18 thoughts on “WZ-132 minor change in 8.11

  1. Silentstalker
    Can u show me the new look of M24 Chaffee, KV-1S and Lorraine 40 t

    “Public Test of Update 8.11″
    ” – improved some inaccuracies in the visual models of the M24 Chaffee, KV-1S and Lorraine 40 t “

  2. This means it’s easier to pen with HE because less track covers side armour.

    Horrible nerf; now it’s even easier to 1-shot with 183mm HESH.

  3. next thing they probably gonna raise the roof like T-54 so just about anything will pen that weakspot…

  4. Its hard to know what picture is new/old when it is not written.. This happens a lot with this switching pictures. If you dont know the tank, its not obvious in which direction the change is happening. So please, could you add a text with “New”/”Old” in the pictures in the future?