Hello everyone,
recently, there was an interview with Viktor “Big Boss” Kislyi in the prestigious Zeit magazine (and its online version). Thanks to all (many) people, who sent me the link!
From the interview:
- former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2
- Russians are proud of the T-34 as a war-winning symbol
- VK hopes Russians are proud of Wargaming
- initially, the concept of World of Warships was basically to just transfer WoT gameplay to ships, it however will be “much more complicated” and therefore a different experience
- for WoWp, developers are working on PvE tutorial, where players will learn to use bomber planes in fights against PvE opponents
- the WoWp game is not as successful as WoT, it’s more complicated to play and skilled players can shoot down new players very quickly, which can make the game frustrating fast
- the game is not historically realistic, because simulators are played only by a few people, while WoT is for the masses and realistic gameplay would not appeal to many people
- WG has a seat on Cyprus, because Cyprus is a “business island” and a suitable location for trading with both EU and US
- WG is not a company from Belarus anymore, VK considers it an international company
- Belarussians are very patriotic and VK is glad he was born in Minsk
- VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship (“show me a country where politics are perfect”), he states that Belarus had one of the best education systems in the world when he was studying
- VK is worried that the situation between Russia and Ukraine escalate into war, he states the current situation with embargo is bad for everyone. He adds they had, during the Maidan riots, a plan to quickly evacuate the Kiev office (WoWp) if needed
- VK states that started with game industry after he convinced his father that the computer games are the future
- VK’s father now owns a large share of Wargaming, he deals with the documents, taxes and deals with banks, he supported Wargaming when the business did not go so well, even financially. Everything the Kislyi family had was invested into computer games.
- VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship (“show me a country where politics are perfect”), he states that Belarus has one of the best education systems in the world
U WOT M8 ?
Well, there’s being patriotic…. and then there’s shit-eating
Please find me Belarus on that list…
Couldn’t fit on the list due to being too good.
Just like North Korea and agricultural productivity lists. Use this list instead. Not every country uses universitys like the US does.
from the same article
“the reputation league table is based on nothing more than subjective judgement ”
or does the word “SUBJECTIVE” mean something else where you came from?
Dude, I just picked the first google result…. pretty much irrelevant, since on ANY Uni poll/ranking Belarus isn’t even in the first few hundreds…
Its 27th on the education index (the linked wiki page) beating out the UK and Germany, the USA is 21st, so it doesn’t seem that bad to me.
it is known that people from balcans are annoyingly-patriotic and very close-minded. don’t listen such bullshit. lol, ”one of the best education systems”. in every balcan country you will hear same nonsense.
Belarus, the Balkan country.
The education system in your country must be very stronk.
what balcans have to do with belarus dude?
Balkans are south
Belarous is up there in the north with russia learn some geography first and then talk
also revise your ” knowledge ”
Pretty sure he means that it’s not as bad as public education in the US or something. Which is really, really bad.
” Belarus has one of the best education systems in the world”
That’s not comparing education systems, that’s telling it’s one of the best, on par or better than Scandinavia which is reputed to have the best systems. Better than Japan and South Korea.
I could have understood if he meant higher education in some specific fields, and he was living in an ex-soviet hub of technology (like Lithuania, that has the best laser research and production center in the world)
But Belarus? Russia’s surgically removed third testicle?
This translation is not perfectly correct, since it lacks the context of the whole conversation.
The original text in german was:
“ZEIT ONLINE: Wäre es denn schwierig gewesen, ein privates Unternehmen dieser Größe von Weißrussland aus zu führen?
Kislyi: Wir sind keine weißrussische Firma mehr, sondern international. 3.400 Menschen sitzen in 16 Büros über den ganzen Planeten verteilt, in Sydney und Singapur, in Seattle und San Francisco. Aber wir Weißrussen sind trotzdem ein sehr patriotisches Volk, ich bin sehr glücklich, in Minsk geboren worden zu sein.
ZEIT ONLINE: Obwohl Ihr Heimatland als letzte Diktatur Europas gilt?
Kislyi: Wir bei machen Business, keine Politik, aber nun gut.
Nehmen wir das Thema Bildung: Ich habe wahrscheinlich eines der besten Bildungssysteme der Welt durchlaufen. Mein Vater hat mich früh auf eine Schach-Schule geschickt, mit sieben habe ich auf einem sehr hohen Niveau gespielt. Dann habe ich kostenlos eine staatliche Universität besucht und die bestmögliche Ausbildung in Mathematik und Physik genossen. Dadurch wurde ich zu einem besseren Menschen. Warum also sollte ich meine Heimat nicht mögen? Das Land ist wunderschön, mit Wäldern und Seen und wunderbaren, friedlichen, toleranten Menschen. Und was die Politik betrifft: Nennen Sie mir ein Land, in dem die Politik perfekt ist.”
Roughly translated:
“ZEIT ONLINE: Would it be difficult do lead a private company of that size from belarussia?
Kislyi: We are not a belarussian company anymore, but a international one. 3.400 people in 16 bureaus spreaded over the whole planet, in Sydney and Singapur, in Seattle and San Francisco. But nevertheless we belarussians are proud people and i am glad to be born in Minsk.
ZEIT ONLINE: Although your homeland is considered as the last dictatorship in Europe?
Kislyi: We at do business, not politics, but ok. For instance the field of education. I passed one of the probably best education systems on the earth. My father early sent me to a chess-school, at the age of seven i played on a high level. Then i visitied a state university for free and got the best education possible in the field of mathematics and physic. Through that i became a better person. So why shouldn’t i love my homecountry? The country is beautiful, with forrests and lakes and wonderful, peaceful and tolerant people. And regarding politics: name me one country, where politics ist perfect(ly fine).”
Please forgive me some inaccuracys.
VK doesn’t understand what it is like not living under a Dictator. He also believes what he is told because Belarus doesn’t rank in the top 40 countries for education. It does rate above Bukina faso though
VK: your usual bullshit faggot Slavic oligarch with feudalism in mind.
It wouldn’t be so bad if this faggot was found dead in his house.
You just went full retard. Never go full retard.
Cmon guys he’s right! we all know North Korea is also the best country in the world!
- VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship (“show me a country where politics are perfect”), he states that Belarus has one of the best education systems in the world.
Sure, and Hitler’s Nazi Germany had the best family policy of its time and Kim Jong-un’s North Korea can be proud of its great librarianship. ^^ Bullshit: NOTHING can justify dictatorships like Nazi Germany, Belarus, North Korea, Putin’s Russia etc.
VK and SerB are mentally ill, just like lots of so-called “patriots” in countries of the former Soviet Union.
Exactly this…
But I believe it is just cold calculation from their end. If your company sits in Belarus, you are not going to say “our dictator is an oppressor, murderer…” and go openly against him, it could have bad consequences for you. During Nazi Germany times, how many factory owners and industrialists said FUCK OFF to Adolf? Not so many, right?
Major reason why the dictatorship still exists is that Lukashenko has everybody by his balls in Belarus (same as Kim from NK…) and not much can be done about it without outside intervention.
So yeah… his statements are idiotic but who knows if it’s what he really thinks.
Actually, some people can only be ruled by dictators. Otherwise they’re animals that do not know how to act in the interest of their country but only on their own interest.
My country for example:
During the communist regime, we were the biggest producer of grains in Europe (!!!), we were building oil refineries in the Middle East and we had lots of infrastructure projects (ON THE ROLL!), we had no external debt (Iraq had to pay us a big sum of money for the projects that we developed in their country), our army was competitive, our factories were having a good production rate
Now, in democracy, all our factories are collapsing, unemployment is sky high, agriculture doesn’t exist, refineries (what are those?), the military relies on gear as old as WW2, we didn’t even conserve the gear that was developed or bought during the communist regime. FFS, we’re flying Mig-21s when we had Mig-29s (!!!) during the commy regime. We didn’t even finish the projects that were started during that period… to cut it short, we’re shit now! And why? because our democratic leaders are a bunch of low fags that only care about the dimensions of their pockets. EU funds? We don’t even absorb them completely.
A dictator, he’s only 1 guy (+ the ones that are supporting him) BUT he can do a lot of good stuff for a country. If a dictator says that he wants a highway to link two major cities, the highway will be built fast. If a democratic president says that, there will be an auction for the company that will build it, then there will be additional costs caused by who knows what, then the state will say that they can’t afford to pay anymore, then the builder will sue the state, then the state will lose and the people will get 1/3 of the highway built with the price of 2 completed projects. Meanwhile, the politician that signed the contract will see his bank account filled with a sum of money from the company and he won’t be asked by anyone anything. That’s democracy for you. Fuck it!
First off, it’s pretty obvious you’re Romanian as well… not that hard to figure out, tbh.
Second of all – “because our democratic leaders are a bunch of low fags that only care about the dimensions of their pockets. EU funds? We don’t even absorb them completely.”
Dude – don’t blame democracy! Blame the fucking “stupid people” (copyright Silviu Brucan) that had the opportunity to elect good leaders – and they took that opportunity and screwed it hard, with proletariat rake.
“A dictator, he’s only 1 guy (+ the ones that are supporting him) BUT he can do a lot of good stuff for a country.”
“Those who trade freedom for security deserve neither” – Benjamin Franklin
NO “good stuff” can justify the basic liberty of free will, free thought & free speech.
“That’s democracy for you. Fuck it!”
No, that’s democracy for imbecile apes like you. Honestly, bRomanian, if you don’t like it go live in Cuba or something
I don’t blame democracy. L2read. Hell, I’m not blaming anyone. I’m just stating why Mr. Kiysli doesn’t mind to live in a dictatorship. Like I said, some people don’t know how to live in a democracy (romanians are in this category of “stupid people”). Sure, you will say that there are exceptions. Yes, there are and all these exceptions are not in Romania anymore.
Secondly, I really don’t give a fuck about what a ‘murican said. That’s an entirely different world.
And why the fuck would I move to Cuba now that Russia is coming?
You got it all wrong, romanian mk. 2, but I didn’t even bother to explain myself to you. I played by your music, like a true imbecile ape.
same shit happened in spain.. Franco dictatorship OFC he killed a lot of people and he did wrong BUt he gave free health services, great train and road infrastructures, the people were more eficient… you just have to look at the postal service: right now they have 5x more people working, with 80% less workload and modern machines… and the % of letter/packet loss or damaged raised to the sky in the last 20 years… why? because the people are lazy as fuck.
we were one of the best making boats, now we cant even try it; we lost our amunition and weapon factorys, and lots of shit and why? because we joined the EU and they asked us to remove them so france and germany could get all the weight without others having a chance.
No, that’s not democracy. That’s post-soviet Oligarchy ruled by incompetent but super corrupt retards , and you are mixing up terms. And don’t try to tell me I don’t know, I’m from former Czechoslovakia so I god damn know.
During the Socialist era, there was no prosperity. Everything was subsidized by the state to make it look as if it worked, but the efficiency of the production was very low (over employment), if it was so good socialism wouldn’t fail as it did (and it failed mostly because of bad economy). Most of the production was exported to other Soviet countries or “special” countries like Iraq, Libya, Syria, Egypt etc. The real reason why your factories failed after the fall of Socialism was they were not competitive when they went head-on against Western companies (Oligarch kinder-management anyone?). Also the fact that the whole economy of Eastern Block was centrally managed from Moscow was really bad. Each country was told what they could produce and how much etc. So when the whole system failed, your country was producing shit loads of grain that used to be distributed to other Socialist countries, but when the system changed it was actually not needed since other countries started to produce their own and you failed to adapt. The “failed to adapt” is the main problem, not democracy.
Also corruption was not invented by Democracy. During the socialist era there was a popular saying which freely translated meant “Who doesn’t steal (from the public), steals from his own family”. Go figure!
Hear, hear!
Communistic-socialism = Legalized Theft.
You don’t know.
You say that factories failed because people were too dumb to adapt. I say factories failed because the retards that struck privatization deals were more concerned to gain money from that, than to actually write a good, productive contract. So, the factories were sold for nothing to some ghost companies that sold them piece by piece as scrap metal and got a profit out of it.
So, it’s not because people were too dumb to adapt. It’s because the democratic regime permitted these kind of abuse of power. I’m not saying there was no corruption during socialist regime… hell no but now it’s going on a completely other level.
As long as there isn’t a man in uniform with a whip in his hands, people will continue to steal and robb the state. For fuck’s sake, the politicians even make the laws so that they can escape prosecution (not that the prosecution is for real. there are only some scape goats that are being shown to public so that we think the legal system works)
All I’m saying is that democracy doesn’t work for everybody. Sure, you have western states that lived in it since… forever and even some eastern states that managed to understand that common good is above personal wealth but not all are like that.
Ok, not a dictator (that’s seen as a bad individual) but a totalitarian regime (could be a king or a president, doesn’t really matter). The fewer people involved in the leading process, the better…
dude, i’m romanian too, but you’re talking too much bullshit. be smart, don’t believe such a communist propaganda. world history is not proud for our country.
As a hungarian i can only confirm the “world history is not proud” part. :)
Just roasting.
And that’s another problem of the Romanians. They give a fuck about what other people think about their actions. Well, I don’t. America doesn’t and Russia doesn’t either.
Problem is, there must be a caring dictator, and I mean that he cares about the country more than himself, but since humans are easily corruptible it’s very unlikely to find someone that suits this utopian role, and even if there was someone, ho probably couldn’t rule properly having to rely on others who should be as committed to their work as he is, but probably wouldn’t be.
Regarding democracy I guess you could compare it to that concept, that just because everyone says something is true (or wrong), that doesn’t make that thing true (or wrong), it is true (or wrong) only if it’s actually true (or wrong) (I’ll use an example which might not be liked by everyone, but it’s a simple example in which the people involved in it suit the requirements for this “example slot”, and it involves all the earth population: religion. For everything that you might belive, or not belive, there isn’t any “side” that is supported by the absolute majority of people on earth, so if we assume that what the majority of the population says is true, we could conclude that every religion, or atheism, is wrong, since at least 66% of earth population would belive in something else (the most widespread religion is Christian with 33.39% of earth’s population according to 2012 data)). In the same way just because the majority voted for something, it doesn’t mean that that thing is the right thing to do for sure, although thatnks to statistics that usually is considered to work, exept when propaganda or general misleading come in action.
But yeah, I guess that considering all the possibilities, for how high unlikely it is, the utopian governament of a despot, dictator or tyrant that cares for his country more than it does for himself, and a group of assistant with those features too, and an honest population, would propably be the best scenario, efficent and right. Mind, I said “for how high unlikely it is”.
“Nothing can justify dictatorships”? Huh, really?
The greatest Empires were created by kings and dictators, not democracies.
Dictatorship can be good or bad, it depends only on the dictator himself.
Democracy is always bad, since it’s the rule of majority, and the majority is not competent nor smart enough to rule.
Take a look at what’s happening at the Middle East now. Before, there was Hussein, Gaddafi, Mubarak.. Those guys did some bad, but they kept muslim extremists down and there was no way Islamic State would be able to rise with Hussein ruling the Iraq. Now, US brought the beloved “democracy” with Arab Spring, and the whole Middle East is deep in war and suffering. Al-Asad is luckily fighting back the terrorists, but we already saw what would happen if he falls down.
Sigh… how the idea of “power” easily blinds the poor-minded…
Alongside the obvious downsides, the problem with dictatorships is that it’s a short-term “solution”, most of the times it will only work as long as the dictator itself lives.
Democracy, however, is a long-term solution, which involves slower, but constant growth, both economically & culturally.
If you want to know why dictatorships & authoritarian regimes fail, I suggest you take a look at the nearest history book that treat the subjects of the French or American Revolution.
Furthermore, Democracy is for more developed people, not for the idiotic, primitive shits living in the Middle East (mind you, reduced to that state BECAUSE they have lived under totalitarian regimes for almost as long as they existed), people who can understand the concept of “rule of law”, without which Democracy cannot properly exist.
Furthermore, the “rule of law” prevents such phenomenons as “dictatorship of the majority” – which was what basically happened when Hitler was elected into power.
P.S.: Here’s some more food for though for you – dictators usually rise from a initially-democratic society, exploiting its flaws…
The problem with democracy is that most people are deep red tomatoes.
World’ largest Empire was the British Empire, created after the Kings were stripped of power by Oliver Cromwell after the English Civil War. An Empire created from trade, backed up with the worlds largest navy. All done in a democracy.
Yes, and let’s not forget the Roman empire, which grew to a massive size whilst technically being a democracy.
These people really never lived under a dictatorship, otherwise you wouldn’t say such crap.
A dictator has the power to arrest someone just because you look funny, and his minions will conduct such an arrest voluntarily. Why? Because they’re scared as #%€#. Does that outweigh economical short-term wins? (Which isn’t even true, dictators are often selfish, narcistic people, so only their interests count).
Akula971 on August 22, 2014 at 10:53 am said:
Err, you really need to get you basic British History correct. Please do this before trying to educate others on the matter.
created after the Kings were stripped of power by Oliver Cromwell after the English Civil War.
WRONG, way way top early
backed up with the worlds largest navy
NOT true at the time
The British Empire as we know it was really based out of the “Trading Companies” established WAY WAY after Cromwell.
The British Empire was not Democratic…..The UK was but NOT the Empire, some countries after they developed became democratic and formed the basis for the Commonwealth.
Lol him and STFU Gaijin CEO are sure something special.
But then I guess you can’t be a CEO with having a few lose screws in your head.
- the WoWp game is not as successful as WoT, it’s more complicated to play and skilled players can shoot down new players very quickly, which can make the game frustrating fast
So why don’t they just fix that?!
- VK states that started with game industry after he convinced his father that the computer games are the future
- VK’s father now owns a large share of Wargaming, he deals with the documents, taxes and deals with banks, he supported Wargaming when the business did not go so well, even financially. Everything the Kislyi family had was invested into computer games.
Family business that went high up… this is nice and like it or not, a success story.
“So why don’t they just fix that?!”
9.0 style? :)
The fuck has WoT’s 9.0 to do with WoWP? I’m talking about a way to balance the gameplay so that newer players don’t get to play with experienced ones.
Skill MM
“Why don’t they just fix that?”
Because moving in three dimensions is harder than moving in two, ultimately. Wierder rules, and because of this the experienced players swiftly become the top of the chain and it becomes hard to overcome them.
“- the WoWp game is not as successful as WoT, it’s more complicated to play and skilled players can shoot down new players very quickly, which can make the game frustrating fast”
I actually rather wonder, how we can translate this outstanding feature to WoT.
- former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2 .
Oh yes classic post soviet russified moron .
I wonder if they are equally proud of the appalling losses they suffered? The gulags where millions dis appeared.
Churchill once said that the democratic system was not good, but better than the alternatives at that time. But yes some countries where their mindset has not evolved enough are better under dictatorships. There are too many countries that fallen apart in bloody civil wars once the “strongman” has gone. Thinking of Tito, Saddam, and Gaddafi.
Well, for some strange reason, most of the European countries are really proud of sucking Hitler’s cock for several years and giving up without a figth. Everyone has one’s own cultural pecularities and I, for one, really respect pacifistic choice of great European powers.
Oh, so you don’t approve of us being proud of our history. Too bad, we don’t really care.
Your history are full of lies , denial and propaganda . And yes we in west don’t give a fuck about what you think . For many of as you are same war criminals as nazis . Only difference between USSR and 3 Reich is that Reich was brown nazis and USSR red nazis .
There’s another difference. Germans feel embarassed of Nazi Germany history and don’t want to talk about it. Whereas the majority of Russians glorify all the terrible things done during Soviet times.
>we in west
>Latvian as part of European/western civilization
Nice try, Finno-Ugric troll
Latvia was all time part of west . So shut up mongol .
Seems like the LatvianTroll can speak for himself well enough. But I didn’t just read that wikipedia entry about Latvija for nothing (except my own meagre education): You, Mr. Adbulov, are a pesky troll.
Are Russians proud of Holodomor, ethnic cleansing of people during Stalin era, Hungarian Revolution, invasion of Czechoslovakia, war in Afghanistan and the use of military power in former Soviet republics when they declared independence?
I can’t speak for all of the Russians, but I personally am proud of most of the stuff you’ve mentioned.
Holodomor was rather unfortunate, but all the rest are really reasons to be proud.
Ethnic cleansing of people during Stalin era was performing anti-nationalistic, anti-ethnitic policy, needed in order to create a new identity of people, over their old national/ethnic identity – Soviet People. And I can’t call it cleansing, because people were not massively killed, but masssively moved around the country.
All the other thing’s you’ve mentioned are great acts of USSR external policy. Yes, it was aimed against Western World, fighting with it for zone of influence, and it’s a reason to be proud. Your side was our enemies, yes.
“The cheapest form of pride however is national pride. For it betrays in the one thus afflicted the lack of individual qualities of which he could be proud, while he would not otherwise reach for what he shares with so many millions. He who possesses significant personal merits will rather recognise the defects of his own nation, as he has them constantly before his eyes, most clearly. But that poor beggar who has nothing in the world of which he can be proud, latches onto the last means of being proud, the nation to which he belongs to. Thus he recovers and is now in gratitude ready to defend with hands and feet all errors and follies which are its own.” – Arthur Schopenhauer
I hope you are proud of this as well:
“In 2008, suicide claimed 38,406 lives in Russia.With a rate of 27.1 suicides per 100,000 people, Russia has one of the highest suicide rates in the world, although it has been steadily decreasing since it peaked at around 40 per 100,000 in the mid-late ’90s,including a 30% drop from 2001 to 2006.”
Happy stronk!
It’s always nice to find a good quote, when you have nothing you can say.
As for modern Russia, I am not modern Russia’s patriot – it’s a weak, criminal, defeated country. However, I like when Russia moves towards more Imperial external policies – I think, that Crimea is one of the best things that happened to Russia, after USSR fall.
It hurts when the quote is true. And you know it.
Russian intellectuals are ashamed of their own country’s wrong doings, only the mentally challenged applaud. Because the “War” on Ukraine is the only joy they can get in their faded out alcoholic days, it makes them “proud” of their “powerful” country even if it means hundreds of innocent people dead.
Also Crimea’s economy is dead, no tourists, no food from Ukraine. But wait, they got pride… and potatoes from Russia :-D.
“Russian intellectuals” is usually often used as synonym as “pro-western betrayers”.
Also Crimea’s economy is dead, no tourists, no food from Ukraine. But wait, they got pride… and huge navy with missile hovercrafts. That’s the reason everyone is so craze about Crimea, idiot.
↑ How about a missile interception system then? An European Iron Dome? Right at the border Ukraine-Russia for starters? With NATO troups to repacify (nice word, i like it) the area to ensure an undisturbed istallation?
Might as well do it now, since sanctions seem inevitable considering the current situation…
“Ethnic cleansing of people during Stalin era was performing anti-nationalistic, anti-ethnitic policy, needed in order to create a new identity of people, over their old national/ethnic identity – Soviet People.”
You call ethnic cleansing good, when all the educated and rich or people who didn’t want to collaborate with occupants, were sent to Siberia? And you call that a “proud” history? You must be a mental pacient just to think that. My family were sent to Siberia just because they were educated and rich and when Soviets came they refused to collaborate with them so Soviets sent them to Siberia. You still think that’s something to be “proud” of when innocent people were sent to death?
“And I can’t call it cleansing, because people were not massively killed, but masssively moved around the country.”
Then how you call it? A vacation to Siberia?
“All the other thing’s you’ve mentioned are great acts of USSR external policy. Yes, it was aimed against Western World, fighting with it for zone of influence, and it’s a reason to be proud. Your side was our enemies, yes.”
Just mental patients glorified and to this day glorify Soviet Union.
And here’s what ethnic cleansing means, because you obviously don’t understand the term: “ETHNIC CLEANSING is the systematic forced removal of ethnic or religious groups from a given territory with the intent of creating a territory inhabited by people of a homogeneous or pure ethnicity, religion, culture, and history. The forces applied may be various forms of FORCED MIGRATION (deportation, population transfer), as well as MASS MURDER, and INTIMIDATION.”
>collaborate with occupants
What occupants? What the hell are you talking about?
>You still think that’s something to be “proud” of when innocent people were sent to death?
You are still alive, which means that you family didn’t die their, so your statement is false.
Also I recognize, that it was a pretty brutal act and some people could take it hard, but USSR was a new type of society and restructing society is always painful. Any serious revolution, which brought something radically new was very bloody. And Red Revoulion was ok, compared to, for example, French Revolution.
>Then how you call it? A vacation to Siberia?
Siberia is a nice place, really. I went there with my friends camping – it was great. Looking forward to go there again.
>Just mental patients glorified and to this day glorify Soviet Union.
Lol, now that’s funny. All the liberal idiots keep telling about horrors of “abuse of psychiatry for the means of politics in USSR”. And here you are, diagnosing people you don’t like. Great move, mister liberal.
As for ethnic cleansing, I agree I was slightly wrong in terms. But you must agree, that in USSR ethnic cleansing was forced migration, rather than mass murder. Otherwise you would be dead.
“What occupants? What the hell are you talking about?”
What occupants? How about the occupation of Baltic states? Or are you going to deny and tell that never happened?
“As for ethnic cleansing, I agree I was slightly wrong in terms. But you must agree, that in USSR ethnic cleansing was forced migration, rather than mass murder. Otherwise you would be dead.”
I never mentioned mass murder. You did.
There’s only 2 things to be told about you – you’re a troll or you’re mentally ill because of the way you write and think.
>Baltic states
Ok. For a moment I thought you or your family lived somewhere in Russia/Belarusia or other core USSR provinces.
Now I see that you are just a butthurt baltic guy. It must really hurt to realize, that your country was defeated by mentally ill people. I wonder what is makes you, if you couldn’t protect yourselves from such evil psychos?
“Ok. For a moment I thought you or your family lived somewhere in Russia/Belarusia or other core USSR provinces.”
My family were deported to Siberia for no reason. How would you feel if half of your family was killed and the other half would be sent somewhere where there’s no food and you must try to survive? Try to think for a second.
“Now I see that you are just a butthurt baltic guy.”
The truth hurts, huh?
“It must really hurt to realize, that your country was defeated by mentally ill people. I wonder what is makes you, if you couldn’t protect yourselves from such evil psychos?”
How could we protect when Soviet army was ~30 times bigger? Try to think more.
I can see that propaganda machine worked pretty good on your mind.
>My family were deported to Siberia for no reason. How would you feel if half of your family was killed and the other half would be sent somewhere where there’s no food and you must try to survive? Try to think for a second.
There was a reason, you just didn’t understand. I know that it’s brutal, but I am convinced, that sometimes a greater good is more important.
>The truth hurts, huh?
You mean, it hurts me? Nope.
>How could we protect when Soviet army was ~30 times bigger? Try to think more.
Well, it is a known fact, widely distributed by western propoga… by western media, that Soviet army was very under-equiped (there was only one gun for each 4 soldiers), officers didn’t know the first thing about martial science and soldiers where very unmotivated, where undisciplined, fleed, etc. You believe that stuff right? And all of the things about German forces being overwhelmed with Soviet corpses?
So if it’s all true, why couldn’t you oversmart this studpid, unequipped undisciplined soviet rednecks?
It is well known, that on small teriitories it doesn’t matter, if one army is 30 times or 100 times bigger. If you wisely defend it, use guerilla tactics and fight for your Great Fredoom, it is possible to win. Especially against mentally ill idiots, such as Soviet troops, right?
“There was a reason, you just didn’t understand. I know that it’s brutal, but I am convinced, that sometimes a greater good is more important.”
They were rich and educated. They didn’t even participated in politics. So where’s the logic? Why were they deported? For being rich and educated. It is known that Soviets killed or deported rich and educated people so they could bring their Russian population to occupied lands.
“It is well known, that on small teriitories it doesn’t matter, if one army is 30 times or 100 times bigger. If you wisely defend it, use guerilla tactics and fight for your Great Fredoom, it is possible to win.”
Defend… When your top officers are killed or deported. How can you defend? And there was a guerilla tactics, but after that EVEN MORE people got reported.
Dat moment when you are german and can actually read the source for once.
Yet it is unbelievable how “” turns this into a political debate again…
“- former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2
- VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship (“show me a country where politics are perfect”), he states that Belarus has one of the best education systems in the world”
Stick to game talk and not politics. You are clearly to uninformed and indoctrinated in the matter to make any relevant input about it. Stick to games and let the professional Kremlin/Soviet Union shills do the propaganda.
“- Belarussians are very patriotic and VK is glad he was born in Minsk”
It’s BELARUSIANS. Learn some grammar.
“- former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2″
Ahh… Nope. The only former member of Soviet Union that is proud of WW2 is Russia.
>Ahh… Nope. The only former member of Soviet Union that is proud of WW2 is Russia.
Not true. At the very least Kazakhstan (where I currently live) and Belarusia have pretty much the same policy regarding USSR symbols, WW2 attitude and benefits for the veterans, etc.
Then let’s say that countries which are in CIS are proud of WW2.
Sorry. Quoted by a mistake when I already wrote…
Great to have a father who supports his son and helps him even when the things are not going great!
Pretty sure he is glad he did it now. $$$
A fairy tale come true!
SS fix your translation pls:
” he states that Belarus has one of the best education systems in the world”
That is simply not true. What he said is this:
“Ich habe wahrscheinlich eines der besten Bildungssysteme der Welt durchlaufen. Mein Vater hat mich früh auf eine Schach-Schule geschickt, mit sieben habe ich auf einem sehr hohen Niveau gespielt. Dann habe ich kostenlos eine staatliche Universität besucht und die bestmögliche Ausbildung in Mathematik und Physik genossen. Dadurch wurde ich zu einem besseren Menschen.”
He talks about the past, not the present date. How the education was really good back then. And yes, “soviet” chess schools and mathematic/physic education on state academys werent that bad back then. Add to this that it was for free and you get his point.
Aye, fixed.
You mean “durchschlafen”?:)
BTW Chess school to matematic-physic university with BEST graduation… all these math and gamemechanics and they can’t balance tiers out even after 4 years into the game? :S Did they bought the diploma?
Do you know, that the balancing problem for such a complex system as WoT is generally not solvable, apart from trivial solution (when all tanks are the same and all maps are symmetrical).
For some reason HUGE balance changes, that happen in D3, WoW, for example, don’t surprice you.
actually his right regarding Belarus Education system, i left Harvard for Minsk state funded university and i never looked back.
Did you paid your student loans back to Harvard? :)
Zlig on August 22, 2014 at 10:40 am said:
actually his right regarding Belarus Education system, i left Harvard for Minsk state funded university and i never looked back.
Did you get arrested when you got back then ?
“- for WoWp, developers are working on PvE tutorial, where players will learn to use bomber planes in fights against PvE opponents”
In the interview it says “Kampfflugzeuge” which means “fighter planes” rather than “bomber planes” – so i guess this would be more like it:
“- for WoWp, developers are working on PvE tutorial, where players will learn to use their planes in fights against PvE opponents”
That interview was not very informative. “We are proud of everything” might be the better headline. The funny part was that he metioned that russia is very proud of the T-34, like the britisch are proud of their spitfire. Ok, fine. So, what have the germans to be proud of? The autobahn and daimler. Not the panther or the “Propaganda-Tiger” or the famous 8.8, that might be more “iconic” for the german side of that terrible war. It´s the autobahn. Tells me a lot of the thinking of this guy. There is no doubt about their focus.
The Autobahn is actually really great :D
IF we germans should be proud of a tank it would be the Leopard 2 and not those too big, underpowered, overengineered Panther and Tiger tanks – although i like them.
I live in Belarus and we’re declared dictatorship only because we don’t allow US-backed nonprofit, political and military organizations and institutions.
Unlike in the United Staten there were no protesters killed during any riot in Belarus, and police almost never use their firearms. De facto the police don’t allowed to use lethal force on unarmed suspects even if they assaulting the officer. And we don’t even use water jets and stun/gas grenades to disperse the crowd.
I’ve been criticizing Lukashenko for many years and I’ve never been in jail or prison, I wasn’t detained or questioned. Also Belarus government doesn’t have any massive data-mining projects that track and record every data point left by a citizen.
We don’t have any restrictions about Western culture and media. I grew up in Belarus and I read Wodehouse and Waugh in original. I watch Hollywood movies almost every day. No western news agencies are blocked, I’m free to read,, whatever (I wish they were blocked though, have never seen such ignorant bullshitters). 90% of belarussian children learn English in schools (unfortunately, I learned German, so my English is the result of self-education and is not so good). Belarus government does not tap the phone of Angela Merkel or any european leader. Our healthcare is far from ideal, but is free of charge for citizens and medical insurance is not required.
Remember my words, when a cop who got up on the wrong foot will taze you because you didn’t get out of the cat fast enough.
All I can say to that is “I wonder why”
Presidential candidates:
Andrei Sannikau Sentenced on 14 May to 5 years’ imprisonment
Mykalau Statkevich Sentenced on 26 May to 6 years’ imprisonment
Dzmitry Uss Sentenced on 26 May to 5.5 years’ imprisonment
Opposition activists:
Alyaksandr Atroshchankau Sentenced on 2 March to 4 years’ imprisonment
Zmitser Bandarenka Sentenced 26 March to 2 years’ imprisonment
Zmitser Dashkevich Sentenced 24 March to 2 years’ imprisonment
Eduard Lobau Sentenced 24 March to 4 years’ imprisonment
Ales Kirkevich Sentenced to 4 years’ imprisonment
Pavel Sevyarynets Sentenced on 16 May to 3 years’ imprisonment
Do you have the slightest idea what would happen to the US presidential candidates if they will lead a riot in the middle of Washington and try to break doors of United States Capitol? And yeah, just imagine that while doing this they declare a revolution and full support of Russia.
Cough…….Belorussian bullshit again…..listen one more time,
One of your richest and best educated men says….”VK does not mind that Belarus is a dictatorship” = YOU DO NOT LIVE in a FREE COUNTRY
Got it yet ?
So basically it was a Russian dick riding contest interview.
“Former members of Soviet Union are (according to VK) proud of Soviet tanks and the victory in WW2″.
WG is know for constantly making false statements. Now we know where this policy comes from.
Well… read the interview.
VK says “We soviets are proud of our tanks” and does not actually say a word about “former members of the soviet union”.
” Belarus has one of the best INDOCTRINATION systems in the world”
” Belarus has one of the best INDOCTRINATION systems in the world”, well maybe.
WoTanks itself does well in that game as well……after all we give this guy LOTS of money ( Btw, I do not give them any money personally)
And well let him balance Soviet tanks vrs Western ones..:)
… who is the dumb one here ?, them or us ?
“… who is the dumb one here ?, them or us ?”
*casually slides Visa card back into wallet* err… idunno… I like to think of it as 3rd world financial aid.
There is one thing that’s good about a dictatorship.
The dictator can order the people responsible for economic crises to be shot. Like the bank heads and the subprime mortgage pack sellers in the 2008 recession in the US. Instead in this plutocratic nation the working class suffered while the rich didn’t even feel it.
Yep…….and they make the Trains run on time, Get rid of those nasty greasy Jews next door, send those Cossacks on “holiday” to Siberia, oh yes forgot, murder millions for thinking “Free”
Vote for a politician who will change the system, don’t dump it as that is really much more stupid
Yep shooting people is really good yeh !