Hello everyone,
now, you might have noticed there aren’t that many WG fails posted lately (probably due to the fact that I don’t pay attention to them that much as well as because WG EU started paying attention), but every now and then, there is this “special” Wargaming employee, who deserves attention in order to demonstrate, what kind of people are out there dealing with your issues.
Meet Tw1nvop1, a Customer Support employee. In the Czech section of the EU forums, there is a mod-related sub-section and recently, there was a discussion, whether the 8x zoom mod is illegal or not. The discussion was – well, as any usual player discussion. But wait, here comes Tw1nvop1, with guns blazing!
“Hello, normally I don’t write any posts on the forums, but this topic entertained me :) Aren’t you rascals, using mods and all! :)
Clarification -> I suggest not to use any mods, because they compromise the structure of the client and some of them are even able to damage computer hardware.
Conclusion -> A lot of people can play even without them and their results in battle are much better than of those players, using mods.
And yes, unless the mod provides some advantage, which I really can’t see no matter whether the zoom is 3x or 300x, it’s allowed. By the way, I am not sure that if you continue to oppose me in this opinion, you will find a single relevant objection, proving the opposite”
So, there you have it, don’t use mods – they can destroy your hardware! Also, sniper zoom mod seems to be completely legal (funny, thought it wasn’t, because you know, aiming 300x across El Halluf does seem advantageous to me).
Either way, the support guy continued to ramble on, calling players demagogues and such. I don’t know, I really wouldn’t feel “safe”, knowing this guy handles my tickets. I mean – mods destroying hardware?
Wow… The EU Community Team are special, did they come on the Short Bus? I guess that’s why its in Paris and not London, UK.
they are getting more retarded
zoom doesnt really give an advantage though, as RNG will still fuck you up far far more than the very slightly more accurate aiming. If it even lets you aim more accurate, I am not convinced it helps a lot.
Oh believe me, it does. I’m using a 60x zoom and it makes cupola snipes and shots against partially hidden targets so much easier. 60x or more is a bit overkill though, but 16 and 32 help a lot.
The thing about zoom-in mods is, they give you pretty much a lot of advantages. If you zoom in on a tank through the bushes that are for example 100-200m away, the bushes become transparent or even so, they just dissapear and you have a clear view on enemy tank hiding behind them.
Ofc you would be able to see the silhouette of a tank but you wont be able to see that most of that tank is behind for example a rock, thx to the extreme zoom in the bushes disappear and you know where exactly to aim.
Never used one of those…but if that is in fact true, thats why extreme zoom in mods should be illegal, alongside with the agent orange mods out there.
Its not “IF”, just click on the link in the main post above these comments, you can see for yourself, there are screenshots added as a proof, but there are still people defending zoom-in mods saying it does nothing for you, that you gain no advantage whatsoever.
I ve had the pleasure of talking to Crabtr33 (the guy who wrote that article/thread) myself, we play together from time to time, and we were horrified and amused at the same time reading the discussion. Some people calling it cheats, some defending it with great stubbornness even when presented with facts against it.
The thing is, WG did not list it as a BAN worthy addon/mod, so… what can you do, WG is always right, isnt it ?:)
WG didnt even respect the mod commonity and the work they do to make those modswork if they worked together the game will have certain fetures (reload timer) waaay earlier
so this means that a list of mods being banned is something hard for them to think
WG NA did it but ti seems that the NA is more advanced AI programms then the WG EU failing office in Paris
You didn’t use a zoom mod lately, did you? the issue of bushes being removed was fixed one or two game versions ago(by wg or the mod developer i don’t know). The only bushes that disappear are those very close that would also do when just using your standard zoom.
I’m Using Meltymap’s sight with 2,4,8,16,24,32 and 45x zoom everything above 45 is overkill since the guns are loosing precison over distance even 32x is too much for any gun with a dispersion above ~3.8.
Well, what can I say… I bow to your superior mind. Btw the screenshots from the post above have been taken on patch 0.8.11. so way to go WG, thats how you fix stuff.
Oh wait, they did not fix anything because for them zoom-in mod is not an issue, so pls… get your facts straight :) WG did not adress this issue in the last patch nor the patch before that.
Is that a feature of the mod or some engine bug induced by non-standard zoom?
Sometimes I feel like I really could use extra zoom – at extreme ranges my 1080p display resolution feels a bit lacking when it comes to aiming. And yeah I know the shot spread is usually more of a problem at these ranges, but still.
Its the second thing :) engine bug, Standart zoom-in levels 2-4-8x should be sufficient (but sometimes I feel like it certainly is not) I guess enhancing it to 10x should be fine, but as you can see on the screenshots at the link above, even 12x zoom makes the bushes 15m in front of you transparent.
Anyways, as mentioned above, its not a BAN worthy mod for WG nor they actively search for it, so, use it at will :)
Oh I see now. So basically the bush sprite size does not scale with the non-standard zoom. Hm… should be fixable by manualy enlarging them though, not that I’d know how.
If zoom mod doesn’t help you – there’s nothing that can.
Their unoptimized pos game has already taken care of destroying my hardware :)
So an official WG employee clearly states that their game client is capable of destroying computer hardware; time to sue WG for a new PC.
Their software combined with unaproved modifications – who are you going to sue? Read EULA first and then find the modder and sue him… Good luck with it :)
BTW is it such a bullshit to assume that with 3D graphics game and suitable mods it is possible to demand such a HW performance that it could actually damage it physically? If you run 3D Mark (or whatever demanding benchmark) all over again and again, you also contribute to hardware wear-out. Why unsuitable/malicious mod could not? I guess that CPU and GPU has some kind of overheat protection but still maybe not all of them, what about OC hardware etc.
Then it is the fault of the guy who OC’d it, not the mod.
And a mod contributes to hardware wear-out? That’s like saying me farting contributes to global warming. I guess time has come to ban me from this world before I destroy it even more. ;)
“BTW is it such a bullshit to assume that with 3D graphics game and suitable mods it is possible to demand such a HW performance that it could actually damage it physically?”
A stock card does not destroy itself when it gets overloaded, the framerate simply drops to the floor. A stock video card or CPU should not overheat under high load.
Also, modern hardware is filled with safety features – when the temperature gets too high, they will turn off to protect themselves.
Overclocking, which overrides these things, is a different story. But that’s not the mod’s fault – it’s the fault of the person doing the overclocking.
This guy’s argument reads like it was written by a 15 year old. Which is why I assume this is classic troll baiting. Just a one day late Aprils fools joke.
But when it comes to the zoom mod, it really isn’t a clear advantage. I have used it on and off and I am not yet sure wether I want it. In stand-off situations it provides easier aim but as soon as there is some action the higher zoom means you see a lot less of the actual battle situation. I have been shot more than once just because the zoom had me ‘too focused’ on my targed which made me lose battle awareness.
Also the higher zoom doesnt make the gun more accurate. You can’t click any better on the enemy tank, so 300x on el Halluf only makes RNG more frustrating.
I’d have more faith in WG destroying my hardware. Their programmers are way too incompetent compared to people creating mods.
lel, so true :)
Nice, quality post
It can’t destroy your hardware, when you keep defraggging your SSD before you log into WoT. Seriously, I defrag every hour and play WoT afterwards… my hardware has never been destroyed.
Trust me xD
> defragmenting SSD regularly
What? Is that some kind of joke? I am not sure how to even react to this ^^;
some running gag :)
But isnt it, that we already agreed in some WG-EULA/AGB/whatever, that WoT could damage our hardware?
It has to be a take on Serb suggestion to defrag, at least I hope so
As goomStar said, it’s a running gag in the german section of EU-Cluster.
It was the answer of WG-Support to the question what to do against lags and latency problems.
Since then it’s a running gag – it shows with a sense of humour the incompetence of WG staff :)
I usually delete my WDB library. :) (ever played WoW private server? :) )
10% of your Efficiency = your IQ !! He must be a 200 Eff. player :P
That would be 1861.52 WN8 and 1563.32 eff = 156 to 186 IQ according to your “theory”. facepalm
Eu Support… very stronk
Hmmm i think he might intend just this!!!!!!
“Dont use mods, especially 300x zoom mod. Just let me explain this, in El Halluf you use 300x zoom mod and driving sniper tank for example Indien Panzer. You open the sniper 300x and fire, again and again…But you didnt penetrate or kill anyone. Because our servers are sooo good! and we make you sure that you cannot hit anyone because of f*cking lag and ping!
Then you break some computer parts, keyboard, mice, LCD or anything else you get into your hands at the moments!
Now lets think again, mods can be harmful for your gaming stuff! :) That’s a proof!!!!!”
Yup, he might think like this…!!!!!
In other news: picking your nose can set your brain on fire.
Wow, that guy is the king of all idiots.
Much inteligence, very amaze, wow
LOL this guy has fuck all knowledge of how computers work
Im sure that WoT is the cause of lots and lots of destroyed HW. It already cost me keybord already and mouse as well (poor thing also made a little hole in my wall).
But mods never had any relation to those HW problems. Usually it was related to great MM and RNGesus and also that ill-tempered moron sitting in my chair.
At first glance, I thought, “who gave birth of this fucking bastard?”
He’s right though, provided that you run World of Tanks with an administrator account a mod could (in theory) destroy parts of your hardware. Every single program that you run as an administrator can destroy your hardware, so WoT-mods can do it, too.
Why do you think updating the BIOS (aka changing the EEPROM of the hardware you’re running) through an exe file even works? What do you think those NVidia and AMD control panels are doing?
Every single program with malicious intent could do the same.
In theory.
Still, I haven’t heard of any mods that do this though.
Go to hell with your theories.
Stay mad.
Why would you run a game with administrator rights?
Some game won’t work without admin rights. Battlefield comes to mind.
Thats not destroying hardware, thats fucking up the software that runs on the hardware……
I don’t see where the difference is. The hardware doesn’t work anymore. And you have no way anymore to fix it.
That goes as “destroyed” in my book.
In theory tomorrow your computer might be destroyed
by an asteroid.
That’s the same kind of theory with the same kind of probability. Loosing a PC due to lightning strike is much more likely to happen.
The hardware works just fine even if the software (aka BIOS) doesnt.
What you are saying is equal to claiming a carengine is automatically destroyed just because you fill the tank with the wrong fuel.
Koudis, Koudis, když už neoznačuješ 300x zoom za nepovolený, měl bys vědět, že na US fóru ho za nepovolený označili a to zejména proto, že zprůhledňuje křoví, která jsou jinak neprůhledná.
WG should outright ban mods, most games doesn’t feature client side mods anyway.
Mods are plain useless. Great WR and been playing for two years on a gaming rig without any mods installed.
Mods make the game better, full stop. How comes WG implemented many many features from popular mods if they are so useless?
“Great WR”
Stop there.
Its kinda true coz their MM matching destroyed 1 mouse and 1 heavily damaged keyboard.
“Hello, normally I don’t write any posts on the forums, ”
I think it would be better if he left it by that! Now we see what happens when he does :D
Typical WG EU monkey. I wonder how the fuck these morons gets the job as moderators. How many dicks did they sucked?
The only way WoT can destroy your hardware is if you smash it over your desk in frustration over the quality of your teammates
Don’t use mods, they can destroy your hardware!
There are no bot in WoT! Only a conspiracy!
Don’t use your brain in battle, we ban you!
And if you don´t use your brain … Apply now at WG …
Someone just went FULL RETARD! :D
If you install two different versions of XVM on your computer, then exactly 4 tank skins, you computer explodes.
Tru fax of lyfe !
To be fair, I am sure some mods could in fact cause serious issues. It is completely laughable to suggest all mods should be avoided, but it would be naive to assume mods are safe by definition.
Lol, failure to software yes if the mod has virus, but to hardware, fuck no. Plan BS littel flat heads.
I have seen “mods” that o affect the configuration of hardware to “optimize’ game play experience. I wouldn’t call them “mods” per se, but they are often included in most popular of modpacks. Theoretically, it is plausible for them to affect the hardware they change config of. (in a way similar to where you can use video card fan settings software to fry your vc).
It’s a standard bureaucratic tech support statement common in the industry. Nothing new here.
I don’t see the fail, what he says is true.. it is possible to damage hardware with mods, but is not that easy (at least that you’re a retard) to do it unintentionally. In fact, is not the first time that some mods overheat the GPU.