42 thoughts on “New Normandy Map

    • That would be kind of symmetrical, but it wouldn’t fit the setting. Plus, it would spawn the defending team on the low ground, putting them at a huge defensive disadvantage.
      Operation Neptune was an attack FROM the beach INTO the mainland. It would only make complete sense to put the offensive spawn zone(s) on the beach, and have a cap circle around the field in the middle – note how it’s already kind of rounded. The trees would also give excellent cover for anybody capping, which would make it very interesting.

  1. Looks like the teams will have to get their asses into either the east into the treeline or the west cliffs ASAP, with anyone lagging behind in the centre being visible as plain as day to be nuked by arty and TDs.

    • Don’t you worry a bit! There will be people crying they always get shot and killed in base or WG will put 10m tall hardcover in front of cap.

  2. Normandy? Yes please!
    Guessing from just the map pic alone:

    Beach looks like paradise for snipers, but no concealment. 8-9 lines could be good too if there isnt too much elevation.

    Mid map looks like where the meds and gun depression tanks will play.

    mid and 8-0 lines looks like good spots for scouts with all the shrubs.

    there’s cliffs and pillboxes for arty cover, but not so much that arty cant be useful.

    all in all looks like a good map for all classes. color me exited.

  3. Looks like original Company of Heroes campaign first map… at least in that there is (roughly) a couple of paths up from the beach on either side of a large central section.

  4. Ohhhh yes….

    Now if only it was about 4 miles across and had enough water for Amphib tanks to cross certain parts, and WoWp’s overhead duking it out – it’d be ideal.

    • It’s balanced this way. It wouldn’t be fair if one team had a major altitude and cover advantage over the other.

      Besides, it is an ideal map AND setting for an assault mode map :)

  5. Another mirrored map, it will be just as bad as the japanese (also mirrored) map.
    Seems like they only employ unimaginative, underpaid kids as map designers…

  6. I like the map, but:
    >the terrain should not before the D-Day landing.
    >not after the D-Day landing.
    >after the aircraft bomber, and battleships and heavy cruisers bombard the beach.

  7. Hmm let’s see…
    - Beach: TD & Heavy peek-a-Boo / side scrape.
    - A6, A0, K6, K0 – Stealth TD camps.
    - If E6-F0 is a field then whole A6 – K0 is Campinovka without hard cover and with magic forest Mk.2 inside it where a single suicide scout can lit up almost everything. If it is some kind of hill then E-F0 and D-G8 is Heavy peek-a-Boo / side scrape.
    - Well whole map is artillery paradise… except A4-K5.
    D4-G6 could be working ground for meds and lights, but I’m very very skeptical about it.

    Verdict: Prepare your Anti-lead umbrellas. Artystorm incoming! :D

    • There is a couple of landing craft, plus some barricades and yes, a few dunes. Still, I think the fighting is going to be happening at the choke point at E3. There is the possibility of supporting cross-fire because of the slight spread-out cover out on the beach, but it’s going to be miniscule I think. especially with arty.

  8. This could have been a good map for Assault Mode. Attackers starts from the west and deffender circle base is in the east.

  9. Looks like a deeper south coast….I hate south coast as all the idiots in the world go beach, just like , morons on lakeville who then tell you, you are the reason we lost game not the fact that they left city/town in a 7 vs 10 pitched battle.

    Seriously all you donkeys, anywhere you cannot flex back and lowers mobility is bad…Retards.

  10. I’ve been playing Close Combat Invasion Normandy recently (any one remembers the series?). They based the maps on aerial footage. I realise this wot map is made up, but it is surprisingly close to the maps I’ve seen in CC. I have no idea how it will play, but at least they got the historical setting right. It looks quite believable, a least from the top down view.

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