Hello everyone,
Yuri Pasholok posted an interesting thing: a short excerpt from the Combined Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee (CIOS) from March 1946 about the E-series vehicle.
As you can see, according o this report (however accurate it might be), the tank hull could have been redesignated as a self-propelled hull, opening the possibility to the existence of the WT E-100 (and, of course, the Sturmgeschütz E-100). At this point, Yuri Pasholok states that based on this info, the ingame fictional WT E-100 could have “a right to exist”… interesting :)
20%historical 80% from WG
if this project was planed by germans why are there no german drawings/texts … 100% WG bullshit …
just my thinking
Can you read?
It’s an extrapolation of what kind of vehicle it would have been based on available (albeit limited) information, as no blueprints of such a vehicle exist in the present, if they existed at all.
That being said it could possibly have existed, but I’m not sure about the autoloader mechanism.
That one comes (more or less) from an early-war AA gun project. Weird looking thing, IIRC SS may have done an article on it a while ago.
Still made in Minsk, in my opinion.
If a hull was made, they would have OBVIOUSLY thought of doing something else with it. Not only it’s logical, it’s also what they did in many other cases, with many other hulls.
Why would this have been different?
The model obviously is, yes. What was meant is the concept of it actually being converted to a SP mount. No proof though, but a good indication.
WG win!!!!!!
Model companies rejoice :)
This is ridiculous. As the WT auf E 100. The problem here is that they’re trying to justify historically one of their inventions; IMHO this is even worst than what they did with the T28.
As far as I care, they can do what they want, even implement in game a TD that can cripple every tank in less than ten seconds (no wait, they alredy did that!), but trying to sell the idea that everything they do is somehow historically accurate is a bit too much.
Clutching at straws a great deal here. A guy said it could be redesigned as a self propelled gun mount. This wasn’t an official design (E100), it wasn’t even an order directive for a design (E50M), its just a guy, no matter his station, saying that its possible that the E100 could be turned into an SPG – was this just his idea at the time? Probably. Its a tank, with lots of real estate on the top. They could turn it into the worlds most powerful school bus should they wanted too. WG sees this and takes artistic license.
Seriously though, I’m sure a guy somewhere had an idea about turning pretty much every tracked vehicle into some kind of SPG or task outside its original purpose, that is what people do, have ideas. Doesn’t mean they’re ever acted upon or ever make it to the drawing stage past the back of a napkin. Does that mean WG has license to imaging up what these ideas might have looked like and call it ‘based on reality’? No, not in my book anyway.
for you sir +1
Exactly my thought. There’s no design-study, no indication of any plans, but the mere word of “Well, maybe we could do that.”. Well, maybe we could have fitted the Pz Ic with an atomic missile launcher. I can haz please now? It’s historical correct, you see?
That’s a good way of summing it up.
wow, delicious screwup.
Moar E100 chassis based Tank/Arty/Assault Gun/Tank Destroyer then :D
Id love that! How about a Sturmmörser E 100 mit 38 cm Mörser?
Actually, that could work…maybe the Sturmtiger would be at tier 9 then, and the only difference between that gun on the Sturmorser E-100 and as it is on the Sturmtiger would be soft stats (i.e. rate of fire)
very interesting indeed.
but i still think, the wtf100 is not a good choice as a tier 10 of this line. (besides its OP and kinda broken gameplaywise)
I would have prefered a small, stealthy, high rof td. similar to the obj 263 and a logical continuation of the borsig and the wt auf pz4.
Can u or have a made an article (i missed) about possible t10 waffenträger tds, SS?
I made an article about Waffentrager Panther for tier X, take a look around
When will Landkreuzer P. 1500 Monster be implemented?
Next time WG need to get us to grind a massively OP tier x, so say six months?
P. 1000*
P. 1500 was known as Monster, not as Ratte.
It was even bigger, had 800mm gun. But whole thing was more like Artyzilla than real Super-Heavy tank.
IIRC the idea was to use it as a (more or less) mobile coastal defense gun…
Considering what the bomber fleets were doing to the railway network it actually sorta makes sense somebody would want to take a look for an alternative platform for the Schwerer Gustav.
They did. Designs were on the board to have 2 Tiger I’s (stripped of everything down to 24 or so tons) support a gantry that would hold 1 of 2-3 sections of a railway gun. The Tigers (2 of them) would them move the parts around busted railway lines and cross country if needed.
And yes there is a design plan using Tiger II’s. There is also something more comical then that. Although the gantry idea is very workable and had been something the Germans had tried with trucks and trailers on 15-20+ ton(sections) of mortars that were shipped in 2-3 sections during WW1 by heavy truck and trailer. Also done that way during WW2 to a degree.
Never, at least as far as WG has stated themselves.
Same for the P.1000 Ratte (not counting its appearance in an April Fools video they made once). That being said it’d make one hell of a PvE Event Boss if WG decides to implement such a thing.
What we really need is E-100 hull based light or medium tank.
Shitty gun(for tier X, maybe E-50′s top 105mm or 88mm with improved ROF and softstats) but awesome ramming power.
“Light tank” -_-
But that already exists!
Turrent needs removing – you could fit another engine in that space! Squeeze about 2500 horse power in and we could have a goer.
Im pretty sure a jet engine or two would be completely historicall.
same as by the to stronk E-75 … they removed a “unhistorical” engine from a tank that never exists … logic 4TW
and in the next sentence they say we are not a simulation we are an arcade game with not so much historical things … MOAR LOGIC HERE PLZ
You mean GT 102 Asuf. 2. turbine engine… =)
Pretty sure Viktor was talking about *actual* jets. As in couple’a Jumo 004s or the like strapped to the hull. XD
But thats based on Maus hull. We need Aufklärungspanzer E-100 to compete with it, though.
A 44.5L Saurer engine was proposed, 1500 HP for 100 tons should give it enough ramming power.
Zarax just use the 120L MB engine… it has more then enough power (1500) and have all the low end torque to move the brick.
As the namesake, you know how to manage to make even me cry.
.. how the hell do you delete reposts? I just managed a repost armageddon.
A proof that SerB is stupid. The words used is wrong by dictionairy in the year ’40, they are using grammar from the updated 1994 dictionaries… Nice try though, can’t he go to jail for it?
Yes, you can totaly go to jail for posting a random document which may or may not be fake.
Seriously? Please elaborate, as in pick a few words for example that where not in the 46* dictionary.
Proof that YOU are stupid is chronic incapability to tell Yuri and SerB apart.
In spite of the explicit naming in the very beginning of the article.
This part of the documentation about the discussion of the STUG E-100, aka the self propelled chassis.
As for the recon E-100…
A 1500 HP engine was discussed, add a Panther schmaulturm on top and it’s done!
40 km/h, no camo but watch it ramming!
That turret would become the world’s greatest and only armor pinata once everyone remembers it has 60mm of side armor.
Same as the WTF E-100
Unfortunately, I remembered that holepoking fact just as I posted, but my excuse is in principle the WTF is supposed to stay in the back lines like a hellcat.
This thing? Heads up front and ‘spots’(to Ram). It’d be like driving a RC tank mounted steak (or WT) into a pack of feral dogs.
Where there any rear turreted American/British tanks planned?
The Fv215b with the 183mm gun is quite real (unlike it’s heavy counterpart). Some of the CVRT tanks, namely the scorpion had rear mounted turrets.
Can’t think of any others of the top of my head.
well either way World of tanks isn’t suppose to be a historical game like War thunder so either way no matter the Waffentrager E-100 is historical or not, it still looks so cool.
War Thunder stopped being all that historical when it decided to use a Panther 2 and a Tiger 2 105 L67…
Panther II is Historical as some hulls were built and design plans produced.
Tiger II with long 105mm was planned and gun designed but it remained just a proposal.
I know that.
BUT, Panther 2 wasnt fully completed and Tiger 2 1946 never left the drawing board. Its not historical. Maus is more historical. IS-3, T-54, T-44 and IS-4 are superior and MUCH more historical as well.
this can also be made up info for prove wg “historical realismness”… just saying. You guys (SS, zarax, etc) need to check this up (It would be nice).
WG don’t give that much of a f@ck as to make up documents.
But a certain historian…
That’s a very bold accusation to make. Got any proof?
What you’re seeing is mostly proof that a Jagdpanzer E-100 was to be made rather than anything else.
There is no proof of that. He’s making a proposal that it was indeed possible that it could have been made, in his mind. He doesn’t say anything about the German Army, Waffenpruefamt 6, Adler or anyone else requesting/contemplating turning the E100 into an SPG or that designs were drawn up.
At best he suggests that it was possible at a technical level to stick a gun on top of the hull. Find me a tank where its not technically possible to do that.
An assault gun on E-100 chassis was actually discussed by Wa-pruef 6, although discarded, a waffentrager was not.
Having a discussion & throwing around ideas, putting out a request for drawings, wooden mock ups, design studies, putting out a tender for a prototype are all very different things.
I’m sure Waffenpruefamt 6 discussed many, many things, that after all was part of their remit – including discussion of the ludicrous ideas that came from mad professors like Porsche to complete nut cases like Hitler. That doesn’t give Wargaming complete artistic license to make shit up then call it ‘based on a real design’.
Actually… I life in Friedberg, Bavaria
I have that same Report. Too bad its That apex A is nothing but line drawing of a dubious nature. Similar to the Waffentrager auf pz Iv. A design which doesn’t take in to account that the recoil shock force that would rock a Jadgtiger would tear a Pviv chassis apart after repeat use. But It look okay..ish and its uses Assets Wg already rendered. Maybe Yuri Should pony up the extra rubbles to read
the following report From CIOS
Development of New Series of German Tanks
Interview With the Head of Panzer Komission
The Skoda works Report (which show a 1938 10.5cm autoloader cannon)
I wouldn’t trust Pasholok to research a Trabant, let alone a tank.
I’m sure he’s devastated by your lack of trust.
He’s too big of a douche and imbued commie to actually care seriously about anything that isn’t soviet let alone about random internet opinion about him.
Anyone would have to be a major idiot to care about random Intarnets opinions about them.
I would have to agree with that one.
Eventhough i’m proclaimed german fanboi waffle e100 is the most single retarded tank i hate so much. Leave aside my soviet bias conspiracies this tank is so OP and broken it’s not even funny. Whoever genius in WG HQ came up with this piece of shit is the fucking moron and should be fired and burned in public. And it’s yet another obvious proof why autoloaders don’t belong in this game because of the game mechanics that suits them much better than non autoloading tanks. I’m grinding this line not because of t10 but because i like borsig and waffle IV. I doubt i will buy that fucking alien idiocy when i research it finally. It’s broken, it forces people to camp, it breaks game more than arties atm. So, SO stupid. And i don’t care about meaningless piece of paper. It’s still WGs invention and it’s equally stupid as it’s creators.
Can it be confirmed beyond any scope of doubt, by historical sources and not just some made up paper in english, that this “plans” actually EXISTED? something as reliable as any other tank historian can confirm??
that is, my only one true doubt.
otherwise ill call it Yuri’s hogwash
Reading comprehension issues?
You guys MUST understand that saying that something can be made into an Self-Propelled gun could mean SPG or TD mounting with these reports…
Example from a British report.
iii. Jagd Tiger S.P. mounting a 12.8 cm gun with a periscopic sight – total weight about 72 metric tons. Traverse was limited to +/?2.5 deg ; movement in elevation was from +10deg to –6deg. Speed was said to be 30 km./hr. on road, and almost as much cross-country.
Completed one of the most well armored tank chassis at the time, propose to mount a paper turret on it.
Except no German engineer was that retarded.
You’re talking about the people who dreamed up shit like the P. 1000 Ratte and P. 1500 Monster for the lulz. And who’d actually gone and *built* the magnificently pointless Schwerer Gustav.
SS if you have time ask them why not the skorpion after the pz4 why this monster?
If the Wafflemaker E-100 has a “right to exist” then what about…
A30 Challenger
Light Tank Mk VIII “Harry Hopkins”
A38 Valiant
FV4004 Conway
A1E1 Independent Heavy tank
A20 Heavy Tank
A24 Cavalier
Vickers No. 45569T Light Tank
Vickers MBT
FV4001 Prototype
AC-1 Sentinel
And that’s just the Brit tanks (and I’m even missing some). Don’t get me started on the French tanks. But yet the Germans and Russians get paper fantasy tanks?
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