Girls und Panzer WoT Tutorial – New Chapter

Hello everyone,

for those interested in this kind of thing, a new part of Girls und Panzer WoT Tutorial came out. You can review the entire series here. The new chapter:









75 thoughts on “Girls und Panzer WoT Tutorial – New Chapter

    • Pedos will love this shit. Most anime characters are females and often underage, so failed male pervs get a kick out of this. Still living with your moms at 40, eh?

      • Looking at your nickname… you have something against gays perhaps?

        SS: i wonder how come you endure morons like this who stain your blog >>

        • I think he is referring to SerB whose full name is Sergei Burkatovsky. Other than that, that person is nothing more that a kid trying to troll or is just plain dumb. Probably both.

        • Oh, look, the mighty emperor, off topic as always, just like on the forums. Either that or never quite understanding the world around him. My nickname has nothing to do with what you said and I don’t have the patience to explain things to an obnoxious kinder like you. Did I offend your pedo anime/ponies genes? Too fucking bad.

      • Sad homophobic tags not an issue for SS then?
        A little disappointing tbh

        • how about no faggotry, and we are all happy!

          you got a problem with straight normal people? you bigot!

    • I know the feeling, we want this to be clean! we don’t want to turn this page into some sort of 4chan!

      • You don’t like antigay comments. Then fuck off from here. No faggots, no reason for antifaggots comments. Only thing russians do right. Dealing with faggots.

  1. Here we go with insult. Seriously guys… Why at each Garupan news you’re saying it’s shit?
    That’s shit, okay, so don’t comment it…

        • bwahahaha….read your sentence again, and maybe think (but I guess you won’t since you’re just a bad troll)

          • So he said “No comment” which means eventhough he doesn’t like it he still won’t insult people who do. And your answer is to call him a bigot. And then you wonder why people call you faggot. Because you are one. A big one.

  2. She feels sorry for the crew… but uh… where exactly is that crew loading that round? (Page 5 Cell 2)

    • Just google Garupan and go for the pictures. Or just look at the tumblr-section for Garupan.
      The pedo is stronk in Garupan, so some people dont like it.

    • Apparently, noobs can’t guess anime character’s age. Only Katyusha looks sub-12.

      • Even “sub 16/18″ is still pedo by the law of many countrys, just saying…

        • Hah, in mine it’s 15, or maybe even 14 these days, not really sure.
          Biologically though getting sexually aroused by cca 12-13yo and up is perfectly fine as long as the female body seems capable of reproduction – that’s kinda the whole point.
          Law limits (should) exist to protect young people from rape, possible psychological trauma and getting pregnant while still young and stupid.

          • Practically getting aroused by 12-13 old CHILDREN is not okay unless you are 13 yourself. Try to go around it any way you want to, any kind of maturity comes into play only around 16-18 years old and you’re supposed to leave the children alone to play doctor if they want to but if you’re older you’re not invited to partake. Not invited to get aroused either, mind your own business and leave the children in peace

        • Countries in your ignorant head, maybe. Age of consent in many countries is 16 and some even younger. You are dumb, just saying…

          • Lol, have fun then, stronk pseudopedos of the interwebs, jerking off to little animegirls will keep you off the streets for now.
            And btw, pedos are not in the same age like the victims they prefer…

            • Are you creating and adding more definitions of pedos on the fly now? Lol. No shit, of course real pedos are not in the same age as their victims. Thanks for that insight, Captain Obvious. You gonna call an 8 year old that likes another 8 year old a pedo now too?

              You just show how dumb you are with every post. The “laws” you created in your head are false because you are both dumb and ignorant.

              Have fun being dumb both online and offline.

              • Yeah pedofan, just calm down, no need to wet your pants. I dont like pedos and i dont like pedopropaganda, so that makes me dumb? Cruel world =/

                And “the laws”, wich you can read even online, are there for a good reason. But stronk internetboys like you dont need laws, i know ;)

                So troll harder, i like your rage…

                • Only because they is nothing pedo about it. Yeah, cruel world there are dumb turds like you still breathing.

                  And the laws you stated were wrong and just something imaginary floating about in your head. How are “sub 16/18″ is still pedo by the law of many countrys” even work when age of consent in many countries are 16 and sometimes lower than that, hm? These are actual laws. Not the crap you typed down.

                  So go ahead and continue being the ignorant dumbass you are for the rest of the world to see instead of containing it to whatever country you are in.

  3. All the ad hominem is hilarious
    Nice to know how many retards there are on FTR.

  4. Time to start cleaning up. If you don’t like it, don’t read it – hell, I don’t like it either, but many do. If you have something to say, say it like civilized people.

    • Thank you!!!

      Your blog definetly doesn’t need people who comment just to bash and insult everything.

      PS: looking at the top comments about a moron named “serisgay..something something”..
      I think you missed that one while you were “cleaning” :P

      • “Your blog definetly doesn’t need people who comment just to bash and insult everything.”
        “looking at the top comments about a moron named”

        Oh, the fucking irony, the emperor’s logic is stronk.

    • I don’t have any bias against Japanese comics or animation, but this one is unexpectedly perverted. I don’t care about the use of cute girl characters, even though I think a lot of mainstream artists are overly obsessed with them, but when they add in oblique sexual references it’s disturbing.

      • I agree with you. Cute is fine, suggestive themes and innuendos are distubring

  5. i dont get this, putting little schoolgirls wearing tiny skirts into tanks…or against tentacles in other animes.. is it supposed to be funny in a weird way? or sexually exciting, or just i-dont-know-why-but-its-awesome?
    anybody who is an obsessed fan of anime drawings, etc. can you explain what is the part that got you most, that made you like this ‘culture’?
    no offense, im curious

    • Well it’s a good question actually.

      To me personally: it’s not schoolgirls or skirts or anything.. That’s basically just some parts of some anime. But the thing that I liked more is that a LOT of anime is actually meant for mature people, basically alot of anime series could be equal to western movies.. For example: Death Note, Attack on Titan… those shows are pretty mature, not to mention full of gore.

      So in short: the diversity and storytelling is what always gets me to watch anime.

    • Well, many years ago I was jut anoher anime hater.

      One thing I really did like about manga and anime is how much detail they can put into character with very little actual number of lines. But still the anime was basically Pokémon and Dragonball for me – the former is fairly stupid, the latter is… well let’s just say the animation is way too old for my tastes.

      Eventually one of my anime-positive frineds kinda talked me into some translated manga and I ended up reading a bunch, specifically Naruto, Hellsing, Chobits. The story was good for their respective genres, so was the art.

      Aand from there it kinda went on – I got the anime versions of aforementioned and generally switched to anime, choosing mostly based on animation style and reviews – there are TONS of anime (4 seasons per year, about a dozen series worth mentioning eeach season,overall all viable generes are covered) so there was little problem to fing something suitable. If you only see schoolgirs in miniskirts getting raped by tentacles its really because you’re not looking for anything else.

      That said, over the last few years the amount of cute girls in anything seems to be through the roof and shows like GuP where there are hardly any male characters are not uncommon. Focus on certain demographics is getting more and more apparent with each season imo and while I don’t mind a cast of cute girls (I mean they *are* cute girls) sometimes I really miss some male characters – often there is just one – the main character – and he is totally uninteresting dunce who exists only as a connectiing point for all the girls. That especially is getting quite annoying.

      Still there are many great anime that do not follow this trened and even many of those that do are worth watching. After a bunch of series you get used to the usual anime tropes and sort of ignore/accept that stuff as a part of the deal.

      • Tell you what, if you like slapstick comedy and wanna check out something “normal” (with schooligrls in skirts to top it off), go and check the Daily Lives of Highschool Boys / Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou. That thing is gold.

        • Welp, Girls und Panzer really was situated towards the male side of anime watchers. However many women like the anime due to the fact that normally you’d expect a thing like Tankery to go to men, but in this anime they broke that stigma. However the fact that highschool girls in short skirts were used, could enrage quite a few people, it is worth noting that over 65% of the girls in Girls und Panzer are within Japan’s legal age of consent, and also withing the legal age of consent for MANY other countries. The fact that Katyusha is 18, but looks like a 12 year old, was a bit of fanservice for many male fans, however that phenomenon is not unheard of in the real world either.

          Now onto what got me into anime:
          The first anime I ever watched was Dragon Ball Z. The anime that got me into anime was Rurouni Kenshin (renamed as Samurai X in America). I started watching these animes WAY back when I was around 5 lol Eventually when I got to the point of understanding Fanservice animes, those animes became a small majority of my anime collection. However I love watching animes that have action, and a mature element to them (Not sex like Hollywood movies), and deep character development. Girls und Panzer was just one of those animes that was a stress reliever for me, and it was just hilarious to see some of the episodes and scenes, and I got into the habit of comparing WoT physics to GuP physics. Only thinking how awesome it would be to actually take out a Maus like they did in Episode 12. Or survive a match like Duck team did in their Pravda conflict. What would happen if we could bury StuG’s in the snow on some maps and lie in ambush? Things like that.

          Anime also has an element of unrealism and has the ability to express facial expressions that can’t be shown in real life, and effects and other things that would take millions of dollars of CG equipment and rendering just to give us 5 minutes of action. This is where I find that CG series and live action stuff is not as awesome, as the proper anime, and I can get quite bored of it, quite easily. Anime is just like my escape from Real Life.

          @the multiple fucktards posting about bullshit they do not know: This DOES NOT PROMOTE PEDOS! GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES AND LOOK AT THE REAL WORLD.

  6. They give example with errors: 3rd picture: “frontal turret armor is 90″ but in picture we see 95 :P

  7. Noob KV-1.

    Its a miracle that B2 managed to live long enough to be saved.

    *Personally as GuP fans, i don’t really like how WG handle this franchise*