Source: Wotleaks VK community
Hello everyone,
currently, the supertesters got their hands on the new, reworked Chaffee (in HD, for now without texture), that’s going to appear in 9.3. One thing is clear: the Chaffee will recieve the same type of nerfs the VK2801 did for example, along with reduced MM spread. The only nerf currently known is that the elite Chaffee will have 420HP instead of current 580, but this is of course only the supertest version and likely will change.
Honestly, it always surprised me how people expected the vehicle NOT to be nerfed when it gets reduced MM.
Oh yea, RU251 will appear in 9.3 – more on that in today’s QA.
Honestly, it always surprised me how people expected the vehicle NOT to be nerfed when it gets reduced MM.
SS, it’s really simple actually: People are idiots and live in pipe dream land… not to mention logic doesn’t seem to be their strong point.
Still upset about those chinese cartoon you keep watching?
OK the type 64 is slightly worst than the T24/M24 Chaffee.
with the NERF it will be worst then the type 64?a premium better?
WG you funny
OK the type 64 is not as good as the T24/M24 Chaffee.
with the NERF the T24/m24 chaffee will be worst then the type 64? and the type 64 is still better than the t21. a premium better than a regular ? WG you funny
is still cant believe the t21 will stay at tier 6 :(
but I don’t want decreased mm for the chaffee :( it is so much fun like this :-P
You think this is fun? Wait for the new tier 8…
I am I am playing my chaffee now to grind the ‘free xp’ for the upcomming tier 6 and I want the tier 8 so badly the tank I most love atm is the 1390 but it is just such fun playing against tier 10 in chaffee
Yep the amount of XP the old scouts used to give for damaging tard T9-10s with a T5 was amazing, farmed a ton of freexp on my vk and t-50, didnt like the chaffee that much but its sad to see it get the same treatment. I guess the T8s will be great but no more xp farming with the 5 tier gap :(
Speaking of new, any news on the M56?
Any news on that yet? I’m really curious if T49 will get that turret/gun upgrade you mentioned, SS.
420 HP … LOL I guess that is what the devs are doing eh ?
Well its completely understandable. Chaffee is going to be a real tier 5 scout instead of a disguised tier 6 scout. Currently other tier 6 scouts like the Type 64 and I believe the T21 also have 580 HP and Chaffee wouldnt fit the normal tier 5 scouts otherwise.
They are doing proper V tier light tank with standard MM.
I see no one got my “420″ joke..
Not all people are into weed related humor. ;p
10 times the meaning of life?
+1 …. that just topped his joke
Excited for 9.3. The ru251, Russian lights, and the new Chaffee and its line. The ru251 is the one I really want though finally running the awful panther has a purpose besides going to a slightry above average long range medium
I’m pretty sure it won’t have the same top gun. I expect something like regular 76mm american gun.
In my opinion it actually doesn’t make sense to reduce HP due to MM changes.
The HP pool helped the Chaffee in HIGH TIER battles. Instead of a one shot, he was a two shot for most guns.
On the other hand, the HP pool made the Chaffe stronger in LOW TIER battles.
With 420 HP our beloved and balanced 120mm guns at tier 6 can finally one-shot him.
It is more of a design decision.
WG was talking about making light tanks more viable. Actually I think HP would have been the way to go.
because if you start giving (high tier) LT better guns and more penetration, they will compete with MEDIUM tanks. And then we get a really funny conversation …
Well the Chaffee is just going to be a tier 5 scout from now on and that means he has to get the usual HP pool for that tier since he also can not meet highest tiers anymore. Only tier 6 scouts have 580 HP.
I don’t see how that is a bad thing since LTs are just terrible at the moment. They get worse MM and constantly get into battles where mediums do everything an LT can do but better.
If you want to buff LTs give them HP! They live longer, they can risk more in high tier battles.
Mark my words: WG will buff mobility, damage and penetration for LT tanks. And what will happen? Because of their mobility advantages, much better camo AND damage potential T7 and T8 mediums will fall behind.
We are exchanging the devil with the belzebub.
I think they will buff it’s HP pool to around 480.
Why? Well, because the Crusader has 450 already, and it’s a non-scout Tier V Light tank.
I would be surprised if they balanced the difference in power between the two with the HP pool and not gun handling or things like that.
They have less HP than medium tanks of their tiers, but don’t lose any of their camo value (except that which would be applied by a camo net) while moving. If a light tank is going on the attack, its main advantage is stealth, which, if done properly, would allow one to get much closer to the enemy than one would in a medium tank, ideally preventing it from being detected until it’s already at point-blank range (any competent ELC AMX driver will know exactly what I’m talking about).
The advantage of retaining stealth while moving is simply not enough for the tier mismatch they’re in. A tier VII scout routinely sees tier IX battles, and a T-54 is a much better vehicle for scouting purposes because it can defend and attack well should the need arise. Along with retaining stealth in mobility, scouts should also negate some of the camo bonuses of enemy vehicles. This would allow them to see vehicles others don’t without necessarily increasing the view range.
SS, is it reasonable to start collecting “free xp” on chaffee in order to unlock next vehicle right after new patch? Or will be there some sort of “compensation” that chaffee will be downtiered and next vehicle after chaffee will be researched automatically?
It’s not getting down tiered the Chaffee will stay at T5
ok ok and will be T6 unlocked or start grinding? because i believe it wont need 55k exp to research in 9.3 so if our hard grind in 9.2 will be compensated in any way
Why would T6 be unlocked? It’s a new vehicle in the branch. You’d have to grind for it, and you better do it now. I don’t think it will cost more than VK28 or 12t.
I don’t know.
Decreased MM? I still see tier 10 just as often as I did before.
Chaffee is the only one who hasn’t had the MM decreased… old news
Yes, I know. But SS mentioned that it received a MM buff.
I think SS meant decreased MM in 9.3
Well I was hoping it would become a Tier 6, but alas no.
The real issue is what they will do to the gun handling. As you know currently the accuracy on the move is ungodly.
something about the t49? will it going to have tha xm551 turret?:D
another favourite tank down the drain… thanks wg
“The only nerf currently known is that the elite Chaffee will have 420HP instead of current 580″
the top engine on the chaf is 500HP, not 580…
and the chaffee dont need a nerf, just put it @ tier 6 and its fine….
Hit points, not horsepower.
It will be tier VI, the top gun and turret is from the T37 project, not the Chaffee. Both of those modules are being removed from the tier V Chaffee and being placed on the proper T37 hull at tier VI.
In terms of playstyle, the T37 will be what the Chaffee is now, and the Chaffee will finally be the Chaffee, it won’t be as powerful, but that’s the point since it won’t have special MM anymore. It’ll be a regular tier V light tank, and what you currently think of as the “Chaffee” (gun and turret) is going to be the tier VI T37.
So, it’s getting a nerf AND being moved up to tier VI, just the way you want, so don’t get your panties in a bunch, geez.
I’m actually very happy about this. I’ve wanted the Chaffee to have less matchmaking spread and to be more economical as a tier 5, and now that might actually happen! The new HD model looks fantastic and maybe they’ll actually get rid of the T37 turret on the Chaffee now since the T37 will be ingame…
As was previously mentioned, the T37 will be exactly what the Chaffee is now. It’ll be a little bigger, but that’s it. Same gun, and it’ll probably be even more mobile.
Very good news in-light of the failure that was the KV-1S split!
Am I the only one who likes playing light tanks in high tier battles?
I mean,dealing Ik dmg with a tier 5 in a tier 10 battle is one of the best things you can do in WoT and now they are going to limit the MM and such thing’s won’t be possible anymore.
Just play in platoons with high tier vehicles.
That’s a good and bad idea, depending on what tank you will use.
You’ll still get to play a light tank in high tier battles.
Tier VI+ is the new high-tier scout tier for the US tree, and it’ll start at the T37. Which is essentially exactly what the old Chaffee was.
And thats how they are going to kill our Ferdinand!
Guess I have to enjoy the Chaffee while it’s un-nerfed, RIP last of the great tier 5 scouts, you will be missed.