Hello everyone,
recently, Big Boss Kislyi was interviewed on some Russian podcast show and LJ user roppka_banuk was kind enough to provide a transcription of some of the more interesting stuff he said (I am not going to listen to Russian podcasts, sorry, I am not THAT dedicated I am afraid. Unless it’s something specifically relevant). Most of it is just empty PR though
- World of Warships will be revealed more this year to public (SS: he also mentions that some steps of the project require internal testing, which probably means WoWs will not come this year)
- V.Kislyi considers the 15vs15 format to be a revolutionary step, that paid off
- the WoT idea was a good idea, but without the Wargaming backing in 2008, it wouldn’t have succeeded
- WoT is written for “simple men”, living all over the world (SS: as in, not for hardcore students and schoolkids players)
What is however interesting is the photo, that came with the podcast…
Can you guess the tank he’s holding? :)
- WoT is written for “simple men”, living all over the world (SS: as in, not for hardcore students and schoolkids players)
Thing is – most of simple men and shkololo cant play this game. Which makes normal players rage.
And tank – british?
- WoT is written for “simple men”, living all over the world (SS: as in, not for hardcore students and schoolkids players)
That is also something i don’t really understand. They always talk that this is there target audience
and than they make missions on the other hand that clearly target hardcore players, students, botters and other players without a live.
And the tank looks indeed british.
The missions aren’t targeted at everybody from the player base, though.
Yes you don’t. “Simple men” with jobs can afford to buy almost every mission stuff. Students, kiddos can not so they put their time to contribute and they get prem stuff in return
Simple men is bullshit. The game is designed to be grinded and no sane working person will spend so much time grinding.
Sane working persons will likely be afford to pay for premium shortcuts if they like the game but don’t want to or can’t invest so much time.
Time, money, or whatever combination thereof suits you.
A 30-40sh man who works full time and wants to have a good time will probably put one, two hours max on this game before family and other obligations make him quit for the day. But that man, if he likes the game, will willingly spend at least $100 a month. They are the 48-51 percenters and the game’s mainstay.
A teenager or college boy with plenty of time but not income will probably put more than four hours into his gameplay. So they get to be the”unicums” and probably cannot spend more than $20, if at all, into the game. They are the ones who keep the game challenging.
So both are needed. The “old men” keep the game in business and the “hardcore gamers” make it challenging for everybody. And this is one of the reasons that no matter how many people whine about it there won’t be a skill based MM.
Fact is noobs and casuals are needed in random game, even if we hate it some times. I understand that. Imo any sane person playing the game will use gold for different services. How ever any sane person would find another hobby then wot im affraid. Like fucking your wife and learn kama sutra stuff etc.
so why does a 30-40 working man HAS to have a family or other obligations?.
once you get home, everything and everyone else can go fuck themselves so deep it makes the mines of moria look like a puddle in comparison, once you get home it’s quality time bitches!
and nothing stands in the way of quality time(except qualiti-er time, like tits).
so you get home at 7pm, that leaves you at least 5~6 good hours of play, EVERYDAY, no excuses.
I am a 30-40 working man but without family ;)
but playing 5-6 hours EVERY DAY??? even if the work would not make me that tired, i am not that hardcore (maybe at weekends)
Looks like some kind of modernized Romanian tanks or… maybe… Armata MBT?
> Can you guess the tank he’s holding? :)
Looks like a FV4201 to me ;-)
Chieftain prototype? the tank itself looks familiar – turret looks different…
looks like a british tank body with a russia turret.
OMG, this is T-72/T-90 suspension on the first look…
Its not the Chieftain or prototype at all, but it also cant be T-72/T-90 because the model has 7 road wheels not 6 like on T-72/T90.
Many vehicles are based on T-72/90 suspension with only different number of wheels…
If you know what it is and what its proper name is then post it carramba.
I still did
A tank for very small soldiers….
Tank for Smurfs!
No. Super human Russian midgets!
I can’t think what tank it is, it has 7 road wheels, most have 6 which should narrow it down.
The Romanians had the TR-125, but the turret isn’t right.
Sorry but the pic reminds me on this
Oh you didn’t!
which ever it is.. it sure does some weird gun xD
Looks a bit like a Leopard 2 except for the bump on the rear.
I hope that is not what hes basing the chieftain or the vickers mbt off.
Come on SS! What is it???
My two cents that’s the (in)famous Russian “fake” tank known as “Black Eagle”
Armata has a bit more flat turret no? :P
Just looked it up never heard off that tank before apparently the project was canceled.
I agree black eagle it is.
That model is of a very poor quality whatever it is.
the side skirts look different, the turret rear goes further back to the engine compartment, the gun looks very different as well. Cant agree that it is the Black Eagle
He’s holding… One of Armata tank scale mock-ups, maybe? ;D
The turret doesn’t really look like the one from Armata :P
IDK ;p
It has 7 road wheels on the model, all T-72/T-64/T-80/T-90′s have 6 road wheels
OMG, it is so big problem to change the number of wheels on the new vehicle…
no UnFriendly is right, the T-90MS has 6 wheels, just double checked, my bad.
OMG, and what about the gun, does that look anything like what any of those Russian tanks have? If you know what it is then post the pic….
That is thermal sleeve like this one:
You are SO funny. Every Russian tank has the same number of wheels, every tank has the same gun and not a single tank use a thermal protection on the gun.
I said that. You are funny.
I did not disagree that it could not be a rebuild of the T-72 ect, was just ruleing out it actually being a T-72 or T-90… man I never even met you, but for some reason I already want to punch you in the face….
I’m guessing a British Challenger
it is rusian project Black Eagle
Looks like a British Challenger I for me
Looks like a Romanian TR-125 with a modified turret and a 152mm gun or could just be a 125mm with protection bearings.
Pingback: Intervista a Victor Kislyi
Just cause of this 7 road wheels and the Schürzen I think this is a Leopard 2 Hull. But for the turret I did not find something that fit this. I my opinion the Schürzen seems to be really characteristic together with this 6 road wheels.
T-84 Oplat?
A silent tribute to actual political “happenings”…?
I was thinking the same, but the road wheels are wrong.
what happened to the FPS->Multicore article?
just got lost due to lag?
Pulled down for review by 3rd party according to FB page
3rd party, more like reta”rd” party if you ask mi, ihihi :) <3.
Its a chieftain no doubt but the one he is holding seems to have 1 more roadwheel… big deal!
Nope, Wrong hull, wrong turret
CHieftrain totally fucking OP, hope it will never entera wota because its too modern to fich fuckiong tigers and ferdinands.
Ttaz please stop commenting on for the record. All you do is troll and other posts you troll swear words. I hope silent stalker bands you from this page.
For your information Chieftain will be a tier ten tank so why would it face tigers and Ferdinand. Do you even know what a chieftain tank is like or any of its specifications? Have you ever heard of MM or the different tiers? Please do not trolls.
actually,for your information it will face Tiger II and Ferdinand becouse there is 2 tier MM spread and 10-2=8, and those tanks are tier 8.
Does not matter how can he say it will be OP its side armor is weak very weak , i am very excited about already have my conqueror loaded up with xp for it it will be easy to balance that tank will be like the fv215b only with better frontal armor and mobility since it was designed to be a medium .
TT3az has been on almost every post on FTR just trolling and pissing people off most of the time with replies that make no sense.
Trolling I dont know, swear well yes I do because this isnt the fucking offcial forums dude. This is ftr blogg we are allowed to say what ever we want as long as we follow rules. If youre butthurt go to the occifial forums.
I make alot of sense, its tier 10 and it will meet tigers and ferdinands on regular bases. I do feel a tank that is such modern dont have any place in wot. Also you dont like swear words, dont look at them.
If you do not like modern tanks . This means you do not like the leopard 1 t62a the centurions. Wow yes you are making a lot of sense the chieftain was developed around the same time as the t62A and other tanks of that era 196O’s . You think modern tanks are bad how about the fake tanks? The wt e1oo auto loader td which is a complete fake never even existed on blueprints apparently or the t11oe4 which never had a turret. , I think tanks which you think are modern are the least of our problems.
Never mind cant be bothered with meth heads .
Ihihi im met heed :).
Yes I have against these tanks and I strongly believe a tier 10 medium rebalance has to come. I mean they nerfed arty and soon TDs even more, right? Its all about the nerfs in this game. It has been said many times, MBT don t have any place in wot, unless they remove tier 10 alltogeather.
Modern tenk are a problem because they have little but effective armor and mobilty, which i nreturn will balancem them with a superiour gun. In wot, its all about mobilty and alpha/pen/rof. Armor is outdated really sort of. With 2000 HP you can out dpm and out flank most tenk anyways if you are a medium.
Cry some more.
And, yes, armour indeed became kinda outdated by around the late fifties or so IRL. Whatcha gonna do about it?
By the by, my KV-4 would like a word with you over this “armor is outdated” thing. Damn thing tends to bounce off *at least* its full HP’s worth of shots every game… in fact right this moment I’m looking at a battleresult which lists “Potential Damage Received” of no less than *9,510* points.
Don’t worry TT3Az, its WG we are talking about here… If they add the Chieftain prototype, they will paint it pink and make it wear a frilly dress.
Besides, the Chieftain will not have any where near as much armour as legend claims, if anything it will be another paper heavy by WoT standards, as for the gun, well WG will balance that into the dirt, I bet it will be no better than any other tier X heavy tank gun.
Off course it will be balance and have no chance against other heavies because it was designed to be a medium it will be like the is8 only with better frontal armor and gun. So why on earth hes calling it OP i have no idea.
Im caling it OP because of the general powercreep trend WG is very fond of. 8/10 newly introduced tenks has much better WR as you can see on noobmeter. For example tier 8-10 japanese mediums are all better than existing ones, sane?
japanese tanks have high WR because they are mostly played by very good players.
It is not as modern as you might think… Its top speed is decent, armor is next to none and all it is is a very stable and accurate gun platform with a decent rate of fire.
Nothing too wrong with that.
I warn you pal dont fuck with me, also dont write on facebook requesting to ban me.
Ofcourse I dont want to fuck with you. Are you gay or what?
Lol…..u dont like jokes do you? :)
Is all you ever do whine whine whine? Please just be content there EVEN IS a game.
Chassis and gun looks like objet 476, but one more road wheel….
considering that the t84 was a further development of the t80 which itself was a developement of the t64 you arent that far off :)
True, it is BTMP-84!!! Ty!
Seriously I always get mesmerized by the natural reaction of the road-wheels to the surface, it’s just so pleasing! glad they’ll put it in wot.
Best article 2k14:
More like the best joke of the year and SS actually believed that stuff openly. As in tha article was not bullshit. Hes slipping and soon we will all get banned. If I get banned from ftr for what ever reason, well then we will see…
…you’ll call the Waaaaahmbulance?
I kall amblans.
Get off the Lame Bus first.
I won’t get banned. I agree with a few things that he said. The only one getting banned here is you… Let’s send you.. TO THE MOOOOOOON!
Thanks for the link.
And wow.
“I have done some stuff with computers (but not games) but I’m a gfx expert” [paraphrased]
I may have never programmed a game like WOT before, but I know enough to see that he was talking out of his [REDACTED FOR SANITY OF READERS] before I got more than one line past the introduction.
Is he holding a tank?
I think it is a kids toy not a scale model, and it loosly represents a Leo 2 a6m
Its a toy, I cant imagine WG beeing accurate enough to pick up a real scale model. Is this an indication that we will soon see toy tenks in the game?
Next generation Russian tank.
Next generation illegal russian OP ufo secret spaceship tenk that will be used on crimea island.
Except for the fact that Crimea is not an island.
You mean… Cyprus? WG’s Headquarters?
Crimea is the main reason of the dispute between Russia and Ukraine right?
Actually it’s quite a bit more complicated than that. It also had to do with the new Ukrainian Gov’t being pro-western, after Russia basically bullied Ukraine’s former government (now government-in-exile) out of joining the EU.
Tank looks like one of those weirdo prototype T-80 tank/troop carrier hybrids the Ukrainians cooked up, IIRC they had 7 roadwheels per side and the rear deck is definitely much longer. Roadwheel style and turret is definitely T-80, though
BM 84 oplot M
basically a t84 converted to be able to transport troops
Yeah I have to agree, I was wondering if it could be something from the T-80 line of tanks. But for me the side skirts still don’t look the same, and the turret dose not go as far back on the model as it does on the BM 84 :/
Pfft…. No Object-279 … no deal. =(
Looks quite like the italian Ariete Tank
I was thinking same, but front of turret doesn’t look right
It’s an BMT-72 upgraded version.
For something that is supposedly for “simple men,” it has a pretty steep learning curve. Spotting mechanics, weak spots, penetration, different behaviors of different ammunition types, etc. Practically hardcore learning curve, if you ask me.
Not to mention the pacing is pretty hardcore as well – it takes forever to get to tier 10, even with the fancy “pay to advance faster” stuff.
Also – I’d consider e-sports a hardcore thing, and Wargaming wants to be in e-sports. Guess who generally participates a lot in e-sports? Oh, that’s right: All of those “hardcore students and schoolkids players.”
Well they recently released 1 year stats for the testing of WoWS, and Alpha started in November of last year.
Release this year isn’t so likely, specifically because of the length of time it takes to make a ship.
74 ships, plus premiums, with each ship taking something like three months to do from start to finish.
Its a BMT-72: that site has plenty of pictures of it.
My best guess
That’s a mod to the T-72, much like the TR-125.
Centurion with 120mm L11 gun?
I’m fairly certain Horstmann suspension involves even number of roadwheels per side.
Sigh. I can’t count today. Just looked at the Centurion again and…there were indeed 6 and not 7 roadwheels.
I think this or this–A.jpg
Vickers MBT Mk 7?
Guys… its the Chieftain Proto…
It dose not look anything like Chieftain prot.. the skirting is wrong, and I don’t know of any Chieftain with 7 road wheels, if there was, it would have been categorized as a modification of the Chieftain.
SS just say it!! SAY IT!!
I don’t think he knows.
It’s either a Chieftain Prototype or a BMT-72.
Of course, knowing you, SS, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s something Czech, like a development of the TVP (the only problem being that it has seven roadwheels per side, which is a bit unusual, as most MBTs seem to have six roadwheels per side)
Yeah somethin’ like that
Game is for “simple men.”
Includes undocumented, inscrutable game mechanics you have to go out of your way to learn about.
Re: skimming the surface, 445M detection limit (in spite of higher listed view ranges), old ‘square’ limits of sight (soon to be a circle), camo values, etc. etc.
Seems legit.
The Point.
I think that might be an MBT-80.