Happy Birthday, SerB!

Hello everyone,

today is Sergei “SerB” Burkatovsky’s birthday (he is 46 years old).

Happy birthday, SerB, lots of luck and successes!

(please, please, please, don’t fuck WoT up)


56 thoughts on “Happy Birthday, SerB!

  1. Happy Birthday, Sergei, stay firm against all noobs demanding nonsense and keep the game skill-based.

      • WoT is not skill-based? What does make the difference between unicums and tomatoes then? Hair colour?

        If not skill-based, why so many people complain about noobs ruining their games? Does really lemming trains originate in RNG factor? Or noobs standing cross-wise when shooting equally strong enemy? Oh yes, it’s WG conspiracy, I forgot…

        • Tell me how many of the unicums will stand-survive-change a game for defeat to victory in randoms?I thing none.At least never saw a unicum player do that in almost 2 years i play.
          And u know why?Because the make stats playing with low tiers in old days and doing tank companies and team battles with very good players against most of times random teams.
          They learn to have protection from team mates something that not happen at randoms.How many of them can play without mods like zooms etc etc?
          Or tell them to play 500 battles in randoms with tier 10 and not tier 6 or lower op tanks and come again to see if they will be still purple.
          Thats why i dont believe in stats and green and above players.
          I saw thousands times a red one rape the unicum.

          • Yeah, that pretty much explains why unicums can get a 70% solo winrate in randoms on their T8/9/10 tanks because, no. you are just denying the obvious in fear of realizing that you are bad @ tanks.

            • LOL, Bullshit. Most are rerolls and they get those rates from CW. You will never See a Unicom grinding all day by himself or without Mods.

        • I would like to re Roll a new account. Im sick of so called skilled players, ( blues and greens, rarely a purple ) blaming me or others for a loss after some idiot w/ xvm got has ass handed to him in a derp rush.

          Theirs some Spahgetti kid that blames everyone for something eveytime he looses. I think he bawt his account actually, lol.

          But I simply am not going to give up my tanks. Im for the tanks and social competition, also the historical aspect of WWII tanks especially. Its why we get so mad about the Tiger, Tiger II, and Panthers to be honest.

          So if people can run xvm, I would like to have the option to have a “hide” tab for my stats. This is not Public information and XVM is a Private Mod.

          Im just sick of the 14 yr old whiners.

          • You should look up my stats :) Only played 1 CW game in my life and this was just for the medal on CW campaign 1. I have not played a single company battle yet, neither team battles. I also played the first 8k games solo and most of them tier 8 and above. Also I joined my first clan 5 months ago. Also I had unicum stats before I started platooning, just my winrate was lower. I also only use xvm for the part with the tank names on the minimap, a spotted SOUND or before 8.9 for the crew actions. I disabled ratings in game, I just look them up after I stop playing for that day.

            So, what’s you point again? Every time I read the post of a butthurt one like you I start laughing so hard, because it’s so funny you just don’t get, that there are people who are good at this game and you are not.

            And for the part with unicums flaming: You know why we get angry in game? Because we can’t stand the fact that someone with 5k battles and 3 tier 10 tanks still doesn’t know the basic of the game. That has totally nothing to do with having “fun while playing”, that are just some missing brain cells.

          • “WoT is not skill-based? What does make the difference between unicums and tomatoes then? Hair colour?”
            Go hull-down, angle your armour, use the tank well and get penned by a lucky idiot just becuse:
            - RNG rolled a hit on your weak-spot(and you are missing his whole damn tank fully aimed)
            - RNG rolled high penetration
            - RNG rolled high damage/module damage
            - RNG rolled he gets a saving throw(ZERO DAMAGE)
            - he loaded premium ammo unlike you
            I like the game(have premium account and tanks) and skill does play a part(obviously) but it is NOT skill BASED.
            To be based on skill it would have to get way lower RNG, premium ammo rework.
            Which would make the game unplayable for the tomatoes > they leave = profit down across the board. Not going to happen.

            @dimstam If you have not seen anyone carry you might have been playing a different game.

            • Hull-down or angling simply helps, but does not guarantee impenetrable armor. In such case the game would be unplayable.

              Every tank has weakspots on the turret roof. Even Maus or E-100. The skill can determine, if the player simply shoots the turret (with RNG giving him a chance to pen) or intentionally tries hitting weakspot which usually generates much higher chance of pen. That is the difference. RNG simply levels noobs and good players in order to get wide playerbase but skill still counts. Sorry, but I saw thousands of battles where skill decided the result. Last time when I killed 8 enemies I heavily contributed to victory. And you can imagine that when player like me gets 8 kills, the rest of our team was hopeless. Seven allies thanked me for saving the battle for them. And I’m very, very far from being anything close to unicum with my puny 53% winrate. But still I can out-skill many thousands of players in randoms.

              However, I dont care, I see hundreds of players who think that skill is useless. And they are usually my favourite targets. Go ahead, I’m happy I will always have someone to outshoot easily.

              • “Every tank has weakspots on the turret roof. Even Maus or E-100.”
                Maus does not(vision devices have no hitbox).
                You obviously can`t differentiate skill based from a game that is skill influenced.
                One can play perfectly and still lose(1vs1) in WoT, and vice versa win(1vs1) while playing so badly a decent player gets a headache just looking at it(improbable yet it happens).

        • I have played with and against some of the best players in the game.

          Stats cannot be denied as a fact.

          But I do know this. Not all “Experts” are the same, lol.

          Rarely do I see a really good player complain about a Pub match. Its a PUB ! Its like complaining about the traffic in Chicago at rush hour. I mean really…..if you dont know this your prolly a Tier 2 troll that got into a decent clan and think your stats really show your skill level.

          • http://i.imgur.com/IlOoyGB.png
            You are shit and you should feel shit. Stop ruining other people’s games with your ignorance, stupidity and retardiness. Ofcourse you don’t believe someone can be actually good at this game when you after 26,6k games haven’t learned single thing about game/game mechanics. Stop being ignorant piece of shit who #play4fun and #don’tcareaboutstats.

  2. Well u cant send us a piece from your[and not ur(thats for you E.T)] birthday cake SO give us a code for 1000g and 10 days of premium.;D
    Btw happy birthday :D

    • You know, usually people give presents to the person who is celebrating B-day and not vice versa. So, what are you waiting?

  3. You can continue F*** yourself Serb. Most unbalanced stuff in the game came from this moron.

  4. Shit. 46 only? I thought he’s over 50 long time ago. I guess that’s the consequences of being in charge at WG :D Storm didn’t had a single gray hair at the beginning and look at him now :D

  5. Well shit…. I have the same birthday as SerB, what a coincidence

    Maybe I can convince him to gift me some gold.. hehehe XD