About the 1 million players online on RU server

Source: http://wargaming.livejournal.com/2485.html

Hello everyone,

BigAngryCat disclosed a few more bits of info about this World of Tanks record – more than one million players online (1 mil and 114k). It happened on Sunday night (19.1.2014) and according to Wargaming, it was quite unexpected, since the previous weekend it was “only” 937k players online. That’s why one of the players created the following poster – to give players some comparison – and Wargaming via BAC reposts it now. BCA also notices that the number is in fact incorrect and that at one point it was even 1 mil and 119k…


The poster states:

- it’s more than there were Greek, Serbian and Montenegro soldiers in WW1 (1,112 mil)
- it comes close to the amount of people participating in the famous Rio de Janeiro carnival (1,5 mil)
- it’s about as many as there were soldiers of the entire 1st Ukrainian Front before the Oder offensive on 12.2.1945 (1,16 mil)
- it’s more than the entire population of the Russian city of Ufa
- in 78 countries of the world there live less people then played the Russian World of Tanks

23 thoughts on “About the 1 million players online on RU server

    • 1. Growing up, American boys love firetrucks and bulldozers. Russian boys love tanks.
      2. Tanks are all over the place as monuments to the Great Victory and symbols of Soviet power.
      3. Imagine how the Soviet Union would have fared in 1941 and 1942 without the T-34.

      • I don’t know about you but growing up I was into military aircraft, but then again it might have had to do with my family’s background (my Grandfather having worked on some projects for Lockheed prior to the merger with Martin Aircraft, the Super Constellation and F-94 coming to mind)

      • Because the military is typically the purview of the state, in authoritarian countries, where the state is supreme, and especially in the USSR’s Cold War context where it must use threat of military force to survive, it is natural that military implements will be glorified by the public. The tank managed to get more attention thanks to the history of the T-34 as said above, and Soviet military doctrine. Additionally, tanks are more ‘personal’ than artillery, aircraft or ships.

        The reason Western countries aren’t as enamored with tanks is that their societies haven’t been based on militarism (at least in the popular mind). Even in the US, with its massive military spending compared to other countries, there wasn’t much interest in general for military affairs by the average Joe; they were too busy spending their capitalist money on private consumption.

  1. It feels as though it was only recently that WoT was competing with Eve for the most players on one server; around the 60k mark. How it’s grown since then.

    • WoT’s still hasn’t beaten Eve for most people online in a single server all together at the same time

      (and never will)

  2. They forgot the other stats;

    - 7,000,000,000 People in the world don’t care
    - There is only two things you can do in the CIS this time of year,
    – Drink lots of vodka and play World of Tanks, both at the same time.
    - Serb wasn’t part of the record…how typical

    • I think its still growing, more and more often you’re in a queue to get in at weekends, that hardly ever used to happen, even when we only had 1 server…

      • dont have much problems with logging into the server, but recent weeks i have seen an increase in the amount of people in que to start a batlle and the time it takes to actually start the battle.

        the last couple of weeks the amount of people waiting for battle is sometimes above 1200-1500 and it takes a minute or more to actually start a random battle.

        nothing very annoying but still noticeable.

          • And Minsk does not care for this… they care that there is no same tier fights too often, that would be ‘dull’ and not enough diversity in tiers…

            MM is just coded dead wrong from its starting point, just to manipulate it for whatever reasons. Battles and such would be simply drag and drop while for more versatile system that would be tailored to suit tanks online now, instead of recently online… But clear thinking and vodka should not be mentioned on the higher up table, they might think your new code should be implemented and happiness increased, without vodka.

  3. I think it’s time to declare a United States of Tank and secede from the world :-)

    Although I guess we’ll have to leave the EU players behind because they seem to be so overrun by bigotry that I suspect the UST would break out in civil war within a day…