“Disappearing Arty Shell Bug fixed…” Right…

Hello everyone,

okay, check this out. Wargaming claims that the yesterday’s micropatch (apart from pointlessly breaking pretty much all the sound mods, causing the game to crash with them and introducing unfunny April “joke”) fixed the bug, where artillery shells disappear, right?

Wrong. Check this out. This is a German stream from last night (you can check the date – 13 hours ago) from EU server, eg. from time when the micropatch was already updated (thanks to St0rmshadow for sending it to me)


Watch live video from wasilijsaizev on TwitchTV


It’s live recording, so can’t be any bug of replays. Now, go to time 1 hour 32 minutes and 15 seconds and watch. At cca 1:32:22 or so, enemy Jagdpanzer E-100 will roll on the player and the artillery shell will vanish directly in front of it.

Ooops. By the immortal words of Storm himself:

55 thoughts on ““Disappearing Arty Shell Bug fixed…” Right…

  1. Just when I was starting to think I could dust off the old FV207 and get back to grinding. Oh well at least it will be fixed by 9.0… maybe.

    • To be fair, it is working a lot better now imho. The bug might not be completly fixed, but shells seem to fly a lot less out of the aiming circle (if at all) for instance. In fact, playing arty for the last three days was more satisfying than the last three months combined – there is definitly a noticable change.

      I think you should try it out, too! :)

  2. ”Хахаха. Страдай Пидорас, твой мучения радуют нас!”
    epic bwhahahahaha!

  3. I read this article, promptly played a round with a Crusader SP, and a crucial shell wildly shot out the physical plane of existence, into what I can only imagine to be the nether-realms of anguish.

    WG hotfixes best hotfixes.

      • More like inbred cousin Joe’s Kentucky bathtub wine with a hit of bourbon.

        Technically wine, but you wouldn’t buy a bottle. Ever.

        • Wait. Only the critical shell went wild? Then it’s working perfectly. Rng states that when you absolutely need a shell to hit/pen at a crucial moment it’s not going to.

  4. At least is way better than the last 3 months, but WG hotfixes are so good like the way they drive.
    But with all problems game had-have-has-will have, we continue play.
    Are we majoxists????Maybe!

  5. I noticed the last two weeks a lot more arti players in the matches, last Sunday I had a terrible time specially when I try to flank enemy positions and I got spotted. In high tiers (6-9) I am getting hammered all the time and it is very frustrating, I can see a lot of players camping as a result of these changes, matches with more than 2 arties are a nightmare for players like me in their mediums.
    This fix may well just aggregate to the problem, WG please break the arti !!!

    • If there is one vehicle class that is perfectly able to avoid arty, it is a medium tank. Try to move a little bit back and forth if you notice that arty is aiming at you and be a little more unpredictable – you will be very hard to hit when moving like that.

      That arty leads to more camping is also a myth, as it is the perfect weapon against camping tank destroyers who otherwise just rule the battlefield.

      Please adjust your playstyle instead of crying for nerfs for the one vehicle class that was hit with the nerfhammer harder and more often than any other. Arty is barely playable as it is now.

      • What!? Adjust my playstlye to compensate for something that is easy to assume is always looking at me, can move to a position to get shots on me, and forces me to think three dimensionally!? NEVER!

          • Arty is barely playable as it is now.
            Sure. Whatever makes you feel good. That’s why i am seeing tons of monkeys with 20-30k battles(still shitty players) playing arty. Because it’s so hard to play. Or maybe it’s due to the fact it’s biggest nobrain class in the game. Retarded point ‘n’ click cocksuckers.

            • Lol, artys are less. Just because they fail somw times doesnt mean people dont like to play them. Arty takes skill, different skill. No need to hate on arty. No brain you speak about? No brain is autloaders with gold ammo, that is just point and click, which goes for all tier 10 mediums, autloaders and TDs. Very smart there.

      • I agree arty is fine now, perfectly balanced. Only bad thing is arty ghost shells. Arty can be avioded now days, but skilled arty players can also hit moving slow tanks. But why complain? Its all about making damage and take damage on the battlefield. If you drive anything faster than a tiger II or löwe going up hill in a straight line you have no right to complain about arty.

        • I kinda agree with you. Previously arty was seriously imbalanced :) Played it and owned everything. Now even after nerf my best average damage across tier is with arties. So yea – they still kick ass (if you are skilled enough or pray RNGesus on daily basis). Also, high caliber guns are VERY good patience “trainers” :)

  6. not just arty shells are disappearing, same happens to me with tanks and TD-s…

  7. In my opinion the “bug” should stay. If you lob a shell high in the air you have to expect variances like wind and air density to play a factor. If you lose a few shells then that’s real life innit?

    • if we speak about real life and wot, then 95% of tanks in game must deleted and then autoloaders must have only russian(was the first country introduse autoloaders in WWII)

      • Actually Russia didn’t introduce the first autoloader. If you look into 15mm and 20mm Auto Cannons in tanks/tankette they start up in a number of other country’s.

        • Don’t think you can really count autocannon, and below 20mm doesn’t count as cannon in the first place anyway.

          Not that this leaves too many wartime candidates.

    • This bug must get rid of because it affects all tanks apparently. Artys have enough RNG as it is. If you complain about arty you either camop or stand still too much in the open, or the arty just had luck, manage to hit you while moving.

  8. Yea,i love sthis situation with my T92,rlding for 43sec and then….WTF?! Tell me, who cant love it?:D

  9. Oh yes the bug is fixed!
    Last night one of my clan mates fired his arty the shell disappeared, ended up hitting a clan mate on a different map!

    It’s a shame that World of screw ups can’t hire any real programmers to fix these simple bugs!

  10. They do that shit only, that we have to reinstall all the mods again and to give us a fucking new garage for 4 days in april…

    Stupid communism shit company -.-

  11. See, even WG devs don’t like artyfags so they are screwing with them by saying that they’ve fixed it while they didn’t do shit. They just added that joke karl-gerat and that’s all. :D They should make those shells miss more often. Maybe onehand cocksuckers will finally switch to tanks with balls.

    • Are you stupid? It affects all tenks really. Also why u hate arty? If you are that retarded to get hit in arty now days more than 1 out of 15 games you do something wrong. I play tiger II and never camp im slow as fuck, etc. I rarely get hit. Why? Face it, you are not suppose to derp around in the open with your mediums and autloaders expetcing you not to get hit by arty. Also mediums and TDs (which people like you play alot I can guess) get hit less often anyways, so why complain? OP (all high tier mediums, autloaders and some TDs) tanks require “OP” countermeasures.

      • Really – it’s nice to be reasonable, but don’t bother. He repeats this idiocy in every article that remotely mentions arty like a broken record. The last time arty ruined a battle for him is probably one year ago, and he still keeps going strong with his shtick, highfiving himself for his l33t trolling skillz.

        Probably thinks this is “his thing”, like people wearing stupid hats or sunglasses who they think are super cool while looking like total douchebags to everyone else.

        • My guess is – his battles are constantly being ruined by arty….(you know maus rush through middle of the open field;) ). And as for me – i like playing arty, I even LOVE the tomato rage after a juice 1k hp shots….:) Oh and I played a few battles today with artys and didnt notice any off screen shots. These on the video are or ghost shells or critical hits (dont know german so I”m guessing)

    • you have 1800 games with arty and you have a tier 10 arty.so cut the crap with your arty hate will ya?

  12. Well, actually, they made it worse by “patching”. Previously, the problem (I play with server reticle enabled) – server reticle frozen and in order to move it you had to either reenter arty regime or press right mouse button. Now shells just disappear. In one match I had 4 shells gone nowhere – just vanishing before target. Thanks a lot…

  13. This hotfix also introduced the fps drop/freeze while goping into snipermode, it dissapeared with the other hotfix some weeks ago, but its back again. Omfg.