Cliff was changed thus:
Northern side now has a village as well (to mirror the southern one)
There is now a second road leading to the lighthouse
The western side “camping cliff” recieved new access road
first to not give a s***
to suck?
Sadly donkey is on holiday 113, maybe next time…
hope silent gives u a good vacation for being an idiot..
More symmetry, good for ESL.
More symmetry, worse for public.
and how exactly is symmetry bad for public? :)
You want symmetry? Play this:
I want realism, not a symmetry. Something like that:
Symetry = game balance. There are some variations still – even though it is symmetric – but not enough to make it imbalanced. Which it kinda was before.
This is a good change, because it gives each team equal opportunity to fight on the different flanks :)
Symmetry = game balance? I must said that again – play …
Symmetrical maps are boring.
and how come the fact you post a screen of karl map negates the fact that symetrical map = balanced maps. Because you know, they are. And I would rather play cliff 100 times than for example pre-reworked highway where you could only pray for being on the OP side. Imbalanced maps are bad for the game and every change that removes it is welcomed for me. The fact the map is symetrical in its main features doesnt have to mean its 100 percent symetrical. It just means no side has any large advantage over the other :)
Symmetrical maps are boring.
Then Play WT if u want realism. I play WoT cause I rly like WoT then WT Tanks.
But I like more flying planes in WT then this shit what WoP thinks to be.
I do :D
Being on imballanced side of the map and win the battle is bit of a challenge and we(atleast me) love challanges and thats why we play this game. And also MM will put u in map side so there is chance that if u play 1k battles on one map u will be on one side 500 times and on the other 500 times so why should u complain about imballancity(if that is a word) of maps, just play them and dont whine!
bad for ESL…
all changes in favour of southern ESL side.
fast 1390 still can go to middle and unload 3 shells to incomming tanks before they hide in houses.
extra buldings give extra protection when southern base want’s to flank from 8th line.
This mentioned added passage is actually old passage but flattened out so heavies can climb faster and t32 can play hull down there now.
Also the second route up the hill was always there, but was just a ridge before, didn’t have a road texture.
Yep and i fear that the “safe” route from south to the lighthouse isnt that safe anymore :(
Yep, the only new part here is the village, which would seem to favor north.
The cliff bit is interesting though, making that more accessible is going to change up the dynamic a fair bit, and will probably helps souths meds get hold of the center section of the map more effectively.
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one of the most balanced map so far imho, unnecessary change. They could have keep it like it is and just remove the annoying camping spot at A5, all problems solved.
But this way it isnt that bad.
To change what do not need a change is always a bad way. Because what? Because changing always makes things worse…
And WG are experts in making things worse.
I agree, from way WG editing maps, I have feeling like it isn’t about improving them, but do them different no matter the cost.
“Look, we still work hard!”
Yes. I really much appreciate hard working, but it is better to do nothing instead of spoiling everything.
All the last map updates makes the maps all the same. Look at Tundra, Severogorsk, new El Halluf, new Arctic region, Pearl river, Sacred Valley, Kharkov – everything the same. I understand that WG does not like maps with only two or three main directions, this is not Medal of Honor. But making the maps even more labyrinthine, it makes chaos. And 95% of all WoT players has only less than 1000 battles.
This type of players will learn how to play on simple Mines, maybe on Malinovka.
But what player with 900 battles will do on so much complex maps like the above? They will be lost. And the gameplay will be poor.
I agree with you, the new maps take identical changes and are very symetric.. Sometimes, the changes are welcome. Often they are not appropriate. The passive scouting became very hard.
Everything became much harder unless you’re not in a brawling heavy.
Or brawling TD and top tier … harder to flank = more premium ammo = good for WG, who cares about players.
Wow, now it seems battle to conquer the lighthouse will be harder, since it will become easier to reach the top……….
Wargaming really does some strange things… Not that I don’t like them reworking the maps, but it’s funny that they make a video (science of victory) about how to play on cliff in team battles and in the next update they screw it. :P
Just great.. now they will stop in the new village and camp there until the game ends. The open field before “forced” the teammembers to go the the hill, i think that was a better solution. The new path at the cliff ist not bad, now it is easier to react to the different battlesituations and switch flanks.
I like the village since it provides some cover. I didn’t like being there in the open while the tanks coming out of the corridor took pot-shots at me.
Not sure if i like this maps mirroring…
It looks again that almost all the bushes from very centre of the map ar gone :)
The south side road to the Lighthouse has always been there. It just looks more prominent now.
New Cliff village might stop those double Hellkitties camping at A5 with a clear view over everything from A3 to D8.
There is already a second path leading to the lighthouse… Nobody knows about it because its tiny and doesn’t stand out like the other one with the dirt road.
Seems like they just changed the shape of it and made it more obvious.
I already said that ^_^
It’s amazing how many light tanks who go up there don’t know about it, so get suprised when you pop up and derp them in their face.
Seems like they just changed the shape of it and made it more obvious.
You gotta make it obvious for pubbies. I’m waiting for the day when they’ll put something like this on maps.
Finally hated the fact one could only drive up the hill on on side and didnt have to climb cross country which works only about 50% of the time.
Why the f*ck want they change cliff ? it is one of best esl maps (only idi*ts cares about random), now it looks like total bullshit… and with procho i too dont see any problem and any reason why change it
“There is now a second road leading to the lighthouse”
There has Always been a second road.. unless you mean that little piece of green.
But looking at it from this point I dont think we can drive up that part.