Hello everyone,
so, the stream just ended and…. well, how did you like it?
Personally, I was extremely disappointed by the format Wargaming chose this year. I mean, it was like a talk show. With very, very boring people. First there was the host (nice enough I guess) and QB (you all know what I think about him) and then the guests.
The show was bland and relatively boring, instead of showing the vibrant atmosphere of the stand (well, maybe next time), they chose the environment of a closed room. The way I understand it, today, the event was semi-open (for journalists and VIP onlz) – why on earth is there a Veider Q&A in program (not transmitted!) for journalists only? That makes no sense.
Then there was the strange competition program, that, if I understood correctly, kinda required you to have a Facebook account. Meh. Not that I don’t have it, but if you guys want to make a competition, can you make something that does involves neither spamming shit in chat nor social network or cellphone type access not everyone has? You know… like, on portal? The Turkish girl, Melly or whatever was the nickname was cute though, so kudos for that – why did she drag the weird artist guy in I have no idea, since WG art department is definitely NOT something I’d brag about if I was WG (see “mutated Conqueror” and “lol copyright” issues).
The games discussed were:
- WoT Blitz (pretty much nothing new, the woman developer or whoever that was looked a bit confused)
- WoWp (stop trying to make WoWp happen, it’s not gonna happen)
- WoWs (that’s more like it!)
The WoT Blitz and WoWp parts sucked (little new info or stuff nobody cares about) – also, why the HELL do you, instead of proper game footage, show tired old (ancient in some cases) trailers over and over? Gosh. WoWs part comes at the end (the last 30 or so minutes of the stream, if the past broadcast ever appears) and is the most interesting part of the entire show (too bad you have to wait through the bland stuff to watch it!).
The render of the water looks very nice, the amount of polygons on the ship however kinda surprised me. I mean, it’s cool to have good looking ships, but 20 times more polygons per ship than you have per HD tank? Damn, that’s going to need some serious hardware. Gameplay was not shown – only vaguely discussed, the interesting part is that the game should reach beta stage (currently it’s in alpha) in winter.
So, what interests me now is – why is there no “regular” stream of the event like it was last year? It was really nice to chill by just opening the stream, letting it run, watching Imhotep play the crowd and the dancers of course :) Instead, we get several boring guys, ancient trailers and games either noone gives a shit about (okay, Blitz is popular, I give you that, but WoWp) or are still too secret to reveal anything serious (WoWs). Not cool. And why is there no stream tomorrow, when the content of the show is actually for public?
Very disappointing.
PS: I’d like to congratulate whoever came up with the !Type59 trolling, I haven’t seen such a well executed troll in very long time, the spam was exquisite! :)
Just the massive spam of the type 59 was just nope i don’t know what to say but got 300 gold so i’m happy,QB was a bit terrified at the beggining tho :)
Why QB wears such thick socks ?
Brace yourselves, WoWs in winter is coming.
Brace yourself for 40GB DL and epic lagging.
What I think was the most interesting to me was actually the Gamemode that was in WoWs
Instead of the common kill all members of the enemy team, the task was to escort a friendly carrier out of enemy territory.
One thing that confused me a bit was the damage system:
There still seem to be modules like Main Guns, Ammo Storage, Flak, etc. but somehow their main health seems to be something different…
I’m sure that while playing my Kongō I got hit multiple times and was on fire multiple times too.
Also I ran ashore (was looking to the side in order to fire a full Broadside)
and managed to get rammed/ramm a teammate (same reason as above, just that I was zoomed in too)
Also it took me some time to realize the small red triangles in the water were Torpedoes, and imagine trying to doge a full torpedo salvo with a BB.
Yet after taking all those hits I think I was still alive (more or less) although I may have taken a lot of water.
Part of that may be due some kind of repair system (something like patching minor leaks; idk).
But don’t take my words for granted, since only One battle was allowed and the only Instructions were pretty much a card showing the keybinds (although I probably could have asked for help).
Since it is an Alpha I expect that way later in development you’ll have some kind of tutorial and that you’ll have some time to get used to all the game mechanics before you reach Tier 5
I just loved shooting a full broadside and using the shell-chase-cam to see the enemy get destroyed (or missed by miles…)
All in All i think I had fun, and hope that the game won’t end like WoWp
[keep in mind that I'm in no way an expert on naval warfare or game development, and all of the above are my subjective impressions]
they were giving out demo’s? neat
Nay, but If you manage to get there you can get a look at the Alpha [anything can still change]
It Looks like the screenshots that have been posted already, and has the same ship selection.
But I think that SS’s contact (or in that case anyone going there) wouldn’t miss out on WoWs so a more detailed article may appear here later this week
You say that we all know what you think about QB but… Well I don’t mean to sound like an idiot or anything but what do you think about QB?
His gameplay is pretty fun and nice. Albeit not as fun as Jingles. Why do you feel so negatively about him?
Also I couldn’t find “mutated Conqueror” When I searched it.
Well while SS just hates him and says it even on this blog,QB dosen’t care and dosen’t even talk trash about SS so yeah http://wotreplays.com/site/1057296#.U-uzFsWG7IU
I farmed some upvotes on that idiot’s topic :D
Is theLuchsKing SS or something?
If so that is pretty darn shameful.
At least QB doesn’t go into a fit and just ignores all the haters.
Heaven no o.O
The truth is, sometimes it’s nice to have someone to take a jab at. “Feuds” make it just more fun… :)
Now SS what could have QB done,maybe Tk’ed him?Well that would i do but you see he didn’t do anything while your clan mate blocked him and after that called him a noob and spamed in the chat and the thing that he wanted to ask was surely is the e50m weak
and let me ask something what would you do when a QSF guy blocked YOU?
While I appreciate the amazing work SS is doing with this Blog, i always go into ignore Mode if he brings up the HATE : ( Jingles,QB,War Thunder,..)
He hates Jingles as well??
After some research I found that some people find QB to be pretty overconfident and rude on the livestream (and Jingles has made some slip ups in his video that suggest that QB can be an asshole) so I get that but why does SS hate Jingles? Also isn’t hate a bit too strong a word for QB? There must be some reasons SS “hates” these guys rather than dislike them.
Also I don’t think SS hates WT. He just jabs them every now and than in a similar (albeit less aggressive and mean) way to how he jabs WoT.
Rude how do you mean rude ffs?The only thing when he goes mad is when somebody is blocking him what i know everynody goes a bit mad when you take some damage becaus somebody blocked you but he dosen’t do anything to you he didn’t TK nobody so far so yeah
QB is soooooooooooooo booring
This. There are so many other streamers who actually have a personality and are very good players to watch.
I’m fairly certain “mutated Conqueror” is the FV215b.
Also, SS, what’s your take on Blitz? Not sure if I could tell from the nuance in the post, but it sounds neutral-negative.
QB isn’t boring lol did you ever watch him?Well he is still funnyer then watching guys playing clan wars(before you say they suck no i don’t mean on that but you don’t see as much laughing as you see at least on QB’s stream)
I think I read once QB accused SS (in a private message) of publishing QB’s content, while it was actually official WG material for fan sites. I can be wrong.
Regardless of that incident though, SS still doesn’t like QB. It’s understandable since, well, there are not that many people in this community SS likes to begin with :D
SS is not a Jingles fan but I think there is at least some respect for him. Jingles actually contributed (donated) to this site, and he has often promoted this site and the information on here in his videos and live streams
nah, plain bullshit, SS hates QB because of jealousy
Seriously, WoT community should somewhat stick together, or should be more converging…
In case of LoL there are tons of pro players and “faces” out there if they hate each other, let it be, it helps their community
but in case of WoT…it’s unhealthy, especially since there are quite a few “faces” of the game worth mentioning // Circon, Jingles, QB, SS, Foch( i hate him just for the lulz…i also had to pick someone /sarcasm)
It wasn’t really private, he posted it here on the site on article of said content.
I guess the !type59 troll was me. :D
Nah killer2224 did them :D
The dicks was funnier
Yea, that was funny xD
this happen when they bloq the type59 on the shop. they are using that tank to get attention when they see they are losing ppl, fothermore, type59 is the same lvl then normal tanks of tier 8 (normaly premium tanks are below then normal tanks, just have that advantage of earning more credtis) Good armor, good mobility, good gun, bad drep gun…
The Type 59 was more than the same level as other normal tanks at tier 8. It may have been only slightly over performing (or perhaps just average) by itself but it was incredibly strong and OP in platoons. That’s why they removed it.
Or at least that is what I have been told.
I was nerfed ever since, though, today it’s on par with other T8 prems, it just has the halo of a “special” tank.
Would choose Pz II J, BT-SV or even micro-maus over Hype 59 any day and any time…
The Original Type 59 was released at TIER 7, so it was op. When it was moved to T8 it was just an average to below average medium. T-44, panther, t-34-2 are better. As Nya-chan said, since you cant buy it, people think it is better than it is. I have just under 1000 battles in my type 59. Its limited MM makes it competitive.
“The Original Type 59 was released at TIER 7″
It was never tier 7, you’re most likely confusing it with Type 62 (another rare Chinese tank), which was rebalanced and moved up a tier in 8.2.
The main thing that made it so OP is the balance of armor and mobility. At tier 8, completely blocking 175 pen shots frontally is a pretty huge advantage. Couple that with standard mobility of a medium tank, and you have a monster that blocks almost all shots from anything below tier 7, and eats through low-pen tier 8 tanks.
A tier 8 premium that can eat most other tier 8 premium alone makes it great.
Type’s armor can be penetrated easily by a tier V.
It’s gun is meiocre, reloads slow, ianccurate, can bounce fron ANYTHING.
Mobility was removed, it’s really sluggish nowadays.
Lol you are funny easily penetrated by tier V so I guess that it would be bit hard (but possible) to pen type with tier IV gun right? You probably don’t know anything about armour and type
little fix: fake armor, fake mobility, decent gun and depression
karl number? 8 10 12 or 14?
I kinda enjoyed the show. The hosts were interesting to me (I like graphic design and the guy could talk about it), I like the WG games in general (including WoWp which I like to casual), the stream wasn’t overdrawn and I had the chat hidden. Also 150 gold, but that’s a spare change to me these days.
Anyway for me – GJ this year. Better than sitting the whole day through for nothing.
This time I have to disagree. There is a chill factor in repetition. Plus, I mean, does one exclude the other? What prevents WG from running the camera like last year and then have a talk show?
Well, then we just disagree, I guess :)´
Also, we still have it better than Blizz fans:
“Tune in to the live streams on:
Friday, August 15 from 18:00 to 19:00 CEST
Saturday, August 16 from 18:00 to 19:00 CEST
Sunday, August 17 from 16:00 to 17:00 CEST”
For me the problems was that there was long periods of almost nothing new, nothing noteworthy, 3 hours listening to stuff I already knew, was pretty much pointless. The reason why you’d want to stream stuff like this is because you want to show people things they can get excited over, not to show them trailers that people have probably seen 100 times over. This is Gamescom, where other people are showing us HUGE news, and WG is just showcasing stuff we’ve already seen. The WoT Blitz section was interesting with the gameplay at least, I could see what the game was about, how it functioned, differences between that and PC WoT. The WoWS section was…short, I got to see some ships and that was it.
Also, the introduction to Alienware comps at the start of the stream….snoozefest, I’m not there for an Alienware stream, I’m there for WG stream, I understand the need for sponsors, but still…now was not the time for it.
Having said that, I’m apprehensively looking forward to the next two, because if they’re going to repeat this again, at the next 2 streams, prepare for a shitstorm worse than the twitch chat. Hopefully some more exciting things then.
Totaly agree. It pains me to say it, but except the short showcase of the WoWs “hangar” or more like port the next best thing was QB playing WoT Blitz.
Atleast I catched up that there will be a sort of bullet time after you fire the main guns. Following the shell till and during the impact sounds awesome.
How many times did Karl appear on stream ?
im not a qb fun too but i enjoyed his talking and wot blitz gameplay on the stream.
Hmm, SS from that steam i get 600 gold LOL. I just tunded of voice and look for the info about type where “he is spoted”. But i liked the hangar from WoWp.
One of the reasons the Q&A is journalist only is because the questions asked by the community were:
When will arty be nerfed?
When will a tank i dont like be nerfed?
When will a tank i like be buffed?
Can you remove RNG?
When will you remove arty?
Why are you so bad?
Why do your servers lag so much?
Why do i have to upgrade my laptop from 2002 to play WoT?
When will you make wot playable on my pocket calculator?
And then i asked some actual questions, as in an easter egg WG has never spoken of or any player found out who it is. So you want the players questions to be answered?
Why do I have to upgrade my 2013 pc build to play WoT 60fps on medium?
Because you built a PC without dedicated GPU? :D (srsly 560Ti is a high-mid card from January 2011, and it runs wot fine on medium, exluding HDD-based microlags, but no upgrade helps that. Actually you can do ramdisk)
I have a 560 Ti too but i think the problem he means is that i (and thus he too) can play BF4 on high with decent fps while it struggles with WoT because its crappy 90`s optimization as most people playing have ancient computers.
Because you built it wrong, man. Especially since the specs were already mentioned the last year (about GTX 770 estimated for 1080p smooth playing after HD and Havok).
Lol, I said: stop tryin’ to make WoWp happen, it’s not going to happen 10 times in the twitch chat today :P.
As for QB, he sold his soul to WG, that much is certain, he has not said anything remotely critical, which is unbelievable when you see him playing WoT Blitz, I mean the least he could’ve said was: ‘oow my word (yes, that’s annoying), it’s a bit different from normal WoT isn’t it?’
I genuinly liked the guy, and he has some good playing tips, but streamers should never EVER appear on such a propaganda show!
Considering how last minute Quickybaby’s trip was (he announced on-stream he was going just the week before), it is likely (read: speculation) he was invited by Wargaming just then, all expenses paid for. Not that I feel there’s anything wrong with it.
Unfortunately I don’t think Wargaming knew what to do with him. QB would’ve been much more presentable if they invited him to talk about how to become good at the game, or had him bring some questions from his audience to ask, etc.
Instead, Wargaming just shoved WoWp and WoT Blitz at his face, half-forcing him to say good things about the games he never were interested in playing.
Judged by today’s live stream alone, I think it’s poor play on Wargaming’s part, and QB’s folly for accepting such a poor-thought-out invitation (paid for or not). If his usefulness doesn’t improve in the next couple of days, well, at least he got to spend some time with his GF in Cologne, which is a pretty cool place to be.
They had QB along and more than half the time he was….silent. You’re right, they had absolutely no idea what to do with him. He’s a streamer, they should have let him do what he does best, play games. I mean it’s a bit redundant since he has his usual stream but at least he won’t have looked bored out of his mind.
He seemed genuinely interested in WoT Blitz, he looked very focused playing it, but when it came to WoWP, I don’t think he was all that interested. They should have showed a live demo of WoWS, and let QB play it, see his reaction to it, would have been much more interesting.
Double this
He at first seemed like they pulled him there directly from the street at last minute lol. Also while I understand that QB is WGs official comunity (pet slave) contributor I dont understand why not inviting also more streamers or atleast Jingles tbh. Not much of a fan of his gameplay, but the dude is entertaining. QB alone seemed very lost there.
Lets wait for friday and see how they manage it.
Imagine having Jingles there when they began their nonsens over WoWp, that would have been hilarious!
I think it’s a shame QB got into *this* deal, if they’d had him play games on a subscreen it would’ve been way more logical and more fun.
600 gold today from stream I get xD
stream+ facebook apps
there is only one reason for this:
Wargaming is dying !
Yeah. You are also dying, every second of your life you’re closer to your death.
Wow that show was fucking trash except 10 minutes of showing WoWs lol… The shit trough facebook only caused a wall spam from those dumbfuck apps. All the glory talk around WoWp made me almost throw my dinner out. WoT Blitz… nothing new and again no word about WoT Generals. They are presenting the graphics like something exceptional with the slight difference that WT has them for a year now lol. I was really hoping that I can find something positive and gave a chance to WoWp again, but the game is still shit.
Tbh i only watched about 5 mins of the stream whilst eating my dinner, I found it absolutely shit and as for all the retards spamming chat with B5 for the T34 when the women was telling them all to goto FB was just ridiculous even to the point they where still 10 mins after she`d gone. On the plus side least on the morons where spamming chat which meant i got some good games in WoT since the retard brigade had all invade twitch lol
I dont know what you think about QB. What do you think about him?
E50M thinks Quickbaby is weak
He is simply moron, when he plays platoon he always says other companion what to do – even if he dies – very annoying. Self-lovish gnoom.
Stop bashing WoWP, I prefer it 100 times compared to WoT, too bad WG fucked up some marketing or whatever and made the game unpopular.