70 thoughts on “T23E3 – upcoming tier 7 premium, more screenies

          • Srill it has it fans,
            i have seen several signature in the forum of T23 lovers.
            So there is a market for it.
            If it could make WG money, is not hard to model(aqlready done) im all for it!
            More not so great Tier 7 premium tanks rouning around would give my Tiger something to shoot at, give WG more money and wouldn’t take too many manhours away from projects we really want to see implemented.
            mfg eX

          • We can’t know at the moment.

            Perhaps the gun would be buffed ala T-44-85 (Wild superammo appeared! It’s super effective!) or that It earns so much cred it still earn money firing all gold.

  1. It’s not going to be the M23 that everyone remembers……it will be a bastardized preemie that lacks mobility, firepower and armor.

  2. People who were whining about the pen on the T-44-85, even with limited MM: check this shit out.

    This gun could only be viable if MM is limited to tier 7 only.

      • Called a bustle IIRC, cent 7/1 and later ‘murican tanks have it as well. Used to carry additional/non mission specific equipment such as the tanker’s duffelbags, camo nets and other crap that isn’t vital to the machine itself.

        • Wrong, T23 was the original agility king of the game, combined with good depression it was the best harasser at tier 8. It had unparalleled acceleration, turn and climb, combined with neutral steer, on tiers 7 and 8 only comet comes close. This tank was cromwell of tier 8.

          However, it does not mean that this tank will be as good premium tier 7 as it was regular tier 8. But it certainly DIDN’T suck, it only had really high skill floor (but also really high skill celing), meaning noobs sucked bad in this, pros preformed amazing.

    • the half of all US TDs are faked to fill the branches. that means they are stumbling to find one for prem.

      • I know you are trolling, but srsly only two tanks are real fakes. T28 proto and E4.

          • well T28 is PARTIALLY fake. And yeah, I forgot T25. But both are just edited real tanks, like the T28 never had the front plate thing, and T25 never had the M36 turret (and was called T23 IIRC), but the M36 turret wiould fit, so it was at least plausible. besides, there is this picture
            and no, it ain’t photoshopped
            why isn’t this a tank? Perfectly plausible yet I don’t see a designation.

            • It is in game already, just with it’s primary hull. It’s the M36 Jackson. Some had the hull you see in game, some had the Sherman hull. But they were the “same” TD.

              M36 – GMC M10 hull (M4A3 chassis). 1,298 produced/converted
              M36B1 – Medium Tank M4A3 hull and chassis. 187 produced/converted. – This is the one pictured in the links you posted.
              M36B2 – GMC M10A1 hull (M4A2 chassis). 287 produced/converted)

  3. Its the 90mm Gun M3, which is the top gun for the T20, but this T23′s gun design follows the stock version of T25/2′s because of no muzzle break.(my guess) Plus it looks to big to be a 76mm.
    Anyway I bet we’ll all see the stats for it very soon. I really do hope it has the same maneuverability as it was before. Though I doubt that. I am just glad they are bringing it back.

    Also first post for this site. I have always read the articles I just never posted before.

  4. I don’t think I’m alone when I say that I’d MUCH MORE prefer a Premium US TD to this (or anything else that’s not a Premium US TD)

    • Agree. Don’t understand, how WG haven’t figured it out, that many many and many more players would buy a T8 US Prem TD (meaning they would bring loads of $$ to them) because both of those TD lines are popular amongst players.. :(

  5. What’s with the gap between the 1st and 2nd roadwheel (like T55) but only on the right side, not the left side?
    I don’t remember my T20 or T21 having this.

    Is it a very unique feature to not have same track/suspension on both sides of a tank.

    • This is way the torsion bars were set for the T23, the first wheel had a two part suspension unit arm while the rest were a standard one part arm. This was done so that the driver and bow gunner’s escape haches found between the first and second road wheels so there was space for them. The M26/46/47 and T29/30/32/34 did have this gap but not as noticeable as the T23′s.

  6. Is it just me or is the placement of the roadwheels asymmetrical? On the right side (1st picture) the 1st and 2nd roadwheel have a gap in between them, like the Pershing. on the left side (2nd picture) the roadwheels seem to be arranged equally.
    will this be the first tank with asymmetrical suspension? If yes, I’ll friggin buy it.

    • JTiger 8.8 has the same problem…but not as obvious as it is here…donno about the 12.8 one, but the 8.8 really does…

  7. C’mon WG…. offer up a gold one too like the China server did with the Type59… give the NA server a “whale’s” tank (big spender’s version like you see in Las Vegas)

  8. That tank looks so interesting…… it looks like a T20 with a M4 Easy 8 turret with a pershing manlet. I really want to get my hands on this…. I’ll save my money to get a karma koin card to get either this or the T-44-85

  9. T23′s turret was used on later production M4s (post-1944), so that’s why you’re seeing the similarity.

    Mantlet isn’t really Pershing-ish. It’s flat and it’s only 88.9mm thick. The turret face behind it is 76mm thick. It’s okay protection, but not great.

    The best parts about it are the fact that it can neutral steer, it can go 56kph, and it has an okay power/weight ratio.

    As long as they don’t bog it down with a ridiculously bad terrain resistance stat, it should be a decent tank. I’ll buy one.

    • I’ll buy one just for the sake of it. I already have panther/M10 and I’m planning on getting the T-44-85 too. Tier 7 is where it’s at for me, and as long as the vehicles have limited MM I’m in.

  10. No premium tank below tier 8 is worth the money – except maybe the E-25, if you drive it for fun in a platoon and not for money making.

  11. This really ISN’T the droid I was looking for.

    It resembled this one superficially, but had a 90mm and was on the tech tree. I didn’t need to pay for SerB’s coach > 1st class airline ticket upgrade to get one last time.