Hall of Shame

A few weeks have passed and my Hall of Shame folder is full yet again… let’s have a look at this issue’s finest candidates for the “retard of the month” award. Today’s edition is pretty rough, so enter at your own peril!

Czech community has its own share of retards, as you can see:


“This day I am finished with this embarassement of a game, fuck the fucking MM that gives me no chance to win – not only with vehicles and player skill, but by the fact that WG makes the battles either won or lost in advance, fuck them and fuck the fuckers from Poland and Turkey, feeding them with their Euros, stick that shit of yours up your fat asses!!!”

…and of course some well-wishers


From US server:


Some people REALLY like their nazis stuff:


“Shit jews” – not exactly proper for German:


8QCzrCQixxeEws LR7Tm5E

Above: “I will take you with me, you jew. So that your jewish deeds are never forgotten. To the concentration camp with you, hush hush. Sieg heil, dead Jew, dead cop.”

And here is another Czech “specialist”, this time, he picked Slovaks as his target:


Above: “Slovaks came to be when Hungarians fucked a monkey and kicked it to the other side of river Danube. Whenever I meet a Slovak, who is, just like an Ukrainian, working here as a toilet cleaner, I slap his face. There are so many of you around Europe that everyone considers you equal to Ukrainians.”

Hate. EU2

We all love internet tough guys:


Romanporuba: “You fucker, how dare you write me you fucking asshole, I will fuck your mom. You fucking wimp, you shit.”


And here we have something special: this guy’s “uncle works at Wargaming”, that’s why he’s allowed to teamkill :) But if you teamkill him, you will be… BANNED!


Sexually speaking, this guy is not very discriminating…


Various morons:


And now, another internet tough guy. You better be scared, because he’s gonna find you!


And another various assortment of nazis and retards. That’s second EFE member in this issue, wasn’t the clan supposed to be good or something?

shot_288 -

And last but not least…

Lonestar77, EFE-X
WorldOfTanks 2014-02-02 01-50-25-735

Bonus – my own archive :)

This made me giggle:


When you ram me and get shot, don’t complain…


“I want to fuck” – because we all needed to know that


And this guy just stood in the Malinovka lake until he got shot by me. Apparently, he wasn’t happy.



And this guy is a special kind of retard. I was playing a Centurion I and was hanging back, supporting the assault from second line. I was really nicely set to flank the enemies… and then I got shot by him because I was “camping”. I hate fuckers like that.


154 thoughts on “Hall of Shame

    • I am really surprised that my name is not here … Retards and idiots are the most used words from my side. I always laugh when I see someone writing noob word to someone who has over 10k battles. Funny to see that people don’t know from what word this word came from :)

      • Yeah same here.

        I guess it’s just because I’m smart enough not to be so direct.
        Whenever I call someone names I use subtile language so I can insult them without them even fully understanding.

        It relieves me of my anger and it doesn’t get me banned :P

      • Same here … I am usually an asshole in game chat , being surrounded by idiots can’t keep you calm for long and I rage in chat every 3-4 games until the battle .

    • I was seriously expecting to find my name here, but I guess I’m lucky nobody screenshots my rage

  1. Faith in humanity lost yet again.

    Best quote:

    “next time I see you in may team you are deda”

    WOW, such deda, so awesome

    • Nice spelling, I tell you nwe need to make a wot klingon disctionary, I add all funny words into a document. Pls SS make such a dictionary.

      Deda = dead? New one, never seen that before, hahaha.

      • Apropos language: As a native german speaker I can only shake my head at the sight of the grammar some people are using… That really underlines how extraordinary dumb they are.

        • Tja…well reminds me of parts of “Sascha” by “Die Toten Hosen”.

          “Zigeunerschnitzel, das schmeckt gut,
          auf Sintis hat er eine Wut,
          er isst so gern Chevapcici,
          Kroaten mochte er noch nie.”

          They may have cut their hair a bit short so now it grows inwards through the brain. Have pity on them. ;)

        • They’re not really speaking german, they have a german fetish because the photos of good-looking nazis in their tight uniforms make them pine for a self-confidence and authority they will never have in their own life.

  2. “p4r4cet4mol (9:15:59) and you will always be a retarded polish kid who has fantasie about fucking his mom wit a cactus”

    Seriously, a part of me will be sorry when I will disable the chat. It’s because of gems like these. I always laugh when someone just loses it and writes stuff that makes no sense.

    • I’ll go to hell with some of you guys but fuck this, I lolled so hard about that fucking your mama with a cactus, even though I’m polish myself :D

  3. So glad R0Y41 made it in, now I have the pleasure of sending him the link and getting more abuse ;)

  4. aiaiai it’s a shame to see dutch people on the Hall of Shame…
    but orBbika (AMX 13 90) wasn’t doing anything wrong, he was just expressing that he found it annoying to be in a Tier X match ;)

    • That one is from my collection and I thought Id include him cause driving 1390 with scout mm youre in tier 10 matches like 80% of the time so one would thought he could get used to it :D

    • I’m glad to see someone from BNEF, whether Dutch or Belgian I don’t care, in here. Hate that clan!

          • Strictly speaking, “neekeri” would be “negro” as in just “black”. (Hey, the first time this country saw live black people was pretty much the Helsinki Olympics of ’52…) The more pejorative “nigger” would be “nekru”.

      • I asked support if they could change it for me but they didn’t bother. Made my acc in closed beta so I really don’t want to make reroll…

        E: and I kinda want to have my acc name here same as I have in WOT

  5. “When you ram me and get shot, don’t complain…”
    so i’m not alone who is not tolerant against team dmg :D

  6. Well, i see myself in the list. This must have been 4 weeks ago since i took a break since then because i couldnt stand it anymore.(Yes thats not the only time i was cursing)

    Still im wondering myself why i didnt get banned. Probably the ingame report system doesnt work.

    • The ingame system doesn’t work.
      Also, as a member of your clan I can quite frankly say I’m ashamed of that behaviour. Having a terrible time in the game is no excuse whatsoever for that kind of language.

  7. *sigh* There’s no end to it TYPICAL -___-

    Im sitting here looking at the Hall of Shame like “I’ve seen enough”.

    Well thers nothing we cant do to stop them…

  8. Lel@snowyknight.

    Hey SS you can create a Hall of (Sh)Fame with the top ten counts per clan, i bet some clans will fight vigorously to stay on top.

  9. SS, u changed your clan again? No longer NTAE? ERILH now?

    BTW, one of entries was send (I assume) by AppTux – my friend from his former and my current clan! Shoutout for him!

        • Yeah….no.

          Given the nature of what I do for a living I can’t afford to be part of a gathering which allows its members to voice fascist slogans……besides, my grandparents would rise from their graves and kick my ass if I did.

      • Just sent you material for next edition… 2 a..holes in Chi Nu and SU-85 started to rage and call me from tomatoes, gold noobs etc. all because I had RNG with me and one-shotted the Chi-Nu in M4 with HE (HEAT has LESS dmg than HE – 350 compared to 410 -so if I used gold I wouldn’t make 480 dmg to Chi -Nu)…

  10. A RELIC player getting mad because he got shot with a gold round?! If a tank has 200mm of regular AP pen. and 150mm of prem. APCR pen. they will still shoot APCR…. LMFAO.

    • The relic guy wasn’t the one who got mad.
      The IS-6 was mad that the guy above was shooting him with goldies when himself was shooting gold at that dude.
      It was just was a hilarious moment.

  11. Do these kids have no “shame”? (pun intended)

    Seems video games brings out the trolls in people.

  12. Well, even when this deviates from the topic, any news about the 0.8.11 patch release date ?

  13. As I have said before: The hall of shame that you are posting are just encuraging these players to continue with writing things like this. I have seen several people who are trying to get in to this hall of shame to get their 15 min of fame.
    In their backward minds, this hall of shame is something cool that they get attention from.
    So if you dont want this, please stop posting about it!

  14. Wow, I see that our clan commander sent You some great pics.. Cant understand how ppl should be so mad to write something like “You fcking jew, I wish Your mom will die for a brain cancer.”

    • Some exnom are tards, but the worst clans in terms of verbaly abuse must be efe-x, kazna, greek, helas, turk, hami. That is those clans comming from the “other” part of europe, those that cant behave or act proper on terms of “western” standards.

      In terms of sexualy abusive language, the worst clans must be kazna and greek, because its in their culture to insult people in that way I believe.

      I agree, I provoke some of these clan players, but they should know better and not act in anger or violence :). I mean how can you justify these team stacking uniscum campers spamming gold ammo in OP tenks and camping? Yet have the guts to tell everybody they “suck”. Theser a reason their stats are “OP” and it sure damn isnt solo play in regular tanks with AP ammo….

      • yep you are right on a certain point
        well dont take for granded that greeks are like that IRL but behind of a screen many of these are douches and idiots and have a very optimistic point of view that;s why they start throwing all these kinda of stuff
        as a greek player i have many times have ecounter and also fight with them cause they where idiots and also
        1 tip just ignore them let them spam spam spam spam it will be sure it will have a crazy effect on them :)
        and lastly if you translate his name you will be soured cause αρχιερεας mean high priest…..
        but o well people give them a coverage of a black screen and become whatever they want

  15. Still no my nickname in Hall of Shame….son, i’m disappointed….i guess my typical vocabulary isn’t oriented too much towards niggers, jews, nazis or cancer wishes…..i find that disgusting and most likely the reason why i still haven’t ended up here :P

  16. “wetfinger [2DPA]: u fucking pathetic noobs, polish unemployed alcoholics and morons”
    Nice patriotism, gj… Polish players must rly love their country…

  17. I get used to complain on my country and players (Poland). 99% of complaining players never was here. And this is retarded! :). We are the biggest WoT community in Europe and normal is that good or not good players are from here.
    But if German player talking about Jews and Auschwitz, this is dangerous…

      • I would not put it past a Polish player him or herself to completely degrade Polish people, Jews, or coloured skinned people just to get some attention. It’s like here in America when Americans go around making damn threatening anti-American pro-terror-extremist comments just to get some attention.

        Racists are the scum of the planet, and I personally believe they don’t deserve the right of recognition. Just ignore the assholes (or say something witty that friendly people will laugh to), and let them go snuggle in their swastika flags that hang on their walls.

    • I am glad I knew Danke and Bitte instead of Sieg Heil. Had to learn that years later in video games (I knew very well about the Nazis, just not their slogans)

      A friendly mind reflects a friendly conscience.

  18. I think its funny that some of the well known clans are the worst in terms of racist, antisemitic and sexually slurs. It clearly shows that the elitist mentality along with hard core gaming mess with their psychopatic mind. I say it now, and I have said it before I will have 0 respect for these idiot psycho clans. They are too fed up with their elitist bullshit mentality.

    I would like to smack most of these clan leaders so they learn a lesson the not be racists. Fuk kazna and greek clan, racist non EU players acting tough…

    • Yep,

      On that WG News page about some ESL or some other competition, the winning clan was the same as one of the worst offenders on the previous Hall of Shame..

      ..I dared to ask if WG, and the “top” clans, thought it was a good idea that these morons are still members of their clans and if it was a “good PR” move…

      I seemed to get quite a reaction from the “top” clans… something to do with “butt hurt whining little wankers” or similar..

      Thread “disappeared” after about 24 hours… still not available..

      • Some of these clans and clan members are motherfuckers really. With great “skill” comes respect for others and team play. Something that is rarely seen when these unicum clans are playing in randoms.

        Whats the point having gold spamming campers from the above clans letting lower skilled team member “scout” just so they can snipe? I dont fucking get that.

        Yesterday a member from “unica” acted tough when I trolled him that I loved pts and exnom. I only wish I had saved the screenies :/.

        To me, it seems many of these clan members are sexually confused creatures with a elitist mentality and a psychopatic behavior (i mean u must be nuts to play 30000+ games and think wot is real life).

        In the bigger picture what the fuck does a wot clan really mean, and all these cw and tc bullshit? I say remove clans from random battle, we dont want their elitist bullshit.

  19. I don’t know .. some of these are very funny. Anyone taking people too seriously on the internet/game is probably sick in the head to begin with.

    Sometimes you gotta let your rage out … and I rather do that than bottle it up and go crazy one day. Totally normal reaction. All this “no bullying” bullshit all the american liberals are pushing is not natural, only builds up hate.

    • let the rage out…

      Call me a “fucking useless wanktard dipshit noob cunting tomato”

      … fine… I accept that.. I probably am…

      but why allow racist fuckwits to infest life?

      Real or virtual?

    • Its good to rage and not hold things inside you, but im not sure its any point getting angry over a fucking wot game to beginn with. Rage all you wanna over valid stuff and dont use racist and sexually slurs. Most of these rages are totally idiotic to beginn with, no reason to react in such a way. Its your choice to be angry or not, to write bad stuff or not.

  20. phew, again not here =)

    that people writing “FUHRER” they have no Ü on keyboard, such dumbasses :)

    • I don’t either, but I *do* have a proper ümläüt këÿ änd äm nöt äfräïd tö üsë ït.
      However odds are fairly good most of them don’t even *know* the dots should be there to begin with…

    • Thats the issue, grown men 30-45+ acting totally immature and retarded. I believe wot community as a whole is a disturbing community. The best are also the worst as we have seen….

      Say what you wanna but looking at QB and Jingles videos I cant say these people are normal for their age. Some times im affraid people dont really troll in wot, they are that retarded :(.

      I have lost nearly all respect for the bigger clans, and for all clans by the way because they act immature, play OP tanks and use gold ammo. Thats is why I will never even give any kind of respect to these clans. I have been golded by them far too many times. If its not gold ammo in regular tanks and tds, they use gold ammo on arty. These fuckers dont know/wanna play fair. I bet they jerk off on eachothers stats untill then cum, because after all they are “unicum”.

      Sorry for offensive language.

  21. Whats the difference between scouts and Jews scouts come back from their camps

    haha this made my day best joke i have ever heard:D:D

  22. Such a pearl of opinion: “Slovaks came to be when Hungarians fucked a monkey and kicked it to the other side of river Danube. Whenever I meet a Slovak, who is, just like an Ukrainian, working here as a toilet cleaner, I slap his face. There are so many of you around Europe that everyone considers you equal to Ukrainians.”
    Only thing I may hope sincerely that this is not the common Bohemian attitude against their Slavic Brethren.

    • …I was under the impression it was the default for Central Europeans to detest their “Slavic Brethren” (or more to the point, neighbours) over any amount of spurious and irrelevant bygone faggotry?

      • Dear Watchman,
        Hungarian are ever since 1918 no neighbors of the Czechs an to be honest (being Hungarian and German by myself) we are used to it, that the Czechs hated us on a for us unknown reason. But – again – this is not the question, I am however shocked to get to known that some Czech hated even his fellow Slavic kinfolks too. They were always (or at least pretended to) such a brotherly bunch.

  23. Best thing about having good stats is they can’t say a word about your stats being bad.
    And why would they even keep going with the nazi thing…It’s a shame of humankind and they are PROUD with it?!

    • You can say alot about ones stats even if they are “good”. For example, is the player a solo player, does he use gold ammo, op tanks, etc? All these affect the stats and dont prove he is a skilled player at all.

  24. Fuck I didn’t make it…. Do you realize SS, that a shitload of people trying to get into the Hall of Shame ON PURPOSE, sometimes there is even a gold prize for an achievement like this. So keep on posting more of these, thank you. ;-)

  25. *looks at stuff from NA server*

    Yep, there’s still all these ‘black power’ nutcases that believe that ‘white privelage’ still exists (it does in mass media, but it’s been mostly removed everywhere else)

    • Haha thats from my collection and that was directed to me, he was stationary on Komarin with low HP in the middle, facing me and I failed to penetrate him frontally from distance with my 1390 and he was laughing at me so I loaded prem clip and finished him off :)

  26. Dear WOT players

    We as a clan (BNEF) have this player the_shotgunman removed from the clan list after this incident.

    Commander BNEF

    • As for the actions taken bij BNEF(kick and ban from the clan) the player called the_shotgunman has jet joined another clan called [BLESS]. As for Wot a ticked was made but wot trusts his automated system, therefor it is out of our hands. Pls keep reporting the_shotgunman if he does this again, we as BNEF dont accept this kind of chat.

      HAppy gaming and see u in battle

      Kind regards
      Diplo from BNEF

  27. Huh? Sieg Heil is worthy enough to get in hall of shame?

    I had higher expectations of you SS. :(

    More importantly, I’m sad I haven’t gotten in the hall of shame yet despite all the times I said sieg heil for lolz

  28. Yesterday I was a few centimeters on the screen from clicking on uninstalling the game.
    I gotta agree with the first guy… In the last 3 days in 90% i got 45% or less WC teams. I stopped trying to carry. I just went into battles with only HE ammo (quite effective on batmobile), only AP on GwTiger, Being a rusher TD with FV304… Gave absolutely no fuk about winning… etc… And usually I was still in the upper half of the team score…
    Sold half my keeper tanks (would have sold Tetrarch that i got back via Support too if I didnt hit the limit), bought M48 Patton…

    And about polish and turks. Just go play Neverwinter (A really really great MMORPG until they nerf the shit out of your character) and you will see how the chat is filled with turk and polish shit everywhere.
    They are there at every MMO and are happily fking up the chat and the teams.

    I have good Polish friends in WoT, I know some are good players, but there is just too many retards from that country and turkey fapping in these games.

    • NW player here, and I’d say the Polish and Turkish dating-site spam there is considerably less prevalent than in WoT. Assorted Spanish- and Portugese-speakers (particularly Brazilians) seem rather more common for whatever reason.

      • Hi korpakukac and of course hi again Watchman,

        They might been annoying, but! I understand some German, Slavonic and Latin languages, Dutch is my second mother tong and Hungarian the first, so I can tell You both every nation is sometimes more than annoying if they use their native language! Do not make much has about it. At least not about there, but about the using the terms Jew, Gypsy and Nigger like a swearing. Using Your own native language is however Your very own human right; to use above mentioned terms as pejorative addressing is not! To wish somebody a fatal sickness is foremost an indication of the “wisher” selves.

        • I said I agreed with the first player.

          I did not say I agree with all that jew, gypsy (as I see only hungarians use this as swearing), nigger swearing shit. Those are from really retarded people.
          Wishing cancer is also something I do not agree with, but I did it a few times when I encountered some abberations ingame, that would really do deserve that. I am not proud of it though.

          Sure, you have your right for using your own langugae, but shitting on the heads of every other player by doing so is not really nice.

  29. Pls ban all racist and people who are white nationalists (nazis) or those who are proud of their european heritage. Also the clan “pride” are also racists.

      • I hope you understand I take this one step further, to ban all nationalists also….not only white but all colors. Why the fuck is nationalism relevant in wot anyways?

  30. Had some guy in chat yesterday ask in all chat “any fags here” and then went on to say “don’t be ashamed fagots” I was just like WTF dude. I will be the first to admit that I have called my team retards a few times just in the moment of anger of the shear stupidity of some of the teams I get.

  31. A friend and I trolled Big1Jake once while he was statpadding in his Hellcat. He wasn’t happy :D

  32. Finally after like 1 year I made an account.
    But this has to be said.

    SS come on man.
    The joke about jews and boy scouts might be offensive, but hell.
    It’s a joke.
    I almost pissed my pants laughing.
    This should be in an own category.
    “Hilarious shit” or something

  33. there was one time where there’s this guy whose name starts with Nyx in EU (i cant check because wot homepage is down at the moment i am writing this) and he is 100% persuaded that me (who killed him) is a nigger (no offense) when to be honest im asian :/

    he’s also set that he’s better than me when you can clearly see the Grand-Canyon-sized diffrence between him and me. shame i was too buzy with the battle to take a screenie and give it to SS :D

  34. What’s the difference between players listed in the hall of shame and others that are behaving normally?
    The second group has a real life, a job, friends and … sex.

    What’s the difference between the stats of both groups?
    The first group has good virtual stats, the second has good real life stats.

    Why do people from the first group think that they are better?
    Because it’s common knowledge that humans use 10% of their brain capacity, except this group that has only a brain capacity that is 10% of the average (or 1% in total)..

    Will it be possible that a person of the first group (members of the hall of shame) may ever become a member of the second group?
    No, the clan “reasonable members of society” [RMOS] has high standards and accepts only people with good RL stats.

  35. Romanian gypsi ? This world fucking manipulated by mass media…………:(
    What are you doing people ? Live and then speak !

  36. WOW! I’m finally in Hall of Shame! Hey author of this article and RESPONSIBLE for everything posted here, do you even check replays or you are ok to post any COPY-PASTE they send you. Because everyone with an IQ of 80 and above can clearly see I’m not talking alone or respond to someone’s pride of his stats. Will be back in few hours with replay and whole chat history. BTW, these 2 platooning idiots did 200 and 300 dmg during the whole battle while their mouth is a serious blaster…


  37. Would be nice this site without this posts. Is that not news, is that your own revenge or something like that. It shows us that you are dominated in the life and you only here can revenge.

    • In my case I don’t feel offended been in the Hall because 2 guys cuted, copied and pasted chat history but I’m seriously questioning FTR reliability. They just can’t expose someone’s name without ACTUAL proofs

      • Lol this is proof, dont like it, then dont read this blog. Soon many more racists will be exposed and even their Ip adress, ISP and street adress irl….

        • Are you some kind of retarded or just a complexed moron? I M THE ONE WITH FERDINAND BLAMING THE HEAVY CAMPERS IDIOT! NOT A RACIST, NOT EVEN 1 RACIAL POST FROM MY SIDE.

          Proof is when and IF the guy who sent the picture had his balls in place and in working order and posted THE TRUE CHAT HISTORY

    • Ctfu, this is information, information about who are racists in wot community and exposure of the so called “good” clans. I like hall of shame, why protect nazis and racists? Just because they are protected by democracy doesnt mean SS should protect them in his blog.

  38. Lol at efe-x, who send that screenie? I think I was the one who mouted off to lonestar efe-x telling him he was a idiot amx, but I didnt send it in?? Pls tell me who send that screenie to ftr.

  39. Yiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiha I made it in the hall of shame, was always my dream ^^

    Sorry was angry cause some of your guys just steal my car und then u shot me at World of Tanks, too.


      • Banned like you @ Counter-Strike 4 cheating? I`m glad thats nearly impossible to hack on WOT, u should be too, else may u would banned already. And yeah! Easy to go on men mode over the Internet and spread arround insults.

  40. Funny thing is when I sent email to author of this article asking if he checks replays to confirm chat history his reply was:

    “no, I don’t. That’s why I post really only the most vile things, for
    which there is usually no excuse. No matter how angry you get, you
    just don’t use words like “fucking jews”

    Well, you can find me on the above pictures Arxiereas_[GREEK] [Ferdinand] and if you locate a single quote from me about jews or other racial offence, crusify me. All I say is that these 2 guys are FAGGOTS and proof is here. Only FAGGOTS cut chat history and do such girlish shit!
    This is FTR and it’s reliability

    Replay of the battle is here:

    Check to see how noobs camping the whole time dealing 200 and 300 damage each (while proud of their stats – LOL) spend their time cuting-pasting chat history instead of learning to play

    AppTux & Clocky put your testicles in working order and stop doing faggot-ish things