Storm asks about Sounds of Shooting in WoT


Hello everyone,

Storm recently asked about the sounds of guns shooting in World of Tanks. He stated that currently, Wargaming is working on new sounds, including the sounds of shooting the guns.

From the discussion:

- sounds of modern tanks are easier to get than the sounds of historical ones, that’s why everyone uses them
- developers did consider adding the whistling of shells sound effect

And what do you think about the sounds in game? How would you like it? No need to link Gnomefather’s mod, developers are of course aware of it. Other than that, what would you like the guns to sound like?

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73 thoughts on “Storm asks about Sounds of Shooting in WoT

  1. For me the priority would be sound for each caliber. I don’t say that there is big difference between 75 and 76mm guns but there is difference between 150mm and 183mm for example. The diversity would solve most of the problems

  2. I wish the guns would sound as glorious as they are. The 152mm plus calibers Do sound impressive, with a low loud bang and an echo, but anything smaller than 90mm just sounds lame, especially the 75mm guns – 75 is still a serious caliber, and it deserves more than just the meek “paf” noise it has now. In general, the guns have to get louder (apart from the high caliber ones). In the high caliber section I would also want more diversity, everything seems to sound like BL-10 in the high caliber range.

  3. The boomy + echo after patch was great fun tbh.
    think that was the patch that also made the ‘ping it bounced of you noise’ sound exactly like the ‘boom it went through you and fucked your shit up’ noise. That being clearer again would be nice to pop in while you tinker with guns and sound :-)

  4. The current gun sounds are horrible, without diversity and extremely boring considering a game where shooting your cannon is one of the primary things to do. I’d like sounds to differ based on gun caliber and length, Pz 4′s stubby 105mm just can’t have the same sound as the long 105mm on the batchat.

  5. Range of the sound … it is not natural to NOT hear a MASSIVE gun if You are further than 50-60 meters away. This, combined with proper depth of gun sounds should extremely improve the atmosphere WoT has.

    • Hearing gun sounds out of view range would give the game more of a war atmosphere.

      • AND thus you would know where the enemy is hiding and their numbers without even seeing him/them AND would know whether he/they have fired already or not!

        Because who needs spotting anyway?

        • I’m not sure about that, they’d echo a lot and WG could just program the server to send the volume rather than the direction (if they sent the direction you could probably make a hack showing where unspotted enemies are firing).

          • Sooooooooooo… Ambient gunshot sounds? But they are in the game already! (Not as loud as ordinary people would hear them…[ You can test it! Silence all channels except ambient and listen carefully!] )

  6. I’ve heard a real 7,5cm L/48 shooting and it’s very impressive. In WoT, it sounds like somebody throws a cheeseburger against a wall. The things I would like to see are more diversity and improvement of guns with a medium-low kaliber.
    In general, medium-kaliber guns need more bass. And one should be able to hear shots farther away than right now.

    • I loled at the Cheeseburger comment. I was always sorta disheartened by the “POP” sound that came from the short barreled 37mms, I had a toy lever gun as a child that would make a similar popping sound when it was fired :-P

  7. More power to all shots, even machine gun rounds. The lightning effect from a shell being fired should also be incredible, the fireball. Maybe make it so that things close to the gun (such as grass) sway in the opposite direction of the blast violently…

    Currently, only my 17cm JPZ E-100 gun sounds… decent. Decent, should be the sound of a 50mm gun, not a 170mm tier 10 killer gun….

    • Copyrights. Gnomefather is using sounds from various other games, but since it’s a mod it’s “legal”, but if WG did that it would be breaking the copyrights.

  8. > – developers did consider adding the whistling of shells sound effect

    I have been waiting for this. Even if it were only added to artillery shells, it’d be cool.

  9. It took them all these years of tanks sounding all the same and gund sounding like crap to consider changing them ? Wow , i guess competition is doing something good for us .

  10. The more similar to Gnomefather’s the better. Other from weak and dull sounds fact that you don’t hear a tank firing 100m from you is stupid and boring. Just check the Gnomefather’s mod and how far can you hear gun shots and how epic the atmosphere is. You get the feeling you are on a tank battlefield and not on a picnic in nature.

    • Yep, Gnomefather’s mod is just perfect…only problem it has, imo, is when all the tanks are clashing at once(eg:clanwars rush-in stuff when everybody shoots at the same time).It tends to lose frames when that happens(the sound stops for 1-2 secs).
      And I donno why WG just doesn’t use his sounds…yea, I know the copyright stuff, but hell, wouldn’t be cheaper to buy the rights of use instead of spending money on researching and tweaking?…

      • The only thing I dislike about Gnomefather’s mod is that some engine sound like scratching blackboard with fingernail. Even if it is historical, I still wanna tune that thing down.

        • Well, I stopped using engine sounds mod long time ago, not because I didn’t like it but because I was losing about 40% of my total fps…which wasn’t cool at all.

  11. Needs a lot more “omph”. Even Gnomefathers gun sounds are too weedy compared to the real thing.

    Tank combat should sound like you’re descending trough the seven circles of hell, in an old muscle car with open exhaust and Eric Adams riding shotgun, screaming into your ears the whole way down.

  12. The gun sounds should have much more variety, they should have more higher tones and more bass tones while the echo… and a longer echo itself. They are now just to short, you cant feel the power of the guns, especialy the smaller calibers. You heard that 88mm gun… just sexy… a long high tone, fading into a long bass echo. They all should get MOAR DEPTH and POWER..

  13. Battlefield’s sound setting War Tapes brings a brutal amount of atmoshpere, which in a similar manner would love at wot.
    In BF i did not always have it switched on because in competitive play with lots of players it can bedistracting and disguise sounds one might need to hear for proper reactions.

    But in WoT with tank shots only such atmophere would be a blast.

  14. Being in arty look down view, the sound of the lower caliber arty rounds hitting “pop”, it’s just sad.

  15. The sound of a gun firing is close to what we have in the game. The only problem is the level of noise. Nobody will play a game where sound is at 140 DB or more ! Play any guns in WoT at that level of noise and nobody will find it lame.

    But people play at a much lower sound pressure. To have a sound that is much more acurate and more fun to ear, you have to cut a lot of medium and high frequency and boost the lower and mid lower frequency. WoT don’t do that…

    Also, there is a lot of improvement to be made on shell whisltling in the air and on the whole sound ambiance in WoT. Anyone who played with the Gnomefeather’s gun sound mod will understand this. You got the impression you are really on a battlefield.

    I would like also to get better 3D positionnement with my headphones. There is a lot to do in these area. You can simulate left/right up/down, front/rear easily only with stero headphones with the help of binaural audio.

    (like this **must have headphones to feel the positonnement**)

  16. As a professional shooter I can say that the vanilla sounds are something in the range of mild shotgun loads. Only the bigger AT guns sound like something in the right direction but even they lack the “oomph”.

    I shoot rifles all day long and I hope that WG sound team would go to a shooting range to try out some infantry weapons and perhaps light artillery if possible. They would immediately understand that a high velocity round leaves the barrel with a very violent sounding crack. Bigger calibers make a bigger boom altogether. Muzzle brakes should definitely make a huge difference in the sound.

    Here’s a video of a Hellcat firing a live 76mm round with a muzzle brake:

    That is a lot of energy and frankly the vanilla sounds don’t come even close. I’m using Gnomefathers.

  17. Vanilla sounds are just lame, especially the engines and when a lower tier arty shell lands near you. I personally can’t play without Gnomefather’s guns and engines.

  18. I want similar sound designs like in Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 4

    The sound would vary from distances and how close you are, I would also like the sound to be as close to the real thing as possible its fully possible to record sound of a 75mm KwK 42 or a 122mm D-25, but some guns can be hard.

    Its better for it to be realistic than these poff sounds and poaw, sounds stupid if you ask me. Real cannons are loud and goes with a sharp bang, not saying they should kill your ears in game but they should be sharp and loud.

  19. Personally I would love for there to be loads of differences in the gun sounds. Of course, calibre would be a large influence, but also stuff like barrel length, propellant amount, muzzle break or not, and maybe even shape of muzzle break would be neat influences. Basically, I want each gun to sound as unique and fitting as possible, not to mention powerful. The lower calibre guns sound incredibly weak, which they are of course compared to the bigger guns in game, but they’re still rather big guns firing pretty large hunks of metal in real life.

  20. I too want diversity and amazing gun sounds – however I do not want the roars so deep and with so much echo iut all turns into a mess… Makes sure the gun sounds are SHARP and SHORT with the power equal to their caliber. And plz make it so the machineguns/cannons doesn’t stutter like it happened last patch… WG fucked up Machinegun/cannon sounds for me

  21. Gun sounds and engine sounds in World of Tanks are BAD, terrible, guns don’t feel like guns and tanks feel like RC cars.

  22. Want better sounds? Join the army!

    Seriously guys. You whine about the game is not optimized yet you want new and shiny things into it.
    I like the sounds as they are in now. If they hit me… damn… I get a red screen, some sounds and that’s all i need to know i had been hit. If i shoot someone… i get a “we hit them hard!” or something like that and the marker above the tank blinks. And that’s all i need to PLAY this GAME.

    BTW after Havoc you would ask for “what about tankmen’s bodyparts flying all over the map?” or “what if i torch up a tank and i could hear the enemy tankmen yelling ‘OHMYGOD KILL ME PLEASE! I’M ON FIRE!’ in the distance?” or “what if, after i get killed, my crewmans will have something like eyepatches on their faces or their arms amputated?”

    THIS. IS. A. GAME. It needs balance and not sounds nor HD graphics.

    PS: I had to make an account just to comment on this one.

    • No. It needs actual better and more diverse sound badly. It has been sorely lacking for so long in this game. Not all of us enjoy the same exact crappy engine sound for every tank, or the same exact gun sound. Thank goodness for mods like AGQJ’s Engines and things like that.

      I understand where you are going with your statement above. However, after 10k battles I think it’s fairly balanced, except for a tanks that remain op, and the gold shell issue. Tanks like KV-1S that has been allowed to remain in it’s state without nerfs, compared to say the Hellcat. The gold shell spam in battles is getting ridiculous though. That is the only thing I can agree on that needs balance sorely to make tanks feel like they have armor again.

      Last thought, if the game is to compete with WT, yes the graphics need lot of work.

      • Implying that graphics sell more then gameplay? Does Minecraft or Super Mario Brothers or heck… TETRIS ring the bells? They all have little or no “edgy” graphics yet most people are obsessed with them and they sell/sold 10timesX MILLIONS of copies. Wanna know why? Because of the gameplay. And every studio, who wants to be “good”, knows that and tries to reach that “peak”.

        BTW why does everybody think that WT is the “worst enemy” of WoT and thus WoT has to compete with it? It’s a different style with a different approach. They both have tanks in them and that’s it. (eg. apple vs potato. both are part of the fauna.)

        PS: if you look my WN9 or something up on WoT and start to say: “what a tomato and he’s picking on me?” then i tell you something. I play this game with 2-8 (!!!) max FPS on lowest settings. try to earn a higher rating with it and then judge me.

        • I know the feeling though that we have got low fps doesn’t mean that the guys with good pcs can’t have nicer graphics. it is like saying : I have an apple pie. I don’t want to eat it but I will not give it to you because I don’t want to.

        • Really… 8fps max?. I’d probably kill myself after a day like that. Seriously, i also play this on a 5year old toaster (e4300@3ghz, 2gb ram(have 1gb lying around, but mobo is bitchy…) and 9600gt) and somehow i manage average 25-35fps on everything high @ 1200×80(window mode). Dude, for the love of everything, buy some used parts, my level of of config is now DIRT cheap ffs… What you’re practising is pure masochism….

          • AMD Athlon 64, 2200 MHz (11 x 200) 3500+ CPU
            Gigabyte GA-M61SME-S2L v2 Motherboard with 2 GB RAM
            no GPU…
            latest upgrade on PC: HDD… from 40GB to 450GB… 2 years ago.
            aaaand i’m unemployed. so no wonder why i have to stuck with my toaster which runs free2play games :D

            back to the point: i don’t think WG should work on HD models and such if:
            a., at least 75% of their players have shitty PC (which we know they have)
            b., when the game’s core mechanics are broken (i’m looking at you spotting mechs!)
            c., when the game has ÜberOP vehicles that kills the fun for most of the players (T18 and WTF100! Be ashamed!)

            sidenote: “will play this game for real money!”

  23. Obvioulsy a FIRE ALARM is needed but I think the new ricochet graphic could use a sound effect. Also I really like the Radio chatter in Sniper mode on the Modern Warfare mod along with the atmospheric battlefield sounds. It just adds to the game for me but I guess an option to turn it off would be nice.

  24. I think artilery should be heard across the map. Realistically, the sound can be heard several km away, which is much larger than our largest map.

    • Then me and my SU-5 platoon will joyfully earrape you (imagine how 3×9 shots per minute sounds like).

    • It’s actually rather more complicated than that, as such noise will literally be louder a certain distance away than over the stretch inbetween due to the… whatchamacallit… shockwave deflecting back down to earth at an angle from atmospheric layers above and terrain obstacles absorbing and scattering the horizontal wave front.
      Same general principle as with sonar and thermal layers actually, unless I’m horribly mistaken.

  25. how they build it, for 75cm german guns had stronger “boom” sound from 76mm usa guns…
    and even change in parameters of pen.. how bad 76mm can be against 75cm in pen…
    diffrent sound guns still, not same.
    so why 57mm not better pen of the 2 guns above? xD how they look and pen… Fire boom miss lol

      • lol wat what xD
        I say that have diffrents sounds in german 75cm and american 76mm..
        and only “1″ mm diffrents, not like a 100mm or 120, 122, 152…
        this was first part, in the second could be good to know why is 75cm german gun pen better from usa gun about 76mm? and usa is “larger” caliber.. so I say Russia 57mm.. how is the shell look, how is pen.. small and deadly, meh just not real game.
        can you tell me if you know, is all about how big is the shell or how much gun pownder explosive inside (speed etc)?

        • Ah, you don’t know squat about guns. Okay I’ll explain. Basically armour penetration is about concentrating as much energy as possible into as small an area as possible, and as you were already told in school Energy = Mass times Velocity^2 – basically, a smaller, faster projectile penetrates better and as-such its speed has much greater impact than its mass. Hence for example subcaliber shells like APCR and APDS. (There’s various other good reasons to use a bigger gun but that’s another story.)
          The 57mm’s are *very* fast little shells.
          As for the 75 and 76mm’s, well. Quick look at Le Wiki tells me the US 76mm M1 gun had, depending on version, either a 52 or 57 calibre long barrel (calibre here = multiple of bore size).
          The long German 7,5cm KwK 42 has a barrel of 70 calibres. That’s almost half again more volume for a bigger propellant charge to combust and accelerate the shell.

          On that note the Brit 17-pounder is of the same bore diameter as the US 76mm and only boasts a 55-calibre or so barrel, but uses a much bigger propellant charge to send the shell on its way.

          OTOH the bigger shells have rather more of what is technically known as “terminal effect”, ie. they wreak greater havoc when they *do* get through. (And sometimes even when they don’t, but again another story.) Bigger delayed-fuze bursting charges, more torn-off armour fragments flying around, that kind of thing. In-game abstracted as the damage value where the 57′s lose hands down to the bigger guns.

  26. Monster-caliber guns don’t sound nearly as devastating as they look. (T92′s gun sound is rather pathetic for example.)

    Go Gnomefather’s or go home.

  27. I would love to have whistling artillery shells and larger explosions, but I don’t want loading noises like in the Gnomefather mod. I also don’t like how loud the engine noises are in the Gnomefather mod, I would like more realistic noises, just as long as they are not loud or annoying.

  28. 75mm use to sound better. now it felt like I’m 75mm bitchslapping, and 76mm eyepoking. it’s like 76mm was meant to sound so OP you feel bad about using 75mm.

    oh and we need more BASS

  29. Gnomefathers sounds are just a step in the right direction but they still are crap cuz they sound like gun sounds from a 100 year old war movie…. absolutely crap quality of the sounds. His sounds are ok but lack in sound depth and sound resolution and quality.