Straight Outta Supertest – 9.2 Prokhorovka and Sacred Valley


Sacred Valley returns in 9.2. The spawns are on the same spots, the center and the upper part were changed.



Upper spawn (notice the changed access):


Lower spawn (some smaller hills were removed)


Lower right corner


Decoration in the center


Upper side of the map



The upper part was levelled


Prokhorovka – was made more “atmospheric”




38 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest – 9.2 Prokhorovka and Sacred Valley

  1. Looks like Sacred Valley lost tons of small bumps, bushes, houses, fences and stuff like that.. other than that, same s*it, what happened in other recently changed maps – leveled ground, map divided into corridors, cover for TD’s removed. After a year or two – we will have 30 Severogorsk-a-like maps..

      • Visually is Kharkov very nice but gameplay? Himmelsdorf with wider streets – no opportunity for stealth gameplay and I dont mean camping with TDs behind bush in the corner of map. Its another brawling alley as all maps they recently added/remade.

        There are no opportunities for lights/paper meds on most of the maps anymore.
        Everything is being remade Severogorsk-like for tomatoes not to get confused what is shooting them unspotted from behind/side.

      • And I haven’t had this map once since it was introduced, largely because it’s 1 out of probably at least 20 different maps (most of which follow the same stagnant design patterns).

        Of course, that doesn’t stop the matchmaker from dropping me on f***ing Komarin or Live Oaks every third battle!!!

      • Never had this “Kharkov” map. I like the look of it and I wanna get to try it, but never had a chance… Stupid MM

        • It actually has a better feel than the existing city maps, far more scope for maneuver. Unfortunately it tends to go to the team that commits the most tanks to a single lane, and the northern area is effectively useless as its on a lower level to the rest of the map and doesnt provide much cover from the city.

    • I am “pleased” to see that I am not the only one to complain about these recent nerfs for LT/TD on maps. My E25 became useless since some months.

      • Boring new maps and re-works. Awful for most classes and gameplay is significantly reduced to driving around corridors. Map rarity is also reduced and you may get few maps quite often while others very rarely.
        I get Hidden Village and Khrakov and South Coast only once a week. Windstorm is also too rare.
        I don’t see point in releasing new maps, when they turn the old ones into one and a same map with different textures and slightly moved bushes and houses.

      • Completelly disagree, E25 or T25AT are very flexible TDs that can be played sort of as mediums to great success. E25 is not bush camping TD cause it can’t pen most of the tanks frontally, but works great as scout/flanker/oportunist

  2. So I understood that Prokhorovka basicly gets a new skin but there will also be some signs of battle added, lika craters, AA-guns and such. I don’t see any of these new additions here :/ I must check this out when CT is up. Both maps look good though, and maybe Sacred Valley is a tad more balanced now than it was before.

    • It looks like that probably because of supertester, who made these screens, had a quite crappy computer and he lowered most of the graphics settings.

  3. Urghh. Can’t speak for the rest of the map until I play it but that ‘hill fort’ is ugly.
    Textures seem to be at different resolution than the ground, and is plonked there like a UFO landed or something.

    Any fortress built on rocky land like that will be adapted and shaped around the land, not a floating top surface that has magical walls that extend down to what natural land there is below.

    This is like if the great wall of china had been built with a totally flat top and the height above the ground varied instead of the other way round.

  4. Sacred Valley of Azunites*. My most hated map returns :(

    *cheers, Dungeon Siege 2 fans ;)

  5. What was wrong w/ Sacred Valley anyways? I always enjoyed that map, and it was massively better then Severogorsk.

    • Needed a tank with a good depression. Elevations were too steep. Dicker Max country. Couple of elevations dominate the landscape.

    • Yep, it was good for Dicker Max, Emil players could be also satisfied. I always liked this map on active scouts, it gave some occasions to drift and troll some big guns without getting hit

    • Apart from the general topography with too steep hills and bumps everywhere the map was littered with rubbish almost everywhere, making it a chore to get from one point to the other, having to zigzag between obstacles and still crashing into all sorts of buildings, walls and decorations that greatly slowed the tank down. Also, once in the middle of such rubbish the tank combat was very unpleasant, with the said rubbish getting in the way, obstructing the view and artificially forcing the camera to move extremely close to the tank in some cases.

    • Nearly any map is better than severogorsk. Perhaps Karelia is pretty boring, but at least it’s pretty rare, unless you play assault. I wish more natural maps like fisherman’s bay.

  6. Nice to have the map back. Tho personally I thought it was fine as is. I see they have given it the usual treatment. Flatten anything that gives an overwatch position. The hills that remain has been given cover form flank fire and can’t give support fire. And the cover rock has been removed so you can now go full 360 around it.
    Same as they did with Severogorsk.
    Tho unlike Severogorsk… they did not make it fully into a 3 lane shooter.

  7. Sacred Valley should have stayed gone, I’d rather they bring Dragon Ridge instead.

    • I’d rather not. That map was nigh unplayable unless you were in something fast (otherwise your only option was to drive along the high road and right into the enemy’s TDs and arty)

  8. Pingback: [WoT PC] Ă„nderungen Prokhorovka, Heiliges Tal, Verstecktes Dorf und Klippe 0.9.2

  9. Ok, I know it’s just set dressing, but what’s up with that castle? How is anyone (not tanks, but anyone) supposed to get in? There’s no gate. What? Did they winch all supplies and people over the wall. Brilliant.

  10. Giving a Leopard PTA a RoF buff and then changing all the maps to work like the braindead Severogorsk?

    This is fucking bullshit. Paper lights and meds will have a really hard time in these “reworked to make Russian inaccurate brawlers better” maps.


    G fucking G WG
    Srsly, fire your new map designer. He sucks more than the old one.

  12. I know too many people are playing TD’s..
    But nerfing them was enough..
    I’ll cry grinding my Nashorn on a map where you can’t keep safe distance.. -_-

  13. Rename Sacred Valley to one of the following:
    (those are names of cities in DPRK with gulags)