Edit: they pulled down the article (apparently it was posted too early). Screenies at the bottom of the post.
Hello everyone,
all premium (and reward, including CW reward) tanks will recieve an interesting buff, specifically two bonuses:
- 50 percent bonus to crew XP
- bonus to XP income, depending on tier as such:
These changes will be applied via a micropatch on 12.9.2014 (for ASIA at least). Very nice!
+60% exp on my T-15? I might even start driving it. :)
+70% on my T1E6
Seems fair getting my 2nd, and more, perks in the mini-maus.
RIP noobs.
Also it doesn’t list the increase for tier ten premiums. 10% as well?
maybe 0 and they only get crew exp bonus.
You’re probably right.
It’s +5%
not +60%, but 60% more than now… there’s a difference, especially since they don’t show the current bonus.
This is crew exp or actual “tank” exp?
Is there any ‘current bonus’? I was certain that prem tanks earn same amount of XP as non-prem tanks.
And infographic says about ‘tank’ exp.
well I am sure that at least Churchill III has some xp coeficient. Same goes to KV-5 IIRC. And maybe some others.
Just bought an excelsior as a crew trainer a few days ago.
Fun tank, great value for money– and now it gets 40% extra crew exp?
Nice they Just give Back .. The XP and SPEED nerfed Garnates on T34 and LØWE + others they Took away in 0900 0901 and least in 0902… Its a Joke… taking something away hoping someone would not notice they did.. .. What a Joke.. but Thanks for Restoring WOT we ORIGINALLY PAID FOR.. by the way.. they also told us several times that the Total nerfed Arty would make more XP and MOR XP.. N E V E R HAPPENED !!!
My premium FV4202
P.S. Can’t wait as well. :D
Finally my WZ-132 (Type 62) crew can catch up in crew progress with my 121 (T-34-3) crew.
Um guys my question is a bit off-topic but is the test server supposed to be open today ?
Yes. But it is not up at the moment, CT client still download the 9.2 files.
Thanks mate :)
Ah finally ! That will both boost their sales and give people more incentive to play the cheap and fun low tier premiums, best of both worlds. :) And Churchill III is going to love it.
Daly victory on my US LT crew:
T2LT with bonus
same with T7cc
Finally, T71. Third skill in sight ;)
(And with my LTP/T127/MT25 crew)
I use a lot of low tier light tanks for training new commanders for 6th Sense. This will make that grind a lot easier, to be sure.
Churchill 3 will get 40% more XP…holy mother of God :o
even more XP for my Locust! :)
Will this stack on top of the Churchill 3′s already existing crew xp bonus?
The 50% crew bonus is aplied to all and the rest additional exp is from random games earned in battle. So for example the E25 will get the crew 50% bonus plus some % more from the 20% more exp earned in the random game.
Gief moar creditz :(
for T26E4…tis not enough!
Does this also influence the experience you get for statistics? The Average Experience you earn for your tank, for example my AVG xp for my Tiger I is 978 xp/game. Or is it only the experience to research tanks like the x2 or x3 bonus xp you get?
I’m guessing that it would be applied to “base xp” since current premium tanks have a boost and the xp for them is counted towards the base xp for that tank… My best guess >.<
Read the fine print on the first image, it’s a boost to the base XP.
Hmm, so this affects only XP and crew XP. They probably do this so people use more gold to convert to free xp.
I use my premiums only as money makers (T34, Type59) and for fun (Pz38H, S35, LTP), so I guess I won’t benefit from this change at all.
Better crews = better earnings on your tanks, after all. So there is some benefit for you as well ;)
Wait, How much free xp do you have built up on them if you’ve never converted it???
probably 0, there is a nice checkbox “Accelerated Crew Training”
Yes you are right there is but free exp are generated by each game you play :) its always 5% of your total xp which goes to free exp :)
question was about convertable exp
I have every tank researched at this point, and am sitting on >230K free XP. I also have some ready for converting, due to forgetting to turn on the ACT.
Heh… derp moment, forgot about that box.
they took the site already down again..
Hrm my Pz. 2 J will be earning 70% more xp? I have no use for tier 8 prems now xD
Great news :) Credits are so easy to make in WoT so I couldn’t care less about those, but crew xp is what I use Premiums for so this will be fantastic.
Say hello to stupid idiots 42% who will farm free xp now even more “effectively” :D, so tier X in <1k battles, its not enought that we have no 40-50% stupid retards per teams
Crew XP bonus, so overall free XP gain is not effected.
No, it’s +50% crew xp AND additional bonus to regular xp earned in a battle. So yes, this will accelerate the accumulation of free xp.
Technically yes. But the difference will be most noticable on lower tiers and Afair T2/T3/T4 premtanks are not that commonly used.
Also, most low tier premtanks are crap so farming with those is not very smart.
+50% base XP means 7,5% free XP instead of 5%.
In a 500 XP game, this is 37,5 free XP instead of 25… wow much stronk.
Off the top of my head for good premium XP grinders for low tiers:
2: Mini-maus, T1E6, Tetrarch (T2LT sees up to tier 4)
3: FCM, T127, Pz2J, T-15, S35
4: B2, Val2
Some of those have low-pen guns (looking at you Val) but if you’re grinding crew XP then you might as well stock plenty of gold for damage farming, dealing with those Hetzers and AMX40s, and of course, winning.
Tanks like the FCM are probably strong contenders because they can still operate well into higher tiers, where you’ll be earning more XP from hitting tier 5s.
Are WG really promoting sealclubbing with this patch?? ;-)
It is only sealclubbing when driving a T18 or Micromaus. ;-)
My T1 cunningham crew will LOVE THIS. Have all 4 low tier american premium lights (WG gifts and the other 2 bought with gold from missions) and use these 5 tanks for the daily doubles to warm up on almost every gaming session. My favourite is the T7 combat car, pure joy to drive it especially after they buffed it.
So I’m not the only one on Earth (noobs excepted) which have kept T7 :D
TeKe is also great. Invisi-rapist.
T1 cunningham / not sealclubbing.
Warmup / kicking puppies
ROFL. You have very strange conceptions.
This thing is better than a lot of tier 2 and can kill everything in 1 clip.
Haha! You have a point. Still, i consider it only sealclubing when in conjunction with statpadding. Since i only drive these once a day (well, maybe twice if i am unlucky and loose the first game). When driving these tanks the red team in regular non OP tanks have at least a fighting chance to take me down effectively unlike a T18 (which i sold straight away after eliting it since beeing almost untouchable was not fun for me…) where a game too often is decided by who has more proffesional sealclubbers in their T18´s…
And what ? I also bought lowtier prem tanks, and should i stop playin’ them bcoz i have 10K games ? NO!
Apparently you can’t read. I was just reacting to what rabiesdog wrote concerning T1 C and Warmup at low tier. You can do the fuck you want with your lowtier premiums.
If you are a professional sealclubber or a statpadder, that is sad for you and you can’t be saved now. Growing e-penis by kicking puppies is not really an achievement you want to be proud of.
My Pz II Ausf.J /E-25/Tetrarch will be pleased.
Would be kinda retarded if that bonus will be added to Base xp in Team score…..
Now if only they would reduce the battle tier of Löwe to tier IX. It isn’t exactly pay to win since a good tier 7 tanker won’t have difficulty killing a good playing Löwe.
so its been like that for years and now they have to increase the percentages so quick they need a micropatch? i fail to see the logic in that.. its a nice bonus though, no doubt they want to make low tier premiums more interesting and make people play them more not just as fun vehicles
Now more than never, buy premium to win or get better game….I don’t play wot since weeks this is one of the reasons, nerf all non premium tanks, buff premium shit and make people paymore.
Make a unbalaced battles (more now that in past..) bye bye wargaming
game will become less and less played. rng, horrible mm, russian bias are ruining this game. two years from now on the game will be history.
They are not “buffing” any tanks, they are just adding the feature that was missing from the very beggining. Bad players will have the same performance, with or without increased xp gain.
I’m talking about this and the others tanks (mainly russian) that are being buffed and the others nerfed.
Or the maps , or people that use heavy tanks only.
I’m a player that uses almost all types of tanks about more o less same amount of battles per type.
But in general I noticed a TD nerf in all the tiers because the maps changes.
Adios tomato
Quizas lo eras tu porque yo tengo un wn8 de 1800 de media los ultimos 3 meses que jugué y más de 1500 durante mis 9k partidas.
An increased credit income would be better :P
I would rather have the crew XP since the crew grind is the slowest and most teadious thing in game. With credits i usually have no problem although more credits is always nice. Given a choice between crew XP and credits i will take the XP every day.
Seal clubbing will be insane.
FCM36Pak40 says hi.
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The site with this info got removed from the WoT portal.
Read the orginal post. It states that already.
“Edit: they pulled down the article (apparently it was posted too early). Screenies at the bottom of the post.”
no credit buff. it sucks.
Read the last line before you get excited. On ASIA Servers. Doesnt mean we Capitalistic EU Players will get it :P
About time. Now to buff premium accounts.
I would’ve preferred a buff to credits income (remember the first tier VIIIs before the credit nerf?) but I guess I’ll have to take what I can get. At least leveling up your crew will be faster now.
churchill3 so op on earning xp 2000+for each battle on premium and we get more 50% lulz
Sorry to say..
but special for the Churchill III its not 50% ..but 35% more..
wtf a tier 4? what tank premium is exist? just 2 more percent.
finally something decent after all these nerfs..ok is the credit making also going to be bufed or just exp. and crew fcm is going to love these changes ;)
So my xp machine Churchill III will get another 40% increase? I can’t remember the last time I said that, but thank you WG!
RamII and T14 gonna see even MORE play, muhhahaaaa, I need my 6th perk on my med and heavy crews
Hey, will the Churchill III also recieve that xp buff?
‘Cuz it already has an increased xp coefficient.
If yes, holy shit!
It’s up on the USA server.
This is excellent news, at last a reason to use premium tanks for more than just a credit boost.
Here is the details;
Exact Changes on each Vehicle Tier
Tier Battle XP Multiplier Crew XP Multiplier
II 1.7 1.5
III 1.6 1.5
IV 1.5 1.5
V 1.4 1.5
VI 1.3 1.5
VII 1.2 1.5
VIII 1.1 1.5
X 1.05 1.5