill increases that by 80% which gives you 17% camo when stationary, with paint (+4%) and net (+15%) you have 36% camo when stationary.
That’s not half bad (no, it doesn’t beat the RM-B WT or any other t8 TD but it’s far from nothing)
- STB-1 got nerfbat
Thank you for your whining, russians….
Right? It was good but not OP.
No T10 med can be op when every tomato moved from arty to T10 TD and autoims you 1k damage with every shot. Not to mention WT bullshit. I have it and 4200dmg per battle is just pure bullshit and this kind of tank only supports heavy camp like in arty times.
At least with TDs you can see it infront of you, you can evade it, you can show your strong spot and bounce. With arty you have to pray to the RNG Gods for the shell from the other side of the map doesn’t hit you in the head.
Hardly been nerfed into the ground has it. I expected more.
you not satisfied with the nerf???How terrible we will take your whine into considoration and put it in the wall of the unhappy whinners from world of tanks
but ofc nothing should outperform some….medi’s in games(the clone ones )
Can you guys log in?
O stop being silly it was clearly OP and everyone including the NA people have agreed with it. all the why bother with the leo posts
Cause leo has better camo, better accuracy and better aimtime and speed, plus a bit better gun depression.
the leo has worse gun depression . and NO armor
Like the STB-1′s armor is worth something at tier 10… Everything penetrates it.
The gun depressions are even at least.
For ‘Team Battle’ game mode a 5% XP income increased rate was added.
eah all the time or just the first win ? cos if it’s for all matches then this could a an extremely fast way to grind except for the money
prolly a WG tactic to get more of the tomatoes to the team battle. i’ve decided weeks ago to NOT go in it.
More tomatoes means more moniz for me and my team. :)
- Fixed some visual models issues for following tanks: Rhm.-Borsig Waffentrager, Pz.Sfl. V, IS-6, StuG III, Object 416, AMX 50 B, M4 Sherman, T1 Heavy Tank.
They nerf IS-6 to ground, now i want to sell it for gold!
“visual models”…. do you play worse because your tank looks different now?
The IS3 was made worse due to Visual Models.
it’s unplayable now
so not true it is OP as it always has been
still same old is3…
like you play it with turret turned backward
“Fixed some visual models ISSUES for following tanks”
it mean fix some bug in Model, not to change them. Like the bug when Rhm WT has its turret in its hull, so if you arm the turret not the gun, the shell will fly though without deal any damage.
It wasn’t just a visual model change, WG changed it based on schematics, IIRC the old IS-3 was measured on an existing tank, and they corrected it using some schematics they found(?). As such, the armor thickness, distribution, and angles were changed accordingly ingame.
We cant have a good tier 10 tank that is not a TD, as it seems.
wait let me get this straight, one round of test server and the STB-1 got rebalanced, a whole test server and after 1.5 month of live server, and it is too soon to tell whether the WTF E100 is OP or not. and when was the foch and the FV 183 introduced? they still have not enough data to see if they are overperforming or not?
Turret traverse bloom increased by 17% and Aim time of 0.2 still has no effect on DPM or Mobility or Armor.
honestly if a tank needed that kind of change it is the hellcat, it needs rebalancing, and I think aim time of 2.3 om the 90mm and dispersion on turret traverse increase, with either camo or view range nerf will a start!
Dude, hellcat was already nerfed to hell…
Hellcat drivers still pwnz you?
more like they steal all my targets with their lightning speed and fast aiming time.. how anyone suppose to have a nice game if there are 4 hellshats each team hugging the battlefield?
Shooting at them would be a good example, thing has 13mm of armor. Also circle-jerking them to oblivion since they can’t turn for shit, specially the turret. Use HE as they’re open topped and so lightly skinned, they take full damage.
List goes on but I can shorten it with three simple words: 1-to, 2-play, 3-learn.
I’ll leave it to you to find the correct order they should be put in.
Hellcat is still one of the most powerfull tier 6 vehicles.
A good Hellcat player can own any number or KV-1S.
exactly. can they do it in any other tank? I doubt. so it does need balance, there are more tanks in t6 than hellcat and KV1S you know..
Yep, in quite a number of them: M6(same gun as Hellcat), SU 100(same gun as KV1S), Jackson(same gun as Hellcat), Nashorn, T150
so much whine about what is OP or not, did u even play with all that tanks u are talking about? probably not, every tank have its advantages and disadvantages, just because they are easyer to play for most of players in the game doesnt mean that its OP. Get yourself with kv1s in open map and go snipe or something, or pick in a nashorn and go in city maps, and so on.
For me OP tanks are the ones that i like more to play and i know that i play the best, sure isnt kv1s or hellcat or any other TDs, a good tank its not just about gun…
And i dont think there is no need nerf in most of that tanks, i think its need buff in many others, what about put every tanks enjoyable to play instead of turn them to uselless stuff just for griding…for example i would see a buff in churchill 1, churchill GC, m3 lee, m46/48/60 and there is way more…
i figure the foch is no longer op due to new more op tanks coming out like the WTF E100
Only that foch has armor and speed compared to WT E-100.
i dont want fock to get nerfed… i like to battle against strong targets in my is7
it would be so stupid to see foch with shit armor…
now its like ”OMG foch is coming”… and than it poops out thouse 3 shells and we try to crush it but it gets away with 400hp
shit armor foch: ”oh look foch is coming…” and we move on and nail it
Some tanks give that flavor to this game …(i never shoot prem in randoms)
who said armor shoul be nerfed?
> – Fixed the close function of some windows upon pressing the ‘Esc’ key
Nice. That’s always been bugging me (yes, small things matter ;))
- Returned the option to change the turret turning mechanism for the Waffentrager auf Pz. IV. TD
I don’t quite follow this one, does it mean that if the turret traverse is damaged/destroyed you can fix it with a repair kit now?
what are emblem slots?
The things you can put on your tank. Like flags, or eagle icons.
SS, looks like the update for the test 2 is up.
Currently downloading 196.58 MB.
Yeah same here
“- Restored all colors of Chinese premium tanks”
Damn it!
“- The color of Japanese tanks was changed to green”
“fixes” are under “updates”, not “changes”.
it should be like this:
Even with the server down, you can still run replays to test the graphics on the new client.
I’ve been using FRAPS for fps benchmarks. Result: the fps is much better than in test one, but still nowhere near as high as they are if the same replay is run in 8.9.
For the same (8.9) replay, I get 33 fps in 8.9, 23 fps in 8.10 test 1, and now 28 fps in 8.10 test 2 with all on max settings.
They did increase the overall quality of effects, a drop in frame rate is expected. (But not as big as it was in the first test. :P)
The new jap color is really bad. Its just a Generic Green.
Give me my Brown back!
” For the ‘Type 5 Ke-Ho’ the battle level range was decreased (SS: to 4-6)”
So no scout matchmaking for the tier IV light tank? \o/
My FPS has drastically improved in the second part of this test. I’m happy about that. Not as excited about the new Japanese color, but it’s not as bad as I originally thought it was going to be. I suppose it makes more sense for the late tier Japanese tanks from a historical perspective.
Glad the graphical glitches are gone too.