Hello everyone,
from the “usual” source – developers currently dealt with PVE battles on Supertest. There are no details yet as everything is still in flux and the supertester thinks that they will announce it soon anyway. But looks like we will be fighting bots outside of random battles as well…
AW will have PvE and PvP, WG thinks “oh shit we better add PvE too”. LOL im so outta here as soon as AW is up and running
Wrong. WT had PVE first in the MMO realm. And Panzer Front before all three. AW does not have any PVE as it is not out.
Man, when AW comes out you will be back :D
Freacking Finally!
That sounds awesome. As long as the AI works that is and that you are able to use any tank you want.
I’m quite interested in this.
Single player mode?
Single player? STORY MODE! :) The name of the campaign could be ‘Revenge of Serb on the terrible capitalist pigs’. :P
pve? MOAR money? FCM time to work
Hah, now people will bot vs bots.
online only? or we could play this pve offline?
Lol offline, might as well make this into Starcraft 2
SC2 is an online only game….
Shh scrubs dont know :P
Lol. Online only. Have you tried 1 v 4 AI or the campaign?
Great! A challenging turn of events for the bots developers.
Player vs AI?
Player vs Player(s)?
Player vs AI &Players?
Player vs red pubbies?
Much want, will carry
If this PVE will be like fighting in platoon of 3-4 players against waves of enemies or defend something it will be an interesting feature. I think in FTR there was alredy discussion regarding types of gameplay if there would be provided
little off-topic , en wiki now online : http://wiki.wargaming.net/en/Tank_types_lighttank
I’m still getting redirected to old wiki. If I can trust this: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?/topic/42009-english-wiki/ It’ll still take 13 hours until it’s online. But if it’s working for you I’m hoping it’ll start working for me too a bit earlier.
oh, actually it should be online now. Time conversion fail…
me too, when Im use my laptop, this web linking me to old wiki, but when I use PC, it doesn’t happen
Coop historical battles would be cool. If we had to be on the original winner’s side, I would love it.
We all signed up for the PVP aspect. They should focus on improving that, rather than implementing half-assed and gimmicky gamemodes.
-.- Kid. I see you do not understand gaming and know nothing about development. So you should not speak and be labeled a troll by people more intelligent than you. Sorry you suck at WoT by the way.
1. Im not a kid.
2. Its not about development, its about marketing. Its about WG implementing the latest gaming trends to keep income high while leaving the last implementations rotting with bugs.
3. I dont see how my ingame performance is a counter-argument.
4. Im a troll? Pot calling the kettle black.
Are you 12 years old? You sure sound like 12 years old. Arguments included.
lol Thank you for insulting me kid. Lost the argument without addressing the facts I stated.
I’m assuming stats would be tracked separately for PvE like they are for historical battles?
I am still thinking about this and I like it very much. The ONE thing that is truly missing in WoT is adequate system to teach newbies of the basis of this game. Now this PVE mode could be the perfect tool for it, if bots a made human-like. Beside it will teach newbies that camping is never good option.
That will never happen :) if u check original WoT tutorial (that one with T-34/85) u will see that they teach u to camp (last part of tutorial)
I also dont like campwaves of WTs and other stuff but what is worse? Camping heavies = low accuracy, bad viewrange, bad camo bonus… but they camp and they are useless. But its WGs fault adding bush-camo-bonus..
“Camping is never a good option” -.- Really? So you are pretty much saying that snipers and arty are not useful. -.-
Well, yes. But in the aspect of teamplay. What I mean is pretty well said from “TheAwesomeName” before me. Having HT camping behind arty is not just dumb, it means the only brain cell the HT driver has is dead from a long time. Even talking about snipers it is A VERY BAD IDEA to camp the whole time at the single spot. When you are able to snipe you’ll have to change your snipe positions frequently.
It’s very situational and requires an extensive situational awareness to know when it is time to do what e.g. camp or not (and where and how – as you said). You need to constantly check the minimap, know the map, know your tank, know the enemies’ tank, check everyone’s positions, anticipate their moves, assess and evaluate all that information constantly and draw the right conclusions from it.
You know as good as we do that it is not correct to say that camping is bad in general. The problem is that if you wanted to explain it to the average WoT-Player he won’t understand. If you tell him that camping is bad, he will (suicide) rush. If you tell him mindlessly rushing is bad, he will camp like a braindead zombie behind the arty. Whereas it is much more complex.
Even if there were tutorials going in depth, I have my doubts they would help, because the average player simply either isn’t capable of all this, because It overloads his brain or he simply doesn’t want to play this way. I guess the major part of the player base don’t want to have it that complex. They’re happy to click a little bit and shoot tenks. That’s all that is to it for them. They don’t want to strain their brains, they want to relax and switch them off. They don’t care about being good or bad, they don’t care about the team or the complexity of the game. They just play mindlessly for themselves, enjoying seeing tenks and big explosions on their screen while drooling on their keyboards.
But yeah… such a PvE-mode might be a very good thing. Either for them to learn something so they become better or at least to lure them away from the actual game. lulz
Anyone that has seen a well programmed bot should realise the huge potential of PvE in WOT. However, given that WG can’t program for shit, it will prolly end up as yet another fail.
Wargaming cannot program? What imaginary world do you live in? Because here in reality they are great programmers.
Erm…what?! The engine of WoT , and therefor the whole game ( as a product of programming) would be “on time” if it came about 10 years ago… Compared to “modern” wargames it’s pretty outdated.
There is only one other wargame. And it is not outdated compared to it. In-fact World of Tanks is no where close to being outdated. But I understand if that is your opinion. Just stating what really is though.
Can the bots be on my team? They can’t be much worse than some of the teams I have been getting in lately…
Pingback: [WoT PC] PVE wird aktuell getestet | WoT-CoM
WoT Tower Defense – called it! :D
Well, that type of maps are kinda already here, so…
Single player mode:
My personal opinions only and based on certain asumptions:
- would be a good training ground for new players.
- Change of pace when one is constantly losing on the live server.
- (maybe) Revival of Historical Battles via structured campaigns (How else would they implement it)
- A chance to try out different tanks even when one does not own one on the live server.
- Practice ground for newly owned tanks (if allowed ofcourse)
- Huge client size, HD models will be increasing the size of wot client by a lot, single player mode (if and when implemented) would also boost the size)
- WG excels at online PvP games, so the quality of single player campaigns (or PvE mode) is questionable (from my perspective)
WG excels at single player as well and they actually do it better than PVP. You obviously never played Order of War.
As for huge client size. This is 2014 where the average game size is already 20GB above WoT’s current size.
Some of us have internet limitations that is the only reason I have my reservations for the client size.
Never played Order of War, just saw its screenshots, looked much like “Soldiers: Heroes of WW2″ and I didn’t like that one.
The one WW2 game which I loved was the Theatre of war 2 series. Both Kursk and North Africa games were amazing.
I can think of a PvE mode similar to BF : Bad Company – Capture/Clear a point, advance, rinse and repeat.
Go too far from the objective area, get killed in 10 seconds with a onehit.
Could work with those bigger maps they currently develop.
One thing: this mode WILL SUCK and then you all wish it woundn’t exist.
Say NO to bots in MMO!
Somebody should have say to WG that we already have this in the game.