WG Developer Signing Anti-Hate Open Letter

Hello everyone,

recently, an open letter from the developers to members of gaming community was published. Its purpose is to make “community a cleaner place”. To quote it:

We believe that everyone, no matter what gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, religion or disability has the right to play games, criticize games and make games without getting harassed or threatened. It is the diversity of our community that allows games to flourish.

If you see threats of violence or harm in comments on Steam, YouTube, Twitch, Twitter, Facebook or reddit, please take a minute to report them on the respective sites.

If you see hateful, harassing speech, take a public stand against it and make the gaming community a more enjoyable space to be in.

Thank you

The author should start playing World of Tanks. He’d go crazy within hours. Either way, it’s a… nice gesture. There are over 600 signatures under it, including the one belonging to one Matt Parker from Wargaming Chicago (whoever that is, the people are mostly Americans though). I find it decent. Let’s celebrate this proclamation of decency with the best quote from Wargaming developers!


Storm: “Suffer faggot, your suffering makes us happy!”

Nah, seriously, I like Storm and SerB for being direct, it’s much better than endless buttering and sugarcoating.

40 thoughts on “WG Developer Signing Anti-Hate Open Letter

  1. agree, i prefer a fast and defenitive answer, even if its not what i expected to an eternal ” we will see, we will check, we are trying to… ” that will lead to nowhere.

    • but that’s the difference between murrican business model and russian. Murricans are afraid to lose ANY customer while SerB & Storm… well, they know you’ll be either back or gone for good anyway, so who cares. Though I do think that those guys who signed this letter don’t play WoT much…

  2. Personally, I will insult or harass anyone and everyone… regardless of your race, gender, sexual preference, or creed, if you are a douchebag, I will let you know quite virulently.

    • hahaah I do the same. I offend everyone without taking into account race, gender, etc…

    • “But really it’s condescending and patronizing not to make fun of someone because they’re old or stupid or crippled or morbidly obese. Banged up people don’t want your pity. They just want to be treated like everyone else. Mockery, when done without prejudice or discretion, can be a form of respect. It’s the closest we’ll ever come to true equality.”
      ― Paul Neilan, Apathy and Other Small Victories

      ^^^ this right here

    • It’s nothing to do with politics, it all stems from the whole 5 Guys/Burger and Fries debacle, which in turn has nothing to do with discrimination. The game “journalist” industry is being criticised more than ever for corruption and nepotism and they’re trying to play the discrimination card to deflect and redirect blame.

      Strangely enough it’s working (see above).

  3. Since I have dyslexia I often get ppl mad at me by accident when I want to write “cut” i accidently write “cunt” or instead “carrot” I write “faggot” :(. Tru I swear!

    • How often do you use the words, Cut and carrot while in a conversation in WoT? And how does that look? I cunt my faggots with a sharp knife?

    • dont worry, people get mad at me as well and I dont have dyslexia. I dont do mistakes in words like “cut” or “carrot” and they still get mad at “I’ll cut your fucking throat you brainless motherfucker, I will stick a carrot up your wide spread anus so deep you will feel it on your tongue” :(

      anyway,… don’t say “I have dyslexia” .. say “I have sexdaily” instead ;)

      • Well maybe the reason people get mad at you isn’t because you (might) have some disability but because of your personality…?

  4. Inappropriate language and unnecessary usage of profanity (as well as attempting to bypass a profanity filter)*
    Cursing and profanities
    Insults towards moderators, administration or developers of a minor nature

    The warning you have received is for an infraction of a minor level and grants you 1 warning point and 7 days of read only status on forum. Please be advised that repeated offenses of same or higher level may result in more severe sanctions.
    Kind Regards

    Fuck me sideways :D. Saying fuck to SerB gave me a 7 days ban :(

  5. What load of downright pathetic letter. As if Steam community, or reddit, neofag, etc dont have rules of something lol!

  6. The devs have the game they deserve. They are:

    - Trolling when they answer to people, even if the question isn’t stupid.
    - Promote the Esport like the only god in this land.
    - Develope software were you can see if your internet dick is bigger than others. (personnal rating, phone app, etc…)
    - Permit some mods that show in public how good or bad you are while you are gaming.

    All those things make ppl angry against others.

    Srsly i never saw a game that autorized ppl to see if you are a good gamer while gaming in random battle and permit to focus the good one. I think without XVM my win ratio could raise above 65% or higher cause i won’t be focused by everybody in every game i play cause i have blue stats…

        • My bad, not tomato, just a retard.

          And OMG the Irony. Douche complains about developers allowing people to compare how good they are (and that being a bad thing), than links his profile to brag about how good he is.

          LOL, what a fucktard.

          • You are the ‘tard here. I said i don’t want to see these informations while playing in order to not focus the good gamers. You can still show them on a forum if you are proud of them for what i care.

            But thanks you just prove to everybody that i was right. Ppl get angry about stats really easily and insult others if they think they are worst than theirs. You should read the letter twice again, i don’t think you get the point. ;)

            • Lol douche, I am not angry at the stats, I am pointing out that your are stupid for thinking that limiting access to infomation is somehow going to make human nature work better.

              Is this “ignorance is bliss” approach? I would insult you in the game based on your actions and on forums based on stupid shit that you say. It has nothing to do whether your stats are better or worse than mine.

              For the record, they are better, but you are still a retard.

              To quote Storm: Hahaha, suffer faggot, your struggles entertain us!”.

  7. SS didn’t translate Storm’s quote correctly (so much for journalistic integrity).

    It actually says: “Hahaha, suffer faggot, your struggles entertain us!”

    Which to any Russian native speaker is actually a clear light sarcastic remark, like Sarcastic Wonka meme style, as in “Really? Tell me more.” It’s in the same vein as “How terrible”.

    However, in SS translation is sounds like a direct insult. So much for being good at this.

  8. Yes ! I’m happy for this, even though I’m mildly autistic, I always get harassed and picked on by other players and I just want to play world of tanks for fun not for having hatred against me.

  9. >Nah, seriously, I like Storm and SerB for being direct, it’s much better than endless buttering and sugarcoating.

    Implying you can’t be direct without using derogatory epithets.