Straight Outta Supertest: PvE “Tower Defense”

Hello everyone,

at this point, several sources from supertest already confirmed that the PvE mode on supertest is some sort of “tower defense” mode. Basically, a team of players defends against stronger and stronger waves of enemy bots. Currently, it is in a stage of “discussion” – the developers are trying to gather feedback from supertesters, whether such a mode would be interesting.

Well, would you be interested?

90 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: PvE “Tower Defense”

  1. Could be interesting, would appeal to people that enjoyed TF2′ co-op gamemode.

    • And a “campaign” where you fight hordes of chinese tanks tier 1-7 in their counterparts
      (T-34 vs Type T-34, IS vs IS-2, Chi-ha vs Chi-na-ha, M5 vs M5A1, you get the point)
      I always viewed most Chinese tanks as robot lookalikes.

      • And T-34-85 vs Type 58, IS-3 vs WZ 111 Model 1-4, T-54 vs Type 59/WZ 120/T-34-3 and Renault NC-31 vs Renault FT (yes I know this is French but the NC-31 is still a copy of it).

  2. This sounds actually quite fun. Perfect for venting frustration after a losing streak.

  3. I hope it will be just for 3 players battle so it can be just 1 platoon against bots, imagine retards on tower defense.

  4. WarGaming.

    Please, say more. Talk dirty to me. NOW.
    I want this so badly. For some reason I always liked defense missions, be they in RTSes or defeinding the Barrier or Yantar in STALKER.

    • Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Device Manufacturer’s Manual of Rubber Bubble Wrap Packaging Devices on said:

      So true, defending in RTS’s was always the most fun (gotta install Supreme Commander again…).

  5. Sounds very interesting and fun. IF well introduced. Historical Battles were supposed to be fun too, and we all know how they turned out…

  6. Is there any information on if PvE Tower Defense will have it’s own map set? Or will it use regular maps like Himmelsdorf, Ensk?
    Will bots know how to aim for weak spots? If they don’t, won’t superheavy tanks i.e AT2, T95 or E100 be very powerful? Can they counter moves such as hulldown or sidescraping?

    • That’s what I was thinking. If a platoon of 3 T34s/T29s/T32s get hull down will the computer be able to go around it or aim for weak spots, or will they just shoot at the front and get killed as they can’t pen the turret fronts?

  7. Very interested if we can earn cred/xp. It’s a nice alternative of Battle.
    When you just want to grind to a tank without being with others.

  8. Depends on profitability.
    Tank destruction is almost sure, so there is a certain bottom level of costs.
    If this mode will bring more money than randoms/companies/whatevers in a given time, why not?

  9. Sounds like fun! as a tier 1 u get to try and kill waves of increasing tier tanks?

  10. Devil’s Advocate: Could this encourage botting? It would be much easier for the designer of a bot program to come up with a highly effective script if the enemy is predictable.

    On the other hand, this may cause bots to leave random battles and play this mode instead.

      • This is great for War Gaming!!!! Under the disguise of providing regular players with a new game mode, they are actually developing bots for sale. They could create a new corporation and sell bots to WOT, War thunder, and other players. This is brilliant!! Is War Gaming a publicly traded stock? What exchange!!!
        (query: Is War Gaming behind Putin’s expansionist mode?? It puts tanks at the forefront again and stirs interest in War Gaming products. No Nato planes or drones try to stop Putin’s iron fist!! What a corporation WG is!!!)

  11. Maybe having high ammo capacity in terms of total HP damage will actually matter with this game mode? :P Or perhaps good ramming capability once you’re out of ammo?

    • Have you played TD games? In 99%, you only have to kill the enemies, without getting damaged yourself. The whole point is to try and kill any enemy, before they reach the end of the map, and reduce your “life”

  12. Yes Definitely.
    A few things to suggest:
    - Buy stuff to upgrade your tenks (A good example is COD Zombies pack a punch)
    - 6~8 people. This would make it not too crowded, but also easier to design maps.
    - Easter Eggs? I know WG is Big trolls, so why not develop some of these, and then players dare to complete it get reward (small to credits, but can also be a tenk)
    - Story mode? Like for example as the Soviets in Stalingrad?

    Hopefully WG can implement this mode, would be fantastic!

    • I agree with you. Like this, it would be great.
      Except for one thing: 6-8 players.
      I think it would be better if it was possible to look for a room for 7 people, but also to create a private room for 2-3 platoon mates. Vocal communication could allow to few players to coordinate efforts and to play simply between friends.
      Or you can choose people like in team battles. 2-7 players would be perfect
      I definetely don’t want another game mode where you are obliged to deal with those tomatoes who ruin random battles.
      (difficulty would depend of the number of players)

  13. This is getting quite crazy LOL!

    BUt fucking hell yes I want that shit now lol

  14. Yeah, it could be fun if it is going to achieve some of the next points:

    - Your team should not be random, if they are randoms you will soon loose your sanity. You need to preselect team like in Team Company or Team Battles.
    - The AI of the enemy tanks must be decent.
    - Development of special map for this game mode.
    - Decent/good reward in money or experience, maybe even some medals.
    - Some way of replenishing the ammunition since some tanks are low on ammy capacity.

    I also think historical battles could somehow be integrated in this mode.

  15. and in each wave, bots are more numerous and have stronger crews :P
    Possibly with general skills (a tank with 60% camo skill, another with 80% repair), not specialized ones (a tank with 2 repairs, adrenaline rush,… too complicated)
    To decrease the server work.

  16. Instead of calling it “Tower Defense”, it should be “Border Defense”. Because it like in RL (real life) if the border defense is fail (destroy or retreat) it means you lose the border, and there no tower in WOT it not like we need to climb a tower and defend it.

  17. Zombie tank waves?! HELL YEAH! This is how I’d do it (concept already implemented in a shooting game called WarRock):

    Teams of 7 players

    Four categories:
    Tier 6 – Waves from tier 4 to tier 8. Tier 9 final boss.
    Tier 8 – Waves from tier 6 to tier 9. Tier 10 final boss.
    Tier 10 – Waves from tier 8 to tier 10. Final boss: Frankentank – Maus armor, IS-7 mobility, WT-E100 gun (with autoloader and half reload time)

    If a member of the team dies during a wave, he respawns after the wave is over. Life regenerates after each wave.

    And the rewards after defeating all the waves:
    Tier 6 – Tier 2 premium tank
    Tier 8 – Tier 4 premium tank
    Tier 10 – Tier 6 premium tank
    An existing premium or a brand new special vehicle for this mode.

  18. Yes, I’d definitely be interested in this!

    Hopefully there will be a solo AND a team option though. It might be relaxing to just get away from all those pubbies and have some alone time wiping out out waves of tanks ;).

    The team option should have some good xp/credit rewards as well, but not as much as the random matches we’re all used to, as that is pretty much what WoT is all about. PvE shouldn’t replace PvP.

  19. Sounds more like what I know as “Hero Defense” from my Warcraft 3 days than Tower Defense.

    That is, unless you have stationary turrets on your team in addition to the players’ tanks. With only the tanks to defend from an onslaught, it certainly is Hero Defense.

  20. Wait a second….
    Wargaming is developing bots?
    i thought they were trying to counter bots!?

    [Edit] But the survival kinda gamemode would be really fun :)


    On a serious note, this definitely sounds fun. Will you get XP and credits for killing enemy bots though?

  22. Yes please! I’ve been waiting for something like this for a long time now!

    Some ideas:
    They should implement a mechanic which I think this game has long needed: ie.: that of having an ammo/repair depot near your spawn or cap, so you can go refill your ammo and repair your tank. Think sit in a special spot for a given amount of time and the depot will load ammo and repair your tank. Need more ammo/repairs? Depot will take longer. Drive off before its done? Your tank will only be partially reloaded/repaired.
    Add this mechanic, and the mode would be awesome! Maybe even add it into other modes for longer, more strategic games too…
    That’s just my opinion though!

  23. yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

    did i say yes yet?


  24. Awesome! This would be great fun, love this idea! Would the horde shoot back or simply try to run across the map? I’m thinking the latter. But if you try to block the path they will attack you?
    I have no problem with this being random match making, but platooning would be nice. 5-6 players would be a good size. I like the idea of an ammo depot. But DON’T make this like Karl or Football mode with only one tank you can use. It would be a lot more fun if you could use any tank.

    • stats aren’t everything. Most players don’t give a flying fuck about them.

  25. If this gives XP, or ideally XP and credits, for a GIVEN TANK (like I can bring my E-50) I’m in, otherwise… not happening.

  26. Bot mode? Am I right? It’s enought for me to fight them on randoms…

  27. Will this slowly drain our credits, though? No credits earned, but have to pay for repairs and ammo?

  28. All we need is a Healer and then we would have World of WarcraftTanks.

    Is this what we really want?

  29. Gimme Gimme Gimme!

    Other such TD modes were awesome fun, e.g. Dawn of War 2 arena mode.

    I hope WG does it right though:

    - Several sub-modes depending on the number of players. E.g. 3, 5, 7 player modes. I doubt that it will work well with 15 player random teams, as teamspeak coordination will be indispensable for this game mode.

    - Make the waves of enemies more or less predictable. Each n-th wave should be pretty much the same and behave at least similar to the n-th wave of a previous game. Figuring out tactics to counter each individual wave is what makes much of the fun of such a game mode.

    - Offer rearm & repair packs, perhaps even respawn under certain conditions. Perhaps it even could make sense to have a single fast tank in a scout specifically for collecting such loot from destroyed enemies – that can prevent the game from becoming a T110E3 campfest.

  30. been a lurker for over a year to this site… finally made an account to say HELL YES this sounds fun.

  31. this seems to be very interesting! i think it would worth the time and money and would make people want to play clan wars more

  32. The big limiting factor is: Will you be able to replenish ammo between waves?

    Other than that I see no reason not to have Player vs. AI. It could even be set up so that you have to destroy an objective building and the bots are defenders, or something.