Sturmtiger – TD or SPG?

Hello everyone,

today, we are going to talk about the Sturmtiger branch and how special will it be in the game – or, rather, how special could it be. Please keep in mind that this is just a proposition or an idea, certainly not a WG plan or anything like that.


I think I won’t be far from the truth when I say Sturmtiger and its branch are one of the most awaited vehicles of all times. It was scheduled for implementation even before (as you can see above, a model actually exists for quite some time, you can see the same model on the Severogorsk map as an “easter egg”), but the developers never managed to balance it properly and it has been postponed (several times in fact).

Why is it so popular? Well, it’s because it’s very, very special. You see, Sturmtiger (that being a popular name, it was actually called Sturmmörser Tiger) was an assault gun like no other. It had a 380mm (originally marine) rocket mortar of immense power. It was concieved as the ultimate fortification destroyer and assault gun – sure, the Russians had their ISU-152 “Zveroboy” (beast-killer), but this thing created HUGE craters, levelling entire city block with a single shot. If you watched Operation Think Tank, you might know that the weapon was also exceptionally pointless – the blat was so immense that the officer who oversaw the tests noted that there is really no point for it to have such a thick armor, because in order to avoid its own shell blast, the vehicle can’t even get close to the enemy, making the armor kinda useless. There are many other myths surrounding this vehicle, but as numerous credible authors state – stories from some books about duels between Sturmtigers and American tanks or that story where the Sturmtiger blasted 4 Shermans with one shell are most likely just fantasies.

As you can imagine, something like this is very difficult to implement to World of Tanks. Here, you have heavily armored vehicle with a gun, that can probably instakill any tank in the game (based on its shell weight alone), but the shell is so slow and the gun is so inaccurate that it will probably be a nightmare to fire. So, how to implement it the best? Is it actually an artillery, or a tank destroyer (in game terms, that is)?

You might have noticed that there is a poll running on FTR now, as to how would you like to see this vehicle in the game. Unsurprisingly, the tank destroyer form is in the lead, but I am actually quite surprised that so many (32 percent) want to see it as an artillery. Some say TD is the best because it doesn’t camp and the last thing anyone needs is 380mm shells landing on your heads across the map. Others say that there is no way how to balance this as a tank destroyer (too much alpha). Well, I say: why not have both?

Assault gun class

Those of you, who read FTR for a while might remember that months ago, there was some talk about creating an entirely new class of vehicles, the assault gun class. The basic idea about this class would be to combine the artillery and tank destroyers in one in some form and Sturmtiger was mentioned as one of the candidates for this. This idea is actually quite historical – in real life, the self-propelled guns of both Germans and Russians (but American ones too) were capable of both direct and indirect fire, often serving as artillery, switching to the tank destroyer mode only when required.

Unfortunately, this idea was somehow “shelved”, because of the issues with its implementation. Right in the beginning (probably during alpha stage), developers actually tested having self-propelled guns such as SU-152 operating as both artillery and tank destroyer, with player switching between the modes. If I remember correctly, this idea was dropped because it was confusing for the player and instead, a simple arty/TD separation was adopted – this system is better game-wise, because it’s much simplier and easier to learn (imagine yourself after like 10 battles in the game wondering, should you switch to TD or to arty mode?), but it also creates situations, where a vehicle is forcibly press to do one one of those things and sometimes vehicles in the game, that in real life were more like artillery vehicles are introduced as TD’s and vice versa – for example T18 and T82 both were artillery vehicles (HMC), but so was for example the M8 and during the American light tank rebalance (in connection with the introduction of more US lights, that have been confirmed a while ago), it’s completely possible that for example the M5 Stuart will lose its M8 turret and howitzer, simply because in that form it was not a light tank, it was the M8 Scott HMC – an artillery vehicle.

Either way, as I said, this idea was scrapped. For now, anyway. What does that mean for the Sturmtiger then? Here are the common arguments against Sturmtiger as an artillery vehicle and against Sturmtiger as a TD.

Against TD:

- TOO much alpha, insane 380mm rocket mortar
- currently tank destroyers are dominating high tiers, it would mean introducing more (and very popular to boot)
- complaints about alpha already being too high, a problem publicly acknowledged by Wargaming (hence the 8.11 TD nerf)
- introducing more TD’s increases camping

Against artillery:

- current state of artillery, although probably not satisfactory, should not be remedied by simply adding more artillery branches, leaving the old ones “broken” (IF that is indeed the case, only Wargaming knowns)
- wasting one of the most popular and expected vehicles for a class that is ignored/despised by a lot of players
- 380mm shell death from above across the map
- players were complaining about too much alpha of high-end guns and too much splash, so here would be a gun with even MORE splash nad more alpha
- low curves would make the vehicle quite uncomfortable

In addition, both options have this “speciality” of extremely slow shells. You see, in real life, the rocket velocity was not only constant, it was also not linear (the launcher “spat” the rocket at like 50 m/s and then the rocket blew a charge and accelerated to 250 m/s). With the amount of velocity reduction in World of Tanks (WoT shells obviously travel slower than the real life ones), we are theoretically looking at a shell, that could take as long as 2-3 seconds to cross Malinovka field. Close your eyes and imagine how slow it actually is – that means (along with limited traverse) that hitting moving targets will be very, VERY hard. And the entire branch is actually like that, for example the Sturmpanzer IV (again, incorrectly known as the Brummbär), confirmed earlier to appear in it, has a short 150mm howitzer.

A lot of branches in WoT however have some sort of speciality – autoloader tanks have burst, tank destroyers have their camouflage. I believe the speciality of the Sturmtiger branch will be “shell bending”. I am sure you are familiar with the concept, but just to make sure: in World of Tanks, it is completely possible to use high arc weapons (howitzers, mortars) on normal vehicles (not in arty mode) to “bend” shells – for example, there is a small hill between you and enemy, that prevents you from seeing him in sniper mode. You however CAN switch to arcade mode and if you see him behind that hill, you can make the shell hit him by having it (using its high arc) fly over that small hill. Try it sometimes, it’s actually easier than it sounds, but it is an advanced tactic and takes some practice. For example the derp howitzer on Crusader or Covenanter (can’t remember which, maybe even both) works really well.

Sturmtiger will almost certainly (in any its form) be able to use this tactic to its own advantage. This implies that the Sturmtiger branch will NOT be a noob friendly (in fact, pretty much all the possible candidates for it – except one, that has turret – have limited traverse and are very sluggish, which means that if you make a mistake, you will not get a second chance). And now we are getting to the core of my proposal for this thing.

How it could look

What if the vehicle is implemented as both a short range artillery and TD vehicle? The ultimate siegebreaker and camper destroyer. Let me explain what I mean.

I think that we all can agree that one of the main issues in the game is the excess of camping. While sniping also is an important aspect of the game, too much camping isn’t fun for anyone except the most patient of people. With that being said, there are two kinds of camping. One is the “classic” sitting behind a bush in front of an open space, waiting for someone to come out (Russians have a really nice term for it – “kustadrochirstvo”, literally “masturbating in a bush”). Another form of camping however, equally as annoying, is the “corridor stalemate” – there are maps that have corridors and if two teams of heavy tanks clash within that corridor, both teams just hide behind the rocks and other cover and sporadically shoot at one another, creating effectively a block, that is just annoying and usually ends up being shot up by artillery anyway. Typical example of this is for example that hill climb corridor chokepoint on El Halluf (you know, that place on the hill, where all the heavies go and then just stop and stay there for ten minutes, while the battle is decided in the open), the bridge in Mountain Pass, the western part of the Steppes where everyone hides behind some rock and so on.

So, what if WG created an “assault gun” class specifically to break this kind of situation, employing the elements of both an artillery and a TD in limited form? Let’s look at the Sturmtiger from this perspective:

- it has armor, but not TOO much armor, it can be knocked out even by heavies and mediums
- the rocket mortar in real life created an ENORMOUS blast and dust cloud, effectively blowing any cover the vehicle had. Once it fired, everyone knew where it was and it had to immediately relocate. In the game, this could easily be simulated by giving it a HUGE camo debuff after firing. You fire and everyone on the map will immediately spot you
- if the vehicle itself has sufficiently bad camo factor (despite it being for example smaller than the Jagdpanzer E-100), it again will be impossible to camp with it behind a bush, because it will get spotted immediately
- it will be firing very, VERY slow shells, which means any hits over distance would be pure luck. Imagine a shell flying 5 seconds over El Halluf valley – that’s pure luck (and if the target just stays there for so long, it was a camper or an idiot, both of which are exactly the type of target this class would be designed to fight) plus, immediately after firing you become a target for everyone on the map
- high arc would allow shell bending (again, this is a short-range tactic, it’s pointless to bend shells when firing over the entire El-Halluf valley)

Thus, with the above in mind, what I propose is to give the class following properties:

- normal TD sniper mode (with limited traverse and slow shells, you won’t be sniping anyway)
- short-range artillery mode, that would look like this:


I used my Dicker Max to make this “demo” picture of how this short-range artillery mode could look. Basically, the view would move into the arcade mode and partially sideways and up, giving the player better overview and displaying the traverse arc of the gun. A player would probably not be able to move the vehicle in this mode in order to prevent ridiculous kills of fast moving targets. Basically, this would be a “bunker-busting” mode, usable on short range (as you can see on the picture, the range however could be longer). You arrive, you enter this mode and (using the shell trajectory displayed), you will be able to target enemies behind buildings and stones on short distances, without exposing yourself (as you can see on the picture, the “SPG” in mention is covered behind a dune and in sniper mode, a tank standing at the target point would not be able to see it – we tried).

This approach has three advantages:

- it would eliminate the “death from above” annoying factor: you will only be shoot at ranges, that will definitely get you spotted
- same rules for reticle spread and aim time apply – so unless you spend like 10 seconds aiming (that will get you killed), you will not be able to do ridiculously accurate shots (like with the KV-2 howitzer, that sometimes aims a little too precisely)
- the vehicle has armor, so you will be able to “take the heat” for a while without being knocked out by the first light tank that sees you

Such siegebreaker vehicles would be able to break the stalemates, that often plague some maps. A bunch of enemy tanks camping behind one rock and your own team of noobs is not moving forward? Okay, let’s break the standoff by lobbing a nice 380mm shell behind those rocks, that should send the guys packing!

Obviously, however, this approach has some disadvantages too:

- there are maps where such vehicles would be useless: the more open the map, the more problematic its position
- on the other hand, there are maps where such vehicles would be insane: Ruinberg, Himmelsdorf…
- noobs getting oneshotted by such weapons would whine about them being OP
- it would lead to some ridiculous kills – that shell the vehicle fires is HUGE, no way around it (this however will happen any way the Sturmtiger gets implemented)
- the “short range arty” mode would probably need some additional programming, which is not something Wargaming is happy to do, when it comes to only a few tanks (just remember the multi-turret mechanism)
- the vehicle itself (in any of its form) will be most likely quite unforgiving: if you fire and you get exposed by being in a wrong place, you will die. Not exactly noob friendly.
- in the hands of unicums, this vehicle could be quite OP (but when I actually told this argument to WG RU, the guy only shrugged and wrote “what isn’t”, so I guess that’s fine :) )

Anyway, yea. Just an idea. What do you think?

153 thoughts on “Sturmtiger – TD or SPG?

    • “Polać mu!”
      TD will be OP!
      Arty will be OK!
      It will increase number of SPGs fans!

            • nah, the thing is even Foch 155′s shells bounce, while 183b’s HESH never bounce and ALWAYS do damage. You can’t – u know – angle your tank against it, no matter what, it will always do damage. FV 183b is not OP on its own, it’s its HESH ammo that makes it ridiculously OP.

              • U are right in that he always deal damage, but tell me if its good to waste 25secs to shot a is7 for 500 damage, besides that HESH works like HE so if u hit space armor or angle armor will probably not penetrate so easy as other shell, only if u are a noob, sure that tank its beter for u at least u end doing some damage….

              • Play a 183, spend 25 seconds loading one of your 12 8000 credit shells and shoot a scout at a bad angle and do less than. 100 damage to it and tell me it’s op

      • I agree it should be arty.
        (PS to all you disagree – arty can go “td mode” already, see?)

        If they make a new class for it, I hope they also make a new class called “support” for some of the other tanks who have paper thin armor and bursty damage. They are never meant to be in the first line anyways.

        Also, a few tanks need towing capability to help stuck players. Some had that in RL too.

  1. - in the hands of unicums, this vehicle could be quite OP (but when I actually told this argument to WG RU, the guy only shrugged and wrote “what isn’t”, so I guess that’s fine :) )


    Nice article. But yes, balancing that 380mm of “Fuck you up” will be pain.

      • 380mm of HE shell is still 380mm of “Fuck you up” for me

        Get hit by a 15 cm artillery.

        Even that hurts and puts a stop to your plan momentarly.

        • If you’re Maus with super heavy spall-liner 150mm arty shot is just a giggle, even T92 doesn’t make you lot of damage (unless it directly shoots roof)… but this thing… run Mausie, run!

      • 50 meters splash? alright lets make it like that !

        camping behind rocks? no problem, just shoot next to the roch and get 5 kills in one shell xD

        380mm HE shells would have a HUGE splash radius plus the damage i guess 3000 or so,

        that would rip everythung into pieces, oneshot mediums while not even hitting them directly and crippling even the most armored heavys by hitting the ground near them.

        But yeah why not? make it an artillery, good idea, it would completely destroy EVERY camping position!

        • It would be like: “Aiming for B3 right now – FIRING – B3 deleted! Aiming for the next square” =)

  2. It would surely be the most fun tank to play. But pretty situational and and not really OP. Plus i don’t think it has the armor to deal even with tier 7-8 scouts. I’d buy it for sure!

    And I really hope it would be a TD. Atleast I can avoid it / flank it. You can’t avoid a fireball from above, it would be all RNG.

    • I don’t think Sturmtiger will have as much range as most other SPG’s that we have in-game.

      Even if the range would be formidable, you have the travel time horribly long. I honestly think it would be much easier to balance as SPG rather than a TD that pops out of the corner and shoots you right in the face, The alpha would be insta-kill.

      • Not quite. The lower hull was a redesigned Tiger 1 but the upper front casemate is 150mm

        • Low range arty,
          reminds me of the british Fv 304,
          There ain’t no artysafe from Fv304…
          i sure hope that Sturmmörser Tiger won’t get such a killer arc.
          mfg eXterminus (bad scumbag)

    • sure you can flank a TD if its alone but try flanking it when there’s 7+ of them covering every possible avenue of approach….we need to decrease the number of TDs first before we add more of them… a way TD parties are even worse than arty parties….

  3. Your idea is very interesting however IMO the solution is just right there! Make it a very short range artillery, just like FV304 but slower and much more armored. This is appealing to me and I think most of people voting for Artillery solution thought about it the way I presented.

    • This however is completely unappealing to people who actually don’t play artillery – like me :) Plus, why short range? The mortar had a range of cca 5 kilometers.

      • Indeed but then all of the artillery in-game had much longer range in real life. Also how to balance an insta-kill shells when you’ll be able to use a sniper mode ? We’ll be facing the same problem as many players have with Foch 155 ,WTE100 and more or less KV1S – too much damage in a short time , all he has to do is pop out of corner, shoot and he gets the kill. In case of Sturmtiger he might miss but the splash and massive damage will seriously cripple the target anyway or several targets which is even more terrifying. Then he retreats behind the corner while his camping team mates (which is default action for most noobs at tiers VI and up) will ensure no one’s following him to tap him during reload.

        An arty’s strategic view on the other hand makes shooting more difficult at short-ranges whcih would more less neglect that Foch155 playstyle but allows full use of shell-bending. Besides artillery already has terrible accuracy and can one-shot kill without ammo-racking.

        That’s why I think the solution is already in the game.

      • yeah, it’s obvious you don’t play artillery.

        Your solution is “let’s give this vehicle a special mode, that works like arty mode but looks different”

        i heard a rumour about different mode – just like sniper mode but without auto correction for distance, that allows for better shell bending.
        plusadd in arcade/sniper mode the feature from arty mode – that circle adjust to the terrain. That would make more sense.

        I definitely prefer arties then tds. First arty shoots slow, so if your team assaults opponent with lots of arty, they should be able to break through. If your team assaults opponents with td’s you have no chance.
        Arties are good only at eliminating static camping teams.

        Plus arties allow scouts to earn credits and experience, while TD usually spot the enemy when he starts shooting to the scout.
        And at the moment scouts are most screwed over class in game

    • A very short range like 304 means it lands shots on targets at 45degrees from above easily, making it very hard to dodge the 380mm meteorite

  4. Arty seems to be the only solution. To many TD’s in game. Would be a great thing killing TD’s and HT’s that camp behind the rocks and buildings just from the splash. This gun should have at least 3000 damage, 20m splash radius, and it will probably reload in 2 min, 8-10 sec aiming time and at least 1.0+ accuracy.
    This would be the new derp/troll tank, in stead of the KV-2

      • Those are people who just can’t play arty, Jesus, I feel like an elite player just by knowing how to play arty…

        • the trick is not to know how to play arty.
          It’s about knowing how to play with arty and against arty.

          TD’s are much more self reliant, but still are good at parasiting at other tanks effort.

          (What I mean by parasiting – when others are fighting and forcing opponent to come out from cover / to make himself visible by driving or shooting at them. TD alone would not see anything but once opponents start shooting at scout, TD sees enemy himself and gets full amount of exp and creds leaving nothing for scout.)

    • 1 min reload time would be slow enough

      BTW how wide/narrow is its horizontal gun arc?

  5. I think you have some good idea, and not so good ideas. First of all I personaly think that using it as an TD would be fun and frustating at the same time. Where only the most patient players will be able to enjoy it.
    I would imagine this tank having both negativs and positives.
    1. It would be slow, Poor armor, Shitty aimtime, Shitty reload time, Shitty camowise, shitty hit ratio
    2. When it hit its a garante one shot kill, or atleast 50%. That would be worth all this ” pain ” from downsides.
    And when you think of other TD’s already in the game, I dont know why anyone would pick Sturmtiger over Foch 155 or WTE100..

    Then when it comes to your gameplay idea, im not very positive on that. Since the maps where you can use this tactic ( arty TD ) are created in sense that its hills and rocks or whatever, are created for the purpose of cover, and where bottleneck and camping is not promoted.
    I think it would crush the gameplay wise and also the tactic, and olso promot camping ( Noone would be stupid enough to push if there is an td on the other side of the hill )

    That’s just what I think. Also my english isent great so forgive the errorness sometimes.

    • No problem (nice nickname, by the way), but I actually think such vehicle could in fact prefent bottlenecking by simply appearing in battle. Anyone with half a brain will go “oh shit, Sturmtiger, better not bottleneck” – and, well, if there are noobs who don’t realize it, they will pay for it. I don’t see anything wrong with that.

      • You have a point about sturmtiger could create that sort of thing, But then comes the beauty of tactics (Artillery support, or outflanking it, or let someone take a hit and then let the rest finish it off.)
        So im not sure if a SturmTiger would be a frontline TD as it would probely get hit a couple of times even before its fully aimed. Thats how I think they would balacing it. ( I would anyway)
        Painful as hell, but rewarding when it hits.
        Or they could create a new sort of gameplay for those types of tanks ( Insteed of caping base they would have to destroy base, bunkers etc. ) Where those types of tanks can benefit and serve their purpose ( they would still be able to kill others, just not as effectiv as other tds )

        And thanks for the compliment:)

      • That’s one point I completely agree with you, either with Arty mode or your assault mode invention, Sturmtiger will be bottle-neck breaker ;)

        Then again… what if one team will have Sturmtiger and the other wouldn’t ? Sturmtiger gives the ability to clear corners and bottle-necks, what if only one team has this ability and the other doesn’t ?

        • Funny enough, I tried suggesting this in EU forum a couple years ago and got flamed…

      • Sadly most of the maps are designed to cause bottlenecks. Really about 90% of the maps just devolve into predictable corridors, which would really make this thing OP as pretty much anything.

  6. “If ” Sturmtiger as Artillery class, this will very useful in Clan War on Mountain Pass Map, especially for north side decide to full Camping

  7. Siegebreaker and insta-cap reset? sounds good.

    The alpha can be toned town, I think WG can program it to have non-insane full damage while still having a really big blast zone. Also IIRC a 21cm gun was originally planned for it, 380mm noobtube is actually a substitute. With the 21cm gun the alpha can be tolerable (HE only, no HEAT/AP rounds to twoshot heavies)

  8. Just put it in the 2nd SPG line.

    - Can use Artillery mode
    - High Armor and HP for some tank
    - Limited ranged (like low tier SPG that need to be in the range of fire that usually almost in the front line)
    - Cannot use Sniping mode for accurate fire
    - Longer time travel shell than SPG
    - Greatly debuff camo value after shot

    • This is NOT SPG, like ISU 152 was never proper TD. Sturmtiger was build to destory bunkers etc.
      This should be “assault gun”. German dont have enough SPG for second SPG line, if u made 5 new, go ahed. Its wast of time.
      Assault gun like Stug 4.

  9. if i get it right…..shooting at close range would kill you too………is like suicide terrorists……that i think would be the hardest to balance..

    but still fun to see someone leveling the entire village in sand river with one shot……but not so fun on city maps…where not all buildings are demolishable (sturmtiger was designed for this so……)

    the new tank class ideea will change the gameplay for sure :D…..challenge accepted


    • Ironic is it not? This tank was designed as a siege weapon to demolish towns but the two maps where it would be the most useless are Himmelsdorf and Ruinberg….

      • It would be super effective at Himmelsdorf. Imagine clearing the hill with two or three shots. And if they implement it like short-range arty you could do that without being seen ;)

        • left corner of the screen:
          MT-25 (on hill): “Help!”
          SturmTiger (on base): “Affirmative!”
          MT-25: “please Nooo….”
          Panther II: ” ohNo.. no no no”
          IndienPz: ” MT 25 you noob shut up”

          right corner above minimap:
          enemy Batchat killed by SturmTiger
          enemy Chafee killed by SturmTiger
          enemy T-54 killed by SturmTiger
          ally Indien-Pz killed by ally SturmTiger
          ally Panther II killed by SturmTiger
          ally MT-25 killed by ally SturmTiger

          left corner of the scren:
          Ferdinand (still not climbing the hill): “thx god i’m so slow”
          T95(next to ferdie): “Affirmative!”:

          BATTLE results:
          kills: 3 (-3)
          achievements: bombardier

  10. Sturmtiger would create HUUUUGE debate when showing up ingame. People would whine about ANYTHING:
    owners will whine about slow reload, terible acc , etc.
    targets will whine “OMG I got instagibbed, NERF NAO”.

    In my opinion, given the fact WG will stall the multiturret mechanism for another 2 years (if appearing at all) because of “more important things ingame to be done” , advertised newb-friendly game environment , balancing reasons , ST will appear as arty-IF WG is in question.

    However, SS , you have a good idea of hybrid vehicle and hybrid targeting system – Bishop and FV 304 could use it allready , KV2 MAAAYBE to some extent (with some tinkering regarding balancing tank).

    Surely a good idea for WG RU to look upon and give it a shot (by supertesters).

  11. Your ideas are great, SS, actually :P This “shell lobbing mode” could really be helpful, large splash could hurt campers even where they think they’re safe =)
    I did vote for arty, since that’s where it would best be suited in the current game. I don’t really care for people who are desperate to have this vehicle in the game “and don’t play arty” (i know you’re one of them, SS, no offense xD).
    I think it’s more important that it is a well balanced and fun vehicle.
    Also, the implementation of one line of tanks should not really change the whole gameplay tbh :p

  12. There is no way I want to see the Sturmtiger in the game, surely not as arty, even less as td and not even as “assault gun”.

    I like German tanks and Sturmtiger is an amazing one. But the 380 mortar is just too much for the game. Even if the vehicle is balanced, what I think to be possible, it won’t be fun for anyone.

    Sturmtiger pilots will have to deal with a slow tank, a low aiming and a endless reload time. Expecting that the accuracy will be very low, the tank will rely on splash damages and killing someone will be mostly due to luck. It’s effectiveness will mostly rely on team and RNG. The most boring tank ever

    For the other players, Sturmtiger will probably a “front line arty”, a big juicy target you can kill easily when going through the enemy lines and sometimes a one shot death sentence when you are unlucky enough to take a direct hit. Killing defenseless target is not really fun. Being one-shotted in a high tier tank is not fun at all. And when it’s due to pure luck, it’s just frustrating.
    I know the tank will mostly do splash damages but the simple fact he could, by luck, os any tank in the game is just unacceptable.

  13. Well, I dont like how much this vehicle can influence your chance to win… Imagine some hardcore bottleneck, lets say on steppes. You need to protect this area, if you don´t, enemy will just crush you. But if you protect, and enemy have ST (while you don´t), your chances of winning are suddenly much lower, because enemy by just this one tank ensured victory on this flank (in “average” scenario). You suddenly cannot hide and camp, but your enemy can, so you have option of dying from ST shell, or option of rushing in front of enemy guns, or retreating and loosing your positional advantage on map.

    For this reason, I don´t think your solution is very viable, as it will basically break the game on some maps. Only possible solution, is that both teams would have to have same amount of sturmtigers, just like arty is balanced.. but then, why not just make it arty from the beginning?

    • It’s not like other players couldn’t have another assault gun, RU has something close (plenty of 203mm class guns) and I’m sure US too.

      • You still need to have approximately same amount of assault guns on both teams, otherwise you are in great disadvantage… so why not just make them arty?

  14. I’m fully agree with you SS on how this vehicle can be fit in WOT, and also with ExoNut for FV304 (and all the UK vehicle with 4,5′ Howitzer) … we have already a sort of this type of new “role” in WOT.
    Needless think it is a artillery or tank destroyer, let’s call it by own name, just simple an ASSAULT GUN and introduce this new class of vehicles searchable from the hull used, like the multi-turret type.
    For example:
    Sturmtiger from Tiger I
    Brummbar from Panzer IV
    Stug 33B from Stug
    and so on ….

  15. It seems like an interesting idea, but i actually prefer it not to be implemented.
    I foresee a screwup

  16. TD, but with special shell rules.

    1. No overmatch. Directly hitting a tank with the shell does not auto-pen no matter how thin the armor. Blame “sensitive contact trigger(s)” or some such if you need to justify it beyond a 380mm round is completely game breaking with overmatch rules. Auto-pen of the frontal armor of heavy tanks is…. broken.

    2. Revamped HE damage curve. You could balance the round by altering the damage curve. Perhaps it only does 1/4 damage on contact, but holds that damage level much farther than a normal HE shell. Couple with a large radius and a arty (or worse) accuracy for balance. Between damage curve and radius you can do much to balance gameplay. Here is where “reality” pretty much has to get bent to have it playable.

    3. New shell travel rules. This shell should get less accurate at an exponential rate rather than a linear one with the distance traveled. This is due to the rocket being able to power the shell off course while in flight. So a 1 degree deviation at the barrel can get increasingly worse in angle and not just distance from intended flight as it travels. Much as I would hate it, it could be used to balance some of the Derp guns currently too sniperish under current rules. KV-2 could get an accuracy buff for better short range gameplay while removing the 400m+ sniper that it can be currently.

  17. So you and a friend in heavy/td guard a flank when 3/4 big boys come down the road. No with sturmtiger you cant run as your to slow, you cant dig in, now you have to spaz charge into superior numbers backed up by a mega derp td. Not exactly a great idea for gameplay.

    I don’t real find it’s heavy’s that cause camp offs (well not for long anyway) its usually left over cloaked td’s and arty’s, which can derp any remaining damaged tanks trying to attack late game (esp on maps like swamp and komain), or tier x Erlenberg with a lot of td’s +arty , where any attempt on the bridges can easily be derped to the stone age.

  18. “I think that we all can agree that one of the main issues in the game is the excess of camping.”

    Oh how wrong you are! The main problem with the game is exactly the lack of camping, and the excess of rushing. Most matches are over in 3-4 minutes, leaving tanks with less than 30km/h maximum speed close to useless, the battle will be over by the time they get to the fight. That’s why the most popular mid-tier vehicles are not defensive campers but offensive rushers, like KV-1S and Hellcat. When matches take more than 3-4 minutes there are usually left 2 Spgs and an afk heavy vs 2 SPGs and a camping TD.

      • he’s playing on a different planet or watching replays at x8 speed.
        Maybe that’s true for RU server, but us westerners sure love a good campfire and old wives tales!

    • Well, I kinda agree with you matches become shorter and shorter and this is pretty obvious. Apparently, players have embraced the “spamming suicide rush tactics”, but they do make more xp/credits in general… WG directly (or indirectly) supports this.

  19. So you thinking about “WT arty” system. I think this is best solution, because as arty it would have monster splash.

  20. Poll invalid.

    The alpha isn’t simply too high for a TD. Its too high for arty too. One shotting T10 heavies with a non penetrating hit can be expected.

    Unless WG reworks HE mechanics the Sutrmtiger can’t be added to the game.

  21. Hi all,

    There is similar problem like with multiturrets and adaptable suspension – namely about these too WG states that they are possible to implement but do we really need to implement such complicated stuff which only a handful of vehicles would benefit from. Any my question is: Is this vehicle so wanted, so special, so extraordinary to change completely the gameplay of WoT? Adding new vehlicle class?

    While it may sound like interesting idea you cant be serious – in April it’s three years since live version launch and there are still vehicle & class balancing issues, (arty problem, severely OP or UP vehicles, currenty the number of TD’s etc.). I dont think adding a new variable to this unresolved equation would produce anything similar to correct result. Moreover, how many vehicles would fit into this class without completely messing up current SPG and TD tech trees?

    I dont quite like the idea – it has the potential to completely ruin the game pretty much for everyone if not perfectly elaborated and very extensively tested. Maybe I’m a kind of conservative, but I would prefer WG to solve current issues, improve game engine or whatever for the benefit of broad audience of players instead of digging the whole game over for the sake of few vehicles, although very special and wanted by players. Actually, modern MBT are too quite asked for and they will never make it into the game because of the game mechanics. Same seems to me with these vehicles.

  22. I like your proposal SS. It will be ideal way to implement such beast in the game. I also like the a posibility of whole new part of game mechanics.. it will solve some idiotic situations (“corridor stalemate”).

  23. The idea posted is quite good, but I really doubt that WG will ever consider something like that – it would drive the “masses” out of the game.

    On a second thought, as an arty player myself, I think that the vehicle should not be an arty… 380mm is way too much and, besides the fact that it could probably one-shot a Maus, the perspective of ~3min reload time is kind of alienating to me. Some arties are fun even with 50 sec reload for a single shell, but still, 380mm would (and SHOULD ) take a lot longer – again, not fun.

    Plus, consider all the noobs that actually would play this thing like a “one-shot-wonder”, storming the enemy in a suicide to kill the “best tank” in the enemy team or something…

  24. There is this idea that camping is somehow bad for the game. I think lemmings are far worse than campers. Using cover and view range is the smart, tactical way to play this game. Introducing a tank that would invalidate any and all tactical spots would simply mean that all sniper/support tansk are rendered unplayable. What would happen is not that stalemates get broken, this arty/TD monster would simply blind fire at likely choke points and enjoy the carnage. I am sorry for the fans, but this beast has quite simply too much firepower in any shape or form.

  25. I support the assault gun class. Would also make seeing the Churchill AVRE more likely (sounds perfect for it in fact)

  26. Talking about it as a TD with OP alpha, nobody sems to mention the huge reload time. the FV183mm already has a reload time alowing the enemy to buttfuck it easily after the first shot.
    And its calibre is just a half of Sturmtiger´s…
    The ST is gonna get a reload of like 80-90 seconds at least….

    I´d really like to see it (and its branch) as TDs but I can hardly imagine any comforable gameplay with such a reload time, especially combined with the not so accurate gun and slow shell (well ok, with THAT shall you don´t necessarily have to actually hit the enemy, the splash would be insane too).

    What rarely is concerned also is actually a gun choice! Why shouldn´t there be other guns that may be fittet into that roomy superstructure?
    I think that would be a neat alternative to the insane 380mm mortar, espacially for those people who can´t get well with this special gameplay – they will simply get a famous vehicle as a normal TD.
    Maybe with some kind of 105 or even 128mm Pak (depending on the tier of course), or even one of those 150mm guns from Waffenträger branch.

    Same quite applies to Brummbär – I´d more like to see it with some 7,5cm L70 or 8,8 L71 rather than the odd derp sIG33 howitzer from tier3 Bison…

    It would really be a shame if those vehicles appear as non compromise derp shooters.
    Also looking forward for Bär to be the top of the branch and not some weird Stumpanzer E100.

  27. I lean more towards Arty, with a twist…the only aiming mode is strategic (with a healthy minimum range) but you fire at map squares, like pinging the minimap. Depending on the map, that’s shooting at a 60x60m to 100x100m plot of land. Without having actual facts at my disposal, I suspect that’s pretty close to historical accuracy for a 380mm rocket-assisted projectile.

    The thing only carried 14 rounds and that required all five crew to reload so one minute between shots but no moving while you’re reloading.

    Oh yeah, and once HAVOK is implemented, you can knock down buildings with it.

  28. First of all from my point of view implementing it as an arty would be a disaster and probably the biggest mistake WG would do.As an arty it would have terrible accuracy and aiming time and as SS said,they would ruin one of the most interesting vehicles that could get implemented in the game.

    Regarding you idea,SS,I personally like it but I think it would make the vehicle even more OP than simply being a TD.
    It would be a very situational vehicle but the majority of maps offer at least one choke point and that`s what this tank needs,As far as I know it has decent speed,so this tank would simple wait at a choke point,blow the firs tank (or the first 2 or 3 ) that came and then retreat and reload.

  29. Y’know what’d be fun? Putting a shell right in that bucket it has for a cannon. 38 cm wide…not really hard to hit from up close. Wonder what would happen at that point…especially if the shell going in would be…HE for example?

  30. 20% to 30% of my low tier arty kills were in TD mode before the arty nurf that set the gun depression to zero, made the aim time longer and reduced the shell speed not to mention taking away the best guns. It is a myth that arty just sits at the back all the time, I have even gone scouting with an arty on ocasion. Arty used to be fucking dangerous and I even have had arty trying to ram me into the water several times when they have used up all their ammo. So a TD line that can use indirect fire would attract arty players who have developed the patience and skill to deal with long loading times, slow aiming and anticipating where the target will be in 5 seconds.

  31. SS is right about one thing – the desirability of this tank above all others. I personally would not give a shit how good/bad it plays – I just want one in order to occasionally inflict multi-instakills for the lolz! I suspect also that if WG were to crunch numbers as to how many new players they could attract to the game by having this available it would suddenly become a high priority to develop :)

    In addition – this beast has some serious armour, if you can get hull down, and hide your LFP then all you expose is the angled 150mm casemate, and you have a short range mortar with near vertical firing angle. Instant Boner!!!

  32. I’d vote to make it a very short range arty that can pseudo TD. More like an FV304 with armor instead of speed (and horrendous aim and reload times) mixed with the old low tier Soviet artys with short range and extreme arc. You can LoS direct targets, although badly, or break campers who hold choke points or abuse terrain. The short range/high arc gun would allow shells to pretty much blast most campers, but even at maybe 200m or so, it might take 2.5 sec to get there. I think the balance for this assault gun would be A) Bad aim time, B) Bad reload time, C) EXTREMELY short arty range and D) Limited number of shells.

  33. I definitely think this tank should be an SPG.

    I mean Germany already has enough in game TD’s and arty that is “broken” (not horribly, but still).

    This tank will have to have a massive reload since in real life it would be loaded from the outside with a small crane/winch.

    It would be like the new British line of SPGs with high dmg, high arc and low range, which is why it has decent sloped armor.

    I mean if you use this as a TD I would expect you to shoot once than die rather quickly. It seems much better as the games FIRST, second SPG line. (Worded incorrectly, to tired to think of another way.)

    • Nope. The winch was used to restock it when it ran out out ammo (it carried 14 rounds) – reloading was done internally by the crew.

  34. Can you imagine what it would be like on the test server with two teams of Sturmtigers. Each player would be allocated a map square in chat, it would be quiet for a while then after three minutes all hell would break loose as everyone fired at once. It would be like the old game of battleships.

  35. On the x-tra mode for the proposed type assault guns- would not the issue of breaking bottleneck standoffs by giving some arts current sniper mode (where historically applicable) and some TD s current arty mode (where historically applicable) limited to their spotting range? Switching between the modes would rly not be a problem for experienced players, whatever the result where from the stone age tests. Introduce the x-tra capability into vehicules from T6 including and up, newbie steep learning curve problem solved… I am guessing it would require a lot less coding then creating a whole new set of programming for a new class of vehicules.

    However cool looking the assault guns where i dont see a place for them in WOT unless they are classified as TD s with limited arty mode capability. They where supposed to pull down fortified city positions from close up in a more effective way (1 shot instead of a barrage= cheaper + capability of firing on targets in close proximity of friendly units without the risk of friendly fire) then arty ever could. They where never supposed to target individual units but then again,most of the arts in game could not do that either…

  36. - it would lead to some ridiculous kills – that shell the vehicle fires is HUGE, no way around it (this however will happen any way the Sturmtiger gets implemented)

    And it’ll still do 0 damage pens regularly.

    I believe(barring an assault gun implementation) it would have to be a TD. Namely as you pointed out, it would be a waste to add it to a class that nobody likes, and wargaming being wargaming know, more people will be inclined to free xp it if it’s anything but an arty.

    Its incredible alpha could be mitigated somewhat by reducing its shell options to HE only or HE & HEAT which were all it used anyway. HEAT will still be ruined by suspensions, spaced armor and proper angling(since it will only ever be shooting in the general direction of a tank and not “at a tank”) unless you luck out and get Himmels or Ruin you’re not going to be getting shots on weak points.

    With HE you’ll basically be a TD mode arty anyway, by the current HE rules pen should be about 190mm which, along with the shell diameter should allow it to full-pen just about everything from the sides and rear; but you won’t be able to flank with it, nor do I suspect you’ll ever be able to fully close your reticle. WG will probably give it arty-like gun stats regardless of what class they make it.

    The gun would be a menace when it decided to actually hit something; but its overarmored on a stressed chassis with the derpiest derpgun in existence.

    There’s no way it will ever be “op”.
    It’ll suck to get hit by it, but that doesn’t immediately make it OP.

    • I guarantee if you hit a French scout tank dead on with this 380mm rocket you hear “They Dinged Us”
      with 0 damage and not even track it -_-

      • With the way the shell mechanics work yeah, HEAT rounds even at this size will do 0 damage under certain circumstances.

        The HE rounds though, with the amount of damage and radius they should have, should theoretically still do damage even if they hit the tip of someones gun.

  37. I’ll be very happy if i can just blow up they camping shield and explore them to my friend , and it will like “holy shjt , that thing just blow up the house … Damn ! Run for your life !!!!!”

  38. Silent Stalker where did u see the part with the Sturm Tiger in “Operation Think Tank”?

  39. S you mean make it’s gun like the T40′s 105mm derp, which goes in a mini-parabolic arc at a slow speed?

    I agree. In fact, yeah it should be a TD.

    A moment of silence for those who are affected by the Arty Nerf

    PS: DAT CANNON (me gusta)

  40. Assault gun tree… WG just needs it – especially after SerB mentioned that the trees between nations do not have to be symmetrical.

    They should simply work like they’re supposed to – massive alpha, ridiculously long reload (I’m thinking somewhere in the range of 45-55 seconds giving it just enough time to fire all 14 shells should you make it to the end of a battle in one, and KV-2/derp kinds of bad accuracy.

    I think a good example of how the shell would behave would be like the Cruiser II with the 3.7″ Howitzer – arcing, and slow travelling. You can’t slow the shell down too much because, well.. it’s ROCKET powered.

    • It would not have the same accuracy as the KV-2/derp at all – aim for the ground close by the target tank. It is what flipping tanks are made for. It should put a Loltracktor in low earth orbit. LOL

  41. Ermmmm….
    How about make the speed slow, slow traverse, slow reload time, slow aiming time and horrid accuracy?
    And make the shell expensive (Like around 5K?)
    and all of the modules should have low HP, so it will often got critical hit. (Engine fire, ammo rack etc)

    People will think twice to play this tank or maybe only unicums will play this….

  42. Look at the Size of the… 0.0 (380mm You have got to be joking Germany really loves make big things guns, hull, turret, and prototypes)

    If its a TD its completely Ooverpowered and too many tds all over place 0_0
    If its a Arty I’m Okay with that… : )

  43. I can’t wait to get my SturmTiger…I bet it doesn’t run on gasoline, but rather the tears of players that get hit by it >:D

  44. I thinks it is work better as TD
    give it low rof, long aim time, bad accuracy and (very) slow bullet velocity as you said will made this tank an interesting TD to play.

    LT would have fun circle this thing to death
    MT will still able to fight this thing as long as they dodge the first shoot
    HT would probably hate this thing as they would take huge damage no mater what armor they have
    SPG probably dont care much another target and another tank that will mostly kill them in close range anyway

  45. - wasting one of the most popular and expected vehicles for a class that is ignored/despised by a lot of players

    This seems so narrow-minded to me. You play a tank for the tank and not for the class it is a part of (once they get rid of the arbitrary TD camo bonus).

    Throw it in the arty class and then you don’t have to worry about coding new mechanics. Make the range extremely short and give it a long reload.

    All your listed complaints about arty are all opinion based on someone who doesn’t play arty.

    Arty is the easiest and most balanced way to implement this vehicle. And if there are variants through the whole line (Tanks are closer to a TD than an arty) make the line like the T57 Heavy line and have both TDs and arty in the line.

    • I have to agree here, if anything it’s Assault Arty, like the FV304 and Bishop.
      We don’t need a whole new class. As regular arty, I shell bend quite a bit already.

    • Given how much hate is directed against arty, making the Sturmtiger an arty has the potential to make an even bigger shitstorm than the one that resulted from reassigning the T34 and T30 when the M103 and T110E5 replaced them on the American Heavy Branch (resulting in the affected players getting a free tier 8 premium HT and tier 9 TD). That being said, doing so would be such a trollish move that it’ll be almost impossible for SerB to resist at least bullshitting the players for a little while before it’s added to the game.

  46. (like with the KV-2 howitzer, that sometimes aims a little too precisely)
    It’s better at sniping than most of the German “sniping” tanks. Soviet tank working as intended. Kappa

  47. Speaking of these Pseudo TD/Arty machines, it is interesting new game mode however, besides the SturmTiger and Brumbar, I do not think there are many tanks that can complete the tech tree for this new class of vehicles even for germany alone. There might be enough if wargaming coming up with more fantasy tank like a SturmPanther [or if Wargaming is mad enough to put in the Karl Gerat]

    Than there is issue with other nations, there is no USSR counterparts given that their real life counterparts have been used for the SU-152-Object 268 line, and I don’t think any country was mad enough to come up with a 200mm plus Self-propelled gun with a 200mm+ caliber with a posible exception of the Churchill AVRE with the 290mm mortar, so therefore no other nations counterpart to the SturmTiger, leaving it to be a Germany tech tree speciality.

    • KV-12s (203mm SU-152 basically) and who says that the current RU line can’t be given such ability?

      Oh, and Sturmpanther is not fantasy, it reached the wooden mock-up stage.

      • Oh Now I found the SturmPanther, basically a Panther(not JagdPanther) with a 150mm from the Brumbar mounted in turret. But no info on the KV-12, all I got from that is an experimental KV tank with chemical weapons mounted. If you are talking about 203mm mounted SU, thats the SU-203.

        But I still hold strongly that there are not enough tank of this type that can make up a tech tree. Not to say there aren’t there, but those tanks are already in existing TD tech tree. The Sturmgeschutz/Sturmhaubitze III performs the same role of the SturmTiger but less destructive way which means it can be added into the SturmTiger tech tree, however it is already have a place in the TD tech tree. Than the Russian counterparts the SU-122 and SU/ISU-152, also were assault gun used to destroy fortication like the SturmTiger, they too have a place in the USSR TD tech tree. There are also turreted examples, M4(105), Centaur(Cromwell competitor) and Churchill fitted with OQF 95mm and of cours emore famously, KV-2, all have place in their tech tree already.

        So unless wargaming takes away the derp gun out of these tanks(and permenantly reassigning the KV-2) and create an EXACT same tank fitted exclusively with their espective derp gun in a different tech tree, buff the Derp guns stat on the way, I really don’t see enough tank for a complete and feasible tech tree……come to think of it, even after that I still don’t see enough for a straight tech tree with a possible exception of Germany and USSR, without wargaming dreaming some more fantasy tank…cough…WT E100.

  48. “- short-range artillery mode, that would look like this:” No, no no, no and no! I hate El Halluf enough that arty can shoot to that well know location. I hate that many times you are behind a cover and yet arty hits you with it’s stupid arc. There aren’t many arty safe places on the maps, and maps are too small to just run around without being hit!
    Let it be a TD, and that is okay… no idiot “shell bending aid” is required it would be more op than simply being a TD…

    ” it would eliminate the “death from above” annoying factor: you will only be shoot at ranges, that will definitely get you spotted” No it wouldn’t eliminate it, the only difference will be that after you are dead, you can see the guy (or maybe before it) and still your teammates could do nothing against it, just like with arties…

    • Except that the guy’s now 100 m away and has the guns of every heavy tank and tank destroyer aimed at them as soon as they get a kill, whereas arty would still be on the other side of the map and probably hidden until the very end of the game, if it gets revealed at all.

  49. I don’t see chokepoints as a problem. If two groups go head to head in a chokepoint its usually sorted out within two minutes. Why not to make it something like FV or JgpzE100 with HE shells?

  50. IMO a short-range arty or a TD with no Sniper mode, high shell arc {just like Valentine AT that can shoot over its own cover} and range limited to 400m will be fine.

  51. if they put this in as arty they will piss a TON of people off (especially if they give it “arty” armor)

    • Arty armor would be an irrelevant factor for the SturmTiger would be tier 10 but it’s armor is roughly that of a Tiger I which at that tier isn’t really very thick at all.

  52. Dear god what an ugly bastard, looks like anus mounted on Jgpanther, don’t implement it at all!!!!!!

  53. I’m pretty sure that the “tankmounted” howitzers like the 10,5cm and the British OQF 3-inch Howitzer Mk. I etc. has a shell trajectory that allows it to fire over small ridges and such. I clearly remember doing it in my covenanter while the enemy complained about how i was behind the ridge and that it was an impossible shot.
    If it was to be an arty it should have a flat trajectory instead of the high arc with short range that some British SPGs have. +5/-5 or whatever it was that got mentioned earlier would be more like it. That would also prevent it from effectively killing tanks that make proper use of cover.

    So I’d say make it a TD with a howitzer-like trajectory on the gun aswell as long aimtime, horrific accuracy, low velocity on the shells, long reload and the regular hightier german camo*. Then you all of a sudden you have a middlething between a SPG and a TD that acts a bit more like it was intended to then a NLOS arty or a regular TD.

    *none (excuse the leos from this)

  54. I really like that Assault Gun tank type idea. Imo it would change the game for the better, speed up the fighting pace, and make the combat more interesting.

    Has anything of this kind been mentioned by anyone at WG before? Or is it just an idea?

  55. -alpha 3000, maybe gold HEAT with 2k or so alpha
    -pen 130
    -(in)accuracy 0.65
    -aimtime 4 sec
    -reload 65 sec
    -shell velocity 350

    In order not to incapacitate both the enemy and the Sturmtiger itself I suggest the above stats

  56. The issue with it being slow and having a huge camo debuff after firing means that in any game with artillery it dies after that 1 shot. No matter what.

  57. @ SS, You need some education concerning Artillery. All guns in WoT are in fact Artillery, think back to earlier than the 20th Century. The Arty would form up in front of the infantry and blast away at the enemy, infantry would then advance past the Arty to engage the enemy etc, etc. Arty on a hill close by is good because they can shoot over the heads of the infantry.

    This is termed “Direct fire”

    You mentioned “shell bending” which is plainly incorrect as the shell doesn’t bend, the trajectory does. This is termed “Indirect fire” normally due to intervening terrain. Howitzers and Mortars were designed to do this.
    It is indeed more complicated than this but I’m deliberately keeping it short. If you need more info just google “direct fire” and it will come up with links to both direct and indirect fire both wikis would suffice.

  58. When firing HE the entire shell will be wasted when it hits a fence post.

    Imagine the rage………

  59. The idea for a new “siegebreaker” type of mechanic is quite a novel concept – I actually recall thinking of such an idea myself at one point, but then it occurred to me how much it would add complication to a game that while remarkably simple still seems to be too complicated for an alarming portion of the player base (they say 48% is the average WR…from what I’ve seen over the last couple of months, I’ve become convinced that it’s closer to 45-46%, and trust me, the difference is noticeable, particularly from tier 7 up). It could work, but as you stated it would be very unforgiving, and not a noob-friendly vehicle.

  60. This is how i would imagine the Sturmtiger as an arty:

    Hit Points: 666 HP
    Weight: 68+ tons
    Crew: 6 (CGDRLL)
    Engine Power: 690 hp
    Speed Limit: 40 km/h
    Traverse: 16 deg/sec
    Hull Armor: 100/82/82 mm (LFP 150 mm)
    Damage: 2750 (2063-3438)
    Penetration: 132 mm (99-165)
    Splash radius: 15 m
    Shell price: 5000 (NO premium ammo)
    Rate of Fire: 1 r/m (that’s 51.5 sec reload time with 100% crew + BIA + Vents)
    Accuracy: 1.3 m
    Range: 900 m
    Shell Velocity: 250 m/sec
    Aim time: 9 sec
    Gun Traverse speed: 6 deg/sec
    Gun Arc: -9°/+9°
    Elevation Arc: 0°/+45°
    Ammo Capacity: 12 rounds
    View Range: 330 m
    Signal Range: 720 m

  61. I don’t even know why so many people want this. There are literally a dozen vehicles I can think of that’d be better for the game than a 380mm artillery piece that’ll just further drive a wedge in the community.

    Seriously the last thing the game needs is more insta-gibs from a unit safe and sound on the other side of the map.

  62. Just introduce the Sturmtiger as artillery with 2000 HP, slow mobility (slow turning speed, low max. speed, low acceleration), with really bad aimtime, bad accuracy on distances farther then 50m, and slow reloading.

    Done. No worries there. The gunarc would not be as dramatic as you have shown on your picture. It would however work on the hill (castle) on Himmelsdorf. And even then it would encourage to move your tank and not sit on one place.

    So where’s the catch I am not seeing?

  63. I’m honestly for just not putting it in game, it’s really just too damn broken, there’s just no way really to put it in without just saying ‘fuck it’ in someway and implementing an overall unbalanced vehicle, which is bad.

    There are enough of those in game as it is, it really doesn’t need more.

  64. What would the properties of a dedicated high tier td killer be? Good view range, alpha and plenty of firing solutions for camped positions? Don’t necessarily need huge mobility but would be good to have something that can protect HTs from TDs. What do you all think?

    Currently, it seems like in the wot version of Rock Paper Scissors. TDs are paper, HTs are rocks, but true scissors aren’t yet made for high tiers…