Source: world-of-ru
Hello everyone,
as you know already, in 9.3, KV-1S will be split into a tier 5 and tier 6 vehicle. The tier 6 will be called KV-85 and here it is, still untextured. The good (or bad) news is, it will keep its gun, the top gun is the 122mm D-25T.
That’s one strange (american-looking) muzzle brake!
Anyone want to enlighten me on what development on the D-25T this is?
Thanks! Good thing I know russian.
It looks badass as hell.
SS, wait, will it get the D-25T or keep the D-2-5T?
Hopefully the D-2-5T…. giving it the D-25T from the IS would be a kick in the balls to everyone who was waiting for this nerf…
that’s what I’m worried about as well xD
to me it looks like a 100 mm — barrel is to narrow to be 122 mm
It looks just like chinease 110′s 100mm gun :/
And if it is splitted in tier 5/6 AND keep the 122mm gun, why split ?
KV-1 is doing well as a tier V and KV-1S will still be op :/
D-2-5T isnt a real gun
More japenease than american
I dunno both the M41 and M48 have similar muzzle brakes. I think the gun on type 61 was influenced by americans as well.
it is very similar in design to the M47 Patton, just smaller of course for various reasons.
so whats the fucking point of this bullshit then? will they give the 122mm gun to the t5 aswell or wtf?
No, the tier 6 will probably have nerfed mobility and perhaps gun depression, the 122 is okay as long as it doesn’t run around at 45km/h with that much armour.
The gun is the problem, nothing else. Its the only thing that did need changing.
Exactly, that’s why KV-1S is being moved to tier 5 as well, where it doesn’t get the gun or turret yet keeps the rest.
I expect the new tier VI KV-1S to be slow with worse gun handling.
Isn’t a T5 kv1s basically just a normal KV1. This is just another pointless splitting of tanks so that you have to grind through the same tank for ages which is boring.
Nope, It’s a lot faster than a normal KV-1 (less side and rear armour) and has a different turret (I think it rotates faster). It could hypothetically also receive a reload buff on whatever 85mm gun it will get.
I think it’d be great if the lines went
KV-85 -> KV-1S -> IS
KV-1 -> KV-2 / T-150 -> KV-3
Kv-1S should come before KV-85
No. KV-1S at tier 5 keeps the 45km/h mobility. It’s will be a heavium rather than the true heavy that the KV-1 is, not unlike the VK3601 during its glory days pre-8.8.
lo. “nothing else”? so why dont you cry about SU-100 or even KV-2? Cause they got the same or even more deadly gun than 1S. Problem is COMBINATION of OP gun, very good mobility and reasonable armor with -8 gun depression on the top of it. Think before you post something silly next time.
KV-2 gun is balanced by the fact that HE is effectivly the only ammo for it, so it will often fail to pen a target and not instagib them, the .6(?) accuracy, the ~2 RPM, the monster turret size, and the immobility in general of the tank.
I’m glad you think KV-2 is balanced, i regularly do 2k dmg per game in mine…KV-2 gun is stronk and laughs at Tier 8′s…XD
That’s the reason why KV-2 should get MM +3. It’s direct support (urban SPG). For now KV-2 is much too powerfull for IV tier tanks and some V but it isn’t too weak for IX.
KV-1S and armour ?!?!? in what world do you live ?!? and Bat is impenetrable or what …
The turret is very sturdy, and with such good gun depression it’s more than capable of hull-down.
And you can still sidescrape it very well in tier VI matches.
What armor are you talking about? The KV-1S has almost none, it’s easily penetrated by all tanks it faces.
Armour is very good for a T6 Heavy that does over 40km/h.
MANY times I missed steel walls merely because the damage number was too low (pre Steel wall change) despite receiving dozens of hits. In T6 battles you can bully T5 mediums or lighter, and all T4s, without much concerns about HP.
The armor is mediocre at best, the primary benefit it gets is because of all the strange angles and the maneuverability.
You’re also bullying tier 5 tanks /because/ it has a gun that takes 90% of their HP in a single shot and the maneuverability to abuse it. The comfortable armor is just a cherry on top.
I presume the tier 5 will go up this KV-1S line to the IS
KV-1 will go up the line to T-150 and to the KV-3.
Simple and logical.
With KV-2 coming off KV-1 or KV-1S’s tier 5
well off of KV-1 would be logical, cause it’s just an “evolvment” of the KV-1
Because the tank is not OP. And the tier 5 will have the 85mm as the top gun.
Yo maybe they will give it Historical Gun Dep… isn’t it like -2 or something?
Acc stats and aiming times I expect to be hit, and other various soft stats
No… the Tier 5 KV-85 will get the same gund from the KV-1. It will be a lighter armoured, more mobile (i.e., like the KV-1S is now) alternative to the KV-1.
KV-85 and KV-1 statistically have the same armor.
I don’t think so, doesn’t KV-85 have less side armour?
Around the gun turret yes, but it’s the same everywhere else.
I’m not at home so I can’t look at the actual armor models but the Hull armor on the wiki is:
KV-1: 75/75/70 mm
KV1S: 75/60/60 mm
There’s no gun on the side of the hull so I’m going to have to assume that they are not the same.
Kv1 is also OP, the amour and mobility are fair enough, but giving it such great guns is just makes it too powerfull. The 122mm derp will 1 shot teir 4s and 3s, 2 shot any other teir 5 tank, and 3 shot another kv1. And the 85mm will 1 shot teir 3s, 2 shot teir 4s, and out dpm all other teir 5 heavys. As well as having the second highest dmg.
Kv1: 1920 dpm
T1 Heavy: 1917 dpm
Churchill 1:1687 dpm
Vk:30.01 H:1620 dpm
BDR G1 B: 1516 dpm
The kv1 amour and mobility is balenced, but this kind of firepower? RUSSIA STRONK!! Kv1 HAS AMOUR AND BIG GUN!!!
Kv1 needs a firepower nerf too.
Get out, troll.
Honestly, actually KV-1 is OP. The 85mm allows it to own literally all tier 3-4 tanks alone, most tier 5 and on sidescrape position, even some tier 6s that has low pen
Maybe you don’t remember times when there was no KV-1, only a KV. And it was fkin OP because it has 107 ZiS gun, kinda the same as in T-150. One was able to knock out a third part of the enemy team, platooned were unstoppable.
But anyway, I’ll agree with you, the KV-1 needs a nerf. It is OP, when compared with other tier V heavies, but only with reload. Combined alpha with such high reload is making a bit too stronk tenk.
Oh Oh, what’s that I hear???? A Whaaaaaaambulance?
Just a bunch of whiny babies as usual.
Get over it and play the tanks as they are…….
Game has started to go to crap because of all the whining going on and the bad part is WG actually listens to some of it.
more data SS pls
they want to piss off people on tier V and VI also, that’s cute :)
Stronk split. What exactly got splited?
the tier 5 will get the stock turret as the top turret, it will also be faster than the KV-1 and the tier 6 will be nerfed (my speculation)
Storm or WG in general will do everything to keep the KV-1S with the 122mm gun on tier 6 as much as possible. Funny stuff xD
Nope, you’re thinking of SerB.
Good question, exactly what I was thinking… adding a KV-1S at tier 5… and the new tank will not be called a KV-1S anymore but will be the same as before at tier 6?
ehm.. okay GJ..
How will our crews be handled? and our tank? I don’t want my 3 skill crew on a tier 5… bugger off.
Will we get both tanks?
I really can’t understand all the fuzz about the KV1S. Back when i grinder the russian tree i actually got called out and got laughed about for playing KV1S. They where all trolling me “look at that noob playing shitty KV1S haha he went wrong line”, and now everyone is OMGBBQWTFERMHAGHERD OPSHIZZLE !!!11! even thou the tank was only nerved since then. Yes KV1S is strong, it has a big broomstick. But in the end there are far more effective T6 tanks, like Cromwell or Hellcat. damn, even ELC can wreak more havoc than KV1S if played correctly ..
Yes, because back then the KV-3 was a tier 6.
And the KV-1s was never nerfed.
And T-34-85 with 100mm gun could do much more harm than KV-1s at that time.
Ah, the memories… :)
Hellcat was op etc. but KV-1S is not balanced. It’s gun + mobility makes it too good machine. U could just go from cover, shoot once, get shoot once and hide. It is still worth it with this op alpha. And it 2-kills almost every tank on this tier.
My reaper streak on the KV-1S is only at 6 because the last 3 shots of a battle I left the 3 remaining enemy tanks below 10HP (they were finished off by other tanks). I was less than 30HP away from 1shotting 9 straight enemy tanks. That’s pretty broken. Yes, most were T4, but 3 were T5 and 1 was T6.
No, i’m sorry, when i can nail any T4 in one shot and most likely a T5 with a bit a of damage… not to mention seriously hurt even tier8′s if i flank them, which are the max of my battletier… That gun earns me thousands of damage each match on my IS6 and that thing sees tier 9. Let alone on a tier 6 tank. Nerf mobility and gun bloom, make it a real aiming challenge and test of patience, and then we’ll be seeing a more balanced tank.
For one thing, KV-3 got uptiered, Russian 107mm guns disappered from tier5, low-tier HEAT was also nerfed,etc. The environment has changed a lot.
And the general accuracy buff in 8.6 made KV-S capable of sniping and snapshooting like crazy.
“made KV-S capable of sniping and snapshooting like crazy.”
10 meters? you have no idea… ı saw 1S and IS drivers sniping from 400meters, and they didn’t miss a shot
Take 5 seconds to sit still and you’ll be as good as any KV-2. You’re highly exposed while doing so like every other crappy gun tank.
No, from at least 300 meters from its target, and while at full speed?
Don’t believe me? Try it. You’d be surprised just how many shots go dead-center.
I can do that… In my KV-2…
Oh ffs, I’m tired of the KV-1S and the 122mm gun :P
No surprise there. I figure it will retain the following guns:
D-25T 122mm
D-2-5T 122mm
U-11 122mm
While the KV-85 will get these
D-5T 85mm
F-30 85mm
and the other guns: both 76mm
However that remains to be seen what guns it will get.
The KV-1S never had (and hopefully never will have) the D-25T 122mm gun, that gun is on the KV-3 and IS
KV-122 – A KV-85 with the 122mm D-25T cannon. One prototype was made in 1944. Not taken in service.
So you are wrong
so where will the 57mm go? coz i love that rof gun
That gun has no business at tier VI.
say that in SU-100′s face, and with a lot lower reload time and better accuracy too!
And no turret, less armor, less hitpoints, less gun depression.
I was just pointing out that there is one more tank with that gun on tier VI that noone bitches over ;)
My SU-100y gets a 130mm, but nobody complains about that gun since it includes severe drawbacks, unlike the KV-1s. Giant barn with limited armor, terrible gun handling and gun traverse. =3
The other day I saw this SU-100Y in south coast going very deep in the water on J2 and sniping (I lol’d), is it really that hard to drown?
The SU-100, compared to the KV-1S:
1) Doesn’t have a turret (MAJOR advantage)
2) Doesn’t have any armor to speak of
3) Doesn’t have anywhere near the mobility of the KV-1S (that can easily keep up with MTs)
4) Is blind as a bloody bat
The SU-100 has a 350 viewrange compared to the KV-1S’s 330. It’s smaller, highly camouflaged, has much better gun handling, and has plenty of agility and maneuverability for a TD. It even has a few troll spots of armor on its own. Yet nobody cares that it has the 122.
Yet there are 15 other guns more powerful than the D-2-5T.
Problem with the KV-1S is that it sports too much good things(speed, gun depression, huge alpha, decent armor specially if you can go hull down) and too little bad sides(slow reload/aimtime). Make it slower and give it -2° gun depression that it had irl and voila. You have balanced tank. For instance KV-2 has even bigger/meaner gun at T6 and it’s not considered OP cause it’s slow as hell and slow reload. Also gun depression isn’t the best. It trades off lots of things for big gun whereas KV-1S trades pretty much nothing for that big gun.
-2 gun depression would make it underpowered making it then need a huge buff in reload. Making it slower would go against what it had in real life. And technically it is slower, most of your grind is with the 500HP engine which is historical.
so why the hell it has -8 depression when IS -1/2 with same turret have -6
You don’t even need to reduce its speed. Gun depression in world of tanks can completely make or destroy the vehicle’s value all by itself. It’s the biggest reason why Japan’s tanks are actually good despite having mediocre stats in so many other areas.
You’re wrong.
Give it -2 gun depression for the 122 and reduced mobility, and then offer an alternative 100mm that is an overall superior gun, and also has better gun depression.
It’s too bad that SerB won the 122mm argument :<
>reduced mobility
This is why this whole split “nerf” is a bad idea, it could still be a fun tank with speed and a 100mm gun.
With so many fails to WG’s name, this has got to be the biggest one of all.
The only thing that ever needed doing with the KV-1S was to remove that joke of a gun; after waiting years for their much hyped “nerf”, they are going to let it stay? LOL
“joke” of a gun
Then you’ll be removing even more historical tanks from the game.
Don’t even attempt to defend it.
KV-122 at tier 7 would work fine, however…
I’m all in for the nerf, I didn’t say it shouldn’t get one.
IMO the tank is too fast and has too much gun depression. I expect those things to be nerfed.
The mounting of this big-ass gun IRL caused a lot of trouble, yet current KV-1S skips around like it wants none of it.
SU-100 is doing fine with that gun on tier VI, since the rest of the tank is little short of shite.
Speed is fine but too much gun depression.
If you want to keep the speed (which I want to), then it should have the 100mm at tier 6.
su100 isn’t complained about because it has soviet cloaking device.
Can’t complain much if people don’t know what hit them.
SU-100 trades a lot of stuff for that boom gun, whereas KV-1S has everything else combined with that same gun. Simple lack of turret makes SU-100 a lot harder to play than KV-1S for example, let alone other stuff SU-100 lacks compared to 1S.
People seem to forget one of the main reason TDs exsist, to be able to carry guns to big for for current turreted tanks but at trade off for other things, hence the use of the t34 chasiss, so complaining about a TD carrying such a big gun pointless.
So, they are just clustering up the Soviet Tech Tree?
Just nerf the damned thing’s mobility and gun depression… no need to fuck over the tech tree.
Why the fuck does it still keep the 122?
That’s the main reason it needed the split.
It should be the KV-1S with the stock turret as tier 5 and could have a 85mm (realistic project, KV-85 competator), KV-85 with 100mm top gun at tier 6 and KV-122 as a T7 premium if needed.
Fucking fuck. Thanks WeeGee
Edit: But the tier six is called KV-85, not the KV-1S.
This will be fine if the mobility and gun depression get nerfed.
Yes but that’s not the KV-1S or the KV-85 anymore, if it’s slow.
It should have the KV-85 with the 100mm at tier 6 with speed, not with the 122 without speed.
DAFUQ is this?!?
How is that even remotely balanced when you consider German T6 nerfs on VK3601? WTF!
its mantlet is buffed from 60mm to 100mm
I was looking forwards to this split actually, the KV-1 is very sluggish, so having what is basically a slightly more mobile KV-1 is going to be cool :)
I really hope they don’t just keep the KV-1S as it is now. I know it will be HD, but that’s about the only difference that’s obvious as it is now. If they perhaps give it historical -3 gun depression and make it slower, it would be less overpowered – that’s for sure. What I’m thinking/hoping is they will give it -5 gun depression, and then either remove the top engine or reduce the top speed.
I was hoping they would simply remove the D-2-5T, but I guess that wasn’t the case :(
Try to pen something on 8 tier with that D-5T with 120 penetration …
-5 gun depression is still too much. -2 or -3 is fair, it should have a very tough time cresting hills.
It’s still supposed to be better than most other tanks at the tier, it’s russian remember?
So nothing changes then? You must be shitting me.
Why doesn’t WG just nerf the KV-1S on the basis of leaving it as one vehicle in T6? The gun is the first place to start. The KV-1S gets the D-2-5T while the IS and KV-3 get both the D-2-5T and D-25T. I want to say I remember reading that the D-2-5T was an earlier version, by that idea wargaming could drop the alpha down to 320, maybe leave the penetration intact and fix the accuracy. The other totally legit option would be to give the KV-1S the D-10T. It looks like the KV-100 did exist (and a KV-152 apparently) so the KV-1S wouldn’t be a bad home for this forgotten armament. The other thing they could do to make the KV-1S less usable would be to cut the gun depression from the very generous -8 to a more historical amount.
Adding the KV-85 is going to be historically accurate. It’s been in the game a little bit as the stock KV-1S, but no reason to not have it as it’s own tank at tier V. remember, there was several hundreds of these tank built in the war, so why shouldn’t we have them in the game above all the paper tanks?
It’s not that simple to just reduce the damage by that much. It wouldn’t be realistic, since in the end it is still a 122 mm shell being shot. Doing the same damage as an equivalent-tiered 105 mm gun wouldn’t be historically accurate or realistic. Reducing the penetration is a distinct possibility though, as that was one of the things that upgrading a barrel, while maintaining the calibre, would improve :)
Ahem. Su100M1, tier 7 soviet TD, LB-1C(100mm), 250 average damage.
T54 tier 9 soviet medium, D10T2C(100mm), 320 average damage.
Your post couldn’t be more invalid my friend.
Wargaming call it split, but in fact it will be light balance of KV-1S and adding new tank on V tier.
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Wait, shouldn’t the KV-1S be tier 5 as it only had a 76mm, and the KV-85 be the tier 6 and get the 122mm?
There was a KV-1S prototype to have an 85mm gun, which can be found from the T-150 IIRC.
why the hell change the kv1s? it’s a fun tanks to play.
asgdjasdjhia….stfu….can your tiny brain understand why is it so “fun” to play?! If it can then you’ll get the reason why it’s gonna be nerfed
Because its fun to play.
And then SS wonders why the fuck i treat some people here like morons.
“To treat someone like a moron, you have to be a moron yourself too” ;)
Also the reason why democracy doesn’t work, people don’t know what’s even best for them.
Its probably going to get a massive nerf to its mobility and gun depression. Historically the 122mm only had about 2 degrees of gun depression instead of the 8 degrees it currently has in game.
The mobility and turret traverse will probably be nerfed to that of a KV2.
The Reload, aim and dispersion will probably get hammered as well.
We are talking about SerB’s personal toy here. And it’s russian. Some of those things might happen, but all that, doubt.
Now I know why the KV-1S looks so disgusting. Because it’s SerB’s “personal toy”…
SerB is no longer with WoT, he left for WoWS, so he practically has little say anymore about it.
Ha, knowing WG the KV-1S will end up BUFFED. Leaving that gun in VI on a tank with at turret is a crime. It is awesome enough on the SU-100.
That’s it WG, keep nerfing the german tanks and spare OP-1S, it seems I’m not coming back to the game soon enough. then try this one. its worth your time.
Soooo, why the spilt FFS, if the gun stays on 6tier?!?
Imagine that gun with -3 dep and with even less accuarcy and more reload time and aimtime. Is it still too bad?
Still, why the split, if you only want to reduce depression??
I agree… Keeping the 122mm gun is a total pile of horseshit. Remove the damn gun, put a 100mm instead… Nerf the depression and mobility.
Realism, but the KV-85 should have the 100mm, not the OP 122. Having the 122 results into the realistic parts of the tank nerfed.
-4.5 aiming time
-15+ second reload time
-speed of 22 km/h
-750 hp
then it would be ok
As I can see… lower front now 75mm, before 60mm… That’s a nerf and not the WTF!!!! [troloro...]
I think zlobny quit over Serb pushing through the kv1s gun bullshit . Don’t expect for kv1s to get any meaningfull nerfs.
so why are they calling the tier VI still KV-1S? i would say its the kv-122 and the tier V is the KV-1S…
The pictures say KB-85 = KV-85.
Thank god they kept the KV-1S 122mm. I dont know why they kept that, they wanted to take it away? And now they have a new tier 5… Well at least i can still be proud of my kill mark :)
Pingback: [WoT PC] Teilung vom KV-1S mit Patch 0.9.3 | WoT-CoM
Hope that they nerf this tank to the ground by other parameters. I’m fed up with all the chokers driving around in their KV-1S in order to push their smallish ego.
I really, really don’t get why people bitch so much about the KV-1S…yeah, its got epic alpha and good pen, but its also got, at BEST, a 12.5s reload. In 12.5s, a tank with dpm (like, for example, a tier 5 Russian/Chinese tank with the 57mm) can absolutely shred it while its scrambling to get another shell loaded. The trick is to NOT let it shoot & retreat…most KV-1S drivers are kinda derpy, and will often try doing peek a boom tactics with no backup, which means that the best option for dealing with them is to just charge them down and pound them while they reload. Unless its some unicum with nerves of steel, even if they manage to reload being under that much pressure will probably make them flub their next shot (I know its happened to me repeatedly) to bounce or just flat miss with that epic Russian accuracy, giving LOTS of time to kill it.
Sure, just remember what WG have done to VK3601H!
From medium to heavy and because “puny 160 damage gun” is too much (with that kind of pen – 157) for a German Heavy its damage got nerfed into “copy > paste L70 range of 135 damage!!!
Not to mention that at Tier 6 there are 4 other tanks with 160+ pen and 240 damage guns as top gun, while German at that tier only have “wanabe Tank Destroyers lines and SPG vehicles no matter if they are mediums or heavies!
Mobility, gun depression, troll armor. Stop defending it, try some tanks that require skill.
Welp I was greatly hoping it would get a gun downgrade…a KV-85 would have been much more interesting. Here’s to hoping the gun’s characteristics have been nerfed to shit
Wait so it wasnt nerfed? KV1s that has speed and gun are still at T7?
Seriously WTF are they doing. Ok now leave my Hellcat alone then, its the only thing that can beat a 1s.
Would like to see more solid info on this – but as is; i just love all the whiners claiming that the KV line – ANY of the KV line – is OP. Clearly, they havent played these tanks in the last three patches; especially not since gold became avail for credit purchase. Funny how quick these same whiners either STFU when you note how dramatically OP the german TDs are, or launch into a complete BS tirade about it. (The entire reason I sold my KV4 in favor of the KV5 was i was sick of all the gold spamming going on in tier X matches; at least in tier 9 my KV5 stands a half a chance.)
I also wonder, if one has come through the KV1s; will one get credited for whatever gets added in or no?
No!!!!!!!!! God please no!!!! 100mm (D-10T) would be enough for KW-85! KW-122 might be a nice premium vehicle on tier VII, but not on the f….in’ tier VI like current KW-1s! This ‘nerf’ will be a total bullshit! What is more, giving this behemoth D-25T in replacement of D-2-5T is a death sentence for any other tier VI vehicle. Waste of content, nothing else!
It was very unexpectivly, I thouhgt that KV-1S will get 100 mm gun D-10T (175 mm penetration). If they leave D2-5T on tier 6, angles vertical lay will be bad, possibly -3 degrees. But if D25T stays on tier 6, will M18 be nerfed?
Translate message to russian language. Перевод сообщения на русский язык.
Это было очень неожиданно, я думал, что КВ-1С получит 100 мм орудие Д10Т (175 мм пробития). Если Д25Т остается на 6м уровне, Углы Вертикальной Наводки должны быть плохими, может быть -3 градуса. Но если Д25Т остается на своем уровне, понерфят ли М18 Хеллкет?
So pretty much, nothing changes…
The entire purpose of this was supposed to be to remove a 390-alpha 122mm gun from a mobile, turreted vehicle at tier 6.
And that isn’t happening.
So, this entire effort is for nothing and we got trolled.
Meanwhile, at Wargaming: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
WG seen to have missed the point of the split,
we wanted a tier 6/7 split not a 5/6 split keeping the same gun at tier 6 .
how many years have we been waiting and what do we get ?
unless all other stats are nerfed to the ground they have wasted their time and ours.
Wargaming missed the point?
That’s unheard of!
I’m ok with this.
The gun is not the problem, but the combination of mobility, gun depression and the gun is.
The gun was the problem. Everything else just made it a bigger problem.
Zapping tanks that low tier with auto-penetrating 390 damage shots is a pretty big problem.
I love how nobody realizes it will only make the situation worse, cause KV1S/85 losing its mobility, but not gun = less rushing noobs dying in first 2 minutes = more trolling later in game, more use of that gun´s potential.
shiner on July 17, 2014 at 9:50 pm said:
WG seen to have missed the point of the split,
we wanted a tier 6/7 split not a 5/6 split keeping the same gun at tier 6 .
Exactly the point.
What s wrong in their screwed mind at WG ?!!
Must be a joke right ? split is tiers 5/6 and it keeps armor AND the 122mm !!???
(I m fucking glad I m no longer giving a cent to WG for almost a year now)
So yeah, what the hell is the point? At this point all they’re changing is adding a new tier 5.
wargayming as usual, move on nothing new here.
The absolute worst thing about the KV-1S split is that players will have to grind that shitty ass T-28 twice as much now. I weep for those who want to go down both the lines.
When it was being entertained many months ago, the concept pitched was that the KV-1S would sidegrade out of the KV-1 instead of teching up from the T-28
Why wasn’t it made as tier 6 and tier 7? The 122 D-25T better have a 30 second reload.
I can’t envision the KV-122 as a teir 7, maybe if it had its BL-9 equivalent… Otherwise it would be just an inferior IS.
The KV-1S (122) is faster than the IS with better gun depression in game, how is that inferior?
Exactly, it moves much faster than the IS and has 2 degrees more gun depression. Pretty damn ridiculous despite the fact its a tier lower.
Nerf the mobility to that of a KV2 decrease turret traverse, hull traverse, and give it -2 degrees of gun depression that it had historically.
This thing had better get that gun nerfed into the ground if it’s going to keep the D-2-5T…
Funny how most of community believed that KVas would be split into tier6 and tier7 tanks or even 3 different vehicels including a tier5 ^_^
A single wiki trip is enough to understand that it’s tier5 and tier6 both by technology and powerlevel. Besides “the fast” and “the armored” categories are already present on tier7 with JS and KV-3.
I blame stupid “yellow press” VOD-makers.
Besides the KV-122 version is going to have something like a -3 depression which is historical or -5 which is plausible since all soviet guns in the game have better depression angles. This will automatically downgrade the tank from imba-tier to strong-tier. People underestimate the value of depresseion too much.
I also expect a 100mm D-10T gun since there was a prototype of that too and the gun sits perfectly at this tier right next to 90mm M3 and 8.8cm KwK36.
“The force is stronk with this one” – the amount of cry from 1S lovers is silly. Almost as much as on offcial forums.
I’m still amazed how much whining this gets. Especially, when WG (as always) will do the rebalance they way THEY SEE IT. Regardless what players think is the best way. Seems ppl will never learn.
Just to clarify, what was the plan:
KV-1S as tier 5; an alternative tank to KV1 with better mobility (similiar to current T6 KV-1S) but less armour. Firepower afaik wasn’t disclosed, apart from loosing the D-25T. The tank keeps it’s name.
KV-85 as tier 6; replacement for T6 KV-1S. Gets worse mobility, keeps the D-25T gun as an upgrade.
There was no info if the gun gets any additionall nerfs (less depression, lower soft stats aka). Personally, less gun depression seems possible (as it’s hugely overbuffed currently in this regard).
According to SS, the rebalance include gun depression nerf. I’m lovin’ it.
Details here: