Well, apparently the separatists did it again. After looting a memorial IS-3 and pressing a T-34 “in service”, on 7.7.2014, they removed a T-54 from the Great Patriotic War Museum in Donetsk. What kind of retarded trend is that?
Well, apparently the separatists did it again. After looting a memorial IS-3 and pressing a T-34 “in service”, on 7.7.2014, they removed a T-54 from the Great Patriotic War Museum in Donetsk. What kind of retarded trend is that?
That initial screen before you click on the video looks like the guy is pushing the tank, Ukrainians STRONK!
Grand Theft Tanks: Ukraine
He is clearly on cheat codes!
Totally on Prokhorovka
Oh great another fail platoon. They have a tier 5 T-34, a tier 8 IS3 and now a tier 9 T54 in a tier 15 match. The Ukrain’s used thier FREE XP and have about a hundred tier 15 T80s and T90s
I can’t watch the video right now since I’m at work. but to be fair, when something is properly balanced and is hanging, it’s actually pretty easy to swing them around. when I was 14, I was helping position those 8 ton concrete blocks when they were hanging from a forklift. as long as you can get good purchase on the ground and you have a solid place to push on, it’s just a matter of applying the force, there’s very little friction, and it will move eventually.
Ok, these separatists really should get a Darwin award…
Not sure about that, lots of middle age guys from them CAN have t-55 training…
Or a firing squad executions.
Poor T-54, it doesn’t deserve it.
What are they talking about? Are they gonna use it? And how?
PS: Som v praci, tak nemam zvuk a keby aj, tak moja rustina uz zhrdzavela viac, ako ten tank… ;-)
The last guy was apparently the museum keeper or something, he said he tried to tell them that the tank is disabled and a non-repairable museum piece, but the guys with guns were convinced that they can repair it and “bring down the neo-fascists” and took the tank away.
Is there even working ammunition for such old guns?
Yes there is. There is ammunition made for guns that were originally made in the 1940′s still.
IIRC some nations still use T-55s so there probably is.
You can get working WW1 French 75 ammo if you look hard enough…
Of course
On another note… huzzah the English wiki is back
Has anyone account on wiki, and the ability to edit it?
New wiki shows that I cannot edit it, bacuse of a ban. I wonder, am I the only one who got the ban or others too? Because the old wiki was closed for editing for a reaaaaly long time..
I can edit the wiki. And they messed up the US flag, I can understand not putting all 50 stars, but at least put all 13 strips on, especially if you already put 11 strips on it.
good luck to fight with T-64BV and T-84 Oplot
Desperate, aren’t them?
Very, Specially after their defeat earlier this week.
“What kind of retarded trend is that?”
Russian trend, obviously
“What kind of retarded trend is that?”
Much ignorance about Ukraine?
Some people are actually (for one reason or other – those are not a topic) fighting for their lives.
It is called desperate measures.
In Yugoslav wars a lot of museum exhibits also saw cambat.
I hope that the tank will survive and those guys have some basic training, not like those idiots in Lybia opening gun breech after the shell failed to shot, only to misfire inside the turret.
At least it makes a little sense, T-54 with APCR can still be useful (ofc not versus more modern tanks), contrary to antique T-34 or never used IS-3.
It makes no sense after you realize there was a BTR-60 right next to the T-54. At least that could have transported a squad of troops, and is much more mobile around the roads while not being any less protected. See, even the BTR’s thin skin will stop shrapnel and most bullets, but Ukrainian army’s anti-tank weapons will kill the T-54 with equal ease.
Looting, robbering, raping, kindnaping, all kind of war crime you can imagine. It’s normal for these “people republic” fighters.
They’re not looking to fight tanks with it. In typical “terrorist” fashion this will be used to provoke fear in the civilian population, and is more a “show” than anything else. They’ll get the engine running and then just parade it around, trying to garner support for their cause. I pity the tank, which deserves to rest like any veteran, but I think I pity the separatists more for thinking that acquiring relics will increase their popularity :S.
It won’t surprise me much if some smartass will take advantage of the situation and just steal and sell those “desperate measures”.
I’d rather want them to be stolen and sold than destroyed…as long as that keeps them alright.
what are you talking about??? poor t-54??? it is tank, tank is weapon, weapons are made to wage war, this tank just met his purpose. maybe it will be uneffective in tank vs tank combat, but there is one rule: even obsolate tank is better than no tank. I hope that separatists will kill lots of nazis with it… IMHO, if someone would launch military operation against my city, my neighbors, my family, I would defend with everything that I could use, if that means loot museum, I would do it…
Just like SilentStalker hates russians, I hate nazis
Ironic nickname, Harkonnen scum…
“Just like SilentStalker hates russians, I hate nazis”
Newsflash kid: normal people hate BOTH. And allowing yourself in being brainwashed that “nazis” are in charge of the Ukrainian Parliament & Government… well, what can I say, typical Harkonnen.
” I hope that separatists will kill lots of nazis with it…”
I hope that the Ukrainian army will kill lots of Russian special forces (read: “separatists”) with it.
“IMHO, if someone would launch military operation against my city, my neighbors, my family, I would defend with everything that I could use,”
IMHO, if someone would launch a military operation against my COUNTRY, I would defend it with everything I could use.
I work less than 200km from ukraine borders and I know lots of ukraine people, so I know truth about their goverment from them (no need to watch news for that). no1 of them want to go back home, even if my country (slovakia) is pretty shithole, still paradise compared to their homeland. BTW, you hate russians? why? what they do to you? have you ever met one? there is term for that, what you wrote, hate toward group of people based on their nationality is called racism…
Dear Fedaykin89, did you know that Harkonnen and Harkonen are 2 different things?
Like Harkonen being the last name of around 5 people in Finland.
Unless it’s actually Härkönen, which is the last name of around 5000 Finns.
And Harkonnen being the fascistic douches from Dune.
Sorry, I instantly thought of the Dune House of Harkonnen. Which is why I said that his nickname is ironic, considering mine AND considering what the House of Harkonnen was in the Dune Universe.
Furthermore, there was a really low chance that he was Finnish (as you can see from his reply, he’s from Slovakia), especially considering that I really doubt your average Finn hates “nazis” more than communist/bolshevik Ruskies (for reasons just as good as many other countries)
If some armed bandits would size MY city – I should say “take it” and leave with my family or wait for army to put them to “right place”?
For some people their ambitions are higher than human lives.
Just imagining how Košice want sapperate themselfs from Bratislava fasists and asking mighty Ukraine for help. :)
Long live for Košice People’s Republic! :D
Like this?
Or this?
or more like that?
OK, you got me :D
Well, most probably it’s operational and it’s not that bad tank at all! I mean in urban environment it’s quite dangerous and deadly, especially against civilians…
I bet this tank will “disappear” to some private collection.
“Steal everything you can as long as you can” – bandits are bandits.
By the way, do museum tanks have drilled guns (to make them unusable)?
By the way representative from museum at the end of clip clearly states: “no arguments worked against armed man”.
I.e. “I have gun – I can do what I want.” Bandits are bandits.
You people play WoT too much. You don’t fight tanks with tanks, you use them as mobile artillery against infantry, stationary artillery positions etc.
And also, they LOOTED that tank, SS, really?
Looting, also referred to as sacking, plundering, despoiling, despoliation, and pillaging, is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory, or during a catastrophe, such as war, natural disaster, or rioting. The term is also used in a broader sense to describe egregious instances of theft and embezzlement, such as the “plundering” of private or public assets by corrupt or greedy authorities. Looting is loosely distinguished from scavenging in terms of objects taken: scavenging implies taking of essential items such as food, water, shelter, or other material needed for survival while looting implies items of luxury or not necessary for survival such as art work, precious metals or other valuables.
Tank is a valuable luxury object suddenly? Separatists profited from taking it? Absolutely amoral, how dare they.
He picked his side man.
Leaving aside the morals of each side, this is clearly looting. They took the tank from a museum and even by your definition I believe that in time of war a tank is a valuable object.
Unfortunately that tank is hopelessly outclassed by modern tanks and man portable AT weapons. All they could hope to use it is for mobile artillery, think SPG. And that is until it is spotted and blown by a gunship.
I think he is saying that you don’t “loot” weapons. You steal them. It does seem like it’s not an entirely appropriate use of the word. You’d loot food and goods from shops but weapons. You use the weapons and tank to loot. That being said I don’t think its really incorrect either. Just not ideal? The tank is a valuable object of course, but in this case the value is that you can use it for fighting and destruction. Its value isn’t that it isn’t “goods”, it’s a tactical value. This is all just semantics thought as SS is just using the word loot as a synonym for steal.
As for the T-54, if it runs and the gun actually works, its more useful than no tank, but it does make whoever is using it a target.
The term you are looking for is “commandeering”.
That might have been the case if they took it from an army supply depot. A museum piece or monuments’ guns would most likely be rendered unusable before getting demilitarised, making the tank basically a fancy car. Impervious to small arms and pretty capable as a battering ram, but still.
“Commandeering” would imply that they’re a legitimate military force. They don’t seem to have a defined chain of command or uniforms, which means that they are not legitimate combatants under the Geneva Protocols.
Its really not more useful than no tank TBH.
This kind of war was what I am trained in and teach. Asymmetrical warfare. And these guys would be 100x safer in no tank than a T54 which will attract T80`s an airforce and every single RPG in the nation.
This was a Museum piece and for good reason Modern MBT`s to WW2 ERA/Col War are like Jets vs Biplanes. They simply will only get guys killed.
And when the T80`s do come on foot these guys could run. When your in a iron coffin you just hope your armor is good enough….We know it isnt.
Truth be told, it’s perfectly adequate for raiding blockades, harrassing the police force and making holes in walls. just as long as they don’t run into anybody with any kind of AT.
I agree, that tank will become a heavy weapons magnet since everybody in the Ukrainian army will hunt for it. Specially since they announced they got it via you tube.
So your saying that this wasnt an opportunistic stealing of a tank during wartime?
So they would have taken this tank with no war on? Answer is no because it would have been gone.
Ill make it easy on you….
“Looting, also referred to as sacking, plundering, despoiling, despoliation, and pillaging, is the indiscriminate taking of goods by force as part of a military or political victory, or during a catastrophe, such as war, natural disaster, or rioting.”
taking of goods by force as part of a military , during a catastrophe, such as war.
This is exactly looting. They wouldnt be able to take this without confusion of war, and they are doing so out of some belief that it will help there cause through military action.
The WW1 MKIV is still waiting for its crew to come and send it to the battle front.
poor federalist.support for them.same situation like in formal yugoslavia :((((.i hope they will achiewe their goal to beat nazi ukrainian troops!
time to call to the Finns to put an end to this nonsense.
I’m guessing the guy at the end was talking about how they stole his tank and he couldn’t do nuffin?
Ye, he said “what I can do against armed man?”
Better take MOUS from kubinka and restore him :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
When you get someone else to kill your children and loved ones-then what would you fight, unless of course you are a man and a patriot of his Motherland will take away from the Museum even MS-1! They are not separatists, they antifascist-if you haven’t understood this, or you funny from what I have seen, you morons!
If those bandits, sorry, I mean separatists are truly anti-facist then they are fighting the wrong regime. ;-)
Which of the presidents better than V.V. Putin, name one who is with him like? – you envy us, and fear him, on this and try to insult us! – I think he is, what you gave a link to caricature with A. Hitler, come and visit us, we are getting better and better! And if you Fascists of Ukraine, well, it’s your right, but you are not on the way!
This was the most stereotypicaly russian thing I’ve seen written anywhere. If you said something about vodka or the OP not getting his gas for winter, the fabric of reality would split apart and bears on unicycles in ushankas would hop out.
Brainwashed youth of russia awfully sounding like brainwashed commies from 1970s…. Thanks for the good laugh. Keep parroting this anti-facist bullshit propaganda.
I’m a citizen of the EU, so please tell me more about how I envy your shithole of a country filled with millions of dirt poor people and ruled by an oppressive (more and more facist) regime. :-)))
You are a EU citizen?
Where is your home son? The EU has sold your homeland.
Just give the loyalists some A-10s, then sit back and enjoy the fireworks.
“What kind of retarded trend is that?”
Umm… what kind of retared? Well, russian, of course.
The czech had the velvet revolution… the ukrainians seem to want the outdated revolution…
Reply if you think of a funnier/better name.
The Czechs had that sort of revolution because the other method failed spectacularly (look up the Prague Spring, or ask SS, he can tell you more about it)
“What kind of retarded trend is that?”
Freedom trend, , obviously
You mean terrorist trend, right?
What do you expect from russian support idiots
Leave those poor tanks alone. Hope those pieces of history don’t end up getting destroyed.
Seriously the seperatists are safe on foot than in a T54 vs a T80 and T90. Better to be a tiny target who uses RPG`s than to fight a Modern MBT.
Once you are in armor you are slow moving and cant easily escape….You better be damned sure you can beat the other guy and the T54 wont e ven dent the T80`s armor.
I doubt they will start tank vs tank engagements. They probably want to use it as a mobile bunker in infantry fights. Still that T-54 is dead meat against modern AT weapons.
This is a great idea. I am sure the separatists will do all sorts of mods too. All the separatist need is about 5-6 more different levels of tanks and WOT can do a new line of tanks (Ukraine). Alternatively, the separatists can fill out the EU WOT lines. Thanks very much separatist!! This will make WOT much more interesting to play. More tanks for the WOT game. That is the key priority.
sad thing is there gonna trash them and they will no longer be fit for exhibits :(
on another point you wouldnt catch me in one of those death crates in a war… just a great big moving target… its all a publicity excercise… im just waiting for Ukraine to get fed up… send in the troops and give em the whole 6 pack of whop ass ;)
And then they’ll go and whine to Russian (again) and Russia will occupy the rest Ukraine. -_-
Plenty of recent vids of what happens to T-54/55s on military.com. Roasted separatists anyone?
Nah, surely they arent that retarded. This thing will get turned into a propaganda piece no doubt, looking all big and scary, no doubt with a few apocryphal victories attributed to it.
Besides, we havent heard jack about any attempts to use their IS-3 or T-34 yet (Im guessing they broke the IS-3 within the first couple of kilometers of use, and have been unable to repair it).
Perhaps the Putinites don’t watch the vids on military.com…after all it’s all Merican Propaganda.
Ukraine has the RPG 16,18, 22, 26 and 29 as well as the Metis-M, Korba, Konkurs with Fagot (reserve) and Malyutka (reserve) AT missiles. Just as infantry based AT weapons. None of those tanks would survive.
The saddest thing about this is that people are going to die if this tank is pressed into service. It could just be the ones who took it, it could be unlucky troops, it could be innocent civilians.
Great idea to come up with if you are not so well armed…
But in my eyes, this is abusing museum property and it is a real shame to abuse a T-54, an IS-3 and a T-34/85
It turns out that if the regular army with modern weapons Ukraine kill their children – this is normal! And what would be protected from the Nazis they took museum technology – it’s a shame? – Then you’re an idiot!
You understood it wrong. The terrorist Nazis killed many children of their own country and they were supported by the russians which was a little bit surprising because stupid communist usually don’t like nazis. (btw: the world would be a better one without nazis and communists)
Then they lost the support of the russians and they had to steal this museum technology to kill even more children of their own country.
Vladimir Putler doesn’t want to support his terrorists so they decided to steal property of Ukraine.
East of Ukraine made a big mistake.
Came to the protest with the Russian flag. It was with the Ukrainian flag out.
And with the slogan.
Protect democratic values from the Nazis.
Please post the video when they try firing the gun for the first time. This will most likely happen: