Moar Customization?

Hello everyone,

several people actually recently sent me a link to an article, that has nothing per se to do with World of Tanks – it’s about War Thunder (yes, I still have the game on my hard drive and no, I haven’t touched it yet, gotta check the schedule, when there’s the closest GF test and have a look).

War Thunder released a patch, where it is possible to easily customize the game, according to player’s needs. If I understand correctly, the skins are client-side (like in World of Tanks), so only you can see them, but whoever was making the video about it mentioned that the developers would like to have them server-side.



Another cool function is that you can actually create your own maps and missions. So far they can be only shared with friends, but check this out:


Damn. I always wanted to create my own maps – no sarcasm, I would really want that. More information about that in the article. This is not the point of this post though. Wargaming developers made it absolutely clear that user-generated maps are out of the question (well, let’s face it, creating a ground map is probably much more difficult than creating an air map – gameplay-wise at least) and any skin content is pretty-much restricted to client-side and the customization will also be restricted to “approved” patterns. Is that a good thing? Well… unlimited customization has its… flaws.


But now we get to the point. The War Thunder post had one thing that really caught my eye:

The developers state: “We will chose the best creation, add them to the game and reward their creators.”

This. This is something I have been proposing for years (without success, obviously). Why is it so hard to actually make something like this? A special decal/skin/tank model, based on player modelling skill? As an “alternative hull” perhaps? There are some amazing skins and remodels out there in the game. Map proposals as well – I mean, yes, 99,9 percent of any such competition proposals will be complete garbage, but it could create yet another connection between the game and the society. I mean, there aren’t THAT many games out there, that can say “this model/idea/whatever was created by the players and it was so good we implemented it”? There are a couple, but not that many.

I would really love to have something like this… hell, I can’t draw for shit, but I would try :)

38 thoughts on “Moar Customization?

        • U can do that in WoT also…
          Don’t really understand why this is picture gets quoted so often…

          • Because it’s a bad thing to be a nazi and it’s a bad thing to propagate such bullshit over the internet. Good thing that devs have to confirm modifications made by players, otherwise it would be complete mess

            • Can’t you see a difference between being a nazi and wanting to make your KV-1 look like a captured tank in german service, used by Waffen SS? Fair enough, nazis did some pretty nasty stuff, and hopefully rules of people like them will never return, but making a tank look like one from a certain unit, even if that unit was a part of a criminal organisation, is nothing wrong in my opinion.

      • me neither, i don’t see what’s wrong with the SS, you post it as if it where…

        if i want i can run WOT with so much nazi themes and skins that the mossad would probably knock on my door, and again, i don’t see the problem. I can customize the game however the fuck i see fit

  1. Why isnt wargaming giving its users the chance to build a map ?
    They should release a map editor, like Starcraft has or even the old counterstrike games.
    This type of community involvement made Dota, later one in Dota2 and LoL, witch one of the biggest games out there.

    • Sure but such thing would probably meant that some of the stuff could not be that well controlled by Kiev….

      • The thing is: WoT does not have a map editor.
        Developers design the game on paper, then make a 3d proposal in star craft, and then the map gets made for WoT as a drawing.
        At least that was said by ther map making department fired employee a year or so ago.

  2. yeah, wargaming doesn’t even do anything, they haven’t done more core support from those millions of dollars
    I don’t want to make wargaming look stupid, but war thunder makers (gaijin) really cares about the players, and you know SS I respect the others’ opinion, but realistic doesn’t equal fun in my opinion is not true
    right, this game is way more complicated than World of Tanks and other wg games, but in arcade game mode the game mechanics are not so complicated (aim, shoot, move with realistic handling and without aiming circle, also it show where you must aim to hit the enemy with a small ‘X’ wich is not in the other gamemode, like nametags etc)

  3. User Content (UC) is a very slippery slope for game developers. Copyright issues abound including who actually owns the content, how much the developers should pay for it as well as other issues. Not going down that path is probably much easier.

    BTW that Mustang in WT is supposed to have polished metal skin. Which you can see it doesn’t. The 1.3 patch (on the CT server) has introduced these textures for WoWP;

  4. I’m not big on random skins and decals all over everything, but I think WoT could give people a couple more customization options – Tools, stowage, track links.. even with a few prechosen ‘hardpoints’, being able to add crew packs or similar bits could be kind of fun.

  5. WG would gladly add these things, but alas it can create more BuG’z and WG wants to reduce number of working Bugs as achievement to the development power of Belarus nation and the standard oil company.

  6. Well, we all know how WG isn’t giving a fuck what Gaijin is doing, so we can expect something similar in WoT soon? :D

  7. “We will chose the best creation, add them to the game and reward their creators.”
    Valve dose this with CS:GO and people like it.